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AI for CX: Don’t Get Left Behind Creating Your Roadmap for
Generative AI in CX >>
Establishing the Roadmap for AI in
More than half of enterprises say that AI is already helping them better understand customer needs, the Contact Center >>
increase customer retention and satisfaction, and increase revenue and operational efficiencies. And
we’re still near the beginning of the adoption curve. Generative AI promises more potential use cases How Contact Centers are Using AI >>
that deliver these benefits. Enterprise Chatbot Market to
Triple by 2026 >>
Harnessing Generative AI for the
So, to keep a competitive edge in the critical area of customer experience (CX), enterprises must keep Contact Center >>
up with AI-enabled technologies—while still maintaining governance and compliance best practices
How AI can enhance the in-store
that avoid the risks. In this special report, you’ll gain insights to help your enterprise use AI to drive customer experience >>
improvements in real-world metrics.
Generative AI: The Topic of
Conversation in Contact Centers >>

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Creating Your Roadmap for Generative AI in CX

Generative AI is poised to bring profound changes to contact center operations, and to the customer experience. We’re still in
the technology’s early stages, but there’s a lot you can (and should) do now to get ready.
By Eric Krapf

evelopments around AI, particularly generative rise since late 2022, as well as concerns about how best to
AI, have been moving so fast, enterprise CX deploy it while minimizing risk. Nowhere is this truer than in
decision-makers couldn’t be blamed for feeling a the contact center: On the one hand, enterprises can build
bit overwhelmed—especially when both the rewards and hard ROI cases around any technology that saves agents
the risks are gaining so much attention and contradictory time, improves upsell opportunities, or—ultimately—allows
coverage. Generative AI is presenting enterprises with morethe company to control agent headcount or adapt to labor
possibilities than ever, but the one option you don’t have shortages. On the other hand, the contact center is the
is to stand still—you need a strategy to leverage GenAI face of the business to its customers, and any technology
in your contact center (if you don’t already have one). So implementation that damages the customer experience
how do you find the use cases that make the most sense (CX) poses an unacceptable risk.
for your contact center today, and how do you plot your So enterprises are proceeding with caution when it
roadmap for the next six months? comes to generative AI in the contact center—so much so
that industry expert Dan Miller, lead analyst and founder
Where to Find the Low-Hanging Fruit of Opus Research, coined the term “DIH”—a play on the
Generative AI’s ability to (as its name suggests) generate popular acronym “DIY”—to describe many enterprises’
new content via machine learning (ML) and use of large current posture with regard to generative AI. “DIH” stands
language models (LLMs) has fueled both its astonishing for “Deer in the Headlights.”

November 2023 2
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Any generative AI implementation will certainly bring a the agent to check and personalize before sending it out. Approaching Self-Service
host of governance and compliance issues, but enterprises From there, the enterprise can begin to look at ways From call summarization to intent modeling and other
can’t use these concerns as a reason not to proceed GenAI can bolster the contact center’s models to improve agent-assist processes, GenAI has a clear role to play on
decisively in positioning themselves to deploy current performance. Miller calls this step, “the rapid extraction the back end for the contact center. But many enterpris-
GenAI-driven capabilities, and to expand on these as much of insights from contemporaneous conversation.” For es have their eyes on a potentially bigger prize: Customer
as possible. The good news is, we already have examples example, contact center technology experts are finding self-service, which can directly offload interactions from
of GenAI capabilities offering benefits in the contact center. that GenAI can recognize caller intent more quickly than agents, allowing them to focus on customers with more
The most popular example to date has been call the earlier-generation AI-driven versions that relied on pre- complex issues. Wider acceptance of self-service also
summarization. This has been seen as an ideal use case, structured models. could potentially slow the growth of the agent workforce,
since the GenAI does not interact directly with customers, “It used to be really labor-intensive to build an intent even if it doesn’t replace agents.
and therefore the risk is relatively low. The system generates model. It required people to label the purpose of every call Even if you remain wary of letting a GenAI chatbot talk di-
a summary of each call upon completion, which it presents coming in,” Miller said. “This turns out to be something that rectly to your customers—and you should—you can start
to the agent for editing and filing, as part of the agent’s large language models can do really well.” And by doing laying the groundwork now for using GenAI as part of your
routine post-call work. This saves the agent the time it it in real time, it can continually be improving the model,
would take to compose the summary themselves, which without the need for humans to take on the arduous task
means the agent can handle more calls. of adjusting it on the back end.
GenAI-driven call summarization has actually been Another area where GenAI holds near-term promise
around for about three years, using earlier versions of the is in sentiment analysis, which Miller said is becoming
LLMs that we see today. “Now it’s a checklist item and increasingly important to contact center managers. “It used
it’s something that, for large contact centers, yields just to just sort of be word spotting, looking for the names of
incredible cost savings; it shaves seconds off of the handle competitors, [the caller] saying, I’m angry,” he said. Now AI
time,” Miller said. “An agent can go on to the next call is beginning to offer more sophisticated sentiment analysis
without pausing to write up the purpose of the previous that the contact center can use as it gauges customer
call and its disposition.” satisfaction: “AI can detect differences in pitch and tone
A clear next step is for the GenAI to write any follow-up and cadence in speech to know when somebody’s been
emails that may need to go from the agent to the customer upset, and within a call can suggest being a little more
after the call, Miller said. The system would send a draft to empathetic here,” Miller said.

