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FIITIEE Time Table: 304 May 2023 to 05% June, 2023 (VENUE: ANAND VIHAR, BORING CANAL ROAD} [7] {HOAYA Tao] UDAYA Two] DAYA One] —TourVear —] Four Yenr —] Four Yaar TourYaar | Three Ye menjleg, | YearClassroom | YearClassreom | YearClassroom| Classroom | Classroom | Classroom | Classroom | Classroom Program rogram Program Prosram Program Program Program Program PeUTRessAD1 | PBUTRzZdA01 | PBUORZGHAO: | PaFYRZITAG | PBFYRZI7AU2 | PBEYRZ2GAO1 | PBEYRz2GAU2 | PBITRZ.GAN1 ciass7H | “classati | classatH | classsTH | cLAassoTH | CIASS (NTH | CLASS0TH | CLASS 10TH. wesday shns2nes BRK Si TKS Se SKE WAT) Sr Wednesday saoesso | Sos30 Tana asate? PRIA Sie EMG Sir inst Sie sase7as | suse 7i5 sas Ta INVES Sir Thureday Sd onpestes ‘MK? Sir Fiday 530-530 ents PRIS sar BRA Se ARPS Si CDR Sir Saturday S050 S050 0 80 onoeaues | CAKPS Sir SKC Se MAK: Sir THVSiNAT) Si PON Si | MSKEUAT) Sr | _ BWC Si suncay Boe zaoeeso | “esoetiso' | 901130 oso. MARE i ‘RNA Sr ase | MSkQaAT) Sie Monday ob20e ‘Doubt Suppar (LCR & CSPh:— 00 pmo 30 pin avery batch by ta respective aculy having fret Clave as par the timetable except Sunday). FIITIEE Time Table: 30 May 2023 to 05 June, 2023 (VENUE: ANAND VIHAR, BORING CANAL ROAD) “For Glass 118 12 7 SE EE SE ee Seay re es ld Ee Le cats ts | sos | Bets | bel | rei | ret | rons | oma. | ena ras | ogee | ces | gars | emer | regen | repens | rage | renga | ro forte Slee | Stearn pane rey, | 204 BE, [MSS | EES | ES, | EE, SPs SHOE | eh | Abe | AES — 2a es, | aa = a Ed] PS | ES | es ee Boe Mook? | meat | Tew | tet cra | eae era | ee BS |e os | ors ae | SS ise | Ee vera, | ame, | samme | cette | ace 28, SSE, | ada | Mn | sl | fon ae oem, | ome, | aa | eS, | eS ee, a tea eed ec ec es GEOG | SSE | RES | BRS. | NGL | ENS se ee Doubt Support (ICA & CSP ‘pm 30 om fn every baich by the reaoectveTeciv hava Tia class es ver the tne able excomt Sunda ime Table: 30 May 2023 to 05* June, 2023 FIITJEE (VENUE: PATNA DOON PUBLIC SCHOOL,RPS NORE) TOA Teo | OnROne—] rover Foaye Foaver | Fauve —] Taser 0 es oe etn | Geom | Gaeuton | chase aeguea | oun oe ira teen Sora fe neg cauriissao | eovotitaes | oon | eotistnn | eure | eotiEtthm | eonlitn cuassvan’ | Pelessum” | feixecant | Pesca? | Matas’ | "ataseaene | ‘elas ae 3 WuKSt se] —ungun sv] — ca Tay ai | MS | MS] See aa Cease wc se sereat ct canes se mis ones ra foc ‘ae oct ae mugnnsy | ewoaye | wNGuanse | gi, en i ee ane eet mon hes hs sr cette | aa oe react) ny a oxen test oe or sooray | Ses See | Hiker St a sunt sate fost ony Da Sappor TCA COB pn 0 TIO pv oT BT ye espe TE vag WT Gas 5 pre Ts ae HSIN. Time Table: 30 May 2023 to 054 June, 2023 FIITIEE (VENUE: PATNA DOON PUBLIC SCHOOL, RPS MORE PS MORE) oad Tare: re a a aS ee its Program Program Program portent | nowtatser | oriteatton assim | “Gassuain ana PKR Si NES si — BE re oes ee MES one. Wednesiar Moet Be Sraeaee! ‘enc se ices enacts raed Turney ones Nes fete Moi woes ‘Cnc se eno sonny par Sonor 400 "Ton satay — osonates Doubt Support (LCA & CSP); — 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm in ovary Balch by the respective facally Raving fret cass a por tho timo tbl (excopt Sunday). Time Table: 304 May 2023 to05* June, 2023 Portia 6 900i} UTLEGENETFourvear | FourYour Fe ar [tes Yom [eto veme | TeCome | teen Sg |e ea ee ee ee ee saracion | Cee | pseer er cesseral | see cree ere aqiroan | xP ESM | eRe peta arte | rae eae “Har ang | epee! lide leer aD | See [eee | = as — aoe = 90.06.2023, ‘GGKR sir PBR Si oo oes =a eS == = ee tae