Ue - 1er Año Booklet 2024

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❖ Listen and circle.



1. 4. 7. 10.
2. 5. 8.
3. 6. 9.
1a I’m OK.
Grammar Verb to be: singular
Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it
Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its
Vocabulary Numbers 1–100
1 HI!

A Emma

1 1
01 Listen and read. Complete the dialogue
with the correct phrases.

Emma: Hello, Katy. 1

Katy: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Emma: I’m OK. 2 my friend, Daniel.
Katy: Hi, Daniel. Is this your first time at
drama club?
Daniel: Yes, it is.
D Alice: Good afternoon.
Daniel: Who’s she?
Katy: She’s the drama teacher. Her name’s Alice.
Tom: Hi, everyone!
Daniel: What’s his name?
Emma: Tom.
Daniel: How old is he?
Katy: He’s sixteen.
Daniel: Is he your boyfriend?
Katy: NO, he isn’t. He’s my brother!
Tom: Here’s my new smartphone. Smile!
Katy & Emma: Oh, no! A photo! 4 , Tom!

• Niceto meet you. • This is
• How are you? • Stop it,

2 Listen again. Write the names
of the people in the photo.

Vocabulary: Numbers 1–100

3 1
02 Listen and repeat.

1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six

7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven
12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen
15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen
18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty
21 twenty-one 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty
60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety
100 a hundred/one hundred

4 Find five numbers in the photo and say them.


5 1
03 Listen and read. How old is Emma?

Alice: Hello. Are you Daniel?

Daniel: Yes, I am.
Alice: I’m Alice. Are you a new member?
Daniel: Yes, I am.
Alice: OK, please fill in this form.

Daniel: Is Emma your sister?

Tom: No, she isn’t. Emma’s my friend.
Katy: How old is Daniel? Daniel: Oh, is Katy your sister?
Emma: I don’t know. Fourteen? Fifteen? Tom: Yes, she is.
Katy: Are you fifteen?
Emma: No, I’m not. I’m only fourteen.
7 Rewrite the dialogues. Use short
Grammar forms where possible.
Verb to be: singular
A: Here is a photo of my brother.
Affirmative Negative
B: What is his name?
I’m (am) fourteen. I’m not (am not) fourteen. A: His name is Max.
You’re (are) fifteen. You aren’t (are not) fourteen. A: Here’s a photo of my brother.
He/She/It’s (is) fifteen. He/She/It isn’t (is not) sixteen. B: What’s …
Yes/No questions Short answers 2
Yes, you are. A: How old are you?
Am I fourteen? B: I am seventeen.
No, you aren’t.
Yes, I am. A: No, you are not. You are twelve.
Are you fourteen?
No, I’m not. 3
Is he/she/it twenty-five? Yes, he/she/it is. A: Are you new here?
No, he/she/it isn’t. B: Yes, I am.
A: Is that your phone?
6 Read the dialogues again. Notice the words in red. B: No, it is not.

8 Complete the sentences. Speak

• is (x3) • ’s • isn’t • am • ’m (x2) • are A Johnny Depp (born 1963)

• ’re • aren’t

1 How old is Tom?

2 Hello. I Clare.
3 No, you fourteen! You ten!
4 Daniel my friend. He’s great!
5 A: you a new member?
B: Yes, I . B Madonna (born 1958)
6 I sixteen.
7 A: that Alice? B: No, it .
8 This my boyfriend.

9 Complete with the correct form of the verb

to be.
Daniel: How old 1are you?
Tom: I 2 sixteen.
David: Katy sixteen, too?
Tom: No, she 4 . She 5 fourteen.
David: And Alice?
Tom: I don’t know. I think she 6

Pronunciation: L‫ ڴ‬thirteen, /i/ thirty

10 1
04 Go to page 116.

Subject Possessive D Emma Watson (born 1990)
pronouns adjectives
C Lionel Messi (born 1987)
I my
you your
he his 12 Work in pairs. Talk to the famous people.

she her A: Hello. What’s your name?