November 2023 3
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self-service strategy, according to Opus analyst Derek lot more than just approving a draft or something like that,”
Top. Start by making sure you understand your customers’ Miller said. “It’s about defining roles for humans to leverage
self-service journeys, so you can begin to strategize where the power of AI. That’s just really important to do right now.
best to deploy GenAI within that journey. Top echoes that sentiment but says you can’t
This is also where some of those agent-assist GenAI use underestimate the challenge ahead.
cases can act as an “accelerant,” Top noted. Things like “One of the biggest hurdles right now really is humans
improved intent models don’t just help with call handling; and change management,” Top said. “The idea of
they can help enterprises better model self-service jour- accepting some of these technologies for what they offer
neys by understanding customer behavior. “Creating the is still a struggle--that’s true for many business units, not
dialogue and understanding, building and designing con- just within the contact center, of course.”
versations, as a way to provide self-service customer jour- Top agrees that continuing to advance AI functionality in
neys, can be done faster and better,” Top said. agent assist and other back-office roles could help contact
This is also a time when enterprises can use agent-as- center workers—from agents up through managers—to
sist scenarios to experiment with the way GenAI behaves, feel more comfortable with the technology. “In terms of
and the kind of content that GenAI would produce for a trying to find that value, seeing how it works within your
customer-facing self-service use case—even if they’re not day-to-day work life, your business, your workflows, I think
ready to release it in the wild. “You want it to be creative. that will accelerate” in enterprises that continue to move
You want it to be tight and short. Maybe you want it to be on AI.
more narrative. There are ways to really make a person- “What we’ll see is time to value shorten or over the next
alized experience--[initially in agent assist scenarios], but on the people. six months or a year.”
also ultimately for customer facing,” Top said. One area where Miller expects to see AI take a more So not only will the technology continue to advance and
prominent role is in the workforce management systems improve, but it’s likely that your competitors will be getting
Your Six-Month Roadmap that contact center operators use to schedule, monitor, better at figuring out how to use it. It’s not a process you
What should you be planning for the next six months to analyze and train agents. can afford to move slowly on or sit out.
keep your AI strategy on track? While you’ll certainly need He also suggests encouraging agents to embrace greater Eric Krapf is General Manager and Program Co-Chair of
to stay abreast of technology developments and taking the use of AI applications and to find ways to use them in their Enterprise Connect.
steps outlined above, Miller and Top also suggest focusing roles. “We have to make room for [agents] to be doing a

November 2023 4
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Establishing the Roadmap for AI in the

Contact Center
An interview with Jessica Smith, Director of CCaaS Product Marketing, 8x8

How can large language models be tailored iii. Assess the integrity of your data as you consider in-
to optimize CX capabilities? tegrating with an LLM to better personalize customer
There’s a lot to take into consideration when assessing experience based on their history or preferences.
how LLMs can help optimize CX. The goal should be iv. Consider which systems you would integrate an LLM
to start small and assess from the standpoint of where with to enhance automation or figure out where you
some of the greater problems are today that AI can help can streamline certain processes.
address. Start by considering some of the following as v. Performance monitoring: quality assurance; sen-
either starting points or potential key areas as part of a timent analysis; automated call summaries; script
multi-step journey in answering this question for your or- compliance.
ganization: vi.  Training for agents: knowledge base enrichment;
i. Start by mapping the customer journey – understand scripting and guiding agent responses; language
what parts of their journey may be able to be automat- and tone coaching; adaptive learning paths.
ed or where perhaps LLMs could be incorporated to
enhance their interactions. What should be on an enterprise’s roadmap
ii. Define the use cases that you’d like to apply – cus- for the next 12 months in order to make
tomer facing, agent facing, chatbot, voicebot, etc. sure they don’t fall behind on AI in their
Consider the use of the LLM to train and understand contact center?
or interpret user intent and purpose. First assess the problem you are trying to solve, then

