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e Practice 4 Fill in each blank with the noun form of the word in the brackets. 1. The ________ (art) in Vincent Van Gogh's works was not fully appreciated until after his death. 2. Kathy blushed with ____ (embarrass) when she slipped and fell down in front of the entire class. 3. The —__________ (act) had difficulties remembering his lines. 4. You should not pass ________ (judge) on others if you do not know them well. 5. The New Year ____ (celebrate) in this city are always lively and fun. 6. The__________ (connect) between smoking and lung cancer is well-known. 7. Everyone in the neighbourhood admires Mr Lim's (generous). 8. Albert Einstein was a man of great (intelligent). 9. After her husband's death, Mrs Yeoh’s son was a source of great___________ (comfort). 19. 20. This hotel maintains a high — standard of (clean). Do you really want to take such a huge (risky)? It is your __________ (responsible) to hand in your work on time. Her love of _______ (natural) led her to be an environmentalist. Although Adam is a strong —________- (swim), he should not be swimming in these dangerous waters. You should buy this washing machine. It may cost more but it has greater energy —_____ (efficient). The citizens of that country finally managed to overthrow the dictator who brought them nothing but (miserable). The fish thrashed its way to __________ (free) and finally managed to escape from the net. Kathy was shocked by the horrifying display of (violent). Henry David Thoreau is a very famous (write). Mrs Tan was filled with _________ (guilty) after the accident. © Practice 11 for each question, four options are given, One of them is the correct answer, Make your choice (1, 2, 4 or 4) and write the number In the brackets provided, 4, The problem was difficult ond bern J were unable to yolve it, We had to ask our teacher for help, (1) either... of (2) both... ond (3) neither... nor (4) notonly..butalso ( ) 2. My father decided to fiz the leaking pipe by () itself (2) uypelf (3) hisrnelf (4) ourselves ( ) 3, Moog is o notional vwimmer, She ___ swsimn very fast. 4) an Q) may (2) might (4) wed to ( ) 4, The roinbow stretches the sky (4) in (2) on % up (4) won ( ) 5, Mother in the kitchen when the lights went off. G) is woking (2) are cooking (Q) Wor DOKing (4) were cooking ( ) 6, Our football team is going to ploy _. the defending CHONIPIONG LOOT, 4) on (2) off (%) for (4) against ( ) 10. 11. 13. should we trust Ted? He is a compulsive liar. (1) How (2) Why (3) What (4) Which ( ) A noisy _______ off tourists rushed into the museum when it opened. (1) den (2) flock (3) board (4) coven ( ) There are _______slices of cake on the plate. There is more than enough cake for everyone. (1) a few (2) many (3) much (4) alittle ( ) Mei Ling is the _______ among the four girls. (1) pretty (2) prettier (3) prettiest (4) as pretty as ( ) There are a lot of shopping centres Orchard Road. (1). off (2) along (3) through (4) between ( ) That was an ________ movie. Everyone enjoyed it very much. (1) excite (2) excites (3) excited (4) exciting ( ) Darryl asked when Matthew ______ return the book to him. (1) will (2) can (3) shall (4) would ( ) 45. 16. 18. 19. 20. Mr Robertson has put on a lot of weight ______I last saw him. (1) since (2) while (3) unless (4) wherever ( ) The lift is ________ out of order. A repairman will be here soon to fix it. (1) rarely (2) entirely (3) temporarily (4) permanently ( ) He can play the violin, ____? (1) can he (2) can't he (3) does he (4) doesn’t he ( ) The girls were dancing _______ singing to the music. (1) if (2) so (3) but (4) and ( ) The geese —______ away when the children ran towards them. (1). fly (2) flew (3) flies (4) is flying ( ) shoes are these? They look really pretty. (1), Who (2) Which (3) Where (4) Whose ( ) Mr Seow will arrive ______ Bangkok at 9 a.m. (1) in (2) to (3) at (4) on ( ) e@ practice 17 ~ Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. 1. You can ______________ (has) my share. I am not hungry. 2. Victoria is going to _____________ (buy) a new bag. Her old bag has a hole in it. 3. There __________ (be) a terrible earthquake in Indonesia earlier today. 4. Matthew is not in our group. He ____ (belong) to the other group. 5. We_________ (buy) a present for my sister now. We plan to give it to her on her birthday. 