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Beyond The Horizon



Prepared by: Eyob Alemayehu


+251118220858/+251930222422/+251930222522 / Addis Ababa,Ethiopia
Beyond The Horizon

Adddis Ababa
Prepared By ; Eyob Alemayehu
Beyond The Horizon
Table of Contents
Executive Summary____________________________________________________________________________ 4
-The Servies Summary_________________________________________________________________________5
- The Market summary_________________________________________________________________________6
- Financial Consideration Summary______________________________________________________________7
- Priority Financial Consideration _______________________________________________________________ 8
- Chart;Highlights (marketing activities __________________________________________________________9
- Key to Success______________________________________________________________________________10
- Short-Term Goal____________________________________________________________________________10
- Long-Term Goal____________________________________________________________________________ 11
- Mission,Vission,Objectives_______________________________________ ____________________________12

Company Summary___________________________________________________________________________ 13
- Business summary__________________________________________________________________________14
-Start -Up Summary_________________________________________________________________________ 15
Table : Start -up__________________________________________________________________________16
Table : Start -up Funding__________________________________________________________________17
Chart : Start-up__________________________________________________________________________18
Servies___________________________________________________________________________________ 19,20

Market Analysis Summary__________________________________________________________________21-23

Chart : Demand and Supply(Community Housing)___________________________________________ 24
Chart : Proposed Housing delivery Option__________________________________________________ 25
Chart : Marketing Demand Curve__________________________________________________________26
Chart : Market Price______________________________________________________________________27
- Relavant Study Documents______________________________________________________________ 28-40
- Market Segmentation_______________________________________________________________________41
Chart : Market Analysis (pie)______________________________________________________________ 43
Table : Market Analysis__________________________________________________________________ 44
- Services Business Analysis__________________________________________________________________45
- Competition Real Estate Industry_________________________________________________________ 46-50
- Competition Real Estate Marketing___________________________________________________________51
- Buying Patterns____________________________________________________________________________52

Strategy and implementation Summary_________________________________________________________53

- Sales Strategy____________________________________________________________________________ 54
Sales Forecast_________________________________________________________________________54
Chart : Sales Monthly___________________________________________________________________55
Table : Sales Forecast___________________________________________________________________56
- Marketing Strategy_________________________________________________________________________57
- Marketing Stratagy and Essencial Tips_____________________________________________________58-80
- Exit Strategy______________________________________________________________________________ 81

Management/Operations Summary____________________________________________________________82
- Management Team________________________________________________________________________82
- Management Team Profile_______________________________________________________________83-87
-Company Flexable Organograms____________________________________________________________88
Table : Personel________________________________________________________________________89

Financial Plan_______________________________________________________________________________90
-Important Assumptions____________________________________________________________________ 91
Table ; General Assumption______________________________________________________________91
- Projected Cash Flow ______________________________________________________________________92
Chart : Cash____________________________________________________________________________92
Table : Cash Flow_______________________________________________________________________93
- Break-Even Analysis______________________________________________________________________ 94
Chart : Break-even Analysis______________________________________________________________94
Table : Break-even Analysis______________________________________________________________94
-Projected Profit and Loss___________________________________________________________________95
Table : Profit and loss___________________________________________________________________ 95
Chart : Profit Monthly___________________________________________________________________ 96
Chart : Profit Yearly_____________________________________________________________________ 96
Chart : Gross Margin Monthly____________________________________________________________ 97
Chart ; Gross Margin Yearly______________________________________________________________ 97
- Projected Balance Sheet___________________________________________________________________98
Table : Balance Sheet___________________________________________________________________ 98
- Business Ratios Summary_________________________________________________________________ 99
Table : Ratios_____________________________________________________________________100-102
8. Appendix_______________________________________________________________________________103
- Target Marketing Process_________________________________________________________________104
- SWOT Analysis_________________________________________________________________________ 105
- Legal__________________________________________________________________________________ 106
- Legal Documents___________________________________________________________________107-108
- Marketing Materials _________________________________________________________________109-123
- Recognition_____________________________________________________________________________124
Beyond The Horizon

Executive Summary

INFINITY DEVELOPERS PLC is a start-up company in ETHIOPIA.

It is the mission of Infinity Developers to provide Real Estate
Development and Distrubution into lots activities,Fixed Property
Subletting/Renting activities,Asset Valuation activities and
Commition/Brokers Business activites.
Infinity Developers plc (referred to from here on in as the
"Company") was established as a Priavate Limited Company its
ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA with the expectation of rapid
expansion in the Real Estate Development and Marketing
Agency industry. The Company potentially finance and start in
order to be able to introduce its value proposition.
The Company

The company plans to be leveraged through private

investment and a limited number of loans. The company
expects to begin offering its services in April,2023.

The company's main clients will be all community looking

for a real estate investment or a house that can offer
significant services for their age group and income levels.
Since our company is within this demographic group and
understands this market's needs, we believes that we can
appeal to such clients far more than most other competitors.
Beyond The Horizon

The Servies Summary

The Company offers comprehensive real estate development
and marketing, title services to our diverse clients. The real
estate marketing activites collaborate with diffrent real estate
developers. And one of the project that will be working with is
Eijo Real Estate. as our primer participating sector in real
estate marketing servicies in the newly finished project, we
will have a premier position as the dominant seller of these
new homes appartments, and commercial apartments. In
addition we will offer a full range of services to facilitate the
purchasing and selling of real estate including the following:

-Home search database.

-Moving consulting, quotes, planning, etc.

-Mortgage consulting and loan preapproval.

-Community information.

-Title transfer.

-Obtaining a comparative market analysis for potential sellers.


-Property preparation.
Beyond The Horizon

The Market Summary

The real estate industry has been steadily
growing over the past ten years. The real
estate sector has contributed 12.5% to GDP
growth in the past 10 years . The growth
was largely attributed to an 8.9% expansion
in real estate and construction (renting and
business activities). Investing in Ethiopia's
real estate is not only profitable due to the
rising population but it is also a way to help
more people find shelter .percentage of the
Ethiopia. population over the age of 30 and
above is at an all time high of 12.5% and the
demand is growing at an average rate of
4.5% each year. In certain urban parts of the
country, which has a high concentration of
demand in the communities but a severe
housing shortage.
Beyond The Horizon
Financial Considerations

Start-up expenses and funding required are

modest. They include expenses and the rest in
cash needed to support operations until revenues
reach an acceptable level. Most of the company's
liabilities will come from management share
investment,The company plans to be leveraged
through private investment and a limited number
of loans. The company expects to begin offering
its services in April,2023, however, the Company
has planning and giving a priority by engaging in
real estate marketing activities to capitalize to
meet its objectives.

The company expects to reach profitability in the

first year and does not anticipate any serious
cash flow problems. We conservatively believe
that during the first three years, average
profitability per month per segment will be
adequate. We expect that about two sale per
month will guarantee a break-even point.
Beyond The Horizon

Priority Finacial Considerations(Marketing Activities)

Infinity developers plc is plan to engagement in
real estate marketing activities as a prior that
aims to buy and sell properties and transformed
them into a good investment for clients.We
make sure that the improvements in those
properties will be a profitable investment in the
long run ,it is our wish to work with other real
estate professionals and business partners not
only to be profitable but also to assist our
The real estate marketing services are tailored
to help clients ,we stareted one of our client
appartment by seeling quickly and at the best
possible price all the total unit located Bole
Bulbula,Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.Leveraging our
experties in digital marketing ,social media,and
traditional advertising to reach a wide audience
of potential buyers.
Beyond The Horizon

Chart : Highlights (Marketing activities ;Rate in ETB)








Beyond The Horizon
Keys to Success
INFINITY DEVELOPERS's keys to Short-term and
long-term survivability and profitability are as
Short-Term Goal :
Short-term goal for a real estate business
could be to increase the number of properties
listed for sale or rent within a specific period of
time, such as the next three months. This could
involve developing a targeted marketing
strategy to attract more property owners to list
their properties with the business. Another
short-term goal could be to improve the
efficiency of the business's operations, such as
streamlining the property management
process or implementing new technology to
simplify administrative tasks. Ultimately, the
short-term goal should align with the overall
objective of maximizing profits and providing
value to clients and customers.
Beyond The Horizon
Long-Term Goal :
long-term goal for a real estate business could
be to establish a strong brand reputation and
become a market leader in a specific
geographic region or niche market. This could
involve expanding the business's operations to
new areas or offering specialized services, such
as luxury property management or commercial
real estate brokerage. Additionally, a long-term
goal could be to build a portfolio of
high-quality properties that generate
consistent cash flow and appreciate in value
over time. This could involve developing
relationships with reliable property owners and
investors,and continuously seeking out new
investment opportunities. Ultimately, the
long-term goal should align with the overall
objective of maximizing profits and providing
value to clients and customers while
maintaining a sustainable and successful
business model
Beyond The Horizon

It is the mission of INFINITY DEVELOPERS to provide real
estate services in all community, located Ethiopia. Infinity
Developers plc is a full service in real estate
development, real estate marketing,and title company.
We provide clients with exceptional financial services
and investment opportunities to help them achieve
their long-term financial goals.
The company is to be come the leading provider of
innovative fiancial solutions, constantly pushing
boundaries and delivering unparalleled value to clients.

