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Transportation Science
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A Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve

a Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem Under a Hybrid
Predictive Control Approach
Diego Muñoz-Carpintero, Doris Sáez, Cristián E. Cortés, Alfredo Núñez

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Diego Muñoz-Carpintero, Doris Sáez, Cristián E. Cortés, Alfredo Núñez (2015) A Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms
to Solve a Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem Under a Hybrid Predictive Control Approach. Transportation Science

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Vol. 49, No. 2, May 2015, pp. 239–253
ISSN 0041-1655 (print) — ISSN 1526-5447 (online)
© 2015 INFORMS

A Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to

Solve a Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem Under
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a Hybrid Predictive Control Approach

Diego Muñoz-Carpintero, Doris Sáez
Electrical Engineering Department, Universidad de Chile, 8370451 Santiago, Chile {,}

Cristián E. Cortés
Civil Engineering Department, Universidad de Chile, 8370449 Santiago, Chile,

Alfredo Núñez
Section of Road and Railway Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands,

T his paper presents a methodology based on generic evolutionary algorithms to solve a dynamic pickup and
delivery problem formulated under a hybrid predictive control approach. The solution scheme is designed
to support the dispatcher of a dial-a-ride service, where quick and efficient real-time solutions are needed.
The scheme considers different configurations of particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithms within a
proposed ad-hoc methodology to solve in real time the nonlinear mixed-integer optimization problem related
with the hybrid predictive control approach. These consist of different techniques to handle the operational
constraints (penalization, Baldwinian, and Lamarckian repair) and encodings (continuous and integer). For
parameter tuning, a new approach based on multiobjective optimization is proposed and used to select and
study some of the evolutionary algorithms. The multiobjective feature arises when deciding the parameters with
the best trade-off between performance and computational effort. Simulation results are presented to compare
the different schemes proposed and to advise conditions for the application of the method in real instances.
Keywords: predictive control; dynamic pickup and delivery problem; evolutionary algorithms
History: Received: May 2010; revision received: October 2013; accepted: June 2014. Published online in Articles
in Advance March 10, 2015.

1. Introduction and Background to make routing decisions for a fixed fleet of vehi-
The dynamic pickup and delivery problem (DPDP) cles with limited capacity, operating in a real-time ser-
can be formulated as a set of transportation requests vice where the demand (represented by passengers) is
(identified by pickup and delivery locations) that are unknown in advance. Eksioglu, Volkan, and Reisman
served by a fleet of vehicles initially located at sev- (2009) and Berbeglia, Cordeau, and Laporte (2010)
eral depots. The dynamic dimension appears when a presented comprehensive reviews of DPDP, dial-a-
subset of the requests is not known in advance; there- ride applications, and solution methods.
fore, such requests have to be scheduled for service in Xiang, Chu, and Chen (2008) studied a DRS by
real time, at the instant they call. The DPDP is now of considering a complex set of constraints on a time-
great interest for practitioners and researchers because dependent network. With regard to real applications,
of the development and implementation of efficient Madsen, Raven, and Rygaard (1995) adapted the inser-
online optimization tools; this fact is crucial for the tion heuristics by Jaw et al. (1986) to solve a real-
emerging improvement in the quality of the formula- life problem for moving elderly and handicapped
tion solutions. The DPDP has been intensely studied people in Copenhagen, and Dial (1995) proposed
over the last 20 years (Psaraftis 1980, 1988; Bertsimas an approach to the many-to-few dial-a-ride transit
and Van Ryzin 1991; Bertsimas and Van Ryzin 1993a, operation ADART (Autonomous Dial-a-Ride Transit),
b; Kleywegt and Papastavrou 1998; Gendreau et al. which is currently implemented in Corpus Christi,
1999; Swihart and Papastavrou 1999; Larsen 2000; Texas. Gendreau et al. (1999) modified the tabu-search
Thomas and White 2004). The output of such a prob- heuristics to solve the dynamic vehicle routing prob-
lem should be a set of routes for all of the vehicles, lem (DVRP) with soft time windows in an effort to find
which change dynamically over time. The solution of a solution method that will handle different DVRPs.
a DPDP can be linked with the control of a typical More sophisticated tabu-search methods were recently
dial-a-ride system (DRS), where the dispatcher has developed, such as granular tabu search (Toth and
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
240 Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS

Vigo 2003) and adaptive memory based on tabu search ant colonies, have also been applied to solve DVRP
(Tarantilis 2005). Xiang, Chu, and Chen (2008) devel- (Montemanni et al. 2005; Dréo et al. 2006).
oped a heuristic local search strategy that uses a sec- In the current work, the main objective is to present
ondary objective function to drive the search out of an efficient and systematic ad-hoc methodology to
local optima. In the context of DPDP, Mitrovic-Minic, solve the HPC formulation of the DPDP based on
Krishnamurti, and Laporte (2004) introduced the con- generic evolutionary algorithms. The solution scheme
cept of double-horizon based heuristics for solving the will help dispatchers of the dial-a-ride service, where
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DPDP with time windows, showing that the method efficient real-time solutions are needed quickly to
can yield gains in route costs when compared with make the system work. Specific implementations of
classical (single) rolling horizon methods, but the GA and PSO will result in several variants of the
improvement tends to decrease as instances become generic evolutionary algorithms. In addition, a mul-
larger. Mitrovic-Minic and Laporte (2004) presented tiobjective approach for tuning the parameters of the
four waiting strategies for vehicles (drive-first, wait- proposed evolutionary algorithms is presented. The
first, dynamic waiting, and the advanced dynamic multiobjective feature arises for deciding the parame-
waiting). They concluded that in terms of total route ters with the best trade-off between performance and
length, the proposed strategies outperform the com- computation time required for real applications. A
monly used drive-first waiting strategy, making the detailed analysis of the accuracy and computational
advanced dynamic waiting strategy the most efficient. time is conducted, which can be extended to other
The dial-a-ride system can be modeled for designing complex nonlinear engineering problems containing
a hybrid predictive control (HPC) scheme, consider- mixed integers and continuous variables.
ing that potential rerouting of vehicles could affect the In §2, a summary of the problem statement pro-
current decisions, by analyzing the extra cost of insert- posed by Cortés et al. (2009) is presented, which is the
ing real-time service requests into predefined vehicle starting point for the methodology based on generic
routes while the vehicles are in service. In previous evolutionary algorithms proposed in this work. In §3
works of our group, a formulation of the DPDP in we present the ad-hoc methodology, the PSO and GA
an HPC by specifying the state space variables and configurations used within, and the parameter tun-
models was presented (Sáez, Cortés, and Núñez 2008; ing based on multiobjective optimization. Next, in §4
Cortés, Sáez, and Núñez 2008; Cortés et al. 2009). In a detailed computational analysis and comparison of
those works, two solution algorithms using genetic the configurations of PSO and GA are carried out
algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimization based on simulations. Finally, conclusions, remarks,
(PSO) were developed to solve real-time instances. To and further research are presented in §5.
the best of our knowledge, no other hybrid predictive
control approaches for solving DPDP have been pro-
posed in the literature using PSO and GA that can per- 2. Problem Statement
form real-time control on a dial-a-ride type of system.
In the literature, most of the applications using 2.1. General Description
such methods (namely, PSO and GA) solve static In the context of control theory, the notion of hybrid
cases, or vehicle routing problems (VRP) that nei- systems arises when the problem conditions are char-
ther include explicitly the dynamic behavior of the acterized by both continuous and discrete/integer
system, nor a reasonable set of future realizations variables. In the last two decades, hybrid systems
of the stochastic demand. Specifically, GAs have have been studied more intensely by researchers from
been applied for various VRPs, considering different several study areas, such as computer science and
chromosome representations and genetic operators automatic control (see for example Bemporad and
depending on the particular problem: Skrlec, Filipec, Morari 1999; Hegyi, De Schutter, and Hellendoorn
and Krajcar (1997), for the single vehicle capacitated 2005; Karer et al. 2007a, b; Núñez et al. 2009). Specifi-
VRP; Haghani and Jung (2005), for the multivehi- cally, hybrid systems can be expressed as a nonlinear
cle DVRP with time-dependent travel time and soft state space model given by
time windows. Zhu et al. (2006) proposed an adapted
PSO algorithm to solve a static VRP with time win- x4k + 15 = f 4x4k51 u4k551
dows. Jih and Hsu (1999) and Osman, Abo-Sinna, y4k5 = g4x4k51 u4k551
and Mousa (2005) presented a successful comparison
of the GA against dynamic programming in terms where x4k5 are the continuous and/or discrete (inte-
of computation time; the former solved the DVRP ger) state space variables, u4k5 are the continuous
with time windows and capacity constraints and the and/or discrete input or manipulated variables, y4k5
latter solved a multiobjective VRP. Ant colony meth- define the continuous and/or discrete system outputs
ods, a metaheuristic inspired by the behavior of real and f 4·1 ·5, g4·1 ·5 are piecewise nonlinear functions. In
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS 241