6. I (clean) the room this morning when my uncle dropped by for a visit. 7. Mother wanted to bring me out for lunch but I already — _____ (eat). 8. | ——__________ (leave) the house when the telephone rang. 9 I (attend) German lessons for the past five years. Wome Gg 10. 11. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Melissa said that she _________ (will) be ecstatic to see her brother after three years. Both Sarah and] _______ (be) going to the park at 3 p.m. (Do) Eric know which bus to take? Father ________ (check) his mailbox so many times today but he has not received his letter. The robber ___________ (try) to pry open the gate when the policemen caught him. Gerald ________ (love) his dog dearly. He was devastated when it died. You should not _________ (park) on the double yellow line. It is an offence. The workers __________ (dig) through the rubble now to find more survivors. My cousin ____________ (grow) much taller since the last time I saw him. We _____________ (go) to the zoo tomorrow if it does not rain. Sheila is going to ________ (pack) her bag before she goes to sleep. yp et Practice 18 For each question, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4) and write the number in the brackets provided. 1. We met Uncle Paul when we in that shopping centre. (1) shop ; (2) shopped (3) are shopping (4) were shopping ( ) 2. MyLim works hard ____ his family. He wants to bring them on a holiday. (1) as (2) by (3) for (4) towards ( ) 3. The—_______ of furniture consists of a table and six chairs. (1) set (2) group (3) fleet (4) combination ( ) 4. He our offer to help him as he wanted to do it by himself. (1) turned up (2) turned down (3) turned about (4) turned against ( ) 5. Hehasa tendency of lying, —_____? (1) is it (2) isn't it (3) has he (4) hasn't he ( ) 6. Do not leave your things lying _______. You should tidy your room. (1) away (2) nearby (3) around (4) somewhere ( ) 10. 11. 12. is Mother's Day? Is it in May or June? (1) How (2) Why (3) What (4) When ( ) There is _____ sugar in my coffee. It is too sweet. (1) not much (2) not many (3) too much (4) too many ( ) rock climbing, Jeanette loves swimming. (1) Unlike (2) Despite (3) Besides (4) Although ( ) This restaurant serves ________ food than the restaurant across the road. (1) best (2) good (3) better (4) more good ( ) The girls need to learn to clean up after (1) herself (2) ourselves (3) yourselves (4) themselves ( ) soft toys over there do not belong to me. They belong to my younger sister. (1) This (2) That (3) These (4) Those ( ) Jason said that he —_____ not finish his work as his sister was too noisy. (1) can (2) will (3) could (4) would ( ) 18. 19. 20. Sandra ________ be a softball player before she injured her knee two months ago. (1) used to (2) have to (3) ought to (4) needs to ( ) The melon was big —_____juicy. (1) or (2) so (3) but (4) and ( ) Mother glanced at the clock ________ ass she waited anxiously for Father to return home. (1) calmly (2) harshly (3) worriedly (4) graciously ( ) We ________ a giant poster for the show right now. (1) make (2) made (3) makes (4) are making ( ) The meeting will end ______ 3 p.m. It will not end any later than that. (1) in (2) by (3) on (4) after ( ) I do not like Susan. _______, I have to learn to work with her on this project. (1) Although (2) Otherwise (3) Even though (4) Nevertheless ( ) Tina is having a birthday ________ this weekend. (1) celebrity (2) celebrate (3) celebration (4) celebratory ( ) © practice 20 | Passage 1 Read the passage carefully. Choose the correct word from the box and write its letter (A to K) in each blank. The letter I has been omitted. Use each word only once. (A)to — (B) up (C) out (D) from —(E) beside (F) by (G) for (H) with (J) since (K) against Nicole was worried. Her husband, Travis, had been sick ever since he returned (1) shis business trip to Nigeria. He came home from his trip five days ago (2)_________ a slight cold. What seemed to be a common cold turned (3)_____________ to be more deadly. (4)___________ the second day, Travis had lost his appetite and developed a high fever. Nicole had brought her husband to multiple doctors but they were unable (5)___________ explain his condition. Within three days, Travis had lost six kilograms and was too weak to get (6)____ from bed. Nicole had to call (7)__________ an ambulance to bring him to the hospital. The doctors had been trying to figure out what was wrong with him (8)——__________ he arrived. Travis’ voice jolted her from her thoughts. She sat (9)__________ him and offered him some water. As he drank the water, he started to cough badly. Nicole placed a tissue (10)__ his mouth. However, she was horrified when she realised that the tissue had turned dark red, Travis’ condition had taken a turn for the worst. She wondered what was wrong with him. @¢ practice 26 For each question, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4) and write the number in the brackets provided. 