By leverage our expertise in real estate sales and
marketing to increase revenue and customer
satisfaction for a success to start our real estate
development industry.In addition to this obtain a
position as a Real Estate Sales Agent utilizing strong
communication, negotiation, and organizational skills
Beyond The Horizon

Company Summary
Business Discription
The Company was formed on 24/03/2023
as Priavate Limited Company under
ETHIOPIA state laws and headed by 10
Individual Share Holders.
Our real estate marketing services are
tailored to help clients ,we accomplished
one of our client appartment by seeling
quickly and at the best possible price all the
total unit located Bole Bulbula,Addis
Ababa,Ethiopia.Leveraging our experties in
digital marketing ,social media,and
traditional advertising to reach a wide
audience of potential buyers.
The company currently has total 15
full-time and part-time employees.
Beyond The Horizon

Business Summary
Infinity developers plc is a real estate and marketing
investment company that aims to buy and sell
properties and develop properties and transformed
them into a good investment for clients.We make
sure that the improvements in those properties will
be a profitable investment in the long run ,it is our
wish to work with other real estate professionals and
business partners not only to be profitable but also
to assist our clients.
Our real estate marketing services are tailored to
help clients ,we accomplished one of our client
appartment by seeling quickly and at the best
possible price all the total unit located Bole
Bulbula,Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.Leveraging our
experties in digital marketing ,social media,and
traditional advertising to reach a wide audience of
potential buyers.
In general ,Infinity developers plc involves selling or
renting of lands,buildings,or housing facilities .we are
also an agency or real estate agent who acts as a
middleman between the sellers and buyers of real
estate property .
Beyond The Horizon

Start-up Summary

Start-up expenses and funding

required are shown in the table
below. This includes expenses and
the rest in cash needed to support
operations until revenues reach an
acceptable level. Most of the
company's liabilities will come
Marketing activities /real estate
brokers and share holders intial
investment and The company plans
to be leveraged through private
investment and a limited number of
Beyond The Horizon
Table: Start-up (rate in ETB)

Start-up Expenses

Legal 43,200

Insurance 81,000
utilities 10,000

Rent 162,000

Accounting and bookkeeping fees 108,000

Expensed equipment 432,000

Advertising 351,000

Other 432,000

Total Start-up Expenses 1,600,000

Start-up Assets

Cash Required 2,403,000

Other Current Assets 189,000

Long-term Assets 270,000

Total Assets 2,862,000

Total Requirements 4,482,000

Beyond The Horizon
Table: Start-up funding (rate in ETB)
Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund---------------------------1,620,000
Start-up Assets to Fund -----------------------------2,862,000
Total Funding Required ------------------------------4,482,000
Non-cash Assets from Start-up -----------------------459,500
Cash Requirements from Start-up ------------------ 2,403,000
Additional Cash Raised ---------------------------------------0
Cash Balance on Starting Date --------------------- 2,403,000
Total Assets----------------------------------------- 2,862,000

Liabilities and Capital

Current Borrowing -------------------------------------810,000
Long-term Liabilities--------------------------------- 2,430,000
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) ----------------- 162,000
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) ------------------ -----0
Total Liabilities -------------------------------------- 3,402,000

Planned Investment
Share Contributions---------------------------------- 1,080,000
Additional Investment Requirement------------------ ---------0
Total Planned Investment ----------------------------1,080,000
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ---------------(1,600,000)
Total Capital ------------------------------------------ (540,000)

Total Capital and Liabilities ---------------------------2,862,000

Total Funding -------------------------------------------4,482,000(ETB)

Beyond The Horizon

Chart: Start-up (rate in ETB)






Beyond The Horizon

INFINITY DEVELOPERS PLC offers comprehensive real estate
Marketing, and title services to our diverse clients. With eijo real estate.
as our sponsor in the newly finished appartment, we will have a
premier position as the dominant seller of these new homes
appartment and commercial apartments. In addition we will offer a full
range of services to facilitate the purchasing and selling of real estate
including the following:

1. House Brokerage (agent servies)

2. Land Brokerage
3. Rental service home and offices
4. Home search database.
5. Moving consulting, quotes, planning, etc.
5. Mortgage consulting and loan preapproval.
6. Community information.
7. Title transfer.
8. Obtaining a comparative market analysis for potential sellers.
9. Appraising.
10. Property preparation.

Much of the company's services will be outsourced. This includes title

transfer, loan approval, appraising and market analysis services. Title
transfer will be handled by Ethiopia Federal Housing Corporation, loan
approval by different private or govrnment bank. and appraising and
market analysis by Infinity Developers plc Real Estate Development..
Beyond The Horizon
Services. Each of these companies encourage independent agents to
use their services and all have a proven track record in terms of
affordability and service. These companies have also been selected
because they charge a flat monthly rate. Management includes this rate
in the profit and loss statement under other expenses.

Our first priority is to help the seller set a realistic price on their
property. But like most of us who have invested untold hours of time
and energy into our property it may be difficult to remain objective
when it's time to price it and put it up for resale. There's a good reason
for this. Usually property owners have much more than Birr tied up in a
home - an individual commitment that makes it a highly valued
personal statement. But value becomes a reflection of the buyer's
perspective as well when that property is put up for sale...and pride of
ownership may not translate to market value.

When house hunting, the buyer will shop the market, compare
available homes, and try to find the very best value. Consequently,
when the seller is ready to list their home, they need to step back and
sharpen their focus. Look at the home objectively and price it
competitively. This is where a real estate broker such as Infinity
Developers plc can help.

Listing property at 5% above current market value gives it a sales

advantage that is ten times greater than if priced at 15-20% above.
That's a statistic that can't be overlooked. An overpriced home will
suffer from lack of exposure, and the longer it remains on the market
the more difficult it will be to sell. And it will remain so, even after price
reductions are taken to attract buyers.

That is why it is very important to determine an accurate and objective

market value for your property. We'll work with the buyers and sellers
closely to achieve that, and to maximize their opportunities to sell their
home at the best possible price within acceptable time frames.
Beyond The Horizon
Market Analysis Summary
The Company will be concentrating on many market
segment. This will be the avarage community market
consisting of those individuals and couples seeking to
invest in real estate or retire to the capital city area. As a
citizin we deals with the very issues that our clients do,
thus providing insight and opportunities to better assist
our clients.

The real estate industry has been steadily growing over

the past Fifteen years. The percentage of the Ethiopia.
population over the age of 30 is at an all time high of 21%
and is growing at an average rate of 2.5% each year. It is
estimated by the Ethiopia Goverment Addis Ababa's
population is now estimated at 5,460,591.In 1950 ,the
population of Addis Ababa was 392,000.Addis Ababa has
grown by 232,797 in the last year ,which represents a
4.45% annual change.
The house industry growth faster as well, that includes
homes, medical facilities, specialty equipment, retirement
entertainment services, etc.,

The avarage home industry consists of thousands of small

housing communities. Accordingly, an estimated 1.2
million housing backlog exists only in the capital city,Addis
Ababa,with a projected demand of 665,800 housing units
during 2015-2025, far exceeding the estimated annual
supply of housing of about 165,000 units nation-wide.
Beyond The Horizon
Market Analysis Summary