general, a hybrid predictive control controller mini- where rji 4k5 is a binary variable defined as follows:
mizes the following generic objective function: (
1 if stop i belonging to Sj 4k5 is a pick-up
min J 4u4k51 0 0 0 1 u4k + Nu − 151 x̂4k + 151 0 0 0 1 rji 4k5 =
u4k510001u4k+Nu −15 0 if stop i belonging to Sj 4k5 is a delivery0
x̂4k + N 51 ŷ4k + 151 0 0 0 1 ŷ4k + N 551 (2)
The first and second columns represent a pair iden-
where J is an objective function, k is the current time, tifying if stop i is either a pickup [1 0] or a deliv-
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N is the prediction horizon, Nu is the control hori- ery [0 1], respectively. The third column of the Sj 4k5
zon, x̂4k + t5, ŷ4k + t5 are the expected state space vec- matrix represents the external travel time function,
tor and the expected system output at instant k + t, where âji 4k5 is the expected total travel time between
respectively, and 6u4k5T 1 0 0 0 1 u4k + Nu − 15T 7T repre- points i − 1 and i plus the transfer operation delay
sents the control sequence, which corresponds to the at node i. For simulation purposes, we assume that
set of optimization variables. Once expression (2) is the position of the vehicles can be measured or esti-
optimized, only the first element of the control vector mated at any moment. The last column labelij keeps
u4k5 is used to update the system conditions, based the passenger identifier, which is needed to check the
on the receding horizon methodology. feasibility of the sequence in terms of precedence (the
Conceptually, the HPC framework to model the pickup must occur before the delivery of the same
DPDP incorporates stochasticity into the routing dis- client).
patch rules by considering the impact of future reas- When the dispatcher makes a decision, first the pas-
signments on the performance of already-scheduled sengers are assigned to a certain vehicle, and then
customers (Cortés et al. 2009). The stochastic predic- they are inserted within the sequence of task that
tion allows the dispatcher to incorporate a more real- the vehicle follows. Figure 1 shows an example of
istic and robust measure of effective travel (waiting) a sequence for a vehicle j. Users labeled as “1,”
time experienced by the users into the decision objec- “2,” and “3” are assigned to vehicle j. The sequence
tive function. assigned considers to pickup user “label1j 4k5 = 1”
We consider a fleet of F vehicles, which are dynam- (coordinate 1+ ), then to pickup user “label2j 4k5 = 3”
ically routed over an influence area A. The demand (coordinate 3+ ), then to delivery user “label3j 4k5 = 1”
for service is unknown and is revealed in real time. (coordinate 1− ) and so on.
Quick routing and scheduling decisions are required
Vehicles will travel according to the predefined
to handle the demand with the available vehicles. At
sequence vector S4k − 15 while no new calls are
any time k, each vehicle j is assigned to follow a
received. When a new service request is received, the
sequence of pickups and deliveries (control action),
dispatcher calculates the control sequence in the next
and can be represented by the function Sj 4k5, where
step S4k5 for the fleet of vehicles, adding the stops
the ith element of the sequence represents the ith stop
indicated by the new customer. Then, each sequence
of vehicle j along its route, and wj 4k5 is the total num-
Sj 4k5 remains fixed during the whole time interval
ber of stops. A stop is defined by a user who requires
4k1 k +15, unless a vehicle reaches a predefined pickup
the service (it could be its pickup or delivery). The
or delivery stop during such an interval, in which case
initial condition sj0 4k5 corresponds to the position of
its sequence will decrease in size showing that the
vehicle j at instant time k. The set of sequences
scheduled task has been accomplished. Thus, in this
S4k5 = 6S1 4k5T 1 0 0 0 1 Sj 4k5T 1 0 0 0 1 SF 4k5T 7T associated with
scheme the problem is formulated in terms of a vari-
the fleet of vehicles correspond to the control (manip-
able time step (triggered by events), which represents
ulated) variable u4k5. The sequence of stops assigned
the time interval between two consecutive requests,
to vehicle j at instant k, Sj 4k5, is given by
 0 
sj 4k5 Sj (k − 1) ≡ 1+ → 3+ → 1– → 2+ → 2− → 3−
 s 1 4k5 
 j  1−
Sj 4k5 =  00 
 0  3+
 
wj 4k5
sj 4k5
label1j 4k5
 1
1 − rj1 4k5 âj1 4k5

rj 4k5
 00 00 00 00  2−

 0 0 0 0 
 1+
 r i 4k5 i i i
= j 1 − rj 4k5 âj 4k5 labelj 4k5  1 (3) vj
 00 00 00 00 
0 0 0 0
 

wj 4k5 wj 4k5 wj 4k5 wj 4k5
 Figure 1 (Color online) Representation of a Sequence of Vehicle j
rj 4k5 1 − rj 4k5 âj 4k5 labelj 4k5 and Its Stops
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
242 Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS

that is to say, the predictive controller takes a routing i.e., Skk+N = 6S4k5T 1 0 0 0 1 S4k + N − 15T 7T , and applies the
decision when a new call enters the system. updated sequence set S4k5 based on a receding hori-
zon strategy. The optimization variables are the cur-
2.2. Predictive Dynamic Model and Objective rent sequence that incorporate the new request, and
the future sequences that incorporate the prediction
In the DPDP the state space variables include the
of future requests. Thus, the objective function com-
clock time of departure Tji 4k5 and the vehicle load
prises all of the scenarios h that consists of the sequen-
Lij 4k5, after vehicle j leaves stop i, both computed at
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tial occurrence of N − 1 estimated future request, with

