Math2 Harness11

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MATH 2 March 26, 2024

Morales, Mitchiel A. Harness 11

BEED3-Group3 Mr. Paul John Calam

The design-thinking process is best learned when done. Go over the steps yourself with a partner.
Empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test to redesign your school's lunch experience. This
activity will be part of the learning portfolio that you will compile at the end of this module.

Your challenge is to redesign your school's lunch experience.


 Observation Notes: Many students seem rushed during lunchtime, trying to quickly eat their food
within the limited time frame. Some students appear dissatisfied with the food options available at
the canteen. Teachers and canteen managers seem overwhelmed by the volume of students during
lunchtime. Students often struggle to find a clean and comfortable place to eat.
 Interview Notes: Some students express frustration with long lines and wait times at the canteen.
Many students desire healthier and more diverse food options. Teachers and canteen managers
mention challenges in managing food inventory and serving efficiently during peak hours.
Discuss your observation and interview notes with your partner. Do you have similar notes? – No.

Identify a user and define a problem that you want to address. You and your partner must come up
with one user and problem to address

Students need a more efficient and satisfying lunch experience because the current system is
rushed, limited in options, and lacks comfort (User’s needs). Students require a lunch experience that
balances efficiency, satisfaction, and comfort to support their well-being and academic performance

Write/sketch at least four innovative ways to address your user's needs. Be specific with your
measurements and/or proportions, if needed.

Idea 1: Implement a Pre-ordering System

 Students can pre-order their meals online or via an app to reduce wait times and ensure their
preferred meal choices.
Idea 2: Introduce Food Stations with Diverse Options
 Set up different food stations offering various cuisines (e.g., Asian, Western, Vegetarian) to cater to
diverse preferences.
Idea 3: Create a Comfortable Dining Area

 Designate a space with comfortable seating, greenery, and natural lighting to enhance the dining
Idea 4: Engage Student Feedback Committee

 Form a committee comprising students to gather feedback regularly and implement changes based
on their suggestions.

Share your ideas with your partner. Get feedback. Then generate a unified solution. Sketch your
unified solution below.

Unified Solution
The school cafeteria should layout with clearly labeled food stations offering diverse cuisines such as Asian,
Western, Vegetarian, and a Salad Bar, comfortable seating areas with tables and chairs arranged near
large windows to allow natural light in and the pre-ordering system interface is displayed on a digital screen
near the entrance, showcasing options for students to select their meals in advance.


 Pre-ordering System Interface

 Food Stations Layout Plan
 Comfortable Dining Area Design Concept

Share your prototype with a user. Write your observations below.

What worked:

 The pre-ordering system significantly reduces wait times, and students appreciate the convenience.
 The introduction of food stations allows students to choose from a wider range of options, leading to
increased satisfaction.
 The comfortable dining area provides a relaxed atmosphere, encouraging students to enjoy their
meals and socialize.

What can be improved:

 Further customization options in the pre-ordering system to accommodate dietary restrictions and
 Continuous monitoring of food station popularity to ensure balanced offerings and minimize food

More Ideas:

 Implement a system for reusable or eco-friendly food containers to reduce waste.

 Host themed food days or cultural events to celebrate diversity and introduce new cuisines.
 Collaborate with local farmers or vendors to source fresh and locally sourced ingredients for meals.
 Offer educational sessions or workshops on nutrition and healthy eating habits during lunch breaks.

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