How Important Is Career Decision Making

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How important is career decision making?

-Making a career decision is a pivotal life choice that demands deep self-awareness and consideration of
various factors. Your understanding of yourself is fundamental, extending to multiple aspects that
impact your decision-making process. Significant individuals in your life can influence your career path,
but the extent of their influence depends on your willingness to incorporate their input. To make an
informed career choice, it's crucial to grasp the significance of different factors such as job knowledge
and the influence of important people in your life.


-Making a career decision involves understanding yourself like how do you see yourself working this
career?, would you be happy?, would you be contented?, those are just the one of the questions that
you need to answer, next is considering external influences like family and mentors, like how much they
have affected your career path, would you like to be a teacher because of your teacher?, would you like
to be an engineer because of your uncle whom is an engineer? There are still many people that will
come into your life that will influence your choices, but it will be up to you on how you’ll choice career
and decide if that is really what you wanted, and lastly, gaining knowledge about different career
options, this is very important because having many choices doesn’t hinder you from choosing the
career you want but it stands as a backup plan just in case the career that you have chosen doesn’t
really fit you or does not really tend to what you really want to become. It's crucial to balance personal
aspirations with external input to make an informed choice aligned with your values and goals.

What is career assessment?

Career assessments help students discover their strengths, interests, and goals, leading to better
educational and career decisions. They also identify skill gaps and prepare students for the ever-
changing job market.


-Imagine career assessments as a super cool quiz that unlocks the secret code to your future job. By
answering questions about the stuff you like (interests), what you're good at (strengths), and what you
want to achieve (goals), you get a clearer picture of your perfect career match. No more wandering
around job land feeling lost!

These quizzes also act like your personal career GPS. They can pinpoint any skills you might be missing
(like needing to brush up on coding for a tech job) to reach your destination. This way, you can level up
your skills through classes or training programs.

The job world is like a giant video game with new levels and challenges all the time. Career assessments
help you stay flexible by showing you skills you can use in different jobs (like problem-solving or
teamwork). They can even suggest new career paths if your first idea needs a refresh.

Basically, career assessments are your cheat code for cracking the career code. They help you find that
awesome job that feels like a perfect fit, not just another dead-end grind.
What is NCAE?

-The National Career Examination (NCAE) serves as a valuable tool for students by aligning their
individual aptitudes and occupational interests with corresponding job classifications. As you mentioned,
the NCAE assesses students' aptitudes and occupational interests to provide them with broader self-

By considering these two factors, the NCAE can provide students with a more comprehensive picture of
their potential career paths. This information can be instrumental in helping students make informed
decisions about their education and future careers.


-Imagine you're stuck in career land, wandering around aimlessly with a million different job options
yelling at you. The NCAE is like your superpowered career compass. It helps you figure out two key

What you're good at which is your strengths like have you ever aced a math test or written an amazing
essay? The NCAE is like a bunch of mini-challenges that see what you're naturally good at. These are
your strengths, basically your secret weapons in the job world.

What you actually like to do or interests like do you love helping people or building cool gadgets? The
NCAE asks questions to see what kind of work gets you pumped. These are your interests, the things
that make a job feel more like fun and less like a chore.

By figuring out both your strengths and interests, the NCAE helps you narrow down your job options to a
list that's actually exciting, not overwhelming. It's like having a cheat sheet for finding a career that feels
like a perfect fit, not just another random job. Plus, the more you know about yourself, the easier it is to
pick the right college major or training program – like picking the perfect outfit for your future career

So, ditch the career land confusion and grab your NCAE compass. It'll help you find your dream job

Importance of picking a track and strand

-Further, you need to be aware that there are specified cut-off for learners who wish to pursue Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand. Prior to entering SHS, the aptitude of
students in selected programs shall be measured in order to ensure that they have the potential to
complete the program. The final grade both in Science and Math in Grade 10 should be 85 and above.
Learners should also have at least a percentile rank of 86 and above in the STEM subtest in the career
assessment exam. Should you wish to pursue skill-based track and strand, there will be two screenings
for the Sports, Arts and Design Tracks. The first screening will be the results of the career assessment in
the corresponding subtests. Aptitude should be at least a percentile rank of 51 and above. The second
screening for the Sports Track will be done through skills-related fitness tests which will be administered
by the accepting schools. For the Arts and Design Track, the second screening will be through a
performance and skills assessment which will also be administered by the accepting schools. You have to
consider this in adjusting/making your final decisions for your track and strand to pursue.