instant k. At this point, let us define, for each vehicle a probability ph . The scenarios are obtained from his-
j ∈ V , the load and departure time vectors as follows: torical data. Therefore, a reasonable prediction hori-
zon N can be defined depending on the intensity of
w 4k−15
Lj 4k5 = L0j 4k5 L1j 4k5 000 Lj j 4k5 1 (4)
4wj 4k−15+15×1 unknown events that enter the system in real time
wj 4k−15
iT and on how good the prediction model is. If the pre-
Tj 4k5 = Tj0 4k5 Tj1 4k5 000 Tj 4k5 0 (5) diction horizon is longer than one, the controller will
4wj 4k−15+15×1
add the future behavior of the system into the cur-
Thus, the set of state space variables for the entire rent decision. The performance of the vehicle routing
system at instant k can be written as x4k5 = scheme will depend on how well the objective func-
6L4k5T 1 T 4k5T 7T , where L4k5 and T 4k5 represent the tion can predict the impact of possible rerouting due
set of load and departure time vectors, respectively, to insertions caused by unknown service requests.
L4k5 = 6L1 4k5T 1 0 0 0 1 Lj 4k5T 1 0 0 0 1 LF 4k5T 7T and T 4k5 = Analytically, a mono-objective function for a predic-
6T1 4k5T 1 0 0 0 1 Tj 4k5T 1 0 0 0 1 TF 4k5T 7T . The output set y4k5 is tion horizon N , can be written as follows:
represented by the vector of observed departure times
F H4k+t5
of vehicles at stops, T 4k5. X X
min ph 4k + t54Cj 4k + t5 − Cj 4k + t − 155 (7)
In the HPC approach, a dynamic model based Skk+N t=1 j=1 h=1
on state space representation for both the vehicle
load and the departure time at stops (as a func- where
tion of segment travel times) is considered (Cortés wj 4k+t5 h
et al. 2009). Both the clock time of departure Tji 4k5 L̂ji−1 4k + t54Tˆji 4k + t5 − Tˆji−1 4k + t55
Cj 4k + t5 =
and the vehicle load Lij 4k5 are stochastic variables, i=1
because they depend on the evolution of the system i
affected by uncertain demand. Therefore, and in order + zij 4k + t54Tˆji 4k + t5 − Tj0 4k + t55 1 (8)
to work with deterministic values, reasonable estima-
where k + t is the instant at which the tth request
tions of the load and departure time vectors have
enters the system, measured from instant k, H 4k + t5
to be obtained. The prediction when a new request
is the number of requests’ patterns at instant k + t,
occurred is given by the expected value of the state
ph 4k + t5 is the probability of occurrence of the hth
space vector for vehicle j, x̂j 4k + 15. Analytically,
request pattern, associated with a trip pattern related
#  
to a specific pair of zones. The patterns and ph 4k + t5
E8Lj 4k + 15/k9 L̂j 4k + 15
x̂j 4k + 15 = =  are calculated based on real-time or historical data,
E8Tj 4k + 15/k9 Tˆj 4k + 15 or a combination of both. This formulation is robust
" # in the sense that different realizations of the stochas-
fL 4Lj 4k51 Sj 4k55
= ∀ j = 11 0 0 0 1 F 1 (6) tic demands are considered in the objective function.
fT 4Tj 4k51 Sj 4k55 In Sáez, Cortés, and Núñez (2008) a zoning based on
fuzzy clustering is designed, in which the estimation
where the functions fL and fT are the state space
of trip patterns is systematized. The first term of (8) is
model defined in Appendix A.
related with the travel time of users, and the second
Once the optimization is conducted, the proposed
term with the waiting time.
vehicle sequences and state space variables must sat-
In Figure 2, the scheme for the HPC of the dial-
isfy a set of constraints given by the real conditions
a-ride system is presented. Note that the optimiza-
of the dial-a-ride system. Specifically, we must con-
sider precedence and consistency constraints (pickup tion problem associated with the HPC strategy will be
location goes before the delivery for the same client) solved using evolutionary algorithms as we explain
in the solution of the HPC problem to generate only in §3.
feasible sequences.
The central dispatcher (controller) computes the 3. Solution Algorithms
control decisions, by means of the minimization of For solving the optimization problem given by the
an objective function and predictions, for the entire objective function defined in (7) within the pro-
control horizon Nu = N (N is the prediction horizon), posed HPC strategy applied to the dial-a-ride system
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS 243

ph(k + 1), H(k + 1) Demand The ad-hoc methodology for the HPC of the dial-a-
predictor ride system has been designed based on the particular
structure of the problem, and is presented next.
Xj (k + 1)
HPC based on Sj(k) Dial-a-ride 3.1. Methodology Based on Evolutionary
evolutionary Tj (k + 1)
system Algorithms (EA)
algorithms Lj (k + 1)
In this section, we present the developed methodol-
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ogy based on evolutionary algorithms to solve the

Figure 2 HPC Scheme for Controlling the Dial-a-Ride System hybrid predictive control for the dial-a-ride system
for the two-steps ahead prediction problem within the
described in §2, we propose a new ad-hoc method-
HPC formulation described in §2.
ology based on generic evolutionary algorithms.
As shown in expression (7), the objective function
The generic evolutionary algorithms to be used are
described in Figure 3. of the optimization problem depends not only on the
Evolutionary algorithms consist of a population current assignment for pickup and delivery but also
where each member represents or encodes a solution on the expected future requests. Then, in order to find
of a given problem, and the quality of a solution (and a good assignment for a given incoming request, it is
indeed the member) is evaluated with a fitness func- necessary to compute optimal or near-optimal assign-
tion, which is directly related to the objective func- ments for expected future requests in the next pre-
tion. The members of the population evolve over the diction step, assuming the sequence in the previous
different iterations according to the operators of the step is known. Thus, a two-level algorithm is consid-
algorithm (evolutionary stage). At the end of the algo- ered; at each level, an evolutionary algorithm as that
rithm, which, for instance, can be decided by reaching schematically presented in Figure 3 is executed, where
a maximum number of iterations, the solution to the the solutions represent the insertion positions (or the
problem is the one stored as the best member of the sequence) for the incoming request.
population (which may be the optimal or a subopti- The first level solves the optimization for the inser-
mal solution). In this work, PSO and GA evolutionary tion positions of the incoming call based on the pro-
optimization algorithms are considered. posed objective function shown in (7). The second
These evolutionary algorithms are used inside the level determines the positions associated with the
ad-hoc methodology to solve the HPC of the dial- expected future requests, using the sequences gen-
a-ride system (HPC-EA-DRS), and as such, they are erated in the first level. The two-level procedure is
used to find good insertion positions of the requests. conducted for every vehicle to determine the vehicle
experiencing the lowest insertion cost (based on the
Initialize objective function). The main reason for running the
parameters procedure separately for each vehicle is because dif-
ferent vehicles have different sequence lengths, which
makes a consistent design of the solutions’ encoding
population difficult when applied to different vehicles.
Each member of the population of the chosen evo-
lutionary algorithm represents a candidate solution
Obtain solutions for the insertion positions of a request for a given
vehicle j. The insertion positions are defined as ™ =
4pu1 de5, where pu represents the position of the
pickup, and de is the position of the delivery. The
Evaluate fitness
decoded sequence based on (3) is

sj0 4k5
 
Evolutionary stage

 sj1 4k5 

 00 
 
 
No sj 4k5
 
End  
condition? sj 4k5 =  00
 

 0 

 sjde 4k5 

(Sub) optimal solution  00 
 
 
wj 4k5
Figure 3 Generic Evolutionary Algorithm sj 4k5
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
244 Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS

label0j 4k5 Step (2). For each candidate sequence S ™l 4k5,

 
rj0 4k5 1−rj0 4k5 âj0 4k5
label1j 4k5  H 4k + 15 probable requests are considered. Then, the
 1
 rj 4k5 1−rj1 4k5 âj1 4k5

 00 00 00 00 
second level of the algorithm starts and the second
0 0 0 0
 
level counter is set to g2 = 0. InitPopulation and then
 
 pu pu pu pu
 rj 4k5 1−rj 4k5 âj 4k5 labelj 4k5 

 00 00 00 00 
 (9) ObtainSequence are applied to generate n potential

 0 0 0 0  sequences S ™m 4k + 15—h , m2 11 21 0 0 0 1 n, for each proba-
 r de 4k5 1−r de 4k5 â de 4k5 labelde 4k5 

 j j j j  ble request pattern h2 11 21 0 0 0 1 H 4k + 15.
Downloaded from by [] on 23 May 2015, at 06:02 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