November 2023 5
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look at how AI can address the issue. Remember, start- centers and agents operate. It’s now a matter of how are just some of the many ways AI will help the contact
ing small can lead to greater success down the road. You quickly organizations can adapt to center save money.
don’t have to use AI to solve every problem right out of We need to see AI as a good thing! A way to enhance In terms of revenue generation, AI can play a significant
the gate. our skills, make us better / faster, etc. So, in saying that role in helping contact centers by enhancing cross-sell
i. Select the use cases that make the most sense based AI will have an impact on the hiring of agents should be or upsell initiatives, automating parts of the sales pro-
on business priorities and customer needs. looked at as an opportunity to improve hiring practices. cess, proactive issue resolution, and minimizing custom-
ii. Evaluate and choose the best fit solution based on i. Shift on roles & responsibilities: As AI takes over rou- er churn by analyzing customer interactions and behav-
these needs and initial deployments of AI. When as- tine tasks, the role of agents may shift towards more iors. Organizations can leverage AI to enhance customer
sessing a vendor, ensure they have a strong roadmap complex and strategic activities. interactions, optimize internal processes, and automate
or dedication to innovation in order for your adop- ii. Potential for upskilling and career growth workforce operations, in order for the contact center to
tion of the solution to grow as your needs evolve. You iii. Shift in compensation: Compensation structures may create valuable revenue-generating opportunities.
want to work with a vendor that helps you future-proof evolve to reflect the changing nature of the contact
your solution; not one that only fits a niche use case, center role. Agents who excel in areas such as cus-
forcing you to eventually bring in other vendors to fill tomer relationship management, problem resolution,
certain gaps. and utilizing AI tools may be rewarded accordingly.
iii. Consider the integrity of your data and infrastructure. iv. Soft skills may be recognized as greater assets (i.e.
Ensuring you have the right pool of data and aggre- empathy and strong communication) and be more
gation of those data sets will be extremely necessary prominently recognized and rewarded
for the AI to perform optimally. Additionally, be sure
to Implement data governance policies as well to op- Will wider use of AI save money for the
timize the integrity of your information. contact center, and if so, where and how?
Will it drive increased revenue, and if
How will wider deployment of AI affect the so, where?
qualifications that contact centers apply in AI will be able to contribute to cost savings in a big way
hiring agents? Will agents see their status for the contact center. Automating routine tasks, offering
and pay rise or fall because of AI? 24/7 availability at a fraction of the cost, scaling opera-
It’s already evident that AI is changing the way contact tions up or down, and delivering faster response times

November 2023 6
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How Contact Centers are Using AI

The message for enterprise decision-makers: Plan for AI’s disruptive, transformative use cases, but don’t
miss out on the incremental improvements available in the short term.
By Eric Krapf

t’s always seemed logical that AI’s first strong use case in
the contact center would be in an agent assist capacity.
Generative AI in particular might not be ready to show its
face to the customer just yet, but surely it can help agents
perform tasks like call summarization, and provide real-
time information and recommendations to the agent while
the human is interacting live with a customer. But it turns
out that while agent assist may be the most popular use
case, other functions are more effective, at least for now.
That was a key takeaway from a presentation David
Myron, principal analyst at Omdia, delivered during a
recent No Jitter/Enterprise Connect webinar. Myron
offered up some findings from Omdia’s recently released
State of Digital CX:2023 survey, focusing on where AI is
being implemented now, and where enterprises believe it’s
working best.
Agent assistance topped the list of AI features already
deployed: 64% of respondents currently have AI in place

