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Section 2: Common Cyber Threats


Malware, a shortened form of "malicious software," encompasses a

variety of harmful programs designed to infiltrate or damage a computer
system without the owner's consent. This category includes viruses,
worms, Trojans, ransomware, spyware, adware, and more. Malware can
be used to steal sensitive information, gain unauthorized access to
systems, or disrupt operations.

Ransomware: One of the most damaging forms of malware, ransomware

encrypts files on a victim's computer or network, rendering them
inaccessible. The attackers then demand a ransom, usually in
cryptocurrency, in exchange for a decryption key to unlock the files. One
infamous example of ransomware is the WannaCry attack in 2017,
which affected hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide, including
those of hospitals, banks, and businesses.

Ransomware typically spreads through phishing emails, malicious

attachments, or exploiting vulnerabilities in software. Organizations can
protect against ransomware by regularly updating software, using strong
passwords, implementing security solutions like antivirus software and
firewalls, and educating employees about phishing scams.

Other types of malware, such as viruses and worms, operate differently

but share the goal of compromising systems and data. Understanding
these threats and implementing appropriate security measures is crucial
in defending against cyber attacks.

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