00 00 00 00
Step (3). Provided that S ™l 4k5 is known, evaluate
 
 0 0 0 0 
the fitness function f2nd level 4k5, defined in (10), for all
 
wj 4k5 wj 4k5 wj 4k5 wj 4k5
rj 4k5 1−rj 4k5 âj 4k5 labelj 4k5
potential feasible sequences S ™m 4k + 15—h . If S ™m 4k + 15—h
The particular encodings of the insertion positions or S ™l 4k5 are unfeasible in terms of the capacity of
associated with each method, as well as the repair the vehicle or precedence, penalize its fitness (if a
strategies designed to handle unfeasible solutions, are repair method is considered, the unfeasible solutions
defined in §3.2. in terms of precedence constraints are repaired using
For a specific vehicle, the first level considers the ObtainSequence; thus, at this point the sequence is fea-
insertion positions of the incoming call; the fitness sible, at least in precedence).
function for the first level f1st level 4k5 is given by the Step (4). If an ending criterion (maximum num-
objective function associated with the whole opti- ber of iterations) is satisfied, then proceed to Step 5,
mization problem, as defined in (7). As this objective and return best solutions for every probable request.
function considers the insertion costs of the expected Otherwise, use the function EvolutionaryStage to
future requests, the second level of the algorithm update the particles or individuals. By using the
must be run inside the objective function compu- function ObtainSequence, the sequences S ™m 4k + 15—h ,
tation step of the first level in order to find near- m2 11 21 0 0 0 1 n for h2 11 21 0 0 0 1 H 4k + 15 are generated
g2 = g2 + 1. Go back to Step 3.
optimal insertion positions for every expected future
Step (5). At this step, the second level ends and we
request, assuming that the candidate solution for the
go back to the first level. Given that S ™l 4k5 is known
incoming request being evaluated at the first level is
and the solutions for S ™m 4k +15—h , h2 11 0 0 0 1 H 4k +15 are
assigned to such a vehicle. In addition, as the sec-
obtained in Step 3, the objective function f1st level 4k5,
ond level considers only the insertion positions of
in this case considering two steps ahead, is evaluated
one of the expected requests (h) provided a candidate
and used as the fitness function. If S ™l 4k5 is unfeasible,
solution for the incoming request S ™l 4k5, the second
penalize it.
level fitness, namely, f2nd level 4k5, considers the follow-
Step (6). If a termination criterion (maximum num-
ing objective function for every candidate solution:
ber of iterations of Steps 2–6) is satisfied, then STOP,
X and return the best solution found. Otherwise, by
f2nd level 4k5 = 4Cj 4k + 25 − Cj 4k + 155—S ™l 4k51 h 0 (10) using the function EvolutionaryStage, the positions and
j=1 the velocities of all particles for l2 11 21 0 0 0 1 n are
updated. Using ObtainSequence, S ™l 4k5, l2 11 21 0 0 0 1 n,
Next, we describe the two-level HPC-EA-DRS algo- are generated g1 = g1 + 1. Go back to Step 2.
rithm that uses modules (see Figure 3) that in general Next, we present the different evolutionary algo-
will be different depending on the chosen evolution- rithm strategies, which are used as a part of this ad-
ary algorithm (these modules are described in Online hoc algorithm.
Appendix B (available as supplemental material at 3.2. Evolutionary Algorithms for the
The HPC-EA-DRS is as follows: HPC-EA-DRS
Step (0). Call function InitializeParameters of the The evolutionary algorithms used in the HPC-EA-
selected evolutionary algorithm. DRS are described in this section, including its basics
Step (1). Suppose that the predefined sequence set and the actual operators according to the HPC formu-
S4k − 15 is known. A new service request (call) enters lation for the DPDP.
the system. The first level of the algorithm then starts First, we highlight the PSO algorithm, which is
and the first level counter is set to g1 = 0. The modules based on a particle swarm that represents a popu-
InitPopulation and ObtainSequence are used to generate lation of candidate solutions (Kennedy and Eberhart
a set of n potential sequences S ™l 4k5, with l2 11 21 0 0 0 1 n. 2001). The particles are initialized randomly, and then
Note that 6n/F 7 candidate solutions are associated they move iteratively within the search space in order
with each vehicle, which means that the insertion of to find new solutions. The particles have a fitness asso-
the new call falls in the specific vehicle sequence (F is ciated with the solution quality, usually given by the
the fleet size). objective function to be optimized. Each particle i is
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS 245

characterized by a position, a velocity, its best previ- For instance, if we use a real-valued particle rep-
ous position, and the best position among all of the resentation for vehicle j, a particle is encoded as x =
particles belonging to the swarm. The particles are 4x1 1 x2 5 = 40071 3085. To decode such a particle, we sim-
updated (they move) according to their cognitive and ply approximate each coordinate to the upper integer
social behavior. The above description of PSO was to obtain the insertion positions ™ = 4pu1 de5 = 411 45.
originally conceived to solve continuous problems. In In this paper, three strategies are used for dealing
this work, we adapted the standard PSO configura- with solutions that do not satisfy the precedence con-
Downloaded from by [] on 23 May 2015, at 06:02 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