November 2023 7
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for agent assist, and another 30% will deploy it within Significant value:
the next 12 – 18 months. Other functions with over 50% • Employees know AI’s importance; it’s adopted broadly
deployment included call classification, survey and review (66%)
analytics, Web-based chatbot, and intelligent call routing. • A strategy is in place that prioritizes AI outcomes (63%)
But Myron pointed out that when Omdia asked which AI • Have comprehensive AI data management and
features added value in the contact center, agent assistance governance programs (62%)
ranked eighth, with 48% saying it has “significant value.” Limited value:
And Web-based chatbots were dead last on this measure, • Lack of applicable use cases (43%)
with 41% of respondents ascribing “significant value” to • Not capturing or quantifying results (43%)
them. Myron noted the good news here—when you add • AI doesn’t integrate with existing business systems
in those who assign these features “moderate” value, you (35%)
get a total of 89% saying that both AI has at least some
value in agent assist and Web-based chatbot use cases. These results shouldn’t be too surprising, and they
Still, the most valuable AI features, according to the resonate with the state of the industry right now. People are
Omdia survey, are intelligent call routing and social excited about the potential for agent assist or customer-
listening and ticketing. For each of these features, 56% facing scenarios, but at the moment, the highest value is
of respondents ascribed “significant” value, and another coming from more mature use cases, or those that don’t
41% assigned “moderate” value. Also near the top were require AI-human interaction.
digital CX analytics for quality management (QM), customer The message for enterprise decision-makers
satisfaction (CSAT), and training; call classification; caller seems pretty straightforward: Plan for AI’s disruptive,
intent; intelligent knowledge base; and survey and review transformative use cases, but don’t miss out on the
analytics, all of which received a ranking of “significant” incremental improvements available in the short term.
value by more than 50% of respondents.
Another interesting set of datapoints: Omdia asked the Eric Krapf is General Manager and Program Co-Chair of
top reasons why respondents felt AI delivers significant Enterprise Connect.
value on the one hand, or limited value on the other, and
here were the results:

November 2023 8
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Enterprise Chatbot Market to Triple by 2026

Omdia: Market size, complexity leave room for many vendors to succeed
By Deborah Yao

he market for enterprise chatbots and virtual digital Market Drivers and Hurdles
assistants (VDAs) is expected to more than triple Hundreds of vendors that offer chatbots and VDA services
from 2020 to 2026 to at least $8 billion, according to worldwide are becoming more sophisticated, with most
a new report by sister research firm Omdia. falling into one of four categories: end-to-end solutions,
Moreover, this market should be able to accommodate a scalable pro development tools, low code-no code SaaS
“robust” number of providers instead of being dominated and integrated solutions.
by a handful of vendors, according to the report, “Chatbots Here are some vendors in the four categories:
& Virtual Digital Assistants 2022: Market Trajectory,
Forecasts.” vendors to succeed and prosper,” said report author Mark
The reasons why: diversity in market demand call for a Beccue, who is an Omdia principal analyst.
diversity of solutions that range from pro developer DIY While customer service or experience remains the
tools and no code SaaS to custom end-to-end solutions; predominant use case for chatbots and VDAs, enterprises
tech developments such as affordable NLU and training also are incorporating them into their business processes
from open-source large language models could create new to automate workflows. As such, the market shifts away
market disruptors; and the market’s size and complexity from DIY tools back to end-to-end solutions – creating
leave room for many to succeed. opportunities for BPOs and SIs for sales channels and
“The market opportunity is nowhere near saturated professional services.
or commoditized, leaving the door open for a variety of

November 2023 9
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The chatbot and VDA market is expected to keep growing AI projects or even abandon them.
due to the following factors:
• Continued emphasis on customer experience is driving Overconfidence in expertise: Larger organizations with
growth in spending on chatbots, led by companies in dedicated IT and technical development teams continue
finance, tech and retail. to overestimate the difficulty in designing, building, and
• Remote work and shrinking staff accelerated the work- managing sophisticated chatbots/VDAs. They launch and
place automation and cloud-based services trends. build projects, which fail because they lack the skills and
• Customer demand for self-service, with 81% wanting dedicated resources required. These DIY projects have
to DIY. slowed market adoption as companies find out they have
• Rise of digital channels such as messaging apps and to start over using outside expertise.
social media makes chatbots and VDAs a logical user
interface choice. Deborah is Editor of AI Business
• Complex workflow integrations are the next use case for
companies with maturing chatbot and VDA initiatives.

