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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation

Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2012 39; 463–471

Review Article
Dental occlusion, body posture and temporomandibular
disorders: where we are now and where we are heading for
D . M A N F R E D I N I * , T . C A S T R O F L O R I O †, G . P E R I N E T T I ‡ & L . G U A R D A - N A R D I N I *
*Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, TMD Clinic, University of Padova, Carrara, †Private practice, Turin and ‡Department of Medical,
Surgical and Health Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

SUMMARY The aim of this investigation was to per- conditions, and they also do not have any detect-
form a review of the literature dealing with the issue able relationships with head and body posture. The
of relationships between dental occlusion, body use of clinical and instrumental approaches for
posture and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). assessing body posture is not supported by the
A search of the available literature was performed to wide majority of the literature, mainly because of
determine what the current evidence is regarding: wide variations in the measurable variables of
(i) The physiology of the dental occlusion–body posture. In conclusion, there is no evidence for
posture relationship, (ii) The relationship of these the existence of a predictable relationship between
two topics with TMD and (iii) The validity of the occlusal and postural features, and it is clear that
available clinical and instrumental devices (surface the presence of TMD pain is not related with
electromyography, kinesiography and postural the existence of measurable occluso-postural
platforms) to measure the dental occlusion–body abnormalities. Therefore, the use instruments and
posture–TMD relationship. The available posturo- techniques aiming to measure purported occlusal,
graphic techniques and devices have not consis- electromyographic, kinesiographic or posturo-
tently found any association between body posture graphic abnormalities cannot be justified in the
and dental occlusion. This outcome is most likely evidence-based TMD practice.
due to the many compensation mechanisms occur- KEYWORDS: occlusion, body posture, temporoman-
ring within the neuromuscular system regulating dibular disorders, diagnosis, treatment
body balance. Furthermore, the literature shows
that TMD are not often related to specific occlusal Accepted for publication 28 January 2012

abnormalities or patients with TMD. In particular,

claims for treating TMD according to pathophysiological
The issue of relationships between dental occlusion, concepts to correct purported occluso-postural abnor-
body posture and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) malities seem to be based on doubtful theories. The
is a controversial topic in dentistry, and it is often a invasive nature of such treatments requires that these
source of speculations. A description of the available concepts have to be proven with evidence-based data
knowledge about the physiology of the body posture– which account properly for the physiology of such
dental occlusion relationship is fundamental to discuss relationships.
the possible diagnostic and therapeutic implications of According to the proponents of these concepts,
the assessment of body posture in subjects with occlusal appropriate diagnostic procedures and instrument have

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464 D . M A N F R E D I N I et al.