Housing supply and demand in Ethiopia

i) The housing sector that engages in supply of housing stock to the city‟s residents has been in a long-standing
ii) The study of Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) undertaken in 2006 indicated that the housing
deficit in the urban area of the country is 900,000 out of which 450,000 comes from Addis Ababa (Addis Ababa
AACA, 2006).
iii) At the beginning of the year 2000, the city‟s nearly 4 million inhabitants had a housing supply backlog of about
300,000 units.
iv) These numbers show the housing supply shortage in the city and are oftentimes characterized by poor conditions.
v) A study conducted in 27 cities in 2014, showed that out of the total housing supply in the country:
- IHDP supplied the most houses (52%). followed by - Informal house building (31%),
- Individual self-built housing (2.5%),
- Real estate (0.3%) and
- Municipalities (0.3%).
vi) Actually, the contribution/share of real-estate in the overall housing stock/supply in Addis Ababa (4%) is much
greater than that of its share national-wise (0.3%). vii) Most of the existing housing stock is low quality.
viii) “Approximately 72% of households in large cities live in dwellings constructed out of „Wood and Mud‟ (chikka),
while about a quarter of households live in housing constructed out of „Cement or Stone‟ (World Bank, 2019). ix)
Government‟s four plan years of 2014/15 to 2017/18, it was planned to construct 400 thousand housing units, out
of which the construction of more than 150 thousand housing units was completed.
x) Still an estimated 1.2 million housing backlog (World Bank, 2019) exists in the country with a projected demand
of 655 800 housing units during 2015-2025 (Korea Development Institute, 2018, far exceeding the estimated
annual supply of housing of about 165,000 units nationwide between 2007/2008 and 2013/2014 (World Bank,
xi) This shows the fact that the sector needs the involvement of the private real-estate businesses.
Challenges and opportunities of real estate business
A number of factors worsened/challenged the housing supply conditions in Ethiopia and Addis Ababa in particular,
such as:
i) Lack of access to affordable land and the widely practiced market-oriented land management system (Tesfaye,
ii) Lack of diversified housing delivery systems;
iii) Absence of a robust and affordable housing construction industry;
iv) Absence of diversified housing financing system;
v) Particularly among the urban poor, limited access to decent and affordable housing has driven fast growing
informal and squatter settlements in the city.
vi) The other challenge that faces real-estate business in Ethiopia is ineffective demand. Not all the demand and
willingness to have residential house among the public mean real market for the real estate sector.
vii) Similarly, shortage of foreign currency is one of the challenges of real-estate business in Ethiopia.
viii) On the other hand, the sector has a number of opportunities both for existing and new real-estate business.
Such as:
a) Urbanization of the country in general and Addis Ababa in particular as discussed earlier in the demand analysis
b) Failure of the government to deliver its 40/60 condominium projects on time, which is said to have targeted
customers in the middle income category in comparison to those in 20/80 and 10/90, a situation that is said to have
created an advantage for private developers, real-estate.
c) As per the Addis Ababa City Structured Plan (2017- 2027), the government has proposed the different
approaches/options to deliver housing. Accordingly, the market share of real-estate business in housing sector may
reach 15% (increase by 11%).
Ethiopia‟s fastest growing urban centers are challenged by an extraordinary level of demand for housing.
Beyond The Horizon
Market Analysis Summary
How can the country provide housing units in an efficient and
affordable fashion to accommodate growing demand from
businesses and individuals for diverse uses? The objective of this
study was to access the housing demand as well as the practicality
of establishing real-estate business in Ethiopia, particularly in and
around Addis Ababa. As presented in the World Bank Group 2019
report, government should introduce affordable housing
requirements and strengthen existing incentives for developer built
affordable housing. Moreover, both local developers and foreign
investors should be encouraged to participate in the market. Of
course, the advancement of real estate business has an affirmative
impact over the general economy of the country since it boosts the
need for different inputs such as labor and materials. Such spillover
effect of the sector has helped the country to scope a double digit
economic growth over the last five years (Access Capital, 2010).
Even if the real-estate business is a young sector, it has been
contributing a lot to the growth of the country‟s economy. However,
regardless of its contribution, there were no organized studies which
address the overall feasibility of the housing sector to the real-estate
developers in Ethiopia context. The finding shows that, while there
are no good statistics on new homes built or new residential building
permits issued each year, World-Bank (2019) report suggest that
demand for new urban housing – a function of new urban household
formation and the need to upgrade the existing housing stock – far
exceeds the current supply of housing. Moreover, as per the
projection of housing in Addis Ababa during 2017 to 2027, the
contribution of real-estate developers will reach 15% from its current
supply of less than 4% of housing in Addis Ababa. To conclude, a
close look at the government policy and existing mismatch between
supply-demand for housing in the country, reveals that the sector is
viable for businesses to engage in.
Beyond The Horizon
Chart: Demand and Supply (community housing)
Beyond The Horizon

Chart:Proposed Housing Delivery Options

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Demand Curve

The market demand curve shows the quantity of houses demanded at
each price. As the price of housing decreases, the quantity demanded
The vast majority of Ethiopians live in poorly built, dilapidated and cramped
houses which lack even the basic facilities, such as toilets. Only 30 percent
of the current housing stock in country is in a fair condition, with the
remaining 70 percent in need of total replacement.

Major challenges face for real estate development

The lack of proper policies, rules and regulations, requirement of high

capital, land acquisition problems, scarcity of construction materials, price
escalation of construction materials, foreign currency problem and
devaluation of local currency, lack of long term financing, trust loss of
buyers, political unrest and ...

Phenomenons That Cause a Shift in the Demand Curve

• Change in Taste and Preferences. ...

• Population Increase or Decrease. ...
• Price Change of a Related Good. ...
• Change in the Expected Future Prices. ...
• Change in the Income Level of Buyers.
Beyond The Horizon
Marketing Price
Construction costs for private developers is currently between
ETB25,000 and ETB35,000 per square meter, while the selling price of
avarage appartmentis between ETB45,000 and ETB70,000 per square
The average price of apartments for sale in Ethiopia is Br 11,500,000.
The most expensive apartment costs Br 27,800,000 while the cheapest
costs Br 88,100. There are 481 listings and 267 available apartments for
sale in Ethiopia.
It's because of inflation! In short, the money we hold in our hands is buying
less and less as the years progress. As illustrated above, inflation, in other
terms, the rise in the cost of purchasing goods and services, has been
increasing month on month for the last four years!
Beyond The Horizon
Relavant Study Documents ( from other Source)
Beyond The Horizon
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Beyond The Horizon
Beyond The Horizon
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Beyond The Horizon
Market Segmentation

The company will be concentrating on the all

community market segment. This means the
company will be focused on buying and selling
real estate to those seeking to invest in the city
area. This market segment has special needs and
is almost always looking to find homes in
specially constructed communities that serve
those special needs such as medical, dining,
entertainment, shopping, and other such facilities.
Being the dominant broker for the all and
retirement community of Ethiopia will allow the
company to fulfill those needs.

The market analysis table and graph which

follows shows the number of potential buyers
that move into the capital city area (Adddis
Ababa each year. We have also included a small
number of other clients that may wish to use our
services despite our strong market segment
Beyond The Horizon

Chart: Market Analysis (Pie)

Potential Buyer
Beyond The Horizon

Table: Market Analysis

Table: Market Analysis

Market Analysis
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 INf.
to city area 4% 24,000 25,920 27,994 30,234 32,653 8.00%

Other 0% 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00%

Total 4.71% 25,000 26,920 28,994 31,234 33,653 7.71%

Beyond The Horizon

Service Business Annalysis

INFINITY DEVELOPERS believes that the greatest
threat at the moment is in new entrants to the market
who will want to capitalize on this high growth
industry. The most likely entrants will be new, small
real estate companies with fewer than ten employees.
However, the one major advantage THE COMPANY
has is its exclusive rights to act as the agent for real
estate buyers and sellers Community. However, due to
the high number of competitors and the overall low
profitability of each firm, competition is quite intense.

The power of potential clients is very great in this

industry because most clients are very concentrated in
our geographical area. Furthermore, clients tend to
"shop around" for the best package of services and
Beyond The Horizon

Competition Real Estate Industry In Ethiopia

Ayat Real Estate

Ayat Real Rstate S.C is a share holder's company that

was created in 1997 and is one of the pioneering
Ethiopian companies in this sector.
They have managed to complete over 5,000 residential
units, making them one of the most experienced in this
Ayat Real Estate is indeed the largest construction
company focused only on residential homes in Ethiopia.
They had a bumpy beginning when they were first
building and selling the Ayat Real Estate villa houses in
the Ayat area, with rumors of low quality building
materials being spread.
Today, the Ayat villas which once sold for about 375,000
ETB are now being sold in excess of 20,000,000 ETB.
Furthermore, in order to pass on the savings to its clients,
Ayat Real Estate has bought and built factories for the
purpose of producing the building materials they need,
such as terrazzo tiles, concrete hollow blocks, marbles,
prefabricated slabs, septic tanks, metal doors/windows,
wooden doors/cabinets, and more.
At the moment, one of their largest projects is in the
Ayat area of Addis Ababa with numerous apartment
buildings being built and sold.
Their prices are also considered relatively fair.
Beyond The Horizon

