Spo Monitoring The Quality of Drinking Water in Field Hospitals in Disaster Situations

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Kepala Pusat Kesehatan TNI Angkatan Darat
Dr. dr. Sukirman, Sp.KK.,M.Kes., FINSDV., FAADV
Mayor Jenderal TNI
1. Clean water or water for Sanitary Hygiene Purposes is water for maintaining
personal hygiene, such as bathing and brushing teeth, as well as for washing
foodstuffs, cutlery, and clothing, and can also be used as raw water for drinking
DEFINITION 2. Drinking water is water that goes through a treatment process or without a
treatment process that meets health requirements and can be drunk directly.
3. Clean/drinking water examination is taking samples of clean/drinking water
examined at the Health Laboratory Center. To determine the quality of drinking
To maintain the quality of clean water/drinking water so that it meets health
1. Undang-Undang Nomor 34 Tahun 2004 tentang Tentara Nasional Indonesia
2. Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan NO. 75/2019 tentang Krisis Kesehatan
3. Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomer 47 tahun 2018
tentang pelayanan Kegawatdaruratan
4. Nota Kesepahaman antara Menteri Kesehatan dan Panglima TNI Nomor
NK/26/XI/2023/TNI tentang Sinergitas Penyelenggaraan Kerja Sama Bidang
5. Blue Book WHO 2021 tentang klasifikasi dan Minimum Standar untuk
Emergency Medical Team
1. The officer authorized to monitor the quality of clean/drinking water is an
environmental sanitation worker/sanitarian.
2. Record and report the results of water quality checks to the disaster
emergency management command unit.

B. Equipment:
Equipment / Forms / Facilities / Equipment used:
a. Dark colored sample bottle
b. Spiritus lamp
c. Labels
d. Stationery
e. Sanitarian kit
f. Bottle lining foil if the bottle is light colored.

C. Description of Activities;
1. Sampling:
a. The sanitarian officer prepares the tools and materials to be used.
b. Conduct sampling for physical, chemical, and bacteriological quality tests
of clean drinking water in accordance with procedures every 3 - 7 days.
c. Label: collection location, collection time, day/date, name of collector,
type of test.

2. Examination of water quality samples

a. Bacteriological parameter examination:
1) Open the sample bottle cover, then rinse with sample water three
2) Close the faucet, and turn on the spirtus lamp to heat the water faucet.
3) Open the faucet while still being heated
4) Open the sterile bottle and heat around the mouth of the bottle.
5) Enter the water sample + 3/4 of the bottle contents.
6) Heat again, close the sterile bottle tightly
7) Fill the sample bottle and water until ¾ of the bottle is sealed.
8) The bottle is labelled (Location of collection, time of collection,
day/date of collection, name of taker, type of examination).
9) Examine with the H2S method.

b. Physical parameter check:

Checking physical parameters (odour, colour, turbidity).

c. Chemical parameter check:

Limited chemical parameters (pH measurement, residual Cl, Fe, Mn).

3. Water quality improvement:

a. Water purification:
1) Purpose: to purify water.
2) How to use:
a) Pour 1 sachet into 150 to 180 liters of raw water (well water,
river water that physically looks a bit cloudy, maximum 40 NTU).
b) Stir for 10 minutes so that the solution is stirred evenly
c) Let the water stand until all impurities will settle and the water
becomes clear.
d) Filter the clear water using a clean cloth.
e) Disinfect with water disinfectant (chlorine).
3) Prohibition:
a) Avoid contact with eyes and skin, if exposed immediately
rinse/wash with enough water
b) Dangerous if swallowed
c) Keep out of reach of children
d) Avoid direct sunlight and store in a cool place.
e) Do not use in very turbid water (brown milk color)
f) Clean water results for bathing and washing.
b. Water disinfection:
1) Water disinfectant 4 kilograms.
Purpose: as an active ingredient to kill bacterial germs in water
How to use:
a) One tablet / 20 g for 1,350 litres of water
b) Store in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place.
c) Avoid contact with air. Close the lid tightly after taking the
d) Keep away from fire and heat
e) Do not get into eyes or skin
f) Wear rubber gloves
g) Wear dry and clean clothes

2) Water disinfectant 5-strip tablet.

Purpose: as an active ingredient to kill bacterial germs in water.
How to use:
Put one tablet of Aquatabs 8.5 mg into 1 lt of clear water (2 ppm).
Let stand for 15 minutes.
Water is ready to drink without cooking.

RELATED UNITS Environmental health field

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