to be adopted to measure stomatognathic function and the inverse effects of posture on dental occlusion. Some
to assess its possible relation with the whole body occlusal features related with gross skeletal malocclu-
posture. To this purpose, several mechanical or elec- sions are likely to require postural adaptation at near as
tronic devices have been utilised as measurement tools well as remote musculoskeletal districts; so, it should be
in the research setting; among others, they include interesting to gain a better insight into the relationship
surface electromyography (sEMG), kinesiography (KG), of, among the others, severe retrognathism, pro-
postural platforms and posturographic devices. How- nounced prognathism, skeletal hyper ⁄ hypodivergence,
ever, their use in the clinical setting as stand-alone facial asymmetry, with postural adaptation at the
diagnostic tools has raised strong negative criticism cervical spine level, as well as postural balance and
within the scientific community (1–3). Indeed, the foot leaning area.
most common application for some of the above devices As concerns the relationship between malocclusions
is in the diagnosis of TMD, where they are frequently and head posture, a correlation was described between
used to diagnose occlusal abnormalities and to plan features of skeletal class II malocclusions, viz., retruded
their irreversible correction to manage and even pre- mandibular position and reduced mandibular length on
vent TMD symptoms (4). Space does not permit a full the sagittal plane and increased cervical lordosis (11).
discussion of this matter here, but suffice it to say that Also, the degree of cervical lordosis was shown to be
this approach to TMD problems has been widely associated with vertical craniofacial morphology and
challenged and generally rejected by the scientific anterior overjet, with skeletal class II having an ante-
TMD community. riorised and class III a posteriorised head and body
Owing to the lack of knowledge regarding several posture (12). Actually, no investigation so far controlled
aspects of the occlusion–body posture–TMD relation- for the effect of age as a possible confounder. Such
ship, it seems that caution is needed before refuting shortcoming assumes importance in the light of find-
the diagnostic usefulness of functional instrumental ings that age is the main factor influencing the degree
assessment in the clinical setting. Therefore, the of cervical lordosis, with the two variables having a
authors decided to review the available literature on direct proportional relationship, viz., lordosis increases
these matters to analyse current scientific thinking with age (13).
about the following three topics: (i) The physiology of As regards the influence of dental occlusion abnor-
the dental occlusion–body posture relationship, (ii) malities on remote musculoskeletal districts, it was
The relationship of these two factors with TMD and hypothesised that jaw posture may influence distal
(iii) The validity of the available instrumental devices muscles and cause postural adaptations at the spine
to measure the dental occlusion–body posture–TMD cord level. Among the occlusal factors potentially
relationship. influencing spine curve and morphology, the role of
monolateral cross-bite has been investigated in the
literature as a risk factor for asymmetric jaw growth and
Physiology of the dental occlusion–body
muscle activity (14, 15). Actually, despite the well-
posture relationship
known orthodontic indications to correct monolateral
The biomechanical and neurological relationships of cross-bite in the paediatric age (16), evidence is lacking
the stomatognathic system with other body districts that untreated cross-bite may lead to the onset and ⁄ or
have been addressed by a growing number of worsening of pathological transverse asymmetry at the
researches in recent years (5, 6). The available literature dorsal or lumbar spine level. Orthodontic treatment of
reviews suggested that there is a twofold need to monolateral cross-bite cannot influence, neither posi-
improve the methodological quality of the investiga- tively nor negatively, scoliosis, which is the spine
tions as well as to address more specific clinical pathology more frequently investigated in dentistry
questions (7–10). In particular, the occlusion–posture (9). Indeed, scoliosis has an unknown idiopathic aeti-
relationships must be assessed in terms of a possible ology in about 90% of cases (17, 18).
two-way effect, viz., occlusion affects posture and More in general, the available studies focused on the
viceversa. At present, literature data were mostly based association between a single occlusal feature and a
on the effects of dental occlusion on head and body single postural parameter in non-representative popu-
posture, while very scarce information is available on lations, in the absence of control groups, without blind

