Thinking Small, Stinking Big

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The Journal of Infectious Diseases


Thinking Small, Stinking Big: The World

of Microbial Odors
Tzvi Y. Pollock1, and Audrey R. Odom John1,2,
Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; and 2Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

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Keywords. infectious diseases; diagnostics; volatile organic compounds; VOCs; breathomics; mass spectrometry;
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Humans live embedded in an ecosystem VOCs produced by microbes can be antigens, the prospect of microbial
of microbial life. Nowhere is this ecosys- characterized using gas chromatogra- mutation away from diagnostic effica-
tem more apparent to the naked eye (or, phy/mass spectrometry, while the global cy is far more remote.
rather, nose) than in the world of micro- fingerprint of microbial odors can be Detection of infection by way of scent
bially derived odors. From the fungal recognized through use of electronic has already proven possible thanks to
fragrances that sing of environmental nose technology. Which microbial both human technology and mammalian
mold to the bacterial bouquet that warns VOCs mediate what odors—and to cooperation. In partnership with our
us off week-old leftovers, our air com- what purpose—are topics of ongoing four-legged friends, human clinicians
prises a microbial miasma of informa- investigation in the field. have been able to pinpoint infections
tion, ripe for research and exploration. with startling accuracy on the basis of
Microbially derived odors, especially WE WANT TO SMELL THEM scent alone. African giant pouched rats
those produced by pathogens, can prove (Cricetomys gambianus) in Tanzania
Why even care about the little smells of
useful in the toolkit of both the microbe and Mozambique have been successfully
our microscopic neighbors? Specific
and the diagnostician. A rapidly increas- trained to sniff out and differentiate spu-
odors have long been associated with hu-
ing number of studies highlight the need tum samples from patients infected with
man disease and have served well as rudi-
for further understanding of these odors tuberculosis, with greater accuracy than
mentary and noninvasive diagnostics. As
—their origins, their functions, and their even trained human microscopists [2].
early as 400 BCE, Hippocrates advised that
utility in our hands. In Canada and the Netherlands, mean-
students smell their patients’ breath to
Microbial odors are mediated by vola- while, odor-sniffing dogs (Canis lupus
diagnose illness [1]. While our under-
tile organic compounds (VOCs), small familiaris) have been trained to identi-
standing of the underlying pathophysiol-
organic molecules with low boiling fy Clostridium difficile in stool [3].
ogy may have advanced in the millennia
points, generally synthesized during the Preliminary studies additionally abound
hence, conditions such as portal hyper-
microbe’s metabolism. Multicellular or- investigating the potential of canine as-
tension and diabetic ketoacidosis are
ganisms typically detect VOCs via dedi- sistance in the detection of severe acute
readily recognized by their associated
cated odor receptors, such as those in respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
characteristic odors. Microbial patho-
the vertebrate nose or on arthropod an- (SARS-CoV-2) infection [4]. Manmade
gens tend to demonstrate more subtle
tennae. In the laboratory, individual attempts are likewise promising, with
odor profiles than these noninfectious
breath tests for infections such as tuber-
conditions, as the odoriferous insult
culosis, SARS-CoV-2, and even malaria
operates on far smaller orders of magni-
Received 14 September 2023; editorial decision 15 showing high sensitivity and accuracy
September 2023; accepted 19 September 2023; tude. This has not stopped us from
published online 21 September 2023
[5]. Our ability to accurately and nonin-
seeking out new methods of detecting
Correspondence: A. R. Odom John, MD PhD, Department of vasively pinpoint infection looks to be
Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 3501 Civic microbial infection by way of pro-
steadily improving, in part by detecting
Center Boulevard, CTRB 10100, Philadelphia PA 19104-4318 duced VOCs. Compared to other test-
( pungent pathogens.
ing mechanisms, testing the odor
The Journal of Infectious Diseases®
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on profile of patients is minimally inva-
behalf of Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights re- sive. Additionally, as the testing relies
served. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@
on key metabolic products of the infec- In the push and pull of host-pathogen tion rather than easily mutated competition, any evolutionary advantage