tion in order to add integer variables in the solution. straint (pickup before delivery) that appear by the
The second solver we explore is GA (Man, Tang, generation of individuals/particles of GA and PSO:
and Kwong 1998). It is based on biological evolu- —Penalty approach (called P ). In this case, a
tion, and uses inherited operators such as mutation, penalization term is added to the objective function
selection, and crossover. In particular, the optimiza- when some solutions (individuals/particles) generate
tion variables in the HPC formulation of DPDP are unfeasible sequences. Specifically, a hard penalization
discrete, and therefore the binary encoding is not nec- is used by including a very high weighing factor
essary. In other words, the genes of the individuals in computing the fitness of the unfeasible solutions,
(feasible solutions) are given directly by the integer regardless of the distance to the feasible region.
optimization variables. In addition, gradient compu- —Repair strategy (R1). The Baldwinian evolution
tations are not necessary as in conventional nonlinear (Hinton and Nowlan 1987) is considered to repair
optimization solvers, which saves significant compu- unfeasible individuals just for evaluation purposes,
tation time. Pseudocodes of both GA and PSO algo- although they are not modified in the population.
rithms are presented in Online Appendix C. Then, the population is a mix of feasible and unfeasi-
Based on the standard PSO and GA methods, nine ble individuals.
different cases are considered in this work, depend- —Repair strategy (R2). Lamarckian evolution
ing on the encoding and constraint handling methods. (Ackley and Littman 1994) is used to repair an unfea-
Two of these cases were previously proposed in Sáez, sible solution into a feasible one, which replaces the
Cortés, and Núñez (2008) and Cortés et al. (2009), and original unfeasible option in the population. Then, all
the other seven are new ad-hoc implementations. members of the population are feasible.
In these algorithms, each member of the popula- The details of the entire repair procedure are
tion represents a candidate solution for the insertion presented in Online Appendix B, function Obtain-
positions of a request for a given vehicle. Each parti- Sequence. Candidate solutions that do not satisfy the
cle or individual (particle and individual are the typ- capacity constraint are always penalized.
ical nomenclature for candidate solutions in the PSO According to the encoding and handling options of
and GA literature, respectively) has two coordinates; unfeasible solutions, six versions of PSO and three
the first represents the pickup position and the sec- versions of GA are used: P-PSO-R, R1-PSO-R, R2-
ond represents the delivery position of insertion in the PSO-R, P-PSO-N, R1-PSO-N, R2-PSO-N, P-GA, R1-
sequence of a single vehicle (no-swapping of stops is GA, and R2-GA. The prefixes P, R1, and R2 indicate
assumed as in Sáez, Cortés, and Núñez 2008; Cortés, the handling technique for unfeasible solutions based
Sáez, and Núñez 2008; Cortés et al. 2009). Particles or on penalization P, R1 for Baldwinian repair, and R2
individuals are encoded by x = 4x1 1 x2 5, which repre- Lamarckian repair, respectively. The suffixes R and N
sent a candidate solution. PSO algorithms can be used indicate that solutions are encoded in a continuous
with continuous or discrete particles whose coordi- or integer domain, respectively. R2-GA was proposed
nates are of the form x = 4x1 1 x2 5 ∈ R or x = 4x1 1 x2 5 ∈ in Sáez, Cortés, and Núñez (2008) and R1-PSO-R was
N , respectively. In the case of GA, the coordinates of proposed in Cortés et al. (2009).
each individual are directly discrete, and therefore in
such a case we considered x = 4x1 1 x2 5 ∈ N . Hereafter 3.3. Parameter Tuning for the HPC-EA-DRS
in the paper, R and N represent the sets of real and Several studies have reported the optimization of
integer numbers, respectively. parameter tuning for PSO and GA. Most of these
Recall that the insertion positions are defined as studies cover cognitive, social parameters, and iner-
™ = 4pu1 de5, where pu represents the position of tia weights in case of PSO; mutation, crossover rates,
the pickup, and de is the position of the delivery. and selective pressure parameters for GA. These stud-
A feasible insertion requires three conditions. First, ies offer recommended parameter sets, recognizing
the pickup and delivery positions have to be con- that these are problem dependent. Then, we perform
sistent with the length of the sequence; second, the a sensitivity analysis of these parameters; however,
pickup position in the sequence will always precede the obtained standard deviations turned out to be
the delivery position; and third, the capacity con- too large in order to draw any conclusions. Because
straint must be satisfied. of that, we decided to use a manually tuned set of
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
246 Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS

parameters for GA and a set of recommended param- 0.8

Pareto front
eters for PSO.
With regard to the remaining parameters, namely, 0.7

population size and number of generations, in the lit-

erature we found studies that solve static problems

Mean total cost JPn, g

(off-line mode, with no strict requirement on compu-
tation time), where the number of iterations is chosen
Downloaded from by [] on 23 May 2015, at 06:02 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

large enough for the algorithm to converge. Besides, (n1, g1)

the population size is chosen large enough to per-
form a global search, without making the algorithm
excessively slow. The problem faced here is dynamic, (n2, g2)
so the computational burden is very relevant. In gen- 0.2
eral, because of the complexity of the system, there is
no time to let the algorithms converge, and then the 0.1
number of particles and maximum number of itera- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
tions are critical to the algorithm performance. Mean computation time tn, g
In this section, we propose a methodology to tune
Figure 4 (Color online) Pareto Front Including Mean Total Cost and
the remaining two parameters: the population size
Computation Time
and the number of generations, by means of a mul-
tiobjective approach. The goal of this approach is to
not belong to the Pareto optimal set as it is dominated
find the best set of combinations of these parame-
by X 2 = 8n2 1 g 2 9. Notice that the number of function
ters in terms of quality of the solutions and computa-
evaluations (n · g) is not the only determining factor
tion time. Since accuracy and computation resources
for the quality of the solutions. It also depends on
are clearly opposite, a multiobjective approach is pro-
the design of the algorithms. In fact, larger popula-
posed to set the value of these parameters. The mul-
tion sizes are chosen to favor a global search, while
tiobjective problem we solve is the following:
more generations are used to get solutions that are
min 8tn1 g 1 JPn1 g 9 more refined. Then, there might be combinations of
n1 g
(11) population sizes and number of generations that eval-
s0t0 4n1 g5 ∈ P 1 uate few objective functions and reach better quality
solutions than other combinations that evaluate more
where n is the population size, g is the number of candidate solutions. The former are optimal configu-
generations, P is the search domain of n and g0 The rations in the Pareto set, and the latter are dominated
mean computation time required for the optimiza- solutions. Then, with the multiobjective approach, we
tion problem of each incoming request is tn1 g , using a can find the optimal configurations that allow finding
population size n and number of generations g. The the best solutions in the least possible computational
mean total cost of the system is JPn1 g (which is a mea- time.
sure of the performance of the system), comprising Once the Pareto set has been found, a single combi-
the effective travel and waiting times for users and nation must be chosen according to some criterion. A
operational costs of the operator during the whole natural one is to define a bound for the computation,
period of simulation, using a population size n and and then the chosen combination of population size
number of generations g. Given the stochastic nature and number of generations is the one that finds the
of the algorithms, several replications are conducted best solutions in the allowed time.
considering every combination of parameters to find
the mean values of the total cost JPn1 g and computa-
tion time tn1 g .
4. Simulation Experiments
The solution of the multiobjective problem is a 4.1. Comparison of HPC-EA-DRS Methodologies
region PS called Pareto optimal set. The set of all A discrete-event system simulation for a two-hour
objective function values corresponding to solutions period is conducted in order to evaluate the per-
in the Pareto optimal set is known as Pareto opti- formance of the proposed control methodology to
mal front PF = 84tni 1 g i 1 JPni 1 g i 52 4ni 1 g i 5 ∈ PS 9. Figure 4 dynamically decide the best route of vehicles accord-
shows a graphical example of the multiobjective prob- ing to the incoming demand, and in particular, to
lem presented above, where the Pareto front is high- compare the different configurations of the consid-
lighted. ered evolutionary algorithms (GA and PSO). The
In Figure 4, any solution X i = 8ni 1 g i 9 that belongs scheme considers a fleet of nine small vehicles, each
to the Pareto optimal set is not dominated by any with space for four passengers. Dispatch and rout-
other X j = 8nj 1 g j 9. For example, X 1 = 8n1 1 g 1 9 does ing decisions are made by the controller in real time.
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS 247

7:00–7:59 A.M. 8:00–8:59 A.M.

(0, 9) (3, 9) (6, 9) (9, 9) [Km] (0, 9) (3, 9) (6, 9) (9, 9) [Km]

3 4 3 4
Downloaded from by [] on 23 May 2015, at 06:02 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

1 2 1 2
(0, 9) (3, 9) (6, 9) (9, 9) [Km] (0, 9) (3, 9) (6, 9) (9, 9) [Km]
P\D 2 4 P\D 1 3 4
1 0, 15 0, 4 1 0, 00 0, 00 0, 23
3 0, 15 0, 3 3 0, 14 0, 12 0, 51

Figure 5 (Color online) Origin-Destination Demand Patterns

Although service requests are unknown, the aver- the region. The experiment is repeated 30 times for
age system pattern is assumed known from historical each case of analysis (each configuration or PSO and
data, obtained from the average demand measured GA), testing different demand requests that follow the
over the preceding week. pattern in Figure 5. The relevant indicators we mea-
In the case study, four different future requests sure are the average total cost in terms of waiting
are considered between 7:00 and 7:59 a.m., and four time, travel time, and operational cost for the entire
more between 8:00 and 8:59 a.m. Each of these two-hour period and the average computation time
future requests triggers the discrete event model at an for solving the optimization problem associated with
instant ’, and corresponds to the request that is opti- the insertion decision of every incoming request, as
mized during the second level optimization (two-step shown in Table 1. These tests were conducted using
ahead). Because the generated requests are just pre- 10 generations and 10 individuals in the evolution-
dictions, the calculated “near-optimal” sequences for ary algorithms used within the HPC-EA-DRS method.
such requests are not used for the dispatcher, meaning The considered configurations of evolutionary algo-
that only the sequence S4k5 for the effective current rithms are (as introduced in §3.2): P-PSO-R, R1-PSO-
call is applied to the system. R, R2-PSO-R, P-PSO-N, R1-PSO-N, R2-PSO-N, P-GA,
The demand patterns and their probabilities are R1-GA, and R2-GA.
shown in Figure 5 and were determined by the zon- Our routines for all proposed algorithms based on
ing method used in Cortés et al. (2009). PSO and GA were coded in Matlab, including the dif-
We consider an urban service area of approximately ferent configurations explained above. The equipment
81 km2 . The vehicles are assumed to travel straight utilized for the implementation of the routines is an
between stops at an average speed of 20 km/hr over iMac CPU Intel Core i3 (3.2 GHz, 4 GB).

