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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when tackling complex topics like cigarette

smoking. Researching, analyzing data, formulating arguments, and presenting findings in a cohesive
and compelling manner requires a significant amount of time, effort, and expertise. For many
students, balancing thesis writing with other academic and personal commitments can be

When it comes to crafting a research paper on cigarette smoking, the challenges are manifold. Not
only must one delve into the scientific literature to understand the health effects and societal impact
of smoking, but they must also navigate the ethical and moral considerations surrounding the tobacco
industry. Additionally, gathering reliable data and statistics to support arguments can be a daunting

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These chemicals seem to dampen some people's feelings of tension, anger or strong emotion.
Smokers experience heightened stress between cigarettes, and so smoking briefly restores their stress
levels to normal. These same experts found that worldwide, smoking kills three million people each
year and this figure is increasing. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about
Addiction. Gre argument essay writing tipsGre argument essay writing tips write a paper in one
night. Cigarettes disturb the body and its functions: Cigarettes are extremely harmful for health. But
through more in depth research, it has been a major cause of deaths all around the world since then
(White, 1989). Of those who start smoking in their teenage years and continue smoking,
approximately one-half will be killed by tobacco. Despite smoking having irreversible effects; it
would be foolish for a smoker to conclude that after years of smoking, quitting would do him no
good. I don't dislike you, Miss; I believe I am fonder of you than of all the. Emphysema is a
crippling disease, it can not be cured as the damage caused to the lungs is irreversible. The research in
2001 by Vartanian et al showed that it was the influence of the media that was the most significant
predictor of overall body satisfaction among females who were getting college education.
Historically, legal decisions and regulations have been decided for and against both the tobacco
industry and consumers. This irritation and damage cause a variety of respiratory infections such as
emphysema, bronchitis and pneumonia. The results were ambiguous — as long as no consisted
pattern was found between the self-esteem of boys and subsequent smoking, among girls a strong
association was found between their self esteem in grade sixth and smoking in later years. After
intensive research it was discovered that this was just an accident of nature that the nicotine bound
to these receptors which are normally served to bind the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. They were
able to reduce the amount of tar from a cigar using a machine that focused on filters, ventilation, and
other design features to reduce tar. Vapes were supposed to be an alternative for smokers, but a
report in 2014 declared that 263,000 middle and high school students that had never smoked before
used vapes (Grazier PRG 20). Aneurysms may eventually cause the affected artery to burst or clot,
resulting in death or severe illness. A very important and disturbing effect that many people are quick
to discount or ignore is the irreversible health effects that the chemicals in cigarettes cause.
Pathophysiology: Concepts of altered health states. According to the British American Tobacco
Company, “For many diseases attributable to tobacco use, reducing risk of diseases by reducing
exposure to tobacco toxicants is feasible”. (3) British American Tobacco's own work throughout the
busy years paid off. We understand that studies are the foundation of success; yet they can be quite
a challenge without extra help. First effect of smoking is it will make smoker become addicted to it.
As I mentioned before peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is caused by the same atherosclerotic
plaque that causes coronary artery disease. Smoking though actually adds to it, according to new
reviews of psychological studies, the evidence shows that the apparent relaxant effect of smoking
only reflects the reversal of the tension and irritability that develop during nicotine depletion.
Furthermore, cigarette smoking research paper pdf animal models can be used to identify oaper
agents possessing protective and therapeutic potential. Throughout the years, the media has
successfully influenced people to smoke, drink alcohol, and sex. These materials include, but are not
limited to; coils, a tank, batteries, and vape juice (Grazier PRG 12). From their research they found
there are over 4000 chemicals in the cigarette and its smoke, including 40 known carcinogens.
