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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name Terry Ogheneyerhovwo Okotie

NEBOSH learner 00796871
Learning Partner name 1422-Icon Training Center

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Towlson Dominic, 12345678, GMMTA International

Answer sheet IG1-0032-ENG-OBE-V1 Nov23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 1 of 6

Task 1: Poor health and safety leadership

Question 1
The negative aspects of MDs health and safety leadership are
1. The lack commitment from management where in the scenario the MD was on a
phone call at the time and was only seen when the smoke alarm was triggered
and was on the phone
2. The MD was not focused while he ran down the stair to turn remove the alarm
battery while he was still on the phone causing him trip while running back up
3. The lack of accountability as seen in the scenario where some vital documents
were identified to be missing including the health and safety policy of the agency
shows the MDs poor health and safety leadership
4. Poor health and safety leadership in the scenario shows the MD lack of
commitment to positive health and safety culture
5. Failure to address the safety concerns brought to the notice of the MD, about the
hole in the floor and the stepping edge that’s peeling as seen in the scenario
shows the poor MDs poor leadership and if these concerns are not addressed,
they can result to hazardous and dangerous situations
6. MD lack of open communication channel between MD and workers as seen in the
scenario upon arriving the office of the MDs while he was on phone call till office
and mentioned that it is rare to get time to speak with the MD
7. MD in the scenario has signing and approving the internet downloaded instruction
manual shows poor health and safety leadership as MD is not
8. The poor health and safety leadership led to inadequate emergency response as
there is no First Aider in the agency and workers not being given training on
emergency preparedness
9. Insufficient training in the scenario as the MD only e-mailed all workers an online
version of instruction manual and concluded they can use is to operate the DPP
by themselves. Poor leadership due to lack of adequate training to employees
may result the them not possessing the knowledge and skills to do the job safely
10. Poor health and safety leadership often lead to reactive rather the proactive as
control measures are put in place after occurrence of an accident or incident
involving the MD in the scenario
11. There is no record of previous incidents and near miss in the scenario which
indicate that previous incidents and near misses not being investigated

Task 2: Making first-aid recommendations

Question 2
1. Recommend MD to hires a competent first aiders as there were no First Aider
on ground in the scenario at the time of the accident
2. A First Aid assessment is recommended to be carried out, putting into
consideration the scope, the potential hazards in the workplace, and location of
First Aid facility
3. Provide a suitable First Aid kit with the necessary requirements
4. First Aid kit or equipment’s to be kept in a designated area where it can be
easily accessed by the upper office and the basement. As in the scenario where
First Aid kit was not easily accessed at the time of the accident
5. Provide means of transportation to convey injured workers to the hospital in a
case of serious accident
6. Provide workers with training on emergency response
7. Provide First Aiders training on slips and trips as these are common hazard
found in the workplace
8. Instructions on First Aid usage and emergency contact number of hospitals and
First Aiders to be posted on the wall

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Task 3: International Labour Organisation’s (ILO’s) Recommendation R164

Question 3 (a)
Recommendation (10a)
Provide and maintain workplace, machinery and equipment, and the use of work
methods which are safe
1. In the scenario water leaking through smoke alarm, the hole on the floor and the
stepping case peeling, not eliminating these physical potential hazards shows that
vault do not comply to the ILO recommendation standards
2. Relying on e-mailed online manual sent to employees by MD as a training method
is insufficient and the shows that the MD do not comply with ILO recommendation
which state that employer shall provide a comprehensive for its employees
3. There is a lack of well-defined emergency procedure, in adequate first aid supplies
and absence of first aider. ILO recommendation r164 talks made emphasis on the
need of effective emergency procedures
4. The ILO R164 compels employers to emphasis on important documentation to
ensure accountability in occupational health and safety practices in the scenario
SSOW is safety records and other record is said to be insufficient
5. Lack of communication channel in vault between management and employees
regarding safety concern ILO recommendation talks about the significant

Question 3 (b)
Recommendation (16a)
Take reasonable care of their safety and that other person who may be affected bu
their act or omissions at work

Recommendation (16b)
Comply with instructions given for their own safety and health and those of others
and with safety and health procedure

Task 4: Assessing the auditing approach

Question 4
1. Lack of proactive communication as the consultant did not proactively communicate
with the MD about the audit aims and process and he waited for 10minutes and
left note which demonstrates the lack of proactive approach of engagement
2. Consultant failed to address the immediate hazard identified I,e leaking ceiling,
damage steps hole on the floor and took no immediate action to address the
these hazards
3. Only consulting with employees for information relying on worker z for information
about work practice. Comprehensive audit is to be carried out which involves
cross referencing other employees’ inputs with valid document to validate the
accuracy of information given to him
4. Discrepancies were not investigated upon health a safety policy and usage of
another organisations name, a proactive approach would be used to address
these discrepancies
5. Lack of engagement of employees and consultant only engaged worker z which led
to limited understanding of the work environment
6. Consultant did not properly assess the effectiveness of the training offered to the
employees concerning the use of DPP

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Task 5: Evaluating safe systems of work