Table 1 Simulation Statistics for the Proposed Algorithms for Control the Dial-a-Ride System

Total cost statistics Computation time statistics

EA Mean Worst case Best case Standard Mean Worst case Best case Standard
configuration [min] [min] [min] deviation [min] [s] [s] [s] deviation [s]

P-PSO-N 6181809 7121406 6137806 171039 70522 80218 70032 00303

R1-PSO-N 6180900 7113601 6148708 132079 120509 140291 110686 00515
R2-PSO-N 6180001 7104103 6153604 119027 110530 120399 100845 00335
P-PSO-R 6184605 7112305 6154403 129052 80378 90336 70700 00310
R1-PSO-R 6182306 7116808 6151005 156027 130468 140868 120888 00455
R2-PSO-R 6181006 7107802 6152300 119027 110763 120495 100820 00335
P-GA 6178703 7102204 6158200 90081 270010 280551 240897 00956
R1-GA 6180300 7103904 6158100 107063 240764 260064 230413 00643
R2-GA 6179608 6189805 6168908 43038 310751 330353 300330 00548
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
248 Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS

Table 2 Comparison Between PSO-N and PSO-R Strategies Table 3 Comparison Between Penalty and Repair Strategies

Performance change when shifting from a PSO-N to a PSO-R strategy Performance change when shifting from a penalty to a repair configuration

Extra computation Total cost Extra computation Total cost

Method time [%] increase [%] Method time [%] decrease [%]

P-PSO 11038 0040 R1-PSO-N 66030 0015

R1-PSO 7067 0021 R1-PSO-R 60075 0033
Downloaded from by [] on 23 May 2015, at 06:02 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

R2-PSO 2002 0015 R2-PSO-N 53028 0028

R2-PSO-R 40040 0031
R1-GA −8032 −0023
We observe that in terms of performance, the R2-GA 17055 −0014
GA strategies provide better solutions than the PSO
strategies. Nevertheless, GA takes twice as much
GA mostly because they run faster. In addition, dis-
time as PSO does, which supports our preference
crete encoding seems to be the best approach, and
for PSO-based algorithms, mainly in case of project-
Lamarckian evolution shows better performance than
ing this methodology to potential real implementa- Baldwinian evolution.
tions. In fact, a real-time application might not justify In §4.2, the results of an optimal parameter tuning
the marginal increase in the quality of the solutions based on multiobjective optimization are presented
(Table 1) when considering the trade-off between for the evolutionary algorithms used within the HPC-
solution quality and computational burden. EA-DRS methodology. For illustrative purposes, we
In Table 2 a comparison of the encoding method for chose the R2-PSO-N and R2-GA to show the tuning
PSO is presented. This table shows that the PSO-N methodology. R2-PSO-N was used because it showed
configurations reach better solutions in shorter times the best performance in quality solution among the
than those obtained in the tests for PSO-R, under PSO options for the original parameters, and R2-GA
the same constraint handling technique. Thus, for the was chosen since it is the analog to R2-PSO-N among
studied system, with 10 individuals and 10 gener- the GA approaches.
ations, we conclude that PSO-N configurations per-
form better than PSO-R configurations. This result is 4.2. Parameter Tuning for PSO and GA in the
reasonable considering the discrete nature of the opti- HPC-EA-DRS Methodology
mization problem. In that sense, one might expect GA As stated before, R2-PSO-N and R2-GA have been
to perform well for this problem given its discrete chosen for parameter tuning. The parameters con-
encoding, although as mentioned above the compu- sidered are the population size and number of gen-
tation time required for PSO is significantly less than erations. We consider 50 replications of each case,
that required for GA, which can be a determinant in in order to find the mean computation time and
the context of a real-time dispatch scheme where deci- mean total cost for each combination of the param-
sions need to be made fast enough in order to make eters. Both population size and number of genera-
the system work. tions vary in the range between 5 and 20. The Pareto
In Table 3, a comparison between the constraint front and other suboptimal combinations of popula-
handling techniques for PSO and GA is presented. We tion sizes and generations for both methods are pre-
observe that for the PSO configurations, the schemes sented graphically in Figure 6 and in detail in Table 4.
with repair result in better solutions than those with From Table 4 we appreciate that five out of the 11
penalty, although they require longer computation points in the Pareto set associated with the R2-PSO-N
times (Table 3). This happens because the stages configuration correspond to the smallest tested pop-
involved in procedures with repair are capable of test- ulation size 5. The quality of the solutions for these
ing more candidate solutions than those with penalty. points increases very fast with respect to the computa-
It is not clear then which strategy is better, consid- tion time, whereas in combinations with larger popu-
ering the observed trade-off between computational lations it increases very slowly. Moreover, the solution
time and objective function values. Note that this with 8 individuals and 11 iterations looks like a knee
behavior does not apply to GA. The GA configuration point. Note that the influence of the demand predic-
with penalty is the best in terms of objective function. tion, which is inherently stochastic, could cause some
In this case, this approach seems to guide the popula- results not to follow the expected behavior. For exam-
tion toward the optimum in a better fashion than the ple, the combination of 20 individuals and 20 genera-
other constraint handling techniques, which result in tions should result in the best performance, which is
better solutions. not the case as it does not appear in the Pareto front
For this combination of population size and gener- (Table 4).
ations, the previous results suggest that PSO strate- For the R2-GA strategy, we cannot observe a clear
gies are more suitable for real-time application than knee point as before. In addition, the points in the
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS 249

Pareto fronts—9 vehicles Table 5 Optimal Parameters Found for R2-GA

R2−PSO−N Pareto optimal set for R2-GA (9 Vehicles)
Mean total cost JPn, g [s]

Population Number of Mean computation Mean total
size generations time per request [s] cost [min]
5 5 100846 6195803
8 5 160150 6187409
Downloaded from by [] on 23 May 2015, at 06:02 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