Some smokers can also see it as a 'private fantasy', they believe smoking helps escape them from
boredom and their meaningless existence (7). These receptors are arguable the brains most important
tool. In my case study I will explain and supply a lot of information on the fact. Smoking can
increase risk of feebleness, and can damage sperm by reducing sperm count and casing testicular
cancer (Team, ) negative effects caused by smoking, they usually associate it with breathing
problems and lung cancer. Most of the smokers protest passively, but there are some who are ready
to active opposition in case they feel their rights are being violated. Smoking has become common
and fashionable in this world, especially, among young generation. He never had any serious
problems like cancer or anything. It is characterised by structural changes in the airways of the lungs
and enlargement of the mucus glands(1). Vapes do not contain tar or other chemicals (Grazier PRG
8). “Vaping is cleaner than regular smokes, as there are no ashes, smoke odor (the vapor odor
depends on the flavor used in the device) and no butts to pitch outside.” said Steven M. Grazier
(PRG 8). Incidentally, even though the average cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of nicotine,
the most a smoker can get from burning it is a couple of milligrams. This is rather fortunate—if you
could inject all the nicotine from a pack of cigarettes directly into your veins, you’d be dead in a
matter of minutes. This is another respiratory diseases commonly caused by smoking. Rates of
cigarette smoking have been known to vary greatly throughout the whole world since its initial use in
the USA way back in the year 1860. I will make sure I cover each area in great detail, paying
particular attention to the effects it has on the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Milliken can’t
handle regular cigarettes after switching to a vape (Grazier PRG 2). “I don’t get sick or the extreme
headaches I used to,” Milliken explains (Grazier PRG 3). They smoke if they are experiencing high
anxiety, high job stress or negative emotions. The particles contain chemicals including nitrogen
oxides, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The effects are temporary and cause patients to cough,
wheeze and experience shortness of breath(6). There is enthusiasm about looking grown up and
entering into an independent practical life among the teenagers. Craving is due to the level of
nicotine in the blood which makes the person crave for more. In some cases, PVD may be caused by
blood clots that lodge in the arteries and restrict blood flow. Nicotine is also considered to be a
stimulant it provides a 'pick me up' that makes smokers feel more alert, but this is only increasing the
heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate and unfortunately the effect and last 20 minutes and so
the smoker is left craving another 'pick me up'. If the smoker stops abruptly then there will be many
psychological ramifications of this. Originally the tobacco was smoked in pipes and it was not in till
the mid-19th century, when cigarettes were invented as a convenient way of smoking tobacco, that
the habit really increased in popularity and spread almost like an infection across Europe(7). These
innocent bystanders especially include children whose physical vulnerability to such chemical
impurities in the atmosphere is much higher than that of adults. We all know that smoking is bad for
us, but have you considered how bad it is. Some of the disabilities that can result from stroke include
paralysis, cognitive deficits, speech problems, emotional difficulties, daily living problems, and pain.
He would smoke about half a pack of cigarettes a day. The following figure highlights some of the
nasty substances you’ll encounter in cigarette smoke, and links them to the industrial products
they’re more often associated with. However, today, the meaning of smoking has completely
changed. In modern society, TV and movies have glamourized cigarette smoking.
These chemicals seem to dampen some people's feelings of tension, anger or strong emotion. The
newly coordinated system is unbalanced and it requires nicotine to achieve an appropriate balance of
nerve pathway activity. Through our website, students can request for help in a diverse range of
subjects and disciplines. We all know that smoking is bad for us, but have you considered how bad it
is. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. The battery of a vape heats the
vape juice, which atomizes it into a vapor that you can inhale and use like a regular cigarette (Grazier
PRG 7). The Catholic Church, for example, has remained conservative to many contemporary issues.
When we observe at plants and animals and minerals, it is easy for us to see them transform, ingest,
and transmit energy. It is a chronic condition in which the airways undergo changes when stimulated
by allergens or irritants e.g. tobacco smoke. As a result of this inflammation, the airways become
blocked or narrowed because of swelling, muscular contractions and mucous production. Quitting
smoking reduces the risk of many diseases caused by the habit, including COPD, heart disease, and
cancer. We devise a monolithic solver to solve the interactions among the three systems of liquid,
solid, and membrane. When nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to acetylcholine receptors and
mimics the actions of acetylcholine. A person who has spent a lifetime smoking has an even greater
need to smoke since the level of nicotine is very high. Smoking effect on reproduction and fertility
are very serious. When a heart is forced to work harder while receiving less blood and less oxygen
because of smoking, it becomes damaged and produces chest pain. There are many different types of
cells in the body which do different jobs, but they are basically similar. Scientists has medically
proven, now recognized and more widely accepted that the reason people continue to smoke, despite
the severe health risks smoking require, is because nicotine is a highly addictive drug. Atherosclerosis
also known as 'hardening of the arteries'. That number has gone sufficiently down since 50 years
ago, but it is stil l the leading use of tobacco (ACS, 2013). This paper analyzes the psychological
effects smoking has on tobacco users, researches the motivations that attract people to smoking,
explorers the physical and social characteristics of smokers. Incidentally, even though the average
cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of nicotine, the most a smoker can get from burning it is a
couple of milligrams. This is rather fortunate—if you could inject all the nicotine from a pack of
cigarettes directly into your veins, you’d be dead in a matter of minutes. They cause a variety of
different diseases all other the body. For many addicted Smokers, smoking becomes almost like a
ritual, they perform the same actions at the same times of the day. It is composed of carbon, nitrogen,
hydrogen and oxygen and belongs to a group of compounds called alkaloids. At the same time
nicotine causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure so smoking makes the heart work harder
by making it beat faster and against a higher blood pressure(8). This is a disease which is related to
breathing symptoms like chronic cough, breathlessness and coughing of mucus. There have been
cases when models have given photo-shoots regarding the various ways in which cigarettes can be
smoked. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to induce trances and spiritual enlightenment. The
various experiments by various scholars on the grounds of cigarettes ' propensity and potential to
cause fires are discussed in detail herein. One-half of these deaths will be in middle-aged individuals
35 to 69 years of age and each will lose an average of 20 to 25 years of nonsmoker life expectancy.
