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Article 10: Defeating Inequalities
Article 10 emphasizes
the importance of
creating a more inclusive
and equitable world by
dismantling barriers and
fostering equal
opportunities for
everyone, regardless of
their background or
By 2030, eliminate discriminatory
practices and policies that contribute to
inequalities, ensuring equal
opportunities for all, irrespective of
gender, race, ethnicity, religion,
disability, or other characteristics.
Promote Inclusion & Narrow the Gap

10.2 10.4
Adopt measures to
Promote social, Implement policies empower and
economic, and that narrow the promote the social,
political inclusion for income gap and economic, and
all individuals, with a provide fair and just political participation
particular focus on economic of all, irrespective of
marginalized and opportunities for their background or
vulnerable groups. everyone. circumstances.

10.5 Ensure greater
representation and voice for
Improve the regulation developing countries in the
and monitoring of global decision-making processes
markets and financial of international economic
institutions and and financial institutions
globally, to provide more
strengthen their
effective, credible,
enforcement. accountable, and legitimate
Facilitate orderly, safe,
regular, and responsible
migration and mobility of
people, including through
the implementation of
planned and well-managed
migration policies. Also,
working towards the
elimination of discriminatory
practices against them.
Today we are
learning to... 10.b

Promote public aid for development

Implement the principle of special and and related financial flows, including
10.A foreign direct investments, to countries
differential treatment for developing
where the need is greatest, especially
countries, especially for the least least developed countries, African
developed countries, following the countries, small island developing
agreements of the World Trade states, and landlocked developing
Organization. countries, following their national plans
and programs.
By 2030, reduce the transaction costs
10.C of migrant remittances to less than 3
percent and eliminate remittance
corridors with costs higher than 5

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