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examiners, and with the adoption of measurement Moreover, data interpretation is often misleading owing
tools the validity of which was not assessed. Also, a to the high intra- and inter-examiners variability for
cause-and-effect relationship was never assessed as this single, as well as repeated measures (27).
would require longitudinal studies that are currently The majority of instrumental data on the stomato-
lacking. gnathic system were achieved with sEMG recordings,
The literature is not conclusive also as for the which may help to assess the kinesiology of movement
influence of jaw posture and occlusal features on the disorders, to discriminate between different tremors,
foot leaning area. The available posturographic tech- myoclonus and dystonia, to evaluate gait and pace
niques and devices failed to detect an association disorders, to measure psychophysical reaction time.
between body posture and dental occlusion (19, 20) Their usefulness in the diagnostic and treatment path-
or, when detected, these were notably small and with ways of pain disorders is not supported in the neuro-
poor clinical relevance. Clinically, this means that logical literature (28).
trigeminal prioprioception influencing posture is likely Despite their quick diffusion in the years immediately
mediated by compensation mechanisms through affer- following their introduction on the dental market (29–
ent pathways to the neuromuscular system regulating 32), few researchers focused on the reliability and
body balance and posture. As a consequence, it can be accuracy of the various technological devices, and even
suggested that posturographic techniques may be early literature reviews suggested that most authors
employed for the study of posture physiology in the failed to understand their limits of application in
research setting, but their clinical usefulness in den- dentistry (33). The adoption of controlled experimental
tistry is poor. Moreover, it seems that the execution of protocols can markedly reduce the effects of non-
controlled jaw motor tasks has a positive effect on physiological factors on sEMG recordings and make
posture control by reducing body sway area, thus such technique a useful tool to unravel some aspects of
suggesting that occlusal prioprioceptive feedback affects jaw elevator muscles functioning (34). Thus, the main,
posture control independently by the morphology of and probably unique, field of application for sEMG is
dental occlusion (21). the research setting, while too many shortcomings
prevent from suggesting its clinical application for
diagnostic purposes, especially as concerns resting
Occlusion, body posture and TMD
sEMG values (35).
As regards the relationship between occluso-postural
There are several concerns that prevent from drawing features and clinical symptoms, the literature has
conclusions on the physiopathology of the relationship repeatedly shown the poor predictive value of occlusal
between occlusion and posture and its clinical impact; features for TMD symptoms in multiple variable models
among these, the need to find appropriate measure- (36, 37). Such a weak association with clinical symp-
ment devices and the lack of major associations toms was also shown for cervical spine curve (38), and
between any occlusal and ⁄ or postural features and foot leaning features (21). Indeed, for example, even if
TMD symptoms. statistically significant differences have been recently
As regards the measurement of occlusal and postural described as for the craniocervical posture between
features, several techniques (e.g. sEMG, KG, different patients with myogenous TMD and healthy subjects,
clinical and instrumental posturographic approaches) such differences were too small, viz., 3Æ3 degrees, to be
were proposed over the years to assess various neuro- judged significant from a clinical viewpoint (39). Also,
muscular variables which were claimed by proponents it should be considered that myogenous TMD pain
to be related with dental occlusion and body posture. might even be the responsible for muscle tone and
Despite the efforts made in the research setting to assess postural adaptation in near districts, so that the clinical
and improve the reliability of those instrumental usefulness of such information is very poor. Moreover,
devices for the study of the stomatognathic system the most recent systematic literature reviews did not
and the relationship with posture (22–26), they have support the use of irreversible occlusal therapies for
well-known strong limits to their clinical application TMD treatment and ⁄ or prevention (40–43).
because of the absence of normative values controlled Despite the overwhelming amount of papers sug-
for age, sex, weight, height and facial morphology. gesting that studying dental occlusion is not a key factor

