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“Under SCLP Charitable Trust”




FEB 2024



NAME: ………………………..……….……….ADM. NO: …………………………….

CLASS : ………………………………… DATE………………………

 Write your full name, Class and Admission Number in the space provided above.
 Read all the texts in the paper to understand.
 Refer to the reading booklet as you answer comprehension questions.

STORY 1: Honesty
There was a rickshaw puller named Ram. He lived in a village with his family.
He was poor and could not earn enough to support his family.

He ferried people on his rickshaw every day for ten hours and could barely meet
the ends. Even though his condition was not good, he was an honest man.

Ram, the Honest Rickshaw Puller

One day, he was waiting for passengers near the city. A man came down
running and panting. He was a wealthy businessman who lived in the city. He
said, “Please take me to the railway station. My car has broken down. It is very

Ram said, “Don’t worry sir. I will take you there as fast as I can.” He boarded
the rickshaw and Ram did his best. Eventually, they reached the station on time.
He thanked Ram, paid the fare and left.

He was Ram’s last passenger. He was returning home. He parked his rickshaw
near beside his house. To his surprise, he found a small pouch on his rickshaw.
He lifted it and found 50 gold coins inside.

He was surprised. He showed this to his wife. She was very happy that their
condition would become better now.

Ram and his family ate dinner and went to sleep. Ram was unable to sleep that
night. He couldn’t accept the gold coins as those did not belong to him.

The Reward for showing Honesty

He woke up the next day and told his wife that he would not keep the coins. He
would return it to the owner. His wife pleaded that those coins would change
their lives but he was determined.

Ram took his rickshaw out and started to look for the man. He looked here and
there. He also asked many people by describing the wealthy man. He then
decided to go to the police station and seek help.

He was worried that the police might think differently. They may ask where he
got the coins and other embarrassing questions. To his surprise, he saw the
same businessman on the way to the police station. He ran to him and gave the
pouch. The man was surprised to see such an honest man. He counted the
coins and found all of them.

The man insisted to meet Ram’s family. He saw how poor they were. He wanted
to gift Ram money but Ram did not take any. He then wanted to give Ram a job
but ram said he was not literate. The man decided and told Ram to take full
responsibility for his children. The man would send them to the best schools.

Years passed. Ram’s children became adults. They got good jobs and lived
with their father and mother. He taught his children not to forget their roots.

Moral of the Short Story on Honesty

The focus of this short story is honesty. Honesty is the best policy and it is
always rewarded. An honest man is admired by all. Ram showed his honesty
even if he was so poor. He was then actually rewarded with a good life later.

Engaging Hobbies For Kids
Nature-Related Hobbies

Nature-related hobbies are thrilling and allow the child to explore the beauty of
their natural surroundings. Interacting with nature promotes social-emotional well-
being and develops resilience. It also provides a practical learning experience that
promotes overall development.

1. Nature Watching

Nature and wildlife activities such as bird watching can be a thrilling learning experience
for children across ages. A walk to a nearby park at sunrise and sunset, trekking, rock
climbing, bicycle riding in a park, hiking, camping in the jungle, or a wildlife sanctuary
are enjoyable activities that can motivate them to indulge in nature-watching as a
2. Gardening

Gardening is an engaging activity that helps your child learn new skills. Digging,
watering, composting, potting, etc. promotes your child’s physical, mental, and socio-
emotional development, making them confident, responsible, and self-reliant . Gaining
knowledge of plant and soil types, plant life cycles, and insects or worms are added
benefits of gardening. Mother Melissa Frost shares the way her children spent most of
their time in their garden during summer. She says, “My son would remind me that we
had to water the tomatoes, the peppers, the snap-peas, the carrots, the beets, the
leaves (basil), and the raspberries. I didn’t think my kids would care too much for our
garden, but I was very wrong.”

Recalling that he often ate the fruit before they were fully ripe, she adds, “My kids put so
much effort into the task of watering the plants, pulling out weeds, keeping the garden
nice and mud-free. It was the cutest thing. The joy on their faces once they saw a
tomato growing on a plant and that they were actually allowed to pick it eat it whenever
they wanted to, was amazing.”
3. Caring For Animals

Pet rearing can be an engaging, learning, and gratifying hobby that can make a child
responsible, patient, compassionate, and self-reliant. Involving your child in pet care
activities, like grooming, nail trimming, feeding, strolling, etc. helps them better
understand animal care. If you cannot bring home a companion animal, you could
encourage them to volunteer at the local animal shelter.

4. Organic Farming

It is a chemical fertilizer and pesticide-free farming technique that can sensitize your
child to the judicious use of natural resources and increased sustainability. Take your
child to an organic farm to observe, learn, and practice organic farming with the right
guidance. Take their feedback and discuss their learnings to help choose organic
farming as a hobby.
5. Recycling Waste

Recycling waste is an eco-friendly practice that helps convert waste material, like paper,
cardboard, plastic, steel cans, etc. into new things. This creative activity can be a fun,
engaging, and learning hobby for children that also makes them conscientious towards
nature. You can encourage your child to pursue recycling as a hobby by practicing
recycling at home.

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