Competition Real Estate Industry In Ethiopia

Tsehay Real Estate

Tsehay Real Estate Plc. became established in 2011 by China Geology

Corporation Overseas Construction Group Ltd. (CGCOC) and Red Fox
International Business.
These companies would then contract Qian Tang Construction Plc. to build
the complex, which began in 2013.
Tsehay Real Estate is the first Chinese real estate company in Ethiopia and
the Poli Lotus International Center was created with the purpose of
developing a new standard of living on a 30,000 sq.meter plot of land
located in an important part of the city.
The project includes high level office buildings, highly rated restaurants, a
shopping mall with cinema, luxurious apartments, sports and gym venues,
playgrounds, and underground parking.
Built at the cost of 3 billion ETB, the 13 buildings have 12 floors with only
two units per floor.
The complex has a property management company setup which handles
security, cleaning, gardening, maintenance, etc.
Technology allocated to the buildings include, intercom with video systems
in each apartment, perimeter security and protection through CCTV
cameras and uniformed guards at every entrance.
Water and electricity supply are setup within the compound, which means
there is 24 hour supply of both.
Each building has multiple types of units, ranging from 2 bedroom units of
140 square meters to 5 bedroom penthouses of 275 square meters. All 13
buildings will have 646 units, 300 of which are 2 bedroom, 1 master
bedroom, and 1 guest room of 144 square meters.
Each unit will have access to parking area for one car (additional cost for
more parking), and ground level units will have gardens, while those above
will have terraces.
Buyers will be required to make a down payment of 70% for the units they
want to purchase, with prices beginning at 1,100 USD per square meter;
the price will increase for units higher on the buildings.
Beyond The Horizon

Competition Real Estate Industry In Ethiopia

Noah Real Estate

Noah Real Estate Plc. was established in 2012 and it is the

sister company to Great Abyssinia Plc. which brought several
well received products to the Ethiopian market, such as,
Abyssinia Coffee, Prigat Juice, Tulip, Aby Soda, Abyssinia
Springs bottled water, products made with Nestle, etc.
Noah Real Estate is hoping to transfer the company's good
name towards the often unreliable real estate market in
The company has sites in fourteen different locations and has
delivered 3,600 apartments, houses, and commercial properties
to their clients so far.
Recently, Noah Real Estate built and finished 7 floored
residential complexes known as Noah East Gate Apartments.
The units have 2 and 3 bedrooms ranging from 86 square
meters to 172 square meters, and their prices range from
12,000,000 ETB to 14,000,000 ETB.
The Noah East Gate Apartments are located in an important
part of the city, called CMC and the apartments will have waste
management systems, water tanks, and generators.
Payment for the apartments are done in 4 installments, starting
with a down payment of 30% when the residence is 50%
complete and ending with the last 15% payment upon transfer
of title.
Noah Real Estate is also delivering about 454 homes around
the Summit, Ayat and Bole areas of Addis Ababa, all of which
are prize real estate areas..
Beyond The Horizon
Competition Real Estate Industry In Ethiopia
Metropolitan Real Estate

Metropolitan Real Estate is an American organization

that has business dealings in the US and Turkey. As
of 2008, they decided to enter into the Ethiopian real
estate market.
Metropolitan is mainly focused on the luxury living
market, with their apartments located in prime real
estate areas such as Sarbet and Bole.
Their first major residential project in Ethiopia was
Metropolitan Sarbet Gabriel Apartment designed
with a modern European luxury look.
This luxury apartment developer is currently selling
Bole Tower Apartments, Bole Midtown Apartments,
Metropolitan Westview Apartments, and the above
mentioned Metropolitan Sarbet Gabriel Apartments.
Metropolitan Real Estate luxury apartments come
with 24/7 uninterrupted electricity, security, large
water tanks, high end elevators, and large parking
Facilities include a fitness center, club house, and
common terrace.
Avarage price per meter square is 1,500USD
Beyond The Horizon

Competition Real Estate Industry In Ethiopia

Evergrand Real Estate

Evergrand Real Estate Plc. was established in

2013 as a researcher, building material
supplier, manufacturer, and developer.
They have helped build massive projects such
as the Tsehay Real Estate Project.
In 2014, Evergrand established their own real
estate development company and has already
completed their signature project called the Sky
They are currently working on several luxury
apartments located throughout the city in prime
locations, such as Kasanchis.
Considering their location, Evergrand Real
Estate's luxury apartments are also considered
affordable, with a base price of about 110,000
USD or about 2,970,000 USD.
Beyond The Horizon

Competition and Buying Patterns

Competition in real estate marketing

The real estate marketing industry is highly

fragmented, with a large number of potential rivals.
Our most serious competitors are New Bright real
estate marketing Company . New Bright is an
established company that has been in operation for
the past five years, with a fine track record of quality
service. It currently employees ten agents and has
long-term contracts with various home building
companies. This company is slightly larger than
INFINITY DEVELOPERS PLC in size and market


estate marketing company and an agent for one of
the largest real estate called ; NOHE REALESTATE.
their marketing agent firms in the country. It has
hundreds of agents and very deep pockets that can
be used to counter any sort of competitive move.
Beyond The Horizon

Buying Patterns
Clients usually deal with real
estate companies based on their
reputation of professionalism and
quality of services rendered in the
past. This reputation is difficult to
obtain by new firms unless its
personnel bring it with them from
previous companies, such as ours.
Price and scope are also
important reasons for acceptance,
especially if the company is small.
Beyond The Horizon

Strategy and Implementation

Strategy and Implementation Summary

Our firm's business strategy is to enter

into a limited geographical area where it
can leverage its staffs' existing reputation
into long-term contracts centered on
excellent service and cost effectiveness.
We believe that we can service this
limited market better than larger firms
and we have better service packages at a
more reasonable cost than existing
competitors of equal size.
Beyond The Horizon

Sales Strategy

INFINITY DEVELOPERS 's management will be

focusing on leveraging its extensive contacts
with the various real estate companies such as
Eijo real estate. to generate sales. Furthermore,
we will be offering promotions of various free
services such as initial appraisals and
information packets to generate sales once our
ad campaign starts.
Sales Forecast

Sales are based on the various clients we

anticipate acquiring. Revenues are based on an
average commission rate of 2% per sale based
on closing costs. The company does not have
any significant direct costs of sales.
Beyond The Horizon

Chart: Sales Monthly(ETB)



Potential buyer



Beyond The Horizon

Chart: Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


Potential Buyers 5,929,200 8,100,00 9,990,000

Others 432,000 540,000 540,000

Total Sales 6,361,200 8,640,000 14,530,000

Direct Cost of Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

0% 0% 0%
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Strategy


utilizing radio, digital
advertising,social media
,newspaper, and phone directory
advertising, and a small business
referral group to generate sales
and establish a presence in the
city area and beyond. In addition,
the real estate company will be
doing their own advertising, and
all interested clients.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Strategy and Essencial Tips

INFINITY DEVELOPERS will be planning by

analysis ,marketing servey and impliment
with our management team every month .
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

How we identified target customers for real estate business

There are different ways to identify target customers for a real estate business, but
some common strategies include:

1. Conducting market research: This involves gathering data about your local real estate
market, such as demographics, trends, and buying behaviors. This can help you
determine who your potential customers might be, what they want in a property, and
how they prefer to search for homes.

2. Analyzing your existing customer base: Look at your past clients to see if there are any
patterns or similarities among them. This can help you identify the characteristics and
preferences of your ideal customer.

3. Creating buyer personas: Creating detailed profiles of your target customers can help
you better understand their needs, motivations, and pain points. This, in turn, can help
you create more targeted marketing campaigns and better cater to their needs.

4. Networking: Attend local events and conferences related to real estate to meet
potential customers and form connections with other industry professionals.

5. Online marketing: Use social media, online ads,

How customers find their for Realstate business agents, renters sellers and other?

There are various ways customers can find Real Estate Agents, renters, sellers, and
other related services, such as:

1. Referrals from family and friends

2. Online search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo
3. Real estate websites and portals like Zillow and
4. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
5. Real estate marketing materials such as flyers, brochures, and signage
6. Local newspapers and classifieds
7. Open houses and networking events
8. Advertising on Google Adwords or social media platforms

These are just a few of the many ways customers can find their desired real estate
agents or services.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

how we identify a real estate business target
buyers and target sellers clients?
There are several ways to identify target buyers and sellers for a
real estate business. Here are some suggestions:

1. Conduct market research: Analyze the demographics, income

levels, and property preferences of potential buyers and sellers in
your target market.

2. Use social media and online marketing: Utilize social media

platforms to reach potential clients and run targeted online ads to
attract buyers and sellers.

