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TIJ1O0 - Gr.

9 Exploring Technologies
Unit: Communications Technology - Graphic Design
Assignment: Magazine Cover
Student Name:

Objective: In this assignment students will continue to learn about graphic design principles, specifically Alignment, Hierarchy, Proximity, Scale and Colour. Students will be exploring how the they
can enhance, manipulate and organize a variety of graphic elements in Photoshop in order to develop and produce a unique Magazine Cover of their choice.

Assignment: Magazine Cover Rubric

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Overall Descriptive Feedback
Exceeds Met Approaching In Development

Stage 1: Inspiration (K/U)

Student researched, downloaded and placed 4 high quality images of
magazine covers that interest them (2 different topics of a magazine with
two different samples) into their Photoshop document. Student used
alignment techniques and tools to arrange the images in a visually
organized layout.
Stage 1A: Identifying Key Concepts (K/U)
Student has clearly demonstrated their knowledge and understanding of
the key theoretical concepts of graphic design and the basic design
principles through the identifying and labelling of a chosen magazine cover.
Stage 2: Concept Sketches (T/I)
Two magazine cover concepts were developed in rough sketches using
pencil and paper. A clear and high quality photo was taken of all sketches
and imported into Photoshop to communicate the students ideas.
Stage 3: Idea Development (App)
Rough sketched concepts were transformed into a digital format using
Photoshop. Student incorporates the basic graphic design principles into
the development stage of their design. Student develops one nal
magazine cover concept. /100
Stage 4: Final Design (Comm))
One concept in stage 3 is transformed to a nal magazine cover design.
The key theoretical concepts of graphic design and the basic design
principles are clearly and creatively incorporated and work to communicate
a clear message through their magazine cover. Student follows submission

Levels: 4 = exceeds expectations with great attention to detail; 3 = criteria met with attention to detail; 2 = criteria partially met - no attention to detail; 1 = criteria not met

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