Barriers to Growth
Siloed approaches: Chatbots and VDAs remain large-
“The market opportunity
ly siloed projects within many enterprise organizations. is nowhere near saturated
Legacy call centers still largely rely on voice while the dig-
ital side deploys chatbots and VDAs differently.
or commoditized, leaving
the door open for a
Lifecycle management: Most enterprises are just begin-
ning to understand the overall cost of AI lifecycle man-
variety of vendors to
agement, which is significantly different from software succeed and prosper”
lifecycle management. Requiring different resources and - MARK BECCUE, PRINCIPAL ANALYST, OMDIA

investment, the AI lifecycle management causes hesitan-

cy in some organizations to start chatbot/VDA and other

November 2023 10
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Harnessing Generative AI for the

Contact Center
An interview with Elizabeth Tobey, Head of Marketing, Digital & AI, NICE

What is the short- and long-term impact of that has bogged down their work and addled their ability
generative AI on contact centers? to create excellent experiences as with past innovations.
Elizabeth Tobey, NICE: We’re already in the thick of the In terms of long term? We’re talking about a fundamental
short-term improvements, and that’s a really good thing. shift about how we interact with, react to, and take ac-
Customer expectations - and even customer demand - tion from unstructured data. We have reams of data now
has far outpaced our old-world way of dealing with CX. that can answer all sorts of questions - from the micro to
We simply cannot keep hiring people and expecting them the macro - about how we make our businesses better,
to be able to provide the service customers need now, where our biggest problems lie, and what our most urgent
across all the different channels expected, at the speed priorities should be. Generative AI is a key that allows
required. Generative AI is a big missing piece to solving us to unlock and access that data, on demand, easily,
the problems of cognitive overload with employees who without needing data scientists and weeks or months of
simply cannot keep up with the complexities this mod- research and coding. It’s a game changer.
ern landscape demands and better assist the tech-savvy
consumer who knows what they want, how they want it, Where do you see generative AI offering the
and won’t settle for less. That means better self-service greatest CX improvements over the next
options that actually get the job done, or copilots oper- 12 months—Agent assist functions, contact
ating alongside agents that can actually serve as a col- center operations, or customer-facing?
laborator rather than another cludgy piece of technology ET, NICE: Yes. Yes to all of it. I think the first and most

November 2023 11
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important improvement we’re going to see organizations Those kinds of roles aren’t necessarily the most satisfying lives - how could customer self-service not be one of the
adopting is agent assist functions - allowing them bet- for the employees, or the most impactful for the business top areas to use and see immediate and wide sweeping
ter access to information, helping them with better, more - so if AI can help ease that burden so they can do more positive impact from generative AI?
personalized answers, and AI-powered technology that significant work that engages them and makes their jobs
helps them do their jobs, understand context, and in- more satisfying and helps the organization attain its goals?
crease customer satisfaction. I also see a reawakening That’s a win. So, yes, with AI we might see more AI-powered
and reinvigoration in the belief that self-service can and self-service, and we might see jobs changing and evolving,
will be an excellent, and even preferred, option for con- but that’s not new. The phone did that. Computers did that.
sumers - because now with AI, we have the ability to take The Internet did that. And I don’t think anyone would ever
it from good to great - and that next level is what’s going be able to make a case that those three technologies were
to turn our collective feelings around a chatbot from “this not, holistically, huge improvements to agents’ lives.
may or may not be able to help me” to “this is what I al-
ways want to use.” Is customer self-service the Holy Grail
application for generative AI? How close
To what extent (if at all) will AI replace are we to seeing generative AI that’s
contact center agent positions? suitable for self-service?
ET, NICE: Right now, most companies are struggling to ET, NICE: It’s certainly one of the best and most powerful
hire, train, and retain agents. I fear more that companies ways we can harness AI to improve the lives of basically
who don’t embrace AI will lose agents to those who do everyone - and I mean basically everyone - since all of us,
because AI, in general, is a collaborative and additive to some extent, engage in commerce both as employees
technology for contact center employees - be it agents, and as consumers. So whether we’re talking about you
supervisors, or leadership at the very top. And, yes, there and me as customers, yes, generative AI makes our lives
will be an evolution in what that means for the overall better, but also as we do our jobs, no matter what that job
workforce. For example, some agents who maybe just is, yes, AI right now is probably making our lives better.
did call triage or transfer will no longer need to work those Every day, all of us have customer experience interactions,
roles, but that doesn’t mean their positions are eliminated whether B2B or B2C - and with that kind of volume, and
- it means their work changes, and probably for the better. that much of a significant impact on so many people’s

