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SUBJECT: Earth and Life Science GRADE: 11 GRADING PERIOD: 1st grading

No. of No.
Hours Weight of Total
Content Competencies BLOOM’S TAXONOMY LEVEL
I Origin and Structure 1. State the different Easy 70% Average 20% Difficult 10 % TOTAL
Of the Earth hypotheses explaining
the origin of the universe
a. Universe and 2. Describe the different: Rememberin Understandin Applying Analyzing Evaluatin Creatin
Solar System hypotheses explaining g g g g
the origin of
The solar system
b. Earth and Earth 3. Recognize the 7 17.5% 5
System uniqueness of Earth,
being the only planet
In the solar system with
properties necessary to
The life
4. Explain that the Earth
consists of four
subsystems , across
whose boundaries matter
and energy flow.
5. Explain the current
information on the solar
6. Show the contributions
of personalities/ people
on the understanding of
the earth systems.
7. Identify the layers of the
Earth (Crust, mantle,
8. Differentiate the Layers
of the Earth
II. Earth Materials and 1. Identify common rock-
Processes forming minerals using
their physical
And chemical properties
a. Minerals and 2. Classify rocks into 2 5% 1
Rocks Igneous, sedimentary,
and metamorphic.
b. Exogenic 3. Describe how rocks
Processes undergo weathering
4. Explain how the 3 7.5% 2
products of weathering
are carried away by
erosion and deposited
5. Make a report on how
rocks and soil move
downslope due to the
direct action of gravity
c. Endogenic 6. Describe where the
processes Earth’s internal heat
comes from
7. Describe how magma is
formed ( magmatism)
8. Describe what happens 6 15% 5
after the magma is
formed (plutonism and
volcanism )
9. Describe the changes in
mineral components and
texture of rocks due to
changes in pressure and
10. Compare and contrast
the formation of the
different types of
igneous rocks
11. Describe how rocks
behave under different
types of stress such as
compression, pulling
apart, and shearing
d. Deformation of 12. Explain how the
the Crust continental drift

13. Cite evidence that

support continental drift
14. Explain how the 5 12.5% 4
movement of plates
leads to the formation of
folds and faults
15. Explain how the seafloor
16. Describe the structure
and evolution of ocean
e. History of Earth 17. Describe how layers of
rocks( stratified rocks)
are formed
18. Describe the different
methods ( relative and
absolute dating) to
determine the age of
stratified rocks
19. Explain how relative and 5 12.5% 4
absolute dating were
used to determine the
subdivision of geologic
20. Describe how marker
fossils ( also known as
guide fossils) are used to
define and identify
subdivisions of the
geologic time scale
21. Describe how the Earth’s
history can be
interpreted from the
geologic time scale
III. Natural Hazards,
Mitigation, and Adaptation
a. Geologic 1. Describe the various 1
Processes and hazards that may happen
Hazards in the event of
earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, and
b. Hydrometeor 2. Using hazards maps, 1
ological identify areas prone to
Phenomena and hazards brought about
Hazards By earthquakes,
Volcanic eruptions, and
3. Give practical ways of 1
coping with geological
hazards caused by
earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, and landslides
4. Identify human activities 1
that speed up or trigger
5. Suggest ways to help 1
lessen the occurrence of
landslides in your
C. Marine and Coastal 6. Describe the various 1 30% 9
Processes and their effects hazards that may happen
in the wake of tropical
cyclones, monsoons,
floods, or ipo-ipo
7. Using hazard maps, 1
identify areas prone to
hazards brought about by
tropical cyclones,
monsoons, floods, or
8. Give practical ways of 1
coping with hydro
meteorological hazards
caused by tropical
cyclones, monsoons,
floods, or ipo-ipo
9. Describe how coastal 1
processes result in
coastal erosion,
submersion, and
saltwater intrusion
10. Identify areas in your 1
community prone to
coastal erosion,
submersion, and
saltwater intrusion
11. Give practical ways of 1
coping with coastal
erosion, submersion, and
saltwater intrusion
12. Cite ways to prevent or 1
mitigate that impact of
the land development,
waste disposal, and
construction of
structures on control
coastal processes
TOTAL 40 100% 30 21 6 3 30

LEGEND: NOI-Number of Items POI- Placement of Items

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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