1. like _____jelly__ ice cream. Can I have them both? (1) both... or (2) both... and (3) either ... or (4) neither...nor ( ) 2. Inorder to live, we ________ have air and water. (1) will (2) used to (3) need to (4) ought to ( ) 3. Thomas has a ________ voice. He sings well. (1) beauty (2) pretty (3) beautiful (4) beautifully ( ) 4. He——____ the candles before cutting the birthday cake. (1) blew up (2) blew out (3) blew over (4) blew away ( ) 5. My father ______ from his business trip in a week’s time. (1) return (2) returned (3) will return (4) wasreturning ( ) 6. Darryl said that an octopus _______ eight tentacles, not seven, (1) has (2) had (3) have (4) is having ( ) 7. —________ can you tell the difference between these two cards? They look exactly the same. (1) How (2) Why (3) What (4) Which ( ) 8. He wanted to answer the phone _______ was too tired to get up. (1) or (2) yet (3) but (4) and ( ) 9. You know how to operate this machine, _______? (1) isn’t it (2) do you (3) don’t you (4) aren't you ( ) 10. The restless toddler was _____. moving around the house. (1) never (2) seldom (3) routinely (4) constantly ( ) 41. The murderer ______ too many hideous crimes. He will be severely punished. (1) is committing (2) has committed (3) had committed (4) have committed ( ) 42. He is —____ in playing computer games than studying. (1) interested (2) interesting (3) more interested (4) most interested ( ) 43. Wewere left alone by _____ in the house all day. (1) myself (2) ourselves (3) yourselves (4) themselves ( ) a 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. The driver lost control of the van and crashed —______a tree. (1) at (2) on (3) up (4) into ( ) We _____ go to the volleyball match and show our support for our school team. (1) can (2) may (3) could (4) should ( ) The ________ smiled sweetly at me. She offered me a beverage after the aeroplane took off. (1) host (2) hostess (3) air steward (4) airstewardess ( ) Only a _________ people showed up to support the team. (1) few (2) little (3) some (4) plenty ( ) She is the ________ member in the team. (1) tiny (2) tinier (3) tiniest (4) most tiny ( ) story books are these? I think they belong to Eleanor. (1), Who (2) What (3) Which (4) Whose ( ) If I ________you, I would not taunt the bully. (1) am (2) is (3) was (4) were ( ) oF Practice 28 Rewrite the sentences using the connectors given. 1. Mr Lee took his family on a holiday to Tokyo. He had just been promoted. Since All the pupils in the school have an opportunity to go on an excursion. Every All the tourists in the tour group are not interested in visiting the art gallery. None We will start the meeting. Everyone is here. Until Come and have dinner. Take a shower first. pete Each time I watch a sad movie, I will cry. Whenever 10. 11. 12. 13. Tell the truth. You will not be punished. Unless I reminded Alan. He still forgot to bring my book. Despite The actor is very rich and famous. He remains humble. Even though Thomas was my classmate last year. Adeline and George were also my classmates last year. as well as My sister is afraid of cockroaches. She is also afraid of frogs. and I would love to attend the party tomorrow. I am busy. but All the apples in the basket are spoilt. One is not spoilt. except 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The weather is good. We will have a picnic this afternoon. if Take a thirty-minute nap. Then, complete your homework. after The baby was asleep. We were talking. while Bryan enjoys eating pizzas. Pizzas are unhealthy. although The water has boiled. Add the pasta. when This dress is made of silk. It also had good workmanship. besides Do not provoke the dog. It will not attack you. ss otherwise

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