This means that users become 'hooked and are dependent for nicotine. Like such, when any human
is smoking, then the human machine will not function properly. I also learnt about the dreadful
biological effects that smoking causes and the devastating impact it has killing hundreds of
thousands of people a year through smoking related diseases like lung cancer, coronary heart disease
and respiratory diseases are just a few examples. Far from acting as a mood control nicotine
dependency seems to increase stress. It raises blood pressure, and damages the lining of the arteries.
The main biological effect that smoking causes is cancer. Smoking summary of my first speech essay
Is Injurious To Health. It also means air that flows into them can't flow out easily and becomes
trapped. Historically, legal decisions and regulations have been decided for and against both the
tobacco industry and consumers. The mechanisms through which smoking influences the
development and progression of atherosclerosis are poorly understood at present, but recent studies
point to an adverse effect of smoking on endothelial and smooth muscle cell functions as well as
thrombotic disturbances produced by tobacco smoke 10. An Easy Approach to Teenage Smoking
Research Paper 2019-02-21. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. Cigarette, Nicotine, Passive smoking 3576 Words 22 Pages Cigarette Smoking
Should Be Prohibited In this modern world, there are many places in public for everyone to be
entertained, study, and socialize together. Smoking effect on reproduction and fertility are very
serious. Teenagers tend to follow the people close to them; for instance, if a family member smokes
then the child will smoke in order to look like them. Further detailed chemical analysis shows the
tobacco leaf to contain an unusual number of constituents. Such a standard could result in multiple
beneficial outcomes including reduced cardiovascular toxicity related to nicotine, reduced smoking
intensity in current smokers, increased cessation rates, decreased development of smoking
dependence in youth, and decreased passive smoke exposure. The effects are temporary and cause
patients to cough, wheeze and experience shortness of breath(6). Cigarettes cause a permanent
change in the structure and the function of an organ system or a permanently increased risk of
suffering from a disease. Smoking cigarettes can harm almost every organ in your body, from top to
bottom and inside and out. The possibility of drug addiction is much more profound in smokers as
compared to non-smokers. There have always been those that were for smoking and against smoking.
Cancer is a disease where cells grow out of control and invade, erode and destroy normal tissue (3).
Ever since that day, he hasn’t touched a cigarette and he says it was a great dec. The differences
between the two products are what goes into them, their health effects, and their attraction factors.
Nicotine is one of the worst chemicals in tobacco smoke, and it gives people the feeling that they’re
looking for in smoking cigarettes (The American Cancer Society PRG 2). Full description Save Save
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Some of the substances are classified as hard narcotics, like heroin, but the use of these is very
limited as they are often not commercially available. To increase the chemical diversity of
cholinesterase inhibitors, a series of quinoline chalcones derivatives were tested against
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) isoenzymes.
Smoking affects the reproduction and the musculoskeletal system. In Europe, it introduced a new
type of social activity and a form of drug intake which previously had been unknown. It is an
obstructive lung disease, this is the name given to the lung conditions in which the passage of air is
restricted. Relatively few studies related to cardiovascular effects of cigarette smoke have been
performed in rodent models. But unfortunately, some of us aren’t aware of the function of our
machine or its purpose. Dopamine is the same neurotransmitter that is involved in addiction to other
drugs such as cocaine and heroin. So users therefore are stuck in a vicious cycle, becoming more
stressed and making the user less capable of dealing with stress in any other way, which just adds to
the mental instability and leading to poverty and deprivation. Other smoking implements include
pipes, cigars, bidis, hookahs, vaporizers, and bongs. Argumentative essay topics involving music
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gay marriage australia the creative writing coursebooks. The more common cancers are bladder,
breast, lung, colon, leukaemia, prostate the list goes on. However, today, the meaning of smoking has
completely changed. This is totally surprising and unexpected because nicotine does not normally
occur there, so why would it have a complimentary receptor there. It has been proven that smoking is
also a major cause of heart disease for men and women. Other than the vape itself, you must buy
additional materials to use it. Each red blood cell contains a complicated protein called haemoglobin;
oxygen molecules are carried around the body by binding onto this protein. These receptors are large
proteins spanning nerve cell membranes that normally translate the external signal of the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine into an electric signal that affects processes inside the nerve cell.