B: My name’s Johnny Depp.
it its
A: Nice to meet you, Johnny. How old are you?
B: I’m … . And you?
11 Complete the sentences with I, you, he, A: I’m …
she, my, your, his, her.
1 Is Emma your sister?
13 Tell the class about the people in the
2 This is Daniel. It’s first time here.
3 Hello. ’m Emma. 1 His name is Johnny Depp. He’s …
4 Are fourteen?
5 I’m Katy and this is brother, Tom. Write
6 A: Who’s Alice? B: ’s the drama teacher. 14 Write about two of the people in the
7 This is Katy. Emma is friend. photos.
8 A: How old’s Tom? B: Oh, ’s sixteen.
Extra practice
For more practice, go to page 106.

1b What’s your name?
Vocabulary The alphabet
Days of the week
Function Give personal information
Say hello and goodbye

Dialogue Comprehension
1 1
05 Listen and read. What is Daniel’s mobile number? 2 Complete the form for Daniel.

Alice: Right, come in and register for the drama club.

What’s your name?
Daniel: Daniel Gomes. Drama Club
Alice: How do you spell Gomes?
Daniel: G.O.M.E.S. Surname: Gomes
Alice: And what’s your address? First name:
Daniel: 52 Cowper Road, London. That’s C.O.W.P.E.R.
Alice: And what’s your postcode? Address:
Daniel: It’s SW9 5TH.
Alice: OK. Now, what’s your phone number?
Daniel: My home number or my mobile number? Postcode:
Alice: Your mobile number.
Daniel: It’s 01773 869214. Mobile number:
Alice: Thanks. And how old are you, Daniel?
Daniel: I’m fifteen.

Vocabulary: The alphabet
3a 1
06 Listen and repeat. Use your English: Say hello and
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii 8 1
10 Listen and repeat. Then practise the
Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr conversation in pairs.
Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Adam: Good afternoon, Mrs Jerome.
Mrs Jerome: Good afternoon, Adam. How are
b 1
07 Put the letters in groups with the same you?
vowel sound. Then listen and check. Adam: Fine, thanks. And you?
Mrs Jerome: Not bad, thanks. See you on
1 BC______ Monday.
2 FL_____ Adam: Yes, OK. Goodbye.
3 A___
4 Q__
5 I_
6 O
7 R

4 Spell your name and address.
My name’s … My address is …

5 1
08 Copy the form in Exercise 2. Then listen
and complete the form for Katy. Say hello informally Say hello formally
Hi. Good morning.
Speak and write Hello. Good afternoon.
Morning! Good evening.
6 Now talk to your partner and complete a form. Afternoon!
A: What’s your first name? Evening!
B: It’s ... .
Ask about somebody Respond
A: How do you spell it?
How are you? Fine, thanks.
How are things? OK, thanks.
Vocabulary: Days of the week
Not bad, thanks.
7a 1
09 Listen and repeat. Say goodbye
Weekdays Goodbye.
• Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday See you (later).
• Thursday • Friday See you on Monday.
The weekend
• Saturday • Sunday
9 Roleplay similar conversations with a) a friend
b) a teacher at your school.
b What day is it today? What day is it tomorrow?

Extra practice
For more practice, go to page 106.

Days of the week

Months of the year

1- 2-

- -


2b What’s your best friend’s name?
Grammar Genitive ’s (singular) and s’ (plural)
Possessive adjectives: our, your, their
Vocabulary Clothes Our questions
Your answers
Vocabulary: Clothes
1 2
04 Listen and repeat. Which words are This week our questions are:
in the photos? ❯ What’s important in your life?
boots ❯ What are your favourite possessions?
Now read two teenagers’ answers.
• boots • dress • gloves • hat
• jacket • jeans • leggings • shirt
• shoes • shorts • skirt • socks
• trainers • trousers • T-shirt

2 2
05 Listen and read. Which clothes
words are in the article?

3 Read the article again. Match the
questions (1–6) to the answers (a–f).
Then write Rosie or Adam next to the
1 What’s your favourite sport?
f) Adam
2 What’s your best friend’s name?
3 What’s your favourite possession?
4 What’s your favourite team?
5 What’s important in your life?
6 What’s your favourite band?
a) Ellie
b) Music
c) Kasabian
d) My guitar
e) Barcelona
f) Football Grammar
Genitive ’s Genitive s’
(singular) (plural)
4 Talk about you. Interview your partner Ellie’s clothes my parents’ favourite sport
for a magazine. Use the questions in the band’s name teenagers’ answers
Exercise 3.
A: What’s your best friend’s name? 5 Read the article again. Notice the words in red.
B: Paola.

Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives
we our
you your
they their

7 Complete the sentences with our, your or their.
1 We're English, but mum is Polish.
2 How do you two spell surnames?
3 Dan and his sister aren’t here. What’s phone
4 In this photo, my brother and I are on new bikes.
5 They’re from Brazil. first language is Portuguese.

Vocabulary: Colours
8a 2
Match a colour to a number (1–14). Then listen,

check and repeat.

1 – white

• beige • black • blue • brown • gold • green

• grey • orange • pink • purple • red • silver
• white • yellow

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14

b Talk about the colours on the magazine page.

Adam’s socks are red and white.

9 2
07 Listen. Which things are important in Georgia’s
Practice life? Tick (✓) the boxes.
6 Write complete sentences with the ■
✓ friends ■ school ■ family ■ music ■ sport
genitive ’s or the genitive s’. ■ possessions ■ clothes ■ animals
1 That’s/Joey/new shirt
That’s Joey’s new shirt. Write
2 What’s/your sister/friend called? 10 Write a paragraph about the important people and
3 This is/my parents/old laptop. things in your life. Use the magazine page to help you.
4 Where’s/Oliver/jacket?
5 These are/Josie/boots. Extra practice
6 He’s/Mr Brown/favourite student.
For more practice, go to page 107.

4 Clothes
A Clothes
coat jacket scarf gloves shoes trainers boots suit


skirt tie

shirt ring belt

T-shirt watch dress sweater /
B Plural words
These words are always plural in English. They need a plural verb.
trousers jeans shorts tights glasses pyjamas


My suit is new but these trousers are old. Her jeans / shorts / tights are blue.
Note: You say: a pair of trousers / shorts / glasses, etc.

C Verbs
You wear clothes but you carry things.
You wear glasses.
Naomi is wearing a long blue coat.
She’s carrying a suitcase and a handbag.
You can also say: Naomi has (got) a blue coat on.
You carry a bag and an umbrella.

In the morning you get dressed or put your clothes on. At night you get undressed or you take your
clothes off.

Common mistakes Tip

You put clothes on but you take clothes off When you get dressed in the morning, say to
[NOT put clothes off]. yourself Now I’m putting on my socks. Now I’m
putting on my shoes and so on.

14 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary

4.1 Complete the sentences.
1 Joe has a job interview today, so he’s wearing a smart suit , a white
sh andat .
2 Julia’s not working today, so she’s wearing a T- and sh s.
3 Lucy is going to play tennis. She’s wearing white s s and tr s.
4 Gianni is going to a business meeting. He’s ingab with his papers and
5 My trousers are too big. I have to wear a b .
6 It’scoldtoday.I’llwearmyj ,andI’lltakemyc too.

4.2 Match the item of clothing with the part of the body.

scarf belt shoe hat glove glasses tights ring

1 3 4 6 8

4.3 Complete the sentences with one of the verbs in the box and put it in the right form.

be wear carry have

1 Tim’s jeans are blue and his T-shirt red.
2 Julia jeans and a T-shirt today.
3 Meena got a red coat on and she some flowers.
4 Sarah’s dress old but her shoes new.
5 Last year Harry’s trousers white. Now they grey.
6 this a new pair of jeans?
7 My favourite pyjamas dark green.
8 Kim a new pair of shorts.
4.4 Label the picture. 1 sunglasses 10
2 9
4 8

5 7

4.5 Complete the verbs in the table.

morning night

get dressed get

or your clothes on or your clothes off

4.6 What are you wearing today? Use a dictionary to help you.
I’m wearing a white T-shirt and a blue jumper. I’ve got a pair of black trousers on. I’m wearing blue socks and white
trainers. I’ve also got a watch and a pair of glasses on.
English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 15
7 Feelings
A Love, like and hate

++ + – ––
love like don’t like hate
I love my family and my best friend.
I like my job.
I don’t like horror films.
I hate spiders.