3. Attend networking events: Attend local events and meetups to

connect with potential buyers and sellers and build relationships.

4. Partner with real estate professionals: Collaborate with real

estate agents, mortgage brokers, and other professionals to reach a
wider pool of potential clients.

5. Offer incentives: Offer incentives and promotions to attract

potential buyers and sellers to work with your real estate business.

By implementing these strategies, you can increase your chances of

finding and connecting with your target buyers and sellers in the
real estate industry.
Beyond The Horizon
Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Short term smart goal for real

estate marketing team
1.Increase website traffic by 25% within the
next 3 months by implementing a targeted
online advertising campaign and consistently
publishing high-quality blog content.
2.Generate at least 20 new leads per week for
the next 2 months by creating and promoting a
free guide on how to buy/sell a home in the
local area, and using targeted Facebook and
Instagram ads to reach potential clients.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Real estate business long term smart goals for real
estate business?

Here are some potential long-term SMART goals for

a real estate business:

1. Specific: By the end of the year, increase annual

sales revenue by 20%.
2. Measurable: Set quarterly revenue targets and
track progress regularly.
3. Achievable: Expand the business by establishing
three new branches in different neighborhoods by
4. Realistic: Develop a new marketing campaign to
increase brand awareness and generate more leads.
5. Timely: Within the next three years, implement a
customer relationship management system to
improve customer satisfaction and retention.
Remember, SMART goals should be specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely to
ensure that they are attainable and effective.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Realestate business niche

A "real estate business niche" refers to a specific segment or area within the larger field of real
estate. It could refer to a specific type of property (such as luxury homes or commercial real
estate), a specific neighborhood or geographic area, or a specialized area of expertise (such as
property management or real estate investing). By focusing on a niche within the broader real
estate market, businesses can better target their marketing efforts and provide more specialized
services to clients.
Self and competitors evaluation ,what can we offer that others can't?

Here are some general tips to consider when evaluating your unique offerings:

1. Identify your unique selling proposition (USP): What sets your products or services apart from
your competitors? Do you offer something that your competitors don't or can't? Determine what
makes your business stand out and highlight that in your marketing efforts.
2. Focus on customer needs: Determine what your customers need or want and make sure that
your offerings fulfill those needs. When you can provide solutions to your customers' problems
or make their lives easier, your business becomes a valuable resource.
3. Highlight your team's expertise: If you have a team of experts, highlight their knowledge and
experience. Your team's unique skills and perspectives can create value for prospects and
differentiate your business from competitors.
4. Emphasize your company culture: Highlight the unique approach and values of your company.

How does our unique approch or personality create value for prospects? for real estate
Unique approach or personality can create value for prospects in a few ways:

1. Building trust: Your personality can help you build a sincere rapport with prospects, and they
are more likely to trust you when they feel comfortable with you. This can be especially
important in the real estate industry, where clients are entrusting you to help them with a
significant investment.
2. Offering a different perspective: Your unique approach may be able to offer prospects a
different perspective on the real estate market or their investment goals. This can help them
consider options they may not have thought of before and make more informed decisions.
3. Providing personalized service: Your unique approach can provide a more personalized
experience for prospects, tailoring to their individual needs and preferences. This can help build
customer loyalty and increase referrals from satisfied clients.
4. Brand recognaton: Our personality can help create a memorable brand for our rea estate
business,increasing recognition and awareness amogest prospects
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

What are the latest pricing ,seeling and buying trends in global real estate

We have to have access to real-time data. Real estate markets require

constant monitoring and analysis, and the latest pricing, selling, and buying
trends can vary greatly depending on the location and current economic
conditions. It's best to us by seraying the real time date so offten in the
industry or gather any information and up-dated data from consultant for
the latest trends and insights.

What are unique selling proposition for real estate business?

Some unique selling propositions for a real estate business may include:

1. Advanced marketing techniques: Utilizing innovative marketing strategies

such as virtual reality tours, targeted social media ads, and personalized
video tours can set a real estate business apart from competitors.

2. Specialized services: Offering specialty services such as commercial real

estate, luxury homes, or investment properties can make a real estate
business stand out.

3. Exceptional customer service: Providing outstanding customer service,

including fast response times, ongoing communication, and personal
attention, can build trust and loyalty with clients.

4. Knowledge and expertise: Demonstrating expertise and deep knowledge

about the real estate industry, specific neighborhoods, and local market
trends can be a unique selling proposition, particularly if a business has a
long-standing reputation.

5. Competitive commissions: Offering competitive commission rates,

discounts, or unique pricing structures can attract clients and set a real
estate business apart from others in the industry.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Current situation in real estate actual performance and

We need real-time data and information about the

current situation in real estate. Obviously, as we know
the migirration and settling in the city there is a high
demand looking for shelter and the real estate sector in
Ethiopia currntly growth but still there is a big gap to
address the demand .We can get some online resources
where we can find relevant information regarding real
estate market trends, actual performance, and targets.
These resources include online publications, news, and
research organizations such as the National Association
of Realtors, Zillow, Redfin, and Realtor Magazine. These
sources provide regular updates on real estate market
trends and insights into the current performance of the

Current situation in real estate effect of current

marketing plan

In general, the success of a marketing plan in the real

estate industry depends on various factors such as the
target audience, competition, location, pricing strategy,
and the type of property being advertised.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

A well-designed marketing plan can help real estate companies increase their brand visibility, generate leads, and
attract potential buyers or sellers. It is important to regularly analyze and adapt the marketing strategy based on
market trends and consumer behavior.

Evaluating competitors competative analysis for real estate business to do offten

Competitive analysis for our real estate business. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Identify our competitors: Make a list of our competitors in the real estate market who offer similar services or
products as we.

2. Analyze their strengths: Find out what makes our competitors stand out in the market. Look for things like unique
selling propositions, market share, customer loyalty, technology, and resources.

3. Analyze their weaknesses: Identify areas where our competitors are struggling or where they fall short in the
market. This could be anything from poor service to high prices to low quality products.

4. Analyze their opportunities: Look for growth opportunities that our competitors are taking advantage of, such as
emerging markets or new customer segments.

5. Analyze their threats: Identify potential threats that could pose a risk to our competitor's business, such as changes
in the market, new competitors, or disruptive technology.

6. Compare our analysis to our own business:

7.Evaluating competitors competative plan to capitalize on competitors weakness for real estate business.

Marketing plan for real estate business?

Create a marketing plan for a real estate business:

1. Define our target audience: Determine the type of clients we want to attract, such as first-time homebuyers,
investors, or luxury clients.

2. Set marketing goals: Decide what we want to achieve, such as increase website traffic, generate leads, or increase

3. Choose marketing channels: Select the channels we will use to reach our target audience, such as social media,
email marketing, paid advertising, or direct mail.

4. Create content: Develop compelling and relevant content to attract and engage our target audience. This could
include property listings, blog posts, videos, or infographics.

5. Develop a budget: Allocate our marketing spend across our chosen marketing channels and tactics.

6. Measure and analyze results: Track the ROI of our marketing efforts and adjust our strategy accordingly to
optimize results.

Remember to always focus on providing value to our target audience, building relationships, and establishing our
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Marketing plan for real estate business marketing materials

Create a marketing plan for real estate business marketing


1. Define our target audience: Who are our ideal clients? Where do
they live? What are their interests?

2. Analyze our competitors: Look at our competitors' marketing

materials and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

3. Create a unique selling proposition: What sets we apart from our

competitors? Focus on our unique strengths and qualities.

4. Develop a brand identity: Create a consistent look and feel for

our marketing materials, including our logo, fonts, colors, and

5. Choose our marketing channels: Determine which platforms and

channels will be most effective for reaching our target audience,
such as social media, email, direct mail, or local advertising.

6. Develop our content: Create compelling content that showcases

our properties and services, including photos, videos, virtual tours,
and property descriptions.

7. Set our budget: Determine our marketing budget and allocate

resources to the most effective channels.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Marketing outreach tactics

Here are some outreach tactics we can use in our marketing plan for a real estate business:

1. Utilize social media: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and
LinkedIn are great for promoting our real estate business. We can share photos and videos of
properties, post updates on new listings, and engage with potential clients.

2. Host open houses: Hosting an open house is a great way to showcase our properties to
potential buyers. We can advertise the open house on our website, social media pages, and
local newspapers.

3. Attend networking events: Attending local networking events can help us connect with other
professionals in the industry, such as builders, contractors and mortgage brokers. This can lead
to referrals and new business opportunities.