6,900 8 11 320039 6178702

8 14 380128 6178507
6,800 8 17 430661 6176001
11 5 200849 6183703
(8, 11) 11 14 430776 6175907
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 14 5 240007 6179902
Mean computation time tn, g [s] 14 11 400042 6176902
17 14 480910 6175806
17 17 530824 6175605
Figure 6 Comparison of the Pareto Fronts and Dominated Solutions
17 20 580124 6175604
of Each Strategy (9 Vehicles)
20 5 290215 6179002
20 14 500362 6175709
Pareto optimal set are uniformly distributed for dif- 20 17 550171 6175604
ferent population sizes (Table 5). This is very differ-
ent from the case of R2-PSO-N, where almost half of
the points correspond to the shortest population size find a R2-PSO-N case that runs faster and find a better
available. performance as well. From these observations, we can
R2-PSO-N is faster than R2-GA for equal popu- say that the R2-PSO heuristic is more efficient than
lations and generations. This is because R2-PSO-N R2-GA-N for the described problem.
evaluates fewer candidate solutions than R2-GA. To Finally, we have to say that in real implementa-
understand this, note that the fitness of tested solu- tions of a dial-a-ride system, one necessary condition
tions are stored so that it is not necessary to compute is that the solution must be obtained quick enough
them again when a solution is repeated. Besides, it is to become acceptable for the service provider. In this
known that PSO converges faster than GA (Nedjah case, we can easily choose the parameters that reach
and Macedo-Mourelle 2006), implying that some can- the best solutions in a reasonably short time. Thus,
didate solutions are more likely to be repeated (as the
for example, in PSO, if we use a maximum decision
problem is discrete). Then, for a given population size
time of 10 seconds for every request as a criterion, we
and number of generations, PSO evaluates fewer can-
can choose five individuals and 17 generations, which
didate solutions, and therefore it runs faster.
reaches the best mean total cost (6,782 min) among
From Figure 6, we can also notice that for a given
those reachable in a computation time that is less than
computation time value, we always find a R2-PSO-N
case that performs better than any R2-GA case. Con- 10 seconds (8.18 s).
versely, for a given total cost value, we always find a
R2-PSO-N case that is faster than any R2-GA imple- 4.3. HPC-EA-DRS with Different Fleet Size
mentation. Finally, for any R2-GA case, we can always Next, in order to see how extendable the results to
other configurations of dial-a-ride systems are, we
conduct some tests under different scenarios. The
Table 4 Optimal Parameters Found for R2-PSO-N
experiment considers different fleet sizes. A total of
Pareto optimal set for R2-PSO-N (9 Vehicles) seven and 11 vehicles were tested to verify the prop-
Population Number of Mean computation Mean total erties of the algorithms R2-GA and R2-PSO-N. Fig-
size generations time per request [s] cost [min] ure 7 with the corresponding Tables 6 and 7 are the
results for the case study with seven vehicles, and
5 5 30543 7118109
5 8 50047 6196408 Figure 8 with Tables 8 and 9 comprises the results of
5 11 60374 6190503 11 vehicles.
5 14 70312 6185202 As can be seen in the results, in all cases the sys-
5 17 80177 6178207 tematic better performances of R2-PSO-N in terms
8 11 100240 6175108
11 20 180201 6173801 of Pareto optimal solutions with respect to R2-GA
14 20 210693 6173400 remains. The case study selected in the previous sec-
17 11 180141 6174603 tion represents a good example to show the character-
17 17 220658 6172604 istics of the algorithms. We can expect similar results
20 11 200404 6173600
under different fleet sizes for dial-a-ride set ups.
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
250 Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS

Pareto fronts—7 vehicles Pareto fronts—11 vehicles

10,400 5,500
10,200 R2−GA R2−GA
Mean total cost JPn, g [s]

Mean total cost JPn, g [s]

10,000 5,400

9,800 5,350
Downloaded from by [] on 23 May 2015, at 06:02 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

9,600 5,300

9,400 5,250

9,200 5,200
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Mean computation time tn, g [s] Mean computation time tn, g [s]

Figure 7 Comparison of the Pareto Fronts and Dominated Solutions

Figure 8 Comparison of the Pareto Fronts and Dominated Solutions
of Each Strategy (7 Vehicles)
of Each Strategy (11 Vehicles)

4.4. Comparison of HPC-EA-DRS with a that the distribution of the probable future requests is
Double-Horizon Heuristic unknown. The heuristic method considers the neces-
In this section, the proposed HPC-EA-DRS strategy sity of making good short-term decisions without
is compared with a state-of-the-art heuristic method experiencing adverse long-term effects. At the short-
based on a double-horizon-based strategy (Mitrovic- term stage, a static optimization is performed with
Minic, Krishnamurti, and Laporte 2004) for solving
the objective of minimizing the cost of serving the
the dynamic pickup and delivery problem. A double-
incoming request (coming up in real time). At the
horizon heuristic solves a dynamic problem assuming
long-term stage, the aim is to provide enough room
(slack) for making future insertions easier. The heuris-
Table 6 Optimal Parameters Found for R2-PSO-N tic originally is designed for solving a DPDP version
with time windows, and therefore, in the long-term
Pareto optimal set for R2-PSO-N (7 vehicles)
the goal is to maximize the slack time to make inser-
Population Number of Mean computation Mean total tion easier. In our formulation however, there are no
size generations time per request [s] cost [min] explicit time windows; in this case the most impor-
5 5 30403 10134300 tant constraint is given by the capacity in the vehicles;
5 8 50100 9189407 therefore, our aim is in providing enough room to
5 11 60546 9177506 satisfy future requests at a good level of service. The
5 14 70742 9170801
5 17 80614 9150507
8 14 130185 9150308 Table 8 Optimal Parameters Found for R2-PSO-N
8 17 140755 9147605
14 11 190352 9142803 Pareto optimal set for R2-PSO-N (11 vehicles)
14 17 240430 9138105
Population Number of Mean computation Mean total
size generations time per request [s] cost [min]
Table 7 Optimal Parameters Found for R2-GA 5 5 40648 5147309
5 8 60419 5135901
Pareto optimal set for R2-GA (7 vehicles)
5 14 90020 5134108
Population Number of Mean computation Mean total 5 17 90979 5130409
size generations time per request [s] cost [min] 8 11 110815 5130003
8 17 140610 5127006
5 5 110133 9188904 11 5 90626 5132007
5 8 200680 9158708 11 20 190112 5125101
5 11 290734 9147907 14 14 180809 5125908
8 5 180153 9160307 14 17 200083 5124209
8 14 500666 9138001 14 20 210524 5123407
11 5 250234 9148600 17 11 180791 5126908
11 14 620077 9135000 17 17 210944 5123008
14 5 300260 9145909 17 20 230492 5122908
14 8 450711 9139507 20 11 200019 5124504
14 11 570105 9137207 20 14 210923 5123403
17 5 350917 9139805 20 20 240961 5122700
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS 251

Table 9 Optimal Parameters Found for R2-GA Table 10 Optimal Parameters Found for the Double-Horizon Heuristic

Pareto optimal set for R2-GA (11 vehicles) Parameter tuning for a double-horizon heuristic

Population Number of Mean computation Mean total Mean total cost [min]
size generations time per request [s] cost [min]
K \Lmin 3 4
5 5 130643 5138301
5 8 210363 5135906 8 7127100 7123601
Downloaded from by [] on 23 May 2015, at 06:02 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

