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Key Result Are

Criteria KRAs

Specifiy targets that have financial impact

(Consistently meets targets and
milestones. Establishes and
achieves profitability)

Specify targets that add customer value and work towards

retaining customers
Customer Orientation
(Consistently meets targets and
milestones. Establishes and
achieves profitability)

Adherence to internal processes and improve efficiency

Internal Processes
and quality

Personal, Work attitude, new learnings

People Management

Team spirit, Group work, management of teams

NA – for Not Applicable. Ratings interpretation

- Does Not Meet Minimum Standards - 1,
Standards Expected
Needs Improvement - 2, Meets Expectations -
3, Exceeds Expectations - 4, Outstanding - 5
Key Result Areas (KRAs)
Evaluation Criteria Time Period Weightage

Rating Score


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