B Happy, sad and tired

happy sad angry upset cold hot

thirsty hungry well ill tired surprised

Common mistakes
I am very happy about your news [NOT I am very happy for your news]. BUT You did very well in your
exam – I’m very happy for you.

C Prefer, hope and want

I prefer coffee to tea. (= I like coffee more than I like tea.)
I hope to do well in my exam.
I hope (that) my friend does well in his exam. Common mistakes
I want a new car. [I would like]
I want to buy a new car. I want you to help me [NOT I want
Note: I want my mother to buy a new car. that you help me].

D Expressions
A Do you like football?

B Yes, I really like football / it.

No, I don’t like football / it very much. Common mistakes
A How’s your grandfather? [NOT I very like football / it. or
I like very much football / it.]
B He’s very well, thanks.

A And how about your grandmother?

B She’s a bit / a little tired.

20 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary

7.1 Do you love, like, not like or hate these things? Write sentences.
1 chocolate I love chocolate. 5 football
2 cowboy films 6 cats
3 flying 7 cars
4 tea 8 jazz music
7.2 Which do you prefer? Write answers.
1 tea or coffee? I prefer coffee to tea. 4 cars or bikes?
2 dogs or cats? 5 strawberry or chocolate ice cream?
3 sunbathing or sightseeing? 6 watching sport or doing sport?
7.3 Answer these questions using want or hope.
1 You’re thirsty. What do you want? I want glass of water.
2 The lesson feels very long. What do you hope?
3 You’re hungry. What do you want?
4 Your friend feels ill. What do you hope?
5 You’re tired. What do you want to do?
6 You’re upset. What do you want to do?
7 It’s very cold weather. What do you hope?
8 Your friend feels sad. What do you want?
7.4 Look at the pictures. How do the people feel? Use words from B opposite.
1 Jessica is hungry. 4 Sunita

2 Nicholas 5 Fiona

3 Max 6 The children

7.5 Correct the mistakes.

1 I very like basketball. I like basketball very much.
2 I am happy for my sister’s good news.
3 The teacher wants that we learn these new words.
4 I like really spiders.
5 My brother has a good new job. I’m very happy about him.
6 My parents want that I go to university.
7 I feel very well. How for you?
8 Priya is bit tired this morning.

Over to you
When did you last feel …
1 surprised 2 hungry 3 tired 4 angry
I felt surprised yesterday when I saw the news.

English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 21

1c We’re from Poland.
Grammar Verb to be: plural
Subject pronouns: we, you, they
Vocabulary: Countries and nationalities
Vocabulary Countries and nationalities
Compass points 2 12 Listen and repeat. Match the countries
to the numbers on the map.
4 – Brazil


Pronunciation: Word stress

3 13 Go to page 116.
4a Listen and write the nationality for

each country in the correct group.

Maria 1 -an/-ian 2 -ish 3 -ese 4 other
Duarte Argentinian Polish Chinese French
b 15 Listen again and check. Then mark the
1 Argentinian

1 2 3

Read 1
1 11 Match the flags (1–3) to the people.
Then listen and read. Ottawa

A: Hi, I’m Pawel and this is Maja. 2

New York
B: Hello. I’m Lulu.
C: And I’m Yinglun. Where are you from?
A: We’re from Poland. Are you from Japan? Mexico City
B: No, we aren’t. We’re Chinese. We’re from
A: Oh. Where are you from in China? north
C: We’re from Beijing in the east of 5 1
China. Are you from Warsaw? 4
A: Yes, we are. Brasilia
4 east
B: What nationality are they? 6
A: They’re Brazilian. south-west 2
B: Are they from Rio de Janeiro? 3 Santiago 5
A: No, they aren’t. They’re from Buenos Aires

São Paulo in the south-east of Brazil.

Listen Grammar
5 16Listen. Then complete the Verb to be: plural
compass points on page 10. Affirmative Negative
We/You/They’re (are) We/You/They aren’t (are not)
from Japan. from Japan.
in the north/south/east/west of Poland
in the south-east of Spain Yes/No questions Short answers
in the centre of Argentina Yes, we/you/they are.
Are we/you/they from Brazil?
No, we/you/they aren’t.

