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School days
 I went to Tan Dinh Secondary School, it is really close to the city central. However, it
still has very good facilities like the music room, the lab and a basketball court. I
really enjoy my times there.
 I think I would have to say physics. I guess this is probably because I don’t have fun
with it. In addition, I always have difficulties remembering all the formulas and
understanding the concepts.
 I think it’s fair to say that I rarely use it now maybe only the simple concepts. It’s
probably because I don’t have an intention of working in the areas that require
physics in the future.
 The thing I enjoy the most about being a student is definitely having spare time to
hang out with my friends or do something you like. You may not appreciate it at the
moment but in the future, when you become an adult, you will find spare time
something very precious.
 Of course, actually there are many famous buildings in Ha Noi such as Ha Noi Opera
House, One Pillar Pagoda, Temple of Literature and so on
 To be honest, it really depends. Young people tend to live in apartments while older
people prefer a simple house.
 Of course, I think building are very attractive to look at. This is because a well design
building will have unique structure which is really fascinating in my opinion.
 The most unusual building I have ever seen is Hanoi museum. It’s really unique with
the shape of an upside down pyramid and the walls are all made of glass.

I would like to talk about the most interesting story I have ever heard on the news. The
story that I’m going to talk about Is a fascinating story on how a call to his dad saves a
boy from a burning apartment building.

This story was on a news report on TV that I watched a couple of months ago and it was
a great example of how important knowledge and calmness are in life or death situation.

A boy was in his room studying when he heard people screaming and the fire alarm
went off. He was scared so he called his dad to ask for help. When the father heard of
the situation, instead of telling his son to run like most parents would do, he told his son
to cover his nose with a wet tissue and stay in a closed room to wait for rescue. It was
the right solution because if the boy ran out of the apartment he would faint because of
the smoke before he could make it outside. The boy waited for about 2 hours till the fire
were nearly put down and he was saved by a firefighter.

The story was an exemplary one to remind us how vital knowledge and character are
especially in urgent situation. The event was so incredible that it hit the headline of
many newspaper.
From the very nature of this event, we can understand how important it is to keep your
calm even in the most dangerous situation. The boy was saved not only because of the
right action he did but also because he was never panic and always remained patience.

Reading newspaper
 To be honest, I think that would be 20-30 years ago. Nowadays you can rarely
see someone who goes out of their way to buy a newspaper much less read one
 I think it is very important for people to have a variety choice of newspaper. This
is probably because everybody has different interest. Not everybody like to read
about sport and some people would find political news boring.
 To be honest, it really depends. Children would like to have crosswords or some
kind of games, while adults would like to read more about economic or political
The future of newspaper
 I think it’s fair to say that it’s because the Internet is faster and more up to date.
It’s also free and have various types of news.
 To be honest, I think it’s pretty much the same. It’s just that the internet update
every second while you have to wait the whole day for the next newspaper
 To be honest, I think it will even though I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing.
Considering how the number of people that read newspaper are decreasing and
most of them are old people, I think newspaper will not be a thing in the near

Fluency 7
Lexical 6.5
Grammar 7.5
Pronunciation 7.5

Test 3,4 Listening reading

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