-Cut-offs on the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) act like a bridge between students'
aptitudes and the right senior high school (SHS) program. Imagine you're trying to pick a class at the gym
- some require basic weightlifting knowledge, while others focus on powerlifting. NCAE cut-offs are
similar. High cut-offs in STEM fields, like requiring strong math and science scores, ensure students are
prepared for the program's intensity. This isn't just to benefit the student - it maintains the quality of the
program itself by setting a baseline for success.

For specialized programs like Arts and Design or Sports, NCAE screenings take over where cut-offs leave
off. These screenings, like auditions for Arts or fitness tests for Sports, go beyond test scores and assess
raw talent. This ensures schools with limited resources can focus on students who will truly benefit from
those programs. In the end, these NCAE thresholds aren't meant to shut doors, but to open the right
ones. By understanding the requirements, students can adjust their plans. Whether it's improving
grades for STEM or preparing a portfolio for Arts, these cut-offs empower students to make informed
decisions for their future and avoid ending up in a program that's a bad fit.

Factors Influencing Career Choices

1. Genetic Influences: While not as strong as some might think, genetics can play a role in shaping your
natural tendencies. For instance, someone with a predisposition for strong hand-eye coordination
might be drawn to careers in surgery or engineering.
2. Environmental Conditions and Events: Your background, family situation, and even major life
events can influence your career path. Growing up around construction workers might spark an
interest in engineering, or overcoming a personal challenge could lead you towards a career in
3. Learning Experiences: The things you learn in school and through hobbies can shape your interests
and skills. Excelling in science classes might point you towards a research career, while a passion for
music could lead you to explore music production.
4. Homeroom Guidance Activities and Career Programs: Exposure to different career options through
school programs and guidance activities can open your eyes to possibilities you might not have
considered before. These programs can also help you assess your skills and interests to find a good

-Certainly, here are the shortened examples for each factor influencing career choices:

1. Genetic Influences
A person genetically inclined toward empathy and strong interpersonal skills may pursue careers in
counseling, social work, or healthcare due to their natural ability to connect with others.
2. Environmental Conditions and Events
Growing up in a family of engineers and architects can spark a deep interest in engineering or
architecture, shaping a person's career path from an early age.

3. Learning Experiences
Excelling in biology and chemistry classes can lead a student to consider careers in biomedical research
or pharmaceutical development, leveraging their passion for scientific inquiry.
4. Homeroom Guidance Activities and Career Programs
Participating in a career exploration workshop focused on environmental conservation may inspire a
student to pursue a degree in environmental science or sustainable development, aligning their career
goals with newfound interests.

how observation learning influence career decisions

-Observational learning, a fundamental concept in social learning theory, significantly influences career
decisions by providing inspiration, guidance, and valuable insights. Through observing successful
individuals in desired careers, individuals can acquire new skills, explore various career options, and
make informed decisions based on observed experiences and outcomes. This form of learning also
facilitates networking and mentorship opportunities, as individuals seek to connect with role models
and learn from their expertise. Moreover, continuous observation contributes to ongoing professional
development by helping individuals adapt, improve their skills, and stay competitive in their chosen
career paths.


-Observational learning acts like a career compass, letting you peek into different jobs through the
experiences of others. By observing successful professionals, you see the reality of the work, gain
inspiration from role models, and learn valuable skills. This can even open doors to mentors and help
you stay sharp throughout your career journey.

the influence of significant role models and positive modeling

-significant role models and positive modeling play a vital role in influencing individuals' personal
growth, professional development, values, behaviors, and career aspirations. Their impact extends
beyond inspiration to encompass skill development, ethical conduct, career guidance, empowerment,
and confidence-building, shaping well-rounded individuals capable of making positive contributions to


-Role models are like real-life superheroes for your future! They show you what success looks like in
your dream career, inspiring you to develop the skills and values needed to get there. Their positive
influence goes beyond just motivation - it can shape your work ethic, decision-making, and overall
confidence, making you a well-rounded person ready to conquer your goals.

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