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Step 1: Cleaning of Data

Total no. of Responses received: 324 Nos.

1. Removal of responses with Missing data Greater than 10%

Count with >10% blanks 36 Nos.
Total responses left after removal of responses 288 Nos.
For blanks less than 10% - Data to be filled using mean, median and mode.

2. Filling of Blank responses:

A) Values of Likert scale are ordinal in nature (Close ended questions) so the same
need to be filled with the Median.
B) Values of Ratio scale (Open ended questions) – to be filled by mean
C) Values of Non Numerical questions – Values to be filled by Median and Mode.

3. Unengaged respondents:
Responses from a respondent with standard deviation less than 10% of the ordinal
scale (excluding the demographic data) to be removed.
Survey Scale - Ordinal Scale 1 to 7, but we have taken 0.5 as the no. of data sets is

No. of responses 288

No. of responses with Stdev <0.5 48
No of responses left 240

4. Reliability test for questions:

If the Standard deviation for a particular question is less than 10%, that question to
be removed from the survey. Standard deviation of all the questions in the survey is
greater than 10%. So, no question was removed from the survey.

5. Skewness and Kurtosis value check for survey:

a) Kurtosis: Kurtosis is a measure of whether the distribution is too peaked (a very
narrow distribution with most of the responses in the centre).
Value for Normal cases = -2 to +2
Value for Extreme cases -5 to +5
In our model we have got all the values between -5 to 5 so we have got the good

b) Skewness: Skewness is a measurement of the distortion of symmetrical

distribution or asymmetry in a data set.
Value for Normal cases = -1 to +1
Value for Extreme cases -2 to +2
In our model we have skewness in Latest/Ongoing Educational qualification,
Occupation, Discipline because the data is majorly filled by the students.

6. Multi-variant outlier test:

For removing the outliers from the data initially the Mahalanobis distance (an
effective distance metric that finds the distance between a point and a distribution)
is calculated. Then applying Chi-square test on Mahalanobis distance, probability is
Data with probability values beyond 99.9% is removed from the data because these
values give the outliers.


No. of responses changes to 226 Nos. from 240 Nos. after removal of outliers.

Step 2: Reliability Analysis of a Survey:

Reliability gives the result to which extent the survey consistently gives the same result
when it is asked.

In this study we are taking the value of Cronbach alpha as it directly gives the Inter-item
correlation of all items. For good reliability Cronbach’s Alpha must be between 0.7 and 0.97.

Effort expectancy: It is the perceived ease of accepting the technology for use in regular
studies and works.
E1 - Learning how to use ChatGPT is easy to me.
E2 - My interaction with ChatGPT is clear and easy to understand.
E3 - I find ChatGPT easy to use to manage knowledge.
E4 - ChatGPT is convenient and user-friendly.
E5 - ChatGPT is easy to access.
As the Cronbach’s alpha is greater than 0.7 and less than 0.97. So we are keeping all the

Performance expectancy: How the performance of the person get affected by the use of
particular technology and what are the benefits received after using this technology.

P1 - I find ChatGPT useful in my daily study.

P2 - ChatGPT increases my chances of achieving tasks that are important to me in my study.
P3 - Using ChatGPT helps me to accomplish tasks more quicky.
P4 - Using ChatGPT increases my productivity in my study.
P5 - Using ChatGPT can save my time.
Behavioral intention to use ChatGPT: How the persons behavior changes after using the
new technology or product.
B1 - I intend to use ChatGPT to address my academic inquiries.
B2 - It is worth recommending ChatGPT to other students.
B3 - I plan to use ChatGPT to address my academic inquiries.
B4 - I predict I will use ChatGPT to address my academic inquiries.
B5 - I plan to continue to use ChatGPT to address my academic inquiries frequently.
Actual use of ChatGPT: How the person is actually using the product and technology in their
daily life and what is the future plan for usage.

A1 - I use ChatGPT on a daily basis.

A2 - I use ChatGPT frequently.
A3 - You depend on ChatGPT as a tool for your educational activities.
A4 - Rate your overall engagement with ChatGPT in the context of your learning experience.
Knowledge sharing: It is the process of exchanging knowledge among the users such as
friends, society and community.
K1 - ChatGPT allows me to share knowledge with my instructor and classmates.
K2 - ChatGPT supports discussions with my instructor and classmates.
K3 - ChatGPT facilitates the process of knowledge sharing anytime anywhere.
K4 - ChatGPT enables me to share different types of resources with my class instructor and
K5 - ChatGPT through collaborative application strengthens the relationships with my
instructor and classmates. Eg. Using Bard on Google Docs.

Rules and Regulations: requirement for implementation of rules and regulation on ChatGPT
for using it in the legal and ethical ways.
1. R1 - Data privacy and protection, ensuring that sensitive information is handled
2. R2 - Ethical use of AI-generated content, establishing guidelines and best practices
for responsible use in various contexts.
3. R3 - AI-generated content in education and training, ensuring accuracy,
unbiasedness, and high quality.
4. R4 - Intellectual property and authorship, determining ownership and authorship
rights for AI-generated content.
5. R5 - The digital products you use prioritize your well-being by considering factors
such as privacy, transparency, and mental health impact.

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