4. Send out newsletters: Send out regular newsletters to our clients and prospects, featuring
market updates, industry news, and new properties.

5. Sponsor local events: Sponsoring local events is a great way to get our brand out there and

Marketing plan for real estate business strategics checklist?

A checklist for creating a marketing plan for a real estate business:

1. Define our target market - Determine who our ideal clients are and what they want.
2. Set marketing goals - Determine what we want to achieve with our marketing efforts.
3. Develop a unique value proposition - Create a message that sets us apart from our
4. Choose marketing channels - Decide which platforms and channels we will use to reach our
target audience.
5. Create a content strategy - Plan out the type of content we will create and how often we will
produce it.
6. Develop a lead generation strategy - Determine how we will capture leads from our
marketing efforts.
7. Set a budget - Determine how much we are willing to spend on marketing.
8. Create a timeline - Develop a timeline for executing our marketing plan.
9. Measure and analyze results - Track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts and adjust
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Marketing plan for real estate business marketing calandar

Here is an example marketing plan for a real estate business:

- Create social media posts highlighting the benefits of buying or selling a
home in the winter.
- Develop a newsletter that includes market updates and tips for preparing
a home for sale during the winter months.

- Run a Valentine’s Day-themed social media campaign showcasing homes
perfect for couples or families.
- Attend local events and distribute marketing materials to network and
generate leads.

- Plan an open house week featuring a variety of properties.
- Host a social media contest to engage with potential clients.

- Develop a spring cleaning checklist to send out to clients on your email
- Schedule a networking event with other local businesses to generate

- Coordinate with local schools to distribute flyers to parents who may be
looking to move before the next school year.
- Sponsor a local community event and have a booth to showcase our

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Marketing plan for real estate business digital engagement

To create a marketing plan for a real estate business's digital

engagement budget, we may want to follow these steps:

1. Define our target audience: Identify the demographics,

psychographics, and geographic locations of our ideal clients.

2. Define our digital marketing goals: What do we want to

achieve through our digital marketing efforts? Is it to increase
leads, improve brand awareness, or increase sales?

3. Choose digital marketing channels: Depending on our

target audience, choose the right digital marketing channels
like social media, email marketing, search engine optimization
(SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC) campaigns, and video
4. Allocate a budget: Based on our business goals, allocate
a budget for each marketing channel. Conduct research to
determine the estimated cost of running each channel.

5. Develop our marketing plan: Explore creative ways to

execute our marketing plan. This may include creating
engaging content, using effective keywords or hashtags,
and leveraging influencer marketing, etc.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Marketing plan for real estate business lead conversion

Here is a general outline for a marketing plan to improve

lead conversion rates for a real estate business:

1. Define our target audience: Start by identifying our ideal

client profile. Who are our top clients? What is their age
range, income level, and buying behavior? What are their
preferences when it comes to house size and location?
Understanding our target audience will help us tailor our
marketing efforts towards them.

2. Develop a content strategy: Our content strategy should

focus on educating and helping potential clients make
informed decisions. This could include blog posts, video
content, social media, and email newsletters. Share
content that highlights our expertise and unique selling

3. Create a lead magnet: Offer potential clients something

of value that will help them in their home-buying process.
This could be a free home evaluation, a home buying guide
or checko
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Realstate business team efficiency
Some insights on how to improve the efficiency of a real
estate business team. Firstly, it's important to establish
clear communication channels between team members
and to ensure that everyone is working towards the same
goals. This can involve setting up regular team meetings,
using project management software to track progress,
and encouraging open feedback among team members.
In addition, it's essential to stay on top of industry trends
and best practices. This may involve attending
conferences, reading relevant literature, and networking
with other professionals in the field. By keeping
up-to-date with the latest developments, we can ensure
that our team is well-positioned to succeed in a
competitive real estate market.
Finally, it's important to invest in the right tools and
technology to support our team's work. This can include
everything from CRM software to digital marketing tools
and virtual reality platforms. By leveraging the latest
technologies, we can streamline our team's workflows
and help them achieve better results in less time.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Effect of new Realstate marketing strategy
Implementing new real estate marketing strategies
can have a significant impact on the success of your
business. By embracing digital technologies and
social media platforms, we can reach potential clients
in more targeted and personalized ways.

For example, using virtual tours and 3D modeling

tools can help clients get a better sense of properties
without having to physically visit them. This not only
saves time but also improves the overall experience
for our clients. Similarly, utilizing social media
channels and targeted advertising can help us expand
our reach and target specific demographics or

Overall, implementing new real estate marketing

strategies can help us stand out in a crowded market
and attract more leads. By leveraging the latest
technologies and incorporating personalized
approaches, we can build stronger relationships with
clients and ultimately drive more business to our real
estate team.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Realstate marketing dashboard

A real estate marketing dashboard is a tool that helps real estate
professionals analyze and track their marketing efforts. It allows them to
monitor key metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, social media
engagement, and email campaigns. The dashboard provides a visual
representation of data, making it easy for real estate agents to understand
and make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

Some of the features that a real estate marketing dashboard may include

1. Website Analytics: This feature provides information on the number of

visitors to the website, bounce rates, page views, and other key metrics.

2. Lead Generation: This feature tracks the number of leads generated from
various marketing channels such as social media, email campaigns, and
landing pages.

3. Social Media Metrics: This feature monitors social media engagement,

including likes, comments, shares, and follows.

4. Email Campaigns: This feature tracks the success of email marketing

campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

5. ROI Analysis: This feature provides a breakdown of the return on

investment for each marketing channel, allowing agents to allocate
resources more effectively.

A real estate marketing dashboard can be customized to meet the specific

needs of each agent or brokerage, providing valuable insights into the
effectiveness of their marketing strategies.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Real estate sales performance dashboard
A real estate sales performance dashboard is a tool used to track and analyze
the performance of real estate sales agents or teams. It provides a visual
representation of key metrics such as sales volume, sales conversion rate,
average sale price, and lead sources. The dashboard helps real estate brokers
and managers to make data-driven decisions and identify areas where they
can improve sales performance.

Some of the features that a real estate sales performance dashboard may
include are:

1. Sales Volume: This feature tracks the total value of sales over a specific
period of time, helping managers to measure the overall performance of their

2. Sales Conversion Rate: This feature monitors the percentage of leads that
are converted into sales, providing insight into the effectiveness of the sales

3. Average Sale Price: This feature provides an average sale price of

properties sold by the team, helping to identify trends in the market and
adjust pricing strategies.

4. Lead Sources: This feature tracks where leads are coming from, allowing
managers to focus on the most effective lead generation channels.

5. ROI Analysis: This feature provides a breakdown of the return on

investment for each marketing channel used to generate leads, helping
managers to allocate resources more effectively.

A real estate sales performance dashboard can be customized to meet the

specific needs of each brokerage or team
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Realstate yearly sales forecasts

A real estate yearly sales forecast is a projection of the expected
sales revenue for a real estate brokerage or agent over the course of
a year. This forecast is typically based on a variety of factors,
including market trends, historical sales data, and economic

To create a real estate yearly sales forecast, brokers and agents

typically follow these steps:

1. Analyze Historical Sales Data: The first step is to analyze historical

sales data to identify patterns and trends. This includes looking at
the number of sales, average sale price, and other metrics to identify
any seasonality or other trends that may impact sales.

2. Analyze Market Trends: The next step is to analyze market trends,

including supply and demand, interest rates, and economic
indicators. This helps to identify any changes in the market that may
impact sales.

3. Set Sales Goals: Based on the historical sales data and market
trends, brokers and agents can set sales goals for the upcoming
year. This includes setting a revenue target as well as specific
targets for the number of sales and average sale price.

4. Develop a Sales Strategy: Once sales goals have been set, brokers
and agents can develop a sales strategy to achieve those goals. This
may include identifying target markets, developing marketing
campaigns, and focusing on specific types of properties
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Realstate customers service KPI’s

Real estate customer service KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are
metrics used to measure the effectiveness of a real estate agent or
brokerage's customer service efforts. Some of the most common
KPIs used in real estate customer service include:

1. Response Time: This metric measures the time it takes an agent

or brokerage to respond to a customer inquiry or request. A shorter
response time is generally considered better, as it shows that the
agent is attentive and responsive to the needs of their customers.

2. Customer Satisfaction: This metric measures the level of

satisfaction that customers have with the service they received from
an agent or brokerage. This can be measured through surveys or
other feedback mechanisms, and a higher score indicates that
customers are more likely to refer others to the agent or brokerage.