Question 5 (a)
Vaults safe system of work is insufficient because
1. The downloaded instruction manual which was gotten from the internet and has
untidy handwritten note in the scenario was insufficient as it does not show the
details of the task analysis to be performed which can be seen
2. Its insufficient because the downloaded manual of the DPP does not have enough
information provided about the manufacturer
3. The vault safe system of works is insufficient because it does not have enough
information provided by the manufacturer as the vault SSOW downloaded was
not specific for the DPP
4. The vault safe system of works is insufficient due to the level of incompetence
training in the vault agency as there was no formal training given to workers
5. The vault safe system of works is insufficient because there is no document that to
show the history of accident
6. The vault safe system of works is insufficient as there is no emergency provision in
place for any accident or incident
7. The vault safe system of works is insufficient as is does not provide sufficient
control measures as recommended by the manufacturer on how the DPP
8. The vault safe system of works is insufficient because there was no monitoring of
the DPP as MD already signed on the downloaded manual to be safe for work
with out monitoring

Question 5 (b)
The approach to DPP (digital printing press) training is ineffective reasons
1. Relying on email and online materials sent by the MD was ineffective because
hand on training and practical demonstration are very key element especially
when machinery that involves potential risks
2. Absence of hand on training for employees to learn how to use the DPP, MD
solely relying on online training with the instruction manual downloaded.
3. The MDs communication approach was a on way communication through the
e-mail of the online manual does not allow for interaction or feedbacks from
the employees, put in place a feedback channel clarify their understanding to
prevent mistake which could lead to accidents
4. The MD assumes that the employees could use the DPP effectively after
reading the online manual e-mail to them. Not putting into consideration that
every individual has their own level of learning and understanding. Some
employees may need practical demonstrations or hand on training to fully
understand how the DPP can be used efficiently
5. Insufficient safe systems of work as the manual that was approved as safe
system by the MD ha s handwritten notes on it. A proper safe system of work
document should be outlines with step-by-step procedures, potential risks
safety caution and emergency procedures
6. The lack of confidence and clarity amongst employees was high when worker
z was asked about their training, they seem confused and lacked confidence
in their response which indicate that employees do not have an inept
understanding about the DPP operation

Task 6: Identify job factors

Question 6
Job factors that could negatively affect health and safety at vault

Answer sheet IG1-0032-ENG-OBE-V1 Nov23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 4 of 6

1. Insufficient training of workers can be seen in the scenario which can lead to
workers lack of awareness to identify potential hazards apply control measures
which can lead to accidents
2. Environment condition where work activity takes place, such as working under
extreme heat, poor lighting condition etc which can affect performance
3. The task which has to do with how well or bad to do the job know the limit of
workers strength
4. Poor communication between management and employees will tend to affect
health and safety
5. Workload such as shifts and excessive overtime may tend to affect health and
6. Discrimination of employees by employers can affect their health and safety
7. Procedure is the key management safety tool which are used for operating and
maintaining equipment’s to prevent workplace accidents
8. Poor Ergonomics structure of workplace design, repetitive activities, poor
workstation resulting to spinal, back pains can affect health and safety

Task 7: Understanding emergency procedures

Question 7
The possible reasons for lack of understanding about emergency procedures are
1. To be prepared for unexpected events will help to reduce panic if an emergency
occurs, as people it is not unsure how people will react to a real emergency
2. To familiarise with safety equipment’s and procedures give and inept understanding
of the emergency arrangement and the procedural steps to follow
3. To identify weakness in emergency planning it is important to conduct regular drill
to identify lapses and weakness and so they can be addressed
4. Conducting regular emergency drills shows that safety is taken into consideration
and this helps to foster a safety culture of the organisation
5. Regular exercise and practice of emergency procedure to a boost of confidence
and morale employee, and builds their confidence on how effective they can
handle an emergency situation
6. Compliance with regulations of emergency procedure is a requirement of
Convention C155
7. To maintain business continuity by effectively handling emergencies this not only
assure the safety of workers but and minimise disruption to operations in the
8. To ensure swift medical response when accident occurs as in seen in the scenario
the MD tripping the administration of emergency treatment would be swift and
competent First Aider on ground to administer treatment
9. An organisation that is practicing emergency procedures tend to maintain calm and
order to reduce chaos
10. To improve emergency services coordination helps to assure smooth and
effective cooperation during real life crisis
11. Help in risk assessment conducting helps to identify of hazard
12. Familiarise workers and members of the organisation with equipment’s and

Task 8: Investigating near misses

Question 8
1. In the scenario there has been several near misses on the stairs but the where no
investigation record of them, if previous near misses were investigated, they
would have been recorded

Answer sheet IG1-0032-ENG-OBE-V1 Nov23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 5 of 6

2. Investigation of previous near miss helps to identify root cause that led to the MDs
accident in the scenario
3. Investigation of previous near miss would have helped in identifying the immediate
4. Investigation of previous near miss helps to provide an active monitoring to
identifying potential hazard and mitigating them before they result to harm
5. Investigating near misses would have helped the grasp a thorough understanding
of the patterns and trends of hazard occurrences
6. Investing previous near miss helps to develop and promote a positive safety culture
7. Investigating previous near miss helps to eliminate unsafe acts and unsafe
8. Investigation of near miss is a legal requirement
9. Investigation of near miss helps in reviewing of the risk assessment
10. Investigation of incidents tend to increase workers morale, because it shows to
them that management commitment to safety of its employees

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 295 words (excluding text boxes and footers),
which you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word
count function.


sources of
information you used CLASS NOTES
in your examination
workplace-safety-michael-huggett.. Q1
emergency-procedures/ For example: course notes, HSG245

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Certificate Digital
Assessment - Technical Learner Guide, English. All Open Book Examination guidance
documents can be found on the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1-0032-ENG-OBE-V1 Nov23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 6 of 6

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