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Introduction (optional): Do you wonder how our life would be if the things we have today stays

the same the moment it was created? In Filipino, nai-imagine mo ba kung ano 'yong buhay natin
ngayon kung 'yong mga bagay na meron tayo ay hindi nage-evolve? For instance, cellphones?
Before, keypad lang siya, we have pressed buttons in order to type a message. But look at us
now, very rare nalang ang gumagamit ng keypad cellphone. Why? I believe because hindi niya
na nasa-satisfy 'yong gusto natin now because even our needs and wants, evolve. Each time,
or everytime we get something, in some other time, we want something new again that is based
on surroundings. What do we mean, based on surroundings? Us people tend to have those
characteristics that are about maximizing the things we have today. Technology? Let's use this
to make things easier. However, it's just like art. — (Introduce Yourself) (Name the Group Topic)

Continuation: Creating art depends on the things that we have today in order to express ideas
and feelings. In what way was it helpful? Through this, people or the viewer can somehow relate
to us because we used things they commonly used or saw. Additionally, it gives rise to the
culture, life, and belief we have at the moment. As we are on it, let's talk about how arts are
created during the times written records don't exist yet.

Prehistoric Art (Cave Art)

● Refers to the artistic creations made by early humans or our ancestors before the advent
of written records.
○ Explanation: When we say prehistoric art, it's all about art that was made by
people a long time ago, way before they could write things down. Bale,
nagda-drawing sila sa cave, sa mga pader or walls, and many more. These
artworks, pinapakita nito kung papaano nabuhay ang mga tao during that time
and ano 'yong mga bagay na importante sa kanila.
● Themes often revolve around animals, hunting scenes, and human figures, serving
ritualistic and decorative purposes.
○ Explanation: The people who existed during that time focused on themes related
to animals, hunting scenes, and human figures because ito 'yong mga essential
aspects of early human life. Starting from animals, sila 'yong way para
magkaroon ng food, clothes, and tools para gumawa ng bahay 'yong mga tao
during that time. Next is hunting, same goes with animals, this is also their way
to gather food and other necessities in life. Lastly, human figures, through this,
napapakita kung ano 'yong mga paniniwala or rituals nila during that time. So,
basically, these human figures were like snapshots of their society, beliefs, and
● Prehistoric people often used natural materials available to them, like charcoal, ochre,
and animal bones, to create their art.
○ Explanation: Syempre 'yong mga tao before wala pa naman silang gamit like
paint brushes or paints itself to create an art. Instead, ginamit nila 'yong mga
bagay na nakikita nila sa surroundings like charcoal from burnt wood, ochre,
which is a kind of reddish-yellow clay, and even animal bones. Ginagamit nila ito
to draw on cave walls, to carve sculptures or even to paint on rocks.
Prehistoric Periods
1. Paleolithic Era (The Old Stone Age)
○ Concerned itself with either food (hunting scenes, animal carvings) or fertility
(Venus figurines).
○ It's also the longest period of the Stone Age, and where the oldest art exists.
People get their food primarily from hunting and gathering.
■ Explanation: During the Paleolithic period, people mostly hunted animals
and gathered plants for food. Hindi sila nag-stay in one place nang
matagal, they kept moving around looking for food and other things they
needed. Pero, kahit na palipat-lipat sila, they still managed to make art.
Like I said a while ago, they painted on cave walls, carved small statues,
and did other creative things. Through this, we are able from this
generation to understand how they lived and how they dealt with tough
living conditions.
○ [Image of Venus of Willendorf], [Image of Lascaux Cave]
■ Explanation: Venus of Willendorf and Lascaux Cave are some famous
examples of paleolithic art. The Venus of Willendorf is a small statue of a
woman. Some speculate that it may have symbolized fertility, or the
thought of bearing children. Iba naman, pinaniniwalaan nilang ito ay lucky
charm or representation of mother goddess. Another theory is that, similar
to an old piece of art, it was created by males for other men to admire.
Another famous artwork in the paleolithic period is the Lascaux Cave that
was discovered by four teenage boys on September 12, 1940.
2. Mesolithic Era (The Middle Stone Age)
○ It is distinguished by more sophisticated fishing, hunting, and basic agricultural
practices. Humans also started living as nomads.
■ Explanation: During the Mesolithic Period, people became more
advanced in their ways of getting food. Nagsimula na silang mangisda,
mag-hunt, and do basic farming to produce food. Even though they were
still moving around a lot, like nomads, nomads means ito 'yong mga
taong walang permanenteng bahay o they travel from one to another from
time-to-time, they were getting better at surviving and finding food in
different places.
○ [Image of The Dancers of Cogul]
■ Explanation: One example of Mesolithic Art is “The Dancers of Cogul”.
The Dancers of Cogul is a famous painting that shows a scene of people
dancing. What makes it special is that isa siya sa mga first times in terms
of Spanish cave paintings, since puro sila animals during those times, it
was actually new for them to see a figure like a woman. Itong mga figures
were mostly painted in black but some are red. Experts believe that these
figures represent women because of their shape and features.
3. Neolithic Era (The New Stone Age)
○ It is the greatest advancement in human history. People learn about agriculture,
farming, and the process of domesticating and growing food. Massive buildings
and portable art are prevalent.
■ Explanation: Neolithic art was a big deal because it happened when
people started farming instead of hunting and gathering. Ibig sabihin,
since they are focused on farming, they have the chance to stay in one
place nalang and with that, they have more time to make art. They built
big structures like temples and Stonehenge, and they made lots of small
artworks too, like pottery and sculptures.
○ [Image of Stonehenge]
■ Explanation: Stonehenge is perhaps the world's most famous prehistoric
monument. Fun fact is that Stonehenge is close to 5000 years old.

Other Artworks in Prehistoric Period

● Paintings and Drawings

○ Chauvet Cave (France) Dec. 18, 1994
■ Another cave was discovered in France, which is the Chauvet Cave. It
has numerous and diverse animals that show high artistic quality. It was
discovered by Jean-Marie Chave and his two friends on December

● Sculpture and Art Installation

○ Venus of BrassemPouv
■ Aside from Venus of Willendorf, people during those times also
discovered Venus of BrassemPouv. Venus of BrassemPouv is a unique
item of prehistoric art that is a surviving fragment of an ivory carving and
was discovered in southwest France.

● Architecture
○ Animals Bones (Mammoth) Hut
■ Explanation: Animal bones hut researchers discovered lots of mammoth
bones which were used to build the shelter before.

● Dance and Music

○ Divje Babe Flute
■ Explanation: Also during prehistoric period, there were instruments and
one of those is made out of cave bear femur. This flute is a musical
instrument that was discovered in 1985 near certain Slovenia.

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