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in the TMD practice, two main lines of research have ‘non-ideal’ dentition to which the patient has gradually
been advancing for years, viz., the study of the adapted over a period of years (50, 51).
statistical association between certain occlusal variables In view of the above considerations, attempts to
and the presence of signs and symptoms of TMD, and achieve standardised measurements for research pur-
the attempts to simulate experimentally situations of poses as well as a more sensible approach to the use of
occlusal stress to verify their potential to damage the technology for clinical purposes must be encouraged.
TMJ and masticatory muscles. Notwithstanding that, it should be borne in mind that
Occlusal features were neither found to be associated TMD have a multifactorial aetiology and that a single
with TMJ problems (36) nor with muscle disorders causal factor can be seldom identified, thus suggesting
(44), but they should be viewed as the means through caution before hypothesising any cause-and-effect links
which muscle forces are transmitted to the different based on some occasional weak associations between
structures of the stomatognathic system (45). Also, the occluso-postural factors and TMD described in a few
presence of occlusal abnormalities in patients with TMD studies (52–54). On the other hand, it should also be
may be actually due to joint degeneration and ⁄ or remembered that diminishing the role of occlusion in
remodelling resulting in an occlusal shift (46). the aetiology of TMD is not equal than neglecting
Experiments on human and animal models investi- well-established occlusal concepts in orthodontics and
gating the potential of occlusal interferences to pro- prosthetic dentistry, because wrong occlusion on
voke TMD signs and symptoms showed that possible restored ⁄ treated dentition has the potential to cause
iatrogenic abnormalities (e.g. high occlusal restora- iatrogenic trauma if acute changes of the interarch
tions) can, at worst, cause local trauma. Those inter- relationship are provided (55, 56).
ferences demand postural and functional adaptation of In summary, a mechanical approach to TMD man-
masticatory patterns which rarely lead to dental agement by means of irreversible occlusal treatments
and ⁄ or masticatory muscle pain. Also, when those (e.g. orthodontics, prosthodontics and occlusal adjust-
symptoms occur, they seem to be mainly transient and ment), which are often recommended on the basis of
can be easily reversed through removal of the iatro- instrumental assessments of patients with TMD, must
genic interference. Data from randomised controlled be strongly discouraged from a scientific viewpoint and
studies suggest that in healthy subjects the application firmly condemned from an ethical viewpoint (3).
of an occlusal interference leads to a reduction in the Owing to the poor knowledge on TMD aetiology at
usual EMG activity of the masseter muscles (47) and the individual level, and also because of the high
does not significantly affect pressure pain thresholds success rates of several conservative approaches (57–
(48). 60), the standard of care for TMD treatment is now
Interestingly, subjects with a TMD history seem to based on symptoms management by reversible and
respond differently to iatrogenic occlusal interferences non-invasive treatments (61). Indeed, most patients
compared with subjects who reported no history of with TMD seem to be good responders to unspecific
previous TMD (49). The former were reported to have treatment regimens, because of symptoms’ fluctuation
an increased risk of reporting pain with muscle palpa- and self-limitation, regression to the mean phenomena
tion in response to occlusion abnormalities provoked by and placebo effect (62, 63). The pathological relevance
dental procedures. These observations should be borne of purported abnormalities, such as joint click sounds,
in mind when carrying out occlusal treatments such as was strongly diminished (64), and there is growing
prosthetic or orthodontic rehabilitations, which may evidence that chronic TMD pain is related to central
involve periods of occlusal instability (e.g. temporary sensitisation phenomena that require a complex
restorations, increases in vertical dimension and teeth multidisciplinary approach (65). Thus, TMD are nei-
shifting). From a TMD practitioner’s perspective, it is ther occlusal nor postural pathologies; they are
clearly important to avoid overestimating the impor- musculoskeletal disorders needing for a clinical man-
tance of these results, because responses to the intro- agement in line with that adopted for similar disor-
duction of an artificial interference cannot be equated ders in other fields of medicine (e.g. orthopedics,
with the presence of TMD. Besides, an acute experi- rheumatology and rehabilitation medicine) and, in
mental occlusal alteration cannot be compared with a those most severe cases, needing for a multidisciplin-
clinical situation characterised by the presence of a ary effort to manage chronic pain in cooperation with

