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Intermediate ⅼArticle Discussion Lesson 07 _LEVEL 7_

Lesson 07: Personality Types

Hi! Welcome to the Article Discussion lesson!

Today’s topic is about “Personality Types.”
Have fun learning English!

Activity 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions

Directions: Listen and repeat.


 behavior - the way a person or animal acts or behaves

 to tend – to be likely to behave in a particular way

 myth - an idea or story that is believed by many people but is not true

 over-stimulate - to cause (someone or something) to become too active or excited; to stimulate

(someone or something) too much

 gratification - the state of being gratified; great satisfaction

 flaw - an imperfection or weakness

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Intermediate ⅼArticle Discussion Lesson 07 _LEVEL 7_

Activity 2 | Article

Directions: Read the article aloud with your teacher.

Personality Types

Personality is defined as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an

individual’s unique character”. Among all classifications of the human behavior, we can

find two main categories into which people are divided: introverts and extroverts.

Introverts are those people that tend to be concerned with their own mental life.

Extroverts, on the other hand, are more likely to obtain gratification from being around

other people. One of the most common myths regarding the two is that introverts are

shy people, while extroverts don’t like having some quiet or alone time.

The truth is that introverts are not actually shy. Usually they prepare what they have

to say because they prefer situations that they can control and which are not over-

stimulating. Extroverts also need some time alone to recharge. Just that they need it

in smaller doses.

As scientists explain, being an introvert or an extrovert is not a flaw. It only means

that you have certain qualities that are relevant for your personal life and for the career

that you choose.

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Intermediate ⅼArticle Discussion Lesson 07 _LEVEL 7_

Activity 3 | Question and Answer

Directions: Answer these questions about the article.

1. What is the personality?

2. What are introverts and extroverts?

3. What is one of the most common myths regarding introverts and extroverts?

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Intermediate ⅼArticle Discussion Lesson 07 _LEVEL 7_

Activity 4 | Summary

Directions: Make a summary of this article, focusing on the main topic. After that, your teacher will give
you an example of the summary.

Activity 5 | Thoughts

Directions: Exchanging thoughts about this article. Give your opinion about the article first, and your

teacher will give his/her opinion next.

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Intermediate ⅼArticle Discussion Lesson 07 _LEVEL 7_

Activity 6 | Free Conversation

Directions: Answer these questions related to the topic of the article. Have a free conversation about it
with your teacher.

1. What type of personality do you have? Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

2. What other myths do you know about these two types?

3. Around which type of personality do you feel comfortable?

4. In what jobs do you think extroverts and introverts are successful?

5. What are the advantages of being an extrovert or an introvert?

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