November 2023 12
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How AI Can Enhance the In-Store

Customer Experience
E-book excerpt: AI investments are key for e-commerce, but what about for in-store shopping?
By David Weldon

ccording to a recent retail shopping survey by rather than a retail center. They want to show customers
Shekel Brainweigh, 75% of consumers say they that they have working technology. And nobody cares too
would like to use autonomous stores, but only 2% much about the shopping experience,” Bar said.
say they have done so. “I believe that if a retailer goes this route, he will lose his
This is very typical in a new market, explained Guy customer and will see that the technology investment is
Moshe, chief technology officer and co-founder of the not justified.”
firm. “It reflects that there is real promise there. People Bar offered the example of a fully automated store, and
are excited to test it. So, this means that there is a real things that management can do wrong.
business opportunity behind it. And if it is implemented “I need to flood it with light, which is unnatural, and not
properly, then people like it.” very pleasant. I need to retain certain SKUs and not others.
But there is such a thing as technology overkill in retail And I need to make sure everything serves the technology
stores. It is important to use technology for specific best. This is not the right approach. You shouldn’t serve
customer benefits and avoid using it for its own sake. your customer based on the technology. It should just be
“Don’t try to adjust the retail experience to the technology, a tool.”
but rather go the other way around. Just let the technology That is the approach taken by Delek U.S. Holdings Inc.,
service your customers better,” stressed Rami Bar, head of which has rolled out frictionless, artificial intelligence-
business development at Shekel Brainweigh. powered self-checkout at its more than 70 retail
“With some retailers today, you will see very well convenience stores in Texas.
engineered shops that are actually a technology demo At the Delek stores, customers can walk into a store,

November 2023 13
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select the items they want, place them in a kiosk tray, and “All of these things allow me in the future to better target
have all items instantly recognized and simultaneously these people.”
totaled in less than half a second, without the need to look
for and scan barcodes. AI and AR
Shoppers can then use credit cards, debit cards or mobile In another example, Dubois said AI can tap augmented
pay to complete transactions without touching anything reality technology to support virtual mirrors that enable a
but their purchase and the form of payment. Transactions customer to see how they might look in a particular clothing
can be completed in as few as 10 seconds, the firm noted. item if they were to purchase it.
“We’ve seen the magic mirror-type technique for a while,
Smart Shelves “We are learning how shoppers are interacting with prod- where someone stands in front of a mirror, they select the
Another area where some retailers are using AI is with ucts. We learn what is the percentage of items being put garment they want to be wearing, and the mirror uses AR
“smart shelves” – shelving with technology sensors that back. Are they putting items back in place, or not in the sameto generate an image of that garment on the person. It lets
track what products are handled by customers, for how place? Basically, the heat map of the shelf,” Moshe said. them ‘virtually’ try it on,” Dubois said.
long, which are put back, where they are put back, and Retailers can also experiment with ideal product place- AI-based inventory tracking tools can also help a retailer
which ones apparently sell. Retailers investing in smart ment, and smart shelves can provide insights on what better plan long-range product needs, as well as manage
shelf technology are retrofitting existing shelves with four placement does to produce interest. fast-moving consumer goods, such as food items. This
sensors located in the corners of the shelf. The shelf sen- “What happens if I will take the Coke and put it in front ofcan be especially helpful with any product shortages that
sors are a 1.5mm thick metal plate, very easy to use, and the Fanta, and not next to it? What will it do to customer might occur, such has been the case with a variety of items
easy to implement, explained Moshe. interest?” Moshe asked. during the pandemic.
“You can put up to 10 products on the same smart shelf. Artificial intelligence can learn a great deal about a cus- If a retailer could better understand what products are of
It recognizes each time that an item has been handled tomer from product interactions, Dubois explained. the highest value to particular customer segments, it could
or removed, and it tells you which item has been taken,” For example, “as people are picking up a product and better plan how it would respond to a shortage.
Moshe said. turning it around to look at the ingredients, you now know When a retailer has more knowledge on customers,
“You can track your inventory. You know what it is that that they are the type of person that cares about ingredi- their habits, and what they value most, it can more easily
you’re selling, so you can automatically replenish them. ents. And when they put a product back, that may mean address supply chain issues that might arise.
But you’re doing it at the shelf instead of at the point-of- there are ingredients in the product that they don’t care
sale. So, it is tracking interest in products, not just sales.” for,” Dubois said. David is a freelance reporter for AI Business.