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other professionals (e.g. neurologists, psychiatrists and and its integration (75, 76), pain affects negatively
psychologists). motor units recruitment and causes a reduction in
maximum muscle force with respect to normal phys-
iological functioning. Standardised approaches under
Diagnostic accuracy of technological
controlled experimental conditions allow recording
reliable and repeatable measurements (24), with
In theory, using instruments to measure objectively an acceptable values of sensitivity and specificity for sEMG
otherwise subjective clinical parameter is a fascinating values during maximum clenching (74). Standardised
idea that requires an upmost attention in life-threat- sEMG in laboratory settings showed a sensitivity of
ening pathologies, where any potential source of 86% and a specificity of 92% to discriminate between
diagnostic bias may lead to disruptive consequences patients with TMD and those with neck pain (77). Also,
and that also attracts researchers from any medical some sEMG-based indexes of muscle functioning (e.g.
fields dealing with musculoskeletal disorders, where the muscle torque index) may have acceptable accuracy to
learning curve to achieve standardised clinical diagno- recognise patients with different RDC ⁄ TMD diagnoses
ses is usually long and frustrating. (78), but they cannot identify asymptomatic subjects
In practice, to be useful in a clinical setting, an (79). In view of the above, it can be suggested that even
instrument should have both internal and external EMG devices adopted in controlled laboratory settings,
validity. The former validity derives from those factors which are able to provide ancillary findings to the
that determine the repeatability and technical efficacy, clinical assessment, cannot be used as stand-alone
while the latter validity depends on the instrument’s diagnostic tools.
accuracy to measure the main pathological marker (i.e. As for clinical techniques for postural assessment and
the power to recognise disease versus absence of as for posturographic instruments, such as postural and
disease). baropodometric platforms, the literature provided no
In the field of TMD, the main pathological marker is data on their specificity and sensitivity in dentistry. The
pain. The need to find an objective relationship most comprehensive review published so far concluded
between clinical symptoms (e.g. pain evoked with that the usefulness of such instruments ⁄ techniques in
palpation) and instrumental signs led to diminish the dentistry is very poor (73). The examined papers were
role and to the identify better the indications for of low quality on average, with a poor methodological
otherwise technically efficacious devices, such as mag- design, and posturography failed to be reliable and
netic resonance imaging (76-68), on the basis of their accurate to intercept TMD patients, with only two of 21
influence on decision-making and treatment-planning papers finding a higher between-group (patients with
(69, 70). TMD versus controls) difference in the main outcome
The same reasoning should be done to define the parameter than the within-group variance of the same
clinical usefulness of sEMG, KG and postural platforms, parameter (73). Those two studies assessed respectively
which are even characterised by a doubtful internal an asymmetry index of the body sway area on postural
validity. Besides, several works in the literature showed platforms to be used in controlled laboratory settings
that such techniques have a low accuracy to discrim- (80), and some clinical parameters for the trunk
inate between patients with TMD and asymptomatic postural analysis on the sagittal plane (81). The clinical
subjects (27, 33, 71–73). Their adoption as diagnostic or significance of such findings is yet to be defined. Thus,
even treatment-planning tools in patients with TMD in general, the wide majority of the studies, even if
cannot be justified due to a too high percentage of false some authors claimed positive conclusions on the use of
positives, which is up to 80% for several parameters postural platforms that were not supported even by
(e.g. sEMG values at rest, all kinesiographic parameters their own study’s findings (82, 83), did not support the
and all postural platform variables) (73, 74). use of clinical postural assessment and posturographic
Despite such shortcomings, the literature also devices in dentistry (19, 84–86).
showed that sEMG may find promising application in An important point to remark is there it seems to be
the clinical setting by considering only some selected a strong difference between the concepts underlying
parameters, and in particular the maximum clenching the use of electromyography, KG and posturography
levels. Indeed, according to the pain adaptation model in the research setting and the commercial abuse

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characterising their adoption in the clinical setting. TMD relationship did not stand up to serious scrutiny,
Indeed, the latter is too often based on presumptive and they appear to be a clinical non-sense. The
pathophysiological theories aiming to justify the need adoption of instrumental devices to assess dental
for irreversible and expensive occlusal treatments. The occlusion and body posture has to be reserved to
scientific community’s scepticism towards the potential strictly controlled research settings, with the aim to
usefulness of technological devices in the TMD field clarify the main doubts concerning the high interindi-
concerns their adoption as stand-alone diagnostic tools vidual variability of the occlusion–body posture–TMD
to intercept purported occlusal and postural abnormal- relationship. Only then, hypothesis-tested clinical sug-
ities that, in the users’ intentions, need to be corrected. gestions could be drawn.
Such a typical chain of events, which characterises The available evidence suggests that the conse-
some so-called philosophies to approach the dental quences of occlusal overtreatments aiming to solve
profession (e.g. neuromuscular dentistry, dental kine- TMD pain and their related biological, financial and
siology and osteopathy) is not scientifically sound and is psychosocial costs have to be more clearly defined from
a source of unjustified overtreatments, with subsequent a medical legal viewpoint, viz., professional liability
huge biological and financial costs. The biological, profiles. From an ethical viewpoint, all practitioners
psychosocial and social consequences as well as the involved in the management of patients with TMD
clinical implications of such behaviours must be con- have to recognise their role of care-providers pursuing
sidered for debate as a growing medical legal problem the patients’ interests within the boundaries of evi-
(3). On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that dence-based medicine.
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purposes still remains fundamental to get deeper into
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