Thesis: Smoking is effects of smoking essay to nearly all body organs and thus quitting has health
benefits. I can safely say that smoking is more than a bad habit it is a devastating and life threatening
addiction. In addition to looking stylish, many teenagers feel drawn towards cigarettes because
smoking makes them feel mature. Generally, quitters have substantial life expectancy gains in
comparison to those who continue to smoke. Source of Information: Oreilly - Your Body Missing
Manual. Hence, this isn’t happening only in one particular country, but worldwide. Society today
knows the outcomes and effects of smoking, yet individuals still choose to do it. Adjustments are
made to the number and sensitivities of many kinds of receptors within the brain, restoring an
appropriate balance of activity. Being addicted to smoking, smokers do not realize the gravity of
drug addiction, and easily try more potential means of gaining pleasure than cigarette as cigarettes
give little to no pleasure or relief to the smokers as compared to other drugs as Heroine. Emphysema
is a crippling disease, it can not be cured as the damage caused to the lungs is irreversible. A smoker
is not just a person who smokes some cigarettes. “Smoking is a lifestyle. Nicotine is also an addictive
drug, it is responsible for the cravings and urges that people have for cigarettes.(7) A big issue with
cigarettes is passive smoking. It also gives some of the ways in which such fires are ignited or
caused by cigarettes included all the dynamics affecting its spread. It allows people to maintain their
health, such as breathing and movement of blood cell in the body consistently.
The swiftest and most effective way to damage them—by inhaling generous quantities of toxic
cigarette smoke. Less common drugs for smoking include cannabis and opium. Even if they succeed
at conceiving, there are higher risks for a pregnant smoker to miscarry. Smoking Essay: The Effects
of Smoking on Health and Social Care Published by gudwriter on May 30, May 30, No Bullshit.
When nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to acetylcholine receptors and mimics the actions of
acetylcholine. The cigarette and its contents of toxic chemicals was the cause of many health risks.
Then why do they still continue to apply this bad act despite being well aware of the dire
consequences. Carriers have been built for the purpose of conducting research and writing research
papers by teachers, scientists, writers, historians, lawyers, engineers — list is goes on. The air sacs in
response to the tobacco smoke produce defensive cells called macrophages, which 'eat' the inhaled
particles, but macrophages are stimulated to release protease enzymes which destroy the proteins
that let the lungs expand and contract called elastin and collagen(15). So cancer turns out to be a
defect in the system cells use to control how frequently they divide. These studies concluded
independently that smoking was correlated with lung cancer. Despite smoking having irreversible
effects; it would be foolish for a smoker to conclude that after years of smoking, quitting would do
him no good. This greatly increases the risk of heart pain (angina pectoris) and heart attack
(myocardial infarction). Another possible explanation is that prolonged exposure to nicotine reduces
levels of 'nicotine receptors' and the levels of RNA which is used to make the receptors. Relatively
few studies related to cardiovascular effects of cigarette smoke have been performed in rodent
models. Almost all people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day have some degree of
emphysema(13). The cigarette smoke immobilises the cilia in the bronchioles for several hours. Give
me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Other areas inflicted by
smoking are the respiratory and cardiovascular system, eyes and mouth, digestive system,
musculoskeletal system and the reproductive system. Smokers should realize how dangerous
cigarettes are for their health. Cancer, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Cigarette 1202 Words
5 Pages Topic: There have been articles in the papers over the last few days pointing out that
counterfeit cigarettes are eroding sales of legitimate cigarettes and therefore tax revenue collected on
cigarettes. Tobacco smoke contains a chemical called acetaldehyde. This is because high fat food not
only put the patient under cardiovascular problems but also other chronic diseases like cancer. This is
a by-product of both cigarette smoke and alcohol and has some sedative properties. Promo code:
SAVE There are many chemicals contained in tobacco smoke that pose health risks both to smokers
and nonsmokers. Through our website, students can request for help in a diverse range of subjects
and disciplines. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. I can safely say that smoking is
more than a bad habit it is a devastating and life threatening addiction. Taking this into
consideration, the individual approves of smoking one cigarette a day as it helps in the development
of a unique bond with the company of smokers. S government will decide to ban smoking, the
American economy may become unstable for some time, as tobacco production is a quite important

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