8 5 180313 5137202 10 7126201 7122601

11 5 220067 5133607 12 7126305 7126300
14 5 240149 5131507 15 7130409 7142700
14 8 310001 5126206 20 7148804 7190308
14 14 400579 5123301
17 5 260067 5127809
17 8 320338 5123906 Table 11 Methods Comparison
17 11 370468 5123702
17 20 490976 5123208 Performances and computational times for the one-step-ahead method,
20 5 270157 5126802 R2-PSO-N and the double-horizon heuristic
20 11 380227 5123307
Mean total cost Improvement Mean computation
20 14 420585 5123208
Method [min] [%] time per request [s]
20 17 460725 5123208
20 20 500698 5123208 One-step-ahead 7127408 0 00034
R2-PSO-N 6158007 9054 10017
Double horizon 7117702 1034 00039
long-term optimization stage then will aim at penal-
izing sequences where the vehicle load is beyond a
certain threshold. The mean performances and computational times
Based on preliminary testing, we realized that the for 2,000 randomly generated sequences are pre-
best results are obtained when the static problem is sented in Table 11, considering that the one-step-
solved for the entire horizon, and the long-term goal ahead method, R2-PSO-N and the double-horizon
acts as a penalization. In such a case, the objective heuristic with their optimal settings (by tuning the
function for the double-horizon heuristic is given by different parameters of each specification) are used
F to control the system. We can observe that both
R2-PSO-N and the double-horizon heuristic offer
min 4C̃j 4k + 15 − C̃j 4k55 (12)
Skk+1 j=1 an improvement over the (myopic) one-step-ahead
method; however, it is clear that the R2-PSO-N imple-
mentation gain is considerably larger than that of the
wj 4k+15
double-horizon heuristic (almost 10% against 1.34%).
K max4L̂ji−1 4k + 15
C̃j 4k + 15 = Cj 4k + 15 + The extra improvement requires of course more com-
i=wj1 long−term
putation resources mainly involved in the prediction
− Lmin + 11 051 (13) of future events phase, as shown in the table. How-
ever, the computation time spent by R2-PSO-N is
where Cj 4k + 15 is the same specification as that still within reasonable ranges for a real-time imple-
defined in (8). The first term of (13) implies a static mentation, which remains bounded and under con-
optimization of the incoming request and the sec- trol because of the nature of the EA algorithms we
ond term penalizes the case of vehicle loads equal or implemented.
greater than a parameter Lmin , proportionally to both
K and L̂i−1
j 4k + 15 − Lmin + 1.
For comparing this heuristic method with our 5. Conclusions and Final Remarks
implementation, we run the case with nine vehicles In this paper, we develop an ad-hoc methodology
based on the results of §4.2 corresponding to R2-PSO- (HPC-EA-DRS) to solve the HPC formulation for
N with eight individuals and 11 iterations (the knee the dial-a-ride system based on generic evolutionary
point). For the double-horizon heuristic penalty, the algorithms. The formalization of the methodology is
parameter factor K and load threshold Lmin are prop- valid for a large variety of evolutionary algorithms
erly tuned; the long-term horizon starts at the 2nd as well as other heuristics of similar characteris-
half (rounded up) of the stops sequence. Table 10 tics, and is based on generic operations performed
shows the different parameters (K and Lmin ) tuned by the evolutionary algorithms. In this work, we
with 2,000 randomly generated sequences. From the show nine specific implementations of the evolution-
table, the best parameters for the heuristic are given ary algorithms (PSO and GA), including repair and
by K = 10, Lmin = 4. penalty approaches that result in several variants of
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
252 Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS

the generic operations in the HPC-EA-DRS to handle Supplemental Material

the specific constraints of the problem behind the real- Supplemental material to this paper is available at http://dx
time operation of a dial-a-ride service provider. Using
a first combination of population size and number of
generations, we found that PSO with integer encod- Acknowledgments
The authors thank the financial support of CONICYT/
ing and Lamarckian repair performs the best for the FONDECYT/REGULAR/Nž 1141313, and the Millennium
studied applications. The results are reasonable con- Institute “Complex Engineering Systems (ICM: P-05-004-F,
Downloaded from by [] on 23 May 2015, at 06:02 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

sidering the embedded integral nature of most of the CONICYT: FBO16).”

variables that describe a dial-a-ride system under an
HPC scheme, such as that previously proposed by the Appendix A
The vehicle load behavior is obtained using the following
authors. state space model:
With regard to the studied evolutionary algorithms
(PSO and GA), we identified some configurations that E8Lj 4k + 15/k9 = L̂j 4k + 15 = AL Lj 4k5 + BL 4Sj 4k551
run faster than others although they lose accuracy in where the corresponding matrices in (7) are
performance. Thus, the strategy that is suitable for a
BL 4Sj 4k554wj 4k5+15×1 = BL2 · 4Sj 4k5 · BL1 53
specific application will strongly depend on the final
objective pursued by the dispatcher. For instance, if
1 0 0
 
decisions have to be made in a very short time (real 1 0 ··· 0
time), we probably will choose the fastest available AL =  0 0

00 00 

 00 00 0 0
option regardless of the accuracy of the obtained solu-
tion (with different encoding and constraint handling 1 0 ··· 0 4w 4k5+15×4w 4k−15+153
j j

methods). 
0 0 0 ··· 0

With regard to the observed trade-off between accu-
 
1 1 0 0 ··· 0
racy and computation, we proposed a multiobjective  −1   
BL1 =  3 BL2 =  1 1 0 ··· 0
 
approach for tuning the parameters of any strategy 0  0 00 00

 00 00 
0 1×4 0 0 0 0
implementation, considering computation time and
1 1 ··· 1 0 4w 4k5+15×4w 4k5+150
performance as the conflicting objectives. The output j j

of the analysis is the set of combination of parameters Both the vehicle sequence matrix Sj 4k5 and the expected
that belong to the Pareto optimal set. This approach is load vector L̂j 4k + 15, change their dimension dynamically
applied to the R2-PSO-N and R2-GA-based solution by adding two rows when a new request occurs. There-
methods. The analysis allows comparing both strate- fore, the matrix dimensions of AL 1 BL1 1 BL2 are variable. The
gies, as well as defining the optimal parameter setting matrix BL1 is designed to remove the last two columns of the
according to a predefined criterion, such as the pres- sequence vector, which are not necessary for representing
load changes from step k to step k + 1. On the other hand,
ence of a knee point or a maximum allowed compu-
when a request is satisfied, the first row of the sequence
tation time. It is shown that PSO strategies are more is eliminated. In fact, the adaptive behavior is captured by
efficient than those based on GA, because the former these techniques of expansion and reduction of matrix size.
are faster and more accurate. We believe that PSO The vehicle departure time behavior is obtained by using
performs better than GA because the search heuris- the same methodology. Analytically,
tic of PSO is more suitable to the analyzed prob- E8Tj 4k + 15/k9 = Tˆj 4k + 15 = AT · Tj 4k5 + BT 4Sj 4k551
lem, which is clearly reflected by the fact that PSO
finds better solutions, even evaluating fewer candi- where
BT 4Sj 4k554wj 4k5+15×1 = BT2 · 4Sj 4k5 · BT1 53
dates. In addition, we tested our best implementation
against a well-known heuristic method from the lit- 1 0

··· 0

erature, obtaining much better performance from our 1 0 ··· 0
method in case of adding prediction to the optimiza- AT =  0 0

00 00 

 00 00 0 0
tion scheme, at the expense of a higher (although con-
trollable) computational cost. 1 0 ··· 0 4w 4k5+15×4w 4k−15+153
j j

In further research, we expect to test the method- 

0 0 0 ··· 0

ology and calibrate the parameters for real-size dial-
 
0 0 1 0 ··· 0
a-ride configurations. Other methods and heuristics, 0  
BT =   3 BT2 =  0 0 1 ··· 0
 
such as differential evolution, will also be developed 1 0 0 00

 00 00 00 
0 4×1 0 0 0
and contrasted with the best PSO implementations.
0 0 ··· 0 1
Possible extensions in the way the continuous solu- 4wj 4k5+15×4wj 4k5+150

tions are converted into an integer version are also As in the load state space model, the matrices AT 1 BT1 1 BT2
topics to be investigated in the future. change their dimensions dynamically.
Muñoz-Carpintero et al.: Methodology Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve DPDP
Transportation Science 49(2), pp. 239–253, © 2015 INFORMS 253

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