Letter To School Admin and Parents

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To: Whoever It May 18 March 24


Dear Sir/Madam,


I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to introduce our
company and two important initiatives: The Humanitarian Responsibility Initiative (HRI)
and the Chedda App. Our recent research on retirees who held prominent positions
during their careers revealed a concerning trend: over 95% of them are reliant of
pensions and support from their children for their livelihoods. This led us to question
the effectiveness of the traditional life trajectory we’ve been taught since childhood –
education, employment, retirement.

In conversations with these retirees, their primary concern wasn’t for themselves, but
for the younger generation, whom they see following similar paths, if not encountering
even greater challenges. They expressed a shared worry about the financial futures of
their children and grandchildren, observing that despite their own hardship, the current
working population seems unaware or unprepared for financial success.

Subsequent research among the working population reinforced these concerns. When
asked if they wished they had possessed better financial knowledge earlier in their
lives, an overwhelming 100% responded affirmatively. Yet, when prompted about their
efforts to impart such knowledge to their children, a staggering 93% admitted they
hadn’t acted. This realization led us to understand that financial struggles often stem
from psychological barriers and ingrained mindsets.

It became evident that financial empowerment must become a priority across

generations. As Albert Einstein famously remarked, repeating the same actions while
expecting different outcomes is a form of insanity. To break this cycle, we must start
educating our children about money management – a crucial life skill of ten overlooked
in tradition education.

Our Chedda App aims to address this gap by providing accessible and engaging financial
empowerment for children. We believe that equipping them with essential financial
knowledge and experience early on, we can empower them to make informed decisions
and avoid the financial hardships experienced by pervious generations.

Moreover, we’re also launching the Humanitarian Responsibility Initiative (HRI) through
our Dreamers Club Africa. This initiative seeks to cultivate a mindset shift among
children, encouraging them to become problem solvers and agents of positive change
in their communities. By engaging in collaborating (not competing) problem-solving and
entrepreneurship, we aim to foster a generation of proactive individuals who contribute
positively to society.
For more information on both initiatives, pleas visit our websites:
https://www.chedda.fun and https://hri.chedda.fun. To register your children for the
upcoming App, use the following link https://www.chedda.fun/register/ . Please enter
the agent number your designated agent. We invite you to join us in this endeavor to
create better future for ourselves and our children.

Should you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to
contact your designated agent.

Warm regards,

Andrew K. Muita

chedda.fun.com 1st Floor Muthaiga Square, +254 700 323 810

customercare@chedda.fun Suite 103, Thika Road +254 777 323 810

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