ras a7 on Sremmey | iatse| kata eu cel CMP? Sir MAS Sir = m a tats ibe, = en oa ee os eae | ieee festa = eal Bae = Same pray eae es Ee ee ee ee ae eee saree = |= x alps ae cee a Soe ae, ae SST CET ESI SE TEREST A Tay Raving rst lass as por the Wine tale excep Sunday FIITIEE ‘Time Table: 304 May 2023 to 05% June, 2023 (VENUE: FRASER ROAD, SADAY BHAWAN. MARWARLAWASH COMPOUND) Two Year “Two Year Two Year woven] Twovea sll Giassroom | Classom | clasaroom | Caseroom | clxstoom me Program Program Program Program Program petynezawos | petyaeaupon | retynzzaror | prrynzzsros | peryReasxor asian | ‘cassie | ‘ciassaemm | ‘ciasstarm | ‘Crass 21H CoRR Si TAT MSP Si RRs wersay | wove | sa0rito | stncsto | swesdo salsa as Se KOO Se MP Se NAS Sr PRR Se oP si Sosa | Wins Se | nnn se seas | fas 2 Psi, Ca si RRS PAB Si Tharsy sans | saocewo | Sessa | saosse0 eee MOO Se PA Se NAS Se “COP? Se TBR Se MSP Si PARI Se | — RD Se Friday e120 sm—s30 | sao-s30 | 30-1230 ata ‘Coxe Si a Se Parise | MKDU Se sonuray caoeanzs POR Se NOH Se USP Se MAS Se MR Se snag cme sin | am ten | atte Sion | ttm’ Stan | tin sm oxooztes Platt P07 S. mata mata Platt Bivise | tettts | Sees ans Eade Mondoy soeatts Doutit Support {LCA & CSP) 3:90 pm 0 3:30 pin every atch by de respective faculty having Trst cass as per the me wble (except Sunday). TORYA Two ‘Year Classroom Program PaUTR239R01 CLASS ‘CLASS TH TORYA One ‘Year Classroom Program PKUORZSAACI CLASSEIH PREYROS7A01 CLASSI Cok Se earns Four Yor Classroom Program PRFYROS7AG2 CLASS SIH Four Year Classroom Program PREYRZ20A01 (CLASS AUTH PN Sc ‘490-00 fee Sir eassats “Tae Year Classroom Progra TH236a01 CLASS S014 eases PDN Sr 400" 600 Oxi sie eayeats CORT Sir 400690 Nee Se eas a5 CLASS 17H exrrezssaoz (CLASS 4171 Classroom Program PRTYIETI9805 pacrvnzzanoy CLASS (21H CLASS (1211 Casstoom rogram pxcrvrz2aro1 CLASS 12TH TRKSZ Sir PARS Si eneete PUK Sie 00-600 MRS? Sie WAS Si ame PBKG Sie eg 65 PRIS Sir atte NP? Si east PAT 0500 PLAT 1 oo s:00 ‘Time Table: 30% May 2023 to 05 June, 2023 FLITIEE (LEEDS ASIAN SCHOOL, PATNA) FRNA ARNACIE one gitg | mere Scot Froram) | tegrated Seo Pra) Punta punnzzexos cuass4T™ cass = uaS sie_ 1030-1220 PAIR Sr_1020— 120 sfuestay, | dakpa tiiasas “aan IY Stason IATFRAZER ROAD IAT FRAZER ROAD PARA Si 1050 12-0 cup Sir-10;30— 1230 Wanstay | CAKES Sk 1249-29 PAR S125 245 ‘AT FRAZER ROAD IAT FRAZER ROAD a AS Si_-10:30_ 1230 ‘MVCI Si-10:30- 1230 user | Bat si -t245.245 NP? S145 9348 IAT ERAZER ROAD. IAT FRAZER ROAD e ccaKPS Sir-10:30- 120 PARI Sir-1030— 1290 ofits, | MAS Sir 12:45 2:46 MCI Sir 2345-2345, 4 AT FRAZER ROAD IATFRAZER ROAD suaay Suadao. | ort eins as fel Se —Sasm es 2 AT FRAZER ROAD ATFRAZER ROAD Moody ‘Time Table: 30% May 2023 to 05 June, 2023 FIITIEE (Doubt Clearing Cell CLASS XITH & XIITH SUBJECT PHYSICS ‘CHEMISTRY MATHEMATICS suesaay PBR su _11:30-1:30 vie sic 1130-130 MPPs Sir 1:30-4:30 sheng "AT FRAZER ROAD "ATFRAZER ROAD "AT FRAZER ROAD. wees PARA Si 11:30-1:30 ‘COKR sir 1:90-4:30 MRKS2 Sir-44:30-4:30, ‘sroa2n23 "AT KANKARBAGH "AT KANKARBAGH "AT KANKAREAGH ‘Thursday Pape si-11:30-1:30, CRY Sie 1120-430 MSP Sir-1430-4:20, nay [AT BORING ROAD. ‘AT BORING ROAD. ‘AT BORING ROAD 28.023 PKR Si1:00-3:00 Mk Sir 1130-130 MOPS Sir-14:30-120 "AT FRAZER ROAD [ATERAZER ROAD IATERAZER ROAD. Saturday sunday oboaas Monday 5052075 NOTE — Doubt clearing will be done on first eome first served basis. Notes ls abo abe FACEBOOK rs FTUEE Pa Uk Bs ebook comfage Fie Patu-Cente/ M839 24SAS8S Prat omepes_pae

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