over the adversary is liable to be main- [9]. Patients infected with the parasite, 2. Kanaan R, Farkas N, Hegyi P, et al.
tained, and any disadvantage quickly dis- specifically during the life stage in which Rats sniff out pulmonary tuberculo-
carded. Why, then, might pathogenic the parasite requires vector uptake, are sis from sputum: a diagnostic accu-
microbes release VOCs at all, if they twice as attractive to the mosquito as un- racy meta-analysis. Sci Rep 2021;
might facilitate host detection and avoid- infected patients. In this way, the parasite 11:1877.
ance of infection? Microbial odors are manages to enhance its own transmission 3. Taylor MT, McCready J, Broukhanski
not simply an inevitable byproduct of with just an inviting aroma.
G, Kirpalaney S, Lutz H, Powis J.
host metabolism during infection; patho- We float every day through a vast
Using dog scent detection as a
gens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis ocean of smells that we are only now
or Plasmodium falciparum, the causative learning to pick out of the ambient air. point-of-care tool to identify toxigen-
ic Clostridium difficile in stool. Open

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agent of severe human malaria, are Pathogens have clearly wasted no time
known to directly produce similar vola- in utilizing scent to bolster their own fit- Forum Infect Dis 2018; 5:ofy179.
tiles in vitro as they do in patients [6]. ness. Now that we are aware of these mi- 4. Meller S, Caraguel C, Twele F, et al.
While many microbial VOCs are likely crobial odors, which opportunities to Canine olfactory detection of
unavoidable derivatives of normal patho- leverage them for human health will SARS-CoV-2-infected humans—a
gen metabolism, evidence suggests some bear fruit? Only the nose knows. systematic review [published online
microbes have evolved to use odors to in- ahead of print 19 May 2023]. Ann
fluence their hosts and disseminate. Notes Epidemiol doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.
The sweet, earthy scent of petrichor 2023.05.002.
Financial support. A. O. J. is support-
that follows a light rain is mediated in
ed by the National Institutes of 5. Berna AZ, Odom John AR. Breath
part by the VOC geosmin, which is pro-
Health (grant numbers R01AI103280, metabolites to diagnose infection.
duced by soil-dwelling bacteria such as
R01HD109963, R01AI171514, and Clin Chem 2021; 68:43–51.
the spore-forming Streptomyces coelicol-
R33HD105594); the US Department of 6. Phillips M, Basa-Dalay V, BothamleyG,
or. S. coelicolor actively synthesizes geo-
Defense; and is an Investigator in the et al. Breath biomarkers of active pul-
smin when sporulating, and the
Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases of monary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis
resulting scent can be detected far and
the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. (Edinb) 2010; 90:145–51.
wide. One study demonstrated that geo-
Potential conflicts of interest. 7. Becher PG, Verschut V, Bibb MJ, et al.
smin production rendered S. coelicolor
T. P. reports no conflicts of interest.
especially attractive to soil-resident ar- Developmentally regulated volatiles
A. O. J. reports pending patents on breath
thropods called springtails (Folsomia geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol at-
biomarkers for malaria and SARS-CoV-2;
candida) [7]. This attraction was shown tract a soil arthropod to Streptomyces
and receives compensation for editorial
to enhance the dispersion of S. coelicolor, bacteria promoting spore dispersal.
roles from the Infectious Diseases Society
as the springtails consume and spread the Nat Microbiol 2020; 5:821–9.
of America and the American Society for
spores that proved so alluring. 8. Schaber CL, Katta N, Bollinger LB,
Microbiology. Both authors have submitted
In a sinister parallel, similar dynamics et al. Breathprinting reveals malaria-
the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential
have been observed in human infection.
Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the edi- associated biomarkers and mosquito
As mentioned earlier, the malaria parasite
tors consider relevant to the content of the attractants. J Infect Dis 2018; 217:
P. falciparum is known to produce detect-
manuscript have been disclosed. 1553–60.
able changes in human breath metabolites
during infection [8]. Unfortunately, we 9. Lacroix R, Mukabana WR, Gouagna
are not the only ones to have noticed. References LC, Koella JC. Malaria infection in-
Studies have found that the vectors of ma- 1. Kibre P. Hippocratic writings in the creases attractiveness of humans to
laria, Anopheles mosquitoes, are suckers middle ages. Bull Hist Med 1945; 18: mosquitoes. PLoS Biol 2005; 3:
for the scent of Plasmodium spp. infection 371–412. e298.


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