3. Net Promoter Score (NPS): This metric measures the likelihood

that a customer will recommend an agent or brokerage to others.
Customers are asked to rate their likelihood to recommend the
agent or brokerage on a scale of 0 to 10, with those who rate 9 or
10 considered promoters and those who rate 6 or below considered

4. Closing Ratio: This metric measures the percentage of leads that

convert to sales. A higher closing ratio indicates that the agent or
brokerage is
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Realstate business marketing time line
A real estate business marketing timeline typically includes a series
of marketing activities that are designed to generate leads and
increase sales over a specific period of time. The timeline can vary
depending on the type of campaign and the goals of the business, but
it generally follows a similar pattern:

1. Research and Planning: This stage involves researching the market

and identifying potential target audiences. It also includes developing
a marketing plan that outlines the goals, objectives, and strategies for
the campaign.
2. Pre-Launch: This stage involves preparing for the launch of the
campaign by creating marketing materials like brochures, flyers, and
social media graphics. It may also involve setting up landing pages or
email campaigns to capture leads.
3. Launch: This is the official start of the campaign, where all
marketing materials are released to the public. This may include
advertising, social media posts, email campaigns, and other
promotional activities.
4. Ongoing Promotion: Throughout the campaign, ongoing promotion
is necessary to keep the momentum going. This may include regular
social media posts, email newsletters, and other forms of
communication with potential clients.
5. Evaluation: After the campaign is complete, it's important to
evaluate its success. This involves analyzing metrics like lead
generation, engagement, and sales to determine what worked well
and what
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

Marketing plan for real estate business digital
engagement budget
To create a marketing plan for a real estate business's
digital engagement budget, we may want to follow
these steps:

1. Define our target audience: Identify the

demographics, psychographics, and geographic
locations of our ideal clients.

2. Define our digital marketing goals: What do we

want to achieve through our digital marketing efforts?
Is it to increase leads, improve brand awareness, or
increase sales?

3. Choose digital marketing channels: Depending on

our target audience, choose the right digital marketing
channels like social media, email marketing, search
engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising
(PPC) campaigns, and video marketing.
Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Stratagy Essential Tips

SWOT Analysis

Here is a SWOT analysis for a real estate business:


1. Proven track record of successful transactions

2. Strong knowledge of local real estate markets
3. Established network of industry contacts
4. Experienced sales team
5. Good reputation in the community


1. Dependence on local economy

2. Vulnerability to fluctuations in interest rates and housing market trends
3. Limited access to capital for expansion
4. Limited diversification of services
5. Potential legal issues related to real estate transactions


1. Expansion into new geographic markets

2. Offering new or diversified real estate services such as property
management or vacation rentals
3. Building a strong online presence to attract new clients
4. Partnering with other businesses to capture more market share
5. Capitalizing on emerging real estate trends such as sustainability and smart
home technology


1. Economic recessions and downturns

2. Competition
Beyond The Horizon

Exist Strategy
An exit strategy is an important part of any real estate business
plan, as it outlines the plan for how the business owner will
eventually exit or sell the business. Here are some common exit
strategies for our real estate businesses:

1. Selling the Business: This is a common exit strategy for real

estate businesses. The company can sell the entire business to
another individual or company.

2. Merging with Another Company: Another option is to merge

the real estate business with another company, creating a larger

3. Passing the Business on to our Family Members: The

company owners may choose to pass the business on to family
members, such as children or grandchildren.

4. Going Public: If the business is successful enough, the

company may choose to take it public and sell shares on the
stock market.

5. Liquidating the Business: If the business is struggling or not

profitable, the company may choose to liquidate the assets and
dissolve the business.

It's important to have a clear exit strategy in place when we

starting a real estate business, as it helps to ensure that the
business owner can eventually exit the business on their own
terms and receive a fair value for their investment.
Beyond The Horizon
Management/Operation Summary
The company has assembled an experienced
management team.

The company will have 15 full-time and part-time

Employees, and five management team
1.Mr. Fuad Mustefa (Board of Director)
2.Mr. Biruk Gizachew (General Manager)
3.Mr.Eyob Alemayehu (D/General Manager)
4.Mr.Amir Abdulwahab (Marketing Manager)
5.Mr.Abdu Mohamed (Logestic Head)
The company's office will be in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.
Beyond The Horizon
Meet our Management Team
Beyond The Horizon
Meet our Management Team
Beyond The Horizon
Meet our Management Team
Beyond The Horizon
Meet our Management Team
Beyond The Horizon
Meet our Management Team
Beyond The Horizon

Personnel Payrool
Table: Personnel Payroll(ETB)

Personnel Plan

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Mr. Biruk Gizachew 202,000 225,000 300,000

Mr Eyob Alemayehu 202,000 225,000 300,000
Mr. Amir Abduwhab 202,000 225,000 300,000
Mr. Abdu mohammed 202,000 225,000 300,000

Full-time and
part-time wokers 1,674,000 1,746,000 1,932,000

Total People 15 15 15

Total Payroll 2,484,000 2,646,000 3,132,0000

Beyond The Horizon

Financial Plan
Financial Plan (for marketing activities)

Since the firm has concluded our contract

with Eijo Real Estate and others
developers , it is management's opinion
that initial profitability will be fairly high
for a start-up company. Our financial plan
anticipates that we will achieve positive
net income by the end of the first year. We
have budgeted enough investment to
cover any potential losses and have an
additional personal financial resources
available for equity investment if sales do
not match predictions.
Beyond The Horizon

Important Assumptions
We are assuming approximately gain 2% from
sales on real estate marketing and average interest
rates and other taxes specified below. These are
considered to be conservative in case our
predictions are erroneous.
Beyond The Horizon

Projected Cash Flow

The following is our cash flow table and chart.
We do not expect to have any short-term cash
flow problems. Our short-term loan will be
repaid in two equal payments in 2024-2025. Our
long-term loan will be paid off in less than ten







Beyond The Horizon

Table: Cash Flow

Pro Forma Cash Flow

Year 1 Year2 Year 3

Cash Received

Cash from Operations

Cash Sales 5,407,020 7,344,000 8,950,000
Cash from Receivables 804,546 1,242,378 1,535,058
Subtotal Cash from
Operations 6,211,566 8,586,378 10,485,558

Additional Cash Received

Sales Tax, VAT, InTAX
Received 0 0 0
New Current Borrowing 0 108,000 108,000
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) 0 108,000 108,000
New Long-term Liabilities 0 0 0
Sales of Other Current Assets 0 0 0
Sales of Long-term Assets 0 0 0
New Investment Received 162,000 0 0
Subtotal Cash Received 6,373,566 8,802,378 10,701,558

Expenditures Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Expenditures from Operations

Cash Spending 2,511,000 2,646,000 3,132,000
Bill Payments 3,257,172 3,971,106 4,715,280
Subtotal Spent on Operations 5,768,172 6,617,106 7,847,280

Additional Cash Spent

Sales Tax, VAT, InTAX Paid Out 0 0 0

Principal Repayment of
Current Borrowing 0 432,000 378,000
Other Liabilities Principal
Repayment 0 0 0
Long-term Liabilities Principal
Repayment 194,400 270,000 378,000
Purchase Other Current Assets 270,000 0 0
Purchase Long-term Assets 405,000 270,000 270,000
Dividends 54,000 108,000 324,000
Subtotal Cash Spent 6,691,572 7,697,106 9,197,280

Net Cash Flow (318,006) 1,105,272 1,504,278

Cash Balance 2,084,994 3,190,320 4,694,598

Beyond The Horizon

Break-even Analysis
Our break-even analysis is based on the assumption that our gross
margin is 100%. In other words, we will have insignificant direct cost of
sales. It is conservatively believed that during the first three years,
average profitability per month per unit will be about an average 10%
rate. Management expects that about two home sold per month will
guarantee a break-even point.
Chart: Break-even Analysis





0 108,000 216,000 324,000 442,629 540,000
54,000 162,000 270,000 378,000 486,000 594,000

Table:Break-even Analysis
Break-even Analysis (ETB)

Monthly Revenue Break-even 442,692

Average Percent Variable Cost 0%

Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost 442,692

Beyond The Horizon

Projected Profit and Loss

The following table itemizes our revenues and associated costs. We expect to be paying higher
costs in marketing and advertising than other companies as we attempt to build sales volume.

