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Rizal’s Search for Advanced Knowledge

Rizal’s Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology

 From Madrid, Jose Rizal went to Paris in 1885 and continued his
medical studies under the tutelage of the famed French
ophthalmologist Dr. Louis de Wecker.
 Rizal arrived in Juan Luna’s studio on Boulevard Arago near the
Place d’Italie.
 During that time Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere was half-finished.
 Rizal opted to advance his studies in Germany.
 From October 1886 to January 1886, Rizal studied in Paris and took
advantage of Parisian culture.
 He also honed his medical knowledge and learned the various
techniques of eye operation.
 But it was the German method of diagnosis that Rizal hoped to
 In Heidelberg, Germany, Rizal had a special training under Dr. Otto
Becker, an eminent German ophthalmologist.
 Under Dr. Becker there was a vigorous course of study with less
attention to actual operations.
 Rizal’s experience with actual patient operations in Paris helped him
emerge as one of Dr. Becker’s best students.

Ferdinand Blumentritt: A Friend and Mentor

 Ferdinand Blumentritt, an Austrian scholar in Leitmeritz (today known
as Litomerice in the Czech Republic) whose historical and
ethnographical publications on the Philippines reflected his abiding
interest in a people and country he hasn’t seen.
 Blumentritt was born in Prague on September 10, 1853.
 He studied History at Prague University.
 When his correspondence with Rizal, he was a master teacher at
Leitmeritz and had already published scholarly writings on Philippines
languages and ethnography.
 Rizal and Blumentritt became intellectual friends.
 Blumentritt was also becoming the mentor of Rizal; he has a greater
command of authorities, better knowledge of the world and teach the
erudite Czech the political realities, the feeling of a people.
 They plotted for the independent future of the Philippines.
 They agreed on a common Philippine problem, the role of the friars.
 Blumentritt became an advocate of Philippines independence and
one of the strongest European voices in praise of the Filipino culture.

Universities of Heidelberg and Leipzig

 Rizal attended in the famous old University of Heidelberg.
 He lived Dr. Karl Ullmer, a Lutheran minister, with whom he took
delightful walks nearly every afternoon, learning much about German
religious ideas.
 Rizal wrote a tenderly beautiful poem, “To the Flowers of Heidelberg,”
on April 22,1886.
 He remained in Heidelberg for three months, long enough to
complete his short course and transferred to the University of Leipzig
to study psychology and history.
 He became friends with Professor Friedrich Ratzel, one of the
historians who helped change the methods of historical research.
 Rizal also contemplated to enroll as a student of law at the University
of Heidelberg, but his brother Paciano was not in favor of it.
 Rizal did not turn out to be a lawyer, but surely he was happy to have
completed his degree in medicine for the love for his mother.

The Making of the Noli

 As Rizal traveled to Berlin, he continued to write Noli Me Tangere
with passion and great inspiration.
 He at once sought the friendship of eminent scholars and became a
member of the Berlin Anthropological Society, of which Dr. Virchow
was the president.
 Noli Me Tangere was finished in Berlin on February 22, 1887. Despite
Rizal’s eagerness to publish the book, he is struggling financially and
could not even save money.

Maximo Viola: The Savior of the Noli

 Dr. Maximo Viola, a rich young Filipino whom Rizal had known in
Madrid, saying he was on his way to visit Berlin.
 He helped Rizal publish the Noli Me Tangere, and the first copy was
sent to Dr. Blumentritt.
 Bound copies were boxed and sent to some friends in Barcelona and
 They disguised these boxes as merchandise and send it into the
 After the visit to Vienna, Rome, and a few other cities of Italy, Dr.
Rizal took a ship from Marseilles and started home on July 5, 1887 to
operate upon the cataracts in his mother’s eyes.

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