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Rubric speaking test

Criteria Insufficient Sufficient Good Excellent Assessment

(1>5.5) (5.5>7) (7.5>8.5) (9>10)

Grammar and Insufficient or no show of Student shows sufficient Student shows a good Student shows a good
sentence structure simple grammatical forms control of simple degree of control of degree of control of
and sentence structure grammatical forms and simple grammatical forms simple grammatical forms
sentence structure and sentence structure and sentence structure
+ attempts some complex
grammatical forms
Vocabulary Insufficient or no use of Student uses a sufficient Student uses a good range Student uses an excellent
appropriate vocabulary range of appropriate of appropriate vocabulary range of appropriate
when talking about vocabulary when talking when talking about vocabulary when talking
culture about culture culture about culture
+ give and exchange views
on culture
Fluency and Insufficient or no Student communicates Student communicates Student communicates
Coherence communication of ideas sufficient ideas, using ideas with relative ease, ideas with ease, using
simple language and using simple language and more complex language
structures with excessive structures with a few and structures without
pauses or hesitation excessive pauses or excessive pauses or
hesitation hesitation

Student uses good Student uses excellent

Insufficient or no Student uses sufficient connections between connections between
connections between connections between ideas, allowing the listener ideas, allowing the listener
ideas ideas, allowing the listener to follow the conversation to follow the conversation
to follow the conversation + organize ideas logically

Cultural knowledge Insufficient or no aspects Student applies sufficient Student applies sufficient Student applies cultural
of cultural knowledge cultural knowledge cultural knowledge and knowledge and shows
shows understanding and understanding and
relevance relevance
+ shares personal
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