Table: Profit and Loss

Pro Forma Profit and Loss (ETB)
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3

Sales 6,361,200 8,640,000 10,530,000

Direct Cost of Sales 0 0 0

Other Costs of Sales 0 0 0
Total Cost of Sales 0 0 0

Gross Margin 6,361,200 8,640,000 10,530,000

Gross Margin % 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Payroll 2,511,000 2,646,000 3,132,000
Sales and Marketing
and Other
Expenses 324,000 324,000 432,000
Depreciation 0 135,000 135,000
Rent 972,000 972,000 1,080,000
Utilities 183,600 194,400 216,000
Insurance 59,400 108,000 108,000
Payroll Taxes 376,650 396,900 469,800
Travel 108,000 162,000 270,000
Other 777,600 864,000 918,000

Total Operating Expenses 5,312,250 5,802,300 6,760,800

Profit Before Interest

and Taxes 1,048,950 2,837,700 3,769,200
EBITDA 1,048,950 2,972,700 3,904,200

Interest Expense 313,470 274,860 212,760

Taxes Incurred 220,644 768,852 1,066,932

Net Profit 514,836 793,988 2,489,508

Net Profit/Sales 8.09% 20.76% 23.64%

Beyond The Horizon
Chart: Profit Monthly






Chart: Profit Yearly








Beyond The Horizon
Chart: Gross Margin Monthly


Chart: Gross Margin Yearly


Beyond The Horizon

Project Balance Sheet

The following is the snapshot of our assets, liabilities, and equity.
Table: Balance Sheet
Pro Forma Balance Sheet
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


Current Assets
Cash 2,084,994 3,190,320 4,694,598
Accounts Receivable 149,634 203,256 247,698
Other Current Assets 459,000 459,000 459,000
Total Current Assets 2,693,628 3,852,522 5,401,296

Long-term Assets
Long-term Assets 675,000 945,000 1,215,000
Accumulated Depreciation 0 135,000 270,000
Total Long-term Assets 675,000 810,000 945,000
Total Assets 3,368,628 4,662,522 6,346,296

Liabilities and Capital Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 240,192 334,098 392,364
Current Borrowing 810,000 486,000 216,000
Other Current Liabilities 0 108,000 216,000
Subtotal Current Liabilities 1,050,192 928,098 824,364

Long-term Liabilities 2,235,600 1,965,600 1,587,600

Total Liabilities 3,285,792 2,893,698 2,411,964

Paid-in Capital 1,242,000 1,242,000 1,242,000

Retained Earnings (1,674,000) (1,267,164) 202,824
Earnings 514,836 1,793,988 2,489,508
Total Capital 82,836 1,768,824 3,934,332
Total Liabilities and Capital 3,368,628 4,662,522 6,346,296
Net Worth 82,836 1,768,824 3,934,332
Beyond The Horizon

Business Ratio Summary

Our current Taxpayer Identification Number
(TIN) 0083784462 ---Real estate agent,
residential and commercial. We have included
industry standard ratios from the residential real
estate agent sectors to compare with ours.
These ratios are as closely matched to our
activities as management could find, however
there are some significant differences, especially
in sales growth, financing ratios, long-term asset
investments and net worth. Most of these
differences are because INFINITY DEVELOPERS
has a strong amount of personal equity to back
up the company, which leads to lower debt
leverage. Also we expect higher sales growth
percentages in our initial years as we ramp up
our sales. However, our projections indicate a
healthy company that will be able to obtain and
retain long-term profitability.
Beyond The Horizon

Table 1: Ratio
Ratio Analysis
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Industry

Sales Growth n.a. 35.82% 21.88% 5.63%

Percent of Total Assets
Accounts Receivable 4.44% 4.36% 3.90% 7.77%
Other Current Assets 13.63% 9.84% 7.23% 56.54%
Total Current Assets 79.96% 82.63% 85.11% 65.03%
Long-term Assets 20.04% 17.37% 14.89% 34.97%
Total Assets 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Current Liabilities 31.18% 19.91% 12.99% 14.92%

Long-term Liabilities 66.37% 42.16% 25.02% 26.55%
Total Liabilities 97.54% 62.06% 38.01% 41.47%
Net Worth 2.46% 37.94% 61.99% 58.53%

Percent of Sales
Sales 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Gross Margin 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Selling, General
& Administrative
Expenses 91.91% 79.24% 76.36% 61.47%
Advertising Expenses 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.83%
Profit Before Interest
and Taxes 16.49% 32.84% 35.79% 9.09%

Main Ratios
Current 2.56 4.15 6.55 1.93
Quick 2.56 4.15 6.55 1.10
Total Debit to
Total Assets 97.54% 62.06% 38.01% 4.56%
Pre-tax Return on
Net Worth 887.87% 144.89% 90.40% 55.36%
Pre-tax Return on
Assets 21.83% 54.97% 56.04% 10.22%
Beyond The Horizon

Table 2: Ratio
Ratio Analysis
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Industry
Additional Ratios

Net profit Margin 8.09% 20.76% 23.64% n.a

Return on Equity 621.51% 101.42% 63.28% n.a
Activity Ratios
Account Receivable
Turnover 6.38 6.38 6.38 n.a
Collection Days 60 60 60 n.a
Accounts Payable
Turnover 13.89 12.17 12.17 n.a
Payment Days 30 30 30 n.a
Total Asset Turnover 1.89 1.85 1.66 n.a

Debit Ratios
Debit to Net Worth 39.67 1.64 0.61 n.a
Current Liab. 0.32 0.32 0.34 n.a

Liquidity Ratios
Net Working Capital 1,643,436 2,942,424 4,576,932 n.a
Interest Coverage 3.35 10.32 17.72 n.a

Additional Ratios
Assets to Sales 0.53 0.54 0.60 n.a
Current Debt/Total Assets 31% 20% 13% n.a
Acid Test 2.42 3.93 6.25 n.a
Sales /Net Worth 76.79 4.88 2.68 n.a

Dividend Payout 0.10 0.06 0.13 n.a

Beyond The Horizon

Table : Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Buyers 0% 270,000 540,000 270,000 648,000 378,000 648,000 270,000 810,000 648,000 540,000 421,200 486,000

Others 0 0 0 0 0 162,000 162,000 0 162,000 0 108,000 0

Total Sales 270,000 540,000 270,000 648,000 378,000 648,000 432,000 810,000 810,000 540,000 529,200 486,000

Cost of
Both Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Direct Cost
of Sales 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Beyond The Horizon
The appendix has The Tareget Marketing
Process,SWOT analysis, legal ,resumes of key
personnel, such as the management team
,maketing materials and Other Supporting
Beyond The Horizon
Target Marketing Process
Inbound marketing draws prospective customers to our product by providing
useful and quality content that entices them to find out more. The inbound
approach includes content marketing, social strategies, and search engine
optimization, all tactics that bring our target audience to us. It’s different than
outbound marketing, a traditional approach in which We advertise our product or
service, typically through television and radio, print ads, and direct mail.
Beyond The Horizon
SWOT Analysis
The real estate marketing business is a rewarding sector, but it does not mean
that there are no challenges in this industry. Starting real estate marketing in
Ethiopia comes with its own challenges ,we would have to accept the law and
also compete with loads of other entrepreneurs who has also are interested in
making a living and establishing business in Ethiopia.
We are planning by maximizing our strengths and exploring all opportunities,
properly managing our weaknesses,and confronting our threats.Here is a
summary of the result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of

Some of the areas of strength which will be bringing in the real estate
industry are our strong relationship with our management team and real
estate property developers .It is relevant to say that we have a team of
experts who have ample experience in this sector. Our ablity of marketing
activities in the real estate industry attrat an oppurtunity to create a
business partners with Eijo real estate and MATIF real estate .
Competing with others real estate marketing agencies that have been in
the industry for many years to large extent is one of our weaknesses.
The opportunities in the real estate marketing industry we can say it is
untouched sector and we are ready to take advantage of any opportunity
that comes our way
Some of the threats that we are likely going to face as property real
estate marketing are unfavorable government policies and global
economic downturn.There is hardly anything we could possibly do as
regards these threats,other than to be cheerful that things will continue to
work for our good.
Beyond The Horizon

Beyond The Horizon

Legal Documents
Beyond The Horizon

Legal Documents
Beyond The Horizon

Advertisements Materials(Billboards)
Beyond The Horizon

Advertisements Materials(Billboards)
Beyond The Horizon

Advertisements Materials( Brochures )

Beyond The Horizon

Promotions Materials ( Flyers )

Beyond The Horizon

Advertisements Materials(Brochures)
Beyond The Horizon

Advertisements Materials(Brochures)
Beyond The Horizon

Advetisements Materials (Promotion)

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Materials (website)

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Materials (website)

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Materials (website)

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Materials (website)

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Materials (website)

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Materials (website)

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Materials (website)

Beyond The Horizon

Marketing Materials (website)

Beyond The Horizon


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