November 2023 14
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Generative AI: The Topic of Conversation in

Contact Centers
Since Generative AI burst onto the scene in late 2022, No Jitter has covered the incorporation and implementation of AI and
generative AI-based solutions into contact center platforms. Here’s some of what we’ve found.

he introduction of generative AI sparked an ongo- coaching, etc.
ing conversation in how that technology could, and • Using generative AI to streamline the creation of rote
perhaps should, be used for business-to-business content and/or remove some of the “heavy lifting” from
and business-to-consumer communications. Over the laborious knowledge-based processes, such as de-
last several months, No Jitter has spoken with many of signing a conversational dialog flow complete with in-
the companies directly involved in the incorporation and tents and entities.
implementation of AI and generative AI-based solutions • Noticing the need for data security, guardrails, etc., to
for unified communications and contact center platforms. protect customers’ personal identifiable information
Over the course of those conversations, multiple trends (PII) and enterprises’ intellectual property, while ensur-
became apparent, which include: ing that the generative AI-based solution is responsibly
• Using generative AI to create summaries and thus as- deployed so that it doesn’t veer into toxicity, hallucina-
sist contact center agents during and after customer tions, etc.
interactions. This helps them provide a better customer • Asking questions, at least, about the data used to train
experience and save time on post-call wrap-up. Con- the models. Most vendors’ LLMs are proprietary, and
tact center managers can also benefit from AI-gener- they will not allow customers to examine the training
ated summaries of calls, trends, etc., across the entire data. But, customers have the right to ask about it and
contact center operation. This can help them identify hold the vendors accountable for how they use custom-
issues that need to be addressed, provide targeted er data (or not), how the vendor is reviewing its model(s)

November 2023 15
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regarding bias, ethics, responsibility, etc. not complex interactions.” D’Antonio predicts, “As
• Keeping “humans in the loop” to evaluate what the gen- generative AI and ChatGPT advance, companies will
erative AI “engine” produces, as a backstop against look to improve their chatbot capabilities. The market
toxicity, hallucination, incorrect information, etc. may experience renewed growth over the long term.”
• Personalization: AI is already a key technology for en-
In addition to these learnings, we can get a pulse on the terprises seeking to offer personalized omnichannel en-
state of AI from the researchers at Omdia, whose State of gagement, particularly in industries like media and enter-
Digital CX 2023 survey reveals some important insights tainment, where AI drives content recommendations for
about how enterprises view AI in their contact centers today. customers. “As ChatGPT and generative AI increase in
When Omdia asked which currently-deployed AI-based popularity, companies’ awareness of the benefits of har-
technologies deliver “significant” value, the top five were: nessing AI to personalize experiences and optimize audi-
1. Intelligent call routing: 56% ence engagement will also increase,” D’Antonio predicts.
2. Intelligent knowledge base: 51%
3. Sentiment analysis: 48% Finally, the Omdia survey found that the currently-
4. Agent Assistance: 48% deployed generation of AI was already producing the
5. Speech Assistance: 43% following outcomes for enterprises:
• Can better understand customer needs: 59% resolve customer issues more efficiently and effectively.
In addition, Omdia found that several other capabilities • Increased customer retention and satisfaction: 57% Also, by monitoring customer behavior, AI-powered
are likely to see their value increase with the rise of GenAI. • Increased revenue: 57% technology can detect patterns and identify opportunities.
These capabilities include: • Increased operational efficiencies: 50% Finally, AI algorithms can analyze customer data to deliver
• Chatbots: 57% of respondents currently have chatbots • Reduced routine tasks: 40% tailored product recommendations.”
deployed, however the Omdia survey expects adoption Clearly, the current generation of AI has already made its
to slow down over the next 12 – 18 months. The As D’Antonio summed up these findings in her report: mark in the contact center, and with the immense promise
survey report’s author, principal analyst Mila D’Antonio, “AI-powered technologies, and especially generative AI- of GenAI on the horizon, we’re likely to see a transformation
attributes the projected slowdown to the current- powered applications, include the promise of personalized in how enterprises serve their customers and continually
generation chatbots’ reaching their technical limits, as customer experiences. Advancements in technology can improve CX, and in the benefits that both enterprises and
they were built for “simple and repetitive tasks, and improve the handling of routine inquiries by chatbots and customers stand to gain.

November 2023 16

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