7 Read the dialogue again. Notice the words in red.

6 Student A: Choose a city. Practice
Don’t say the name. Say
8 Write questions and answers.
where it is.
1 Tom and Katy/Australian? ✗ (British)
Student B: Guess the city.
A: Are Tom and Katy Australian?
A: It’s in the east of the USA. B: No, they aren’t. They’re British.
B: Is it New York? 2 Cristiano Ronaldo/Portuguese ✓
A: No, it isn’t. 3 you and Olga/from Russia? ✓
B: Is it Washington? 4 your teachers/Spanish? ✗ (Argentinian)
A: Yes, that’s right. 5 you two/from America? ✗ (Canada)

9 Talk about you. Invent answers if you like.
A: Where are you from?
B: I’m from (country).
A: Are you from (town)?
B: Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m from ... .

Extra practice
For more practice, go to page 106.


19 Beijing
20 Moscow
New Delhi
8 7 Berlin
18 Dublin London 13 Warsaw
11 12
9 Rome 15 Ankara
Lisbon Madrid


Penguin Readers Factsheets

Teacher’s Notes

The Last Photo

by Bernard Smith

About Easystarts

Easystarts are Penguin Readers written to the lowest level in the Communicative activities
Penguin Readers series.
The following activities on this page are whole-class,
There are more than twenty titles to choose from, across a range
teacher-led activities which may be done after those in the
of styles and subject matter. All titles are in full colour with carefully
selected photos and/or artwork which helps to guide early learners
of English. There is one page of activities at the back of each book. BEFORE YOU READ
Penguin Readers Easystarts provide pleasurable reading for all 1 Ask the students to look at the picture on the front of the
tastes at an appropriate level of difficulty. book. On the board write down any new words that they need
to describe the picture e.g. photos, newspaper. Ask them to
write a few sentences about who the two people are, where
they are (in a kitchen) and what they are doing. Students may
Summary also like to write about what they think the story is about.
2 Ask students if they are interested in photography. How do
their photos look? When do they take photos? Do they like
In The Last Photo, Martin and his sister Pam are spending a day having their photo taken?
in Cambridge, England. Pam likes taking photos, but sometimes
they are not very good. At the end of the day, she takes one last AFTER YOU READ
photo. 1 Students who guessed what the story is about may like to read
The photo is one of Martin, and as she takes it, a strange man with aloud what they wrote. The other students point out what
a rucksack walks in front of Martin. This makes Pam cross. Later, is different about their story and the real story.
they see the man get on a bus for Scotland. 2 Ask the students to imagine they are policemen. Alan Rook,
has been found. Now they must write a report. It must be
Three days later, Pam looks at her photos from Cambridge with factual and start with a time and date when Pam and
Martin. The last photo shows the man with the rucksack. Martin, Martin first walked into the police station.
has an idea. He thinks that this man looks like a man in the 3 Put students in pairs. Each pair chooses a sentence from the
newspaper. The policemen are looking for the man because he story. One student from each pair reads out the sentence that
has a lot of money (a hundred thousand pounds) with him. It is not they have chosen. The other pairs must say where in the story
his money, but the bank’s where he works. He shows the the sentences come from, e.g. ‘It comes from the
newspaper photo to Pam. beginning/middle/the end’.
They take the photo and newspaper to the police station They tell As an extra task, the students could arrange the sentences
the police that they saw the man get on a bus to Scotland. The out in story order. Ask each pair to stand up and make a line
police think it is the same man too. They find him and the money. in order of their sentences. When done, they can read out the
The people in the bank are very pleased to have the money back sentences again in order. Record this.
and give Pam and Martin a thousands pounds. Pam has money to
buy a good camera.
Background and themes
Here is a list of the words commonly used in the Reader.
beard camera camping bus and police station far film flowers idea
Chance: Pam accidentally takes a photo of someone who is laugh minute rucksack sunglasses take photos tent tired university
wanted by the police. By chance they see which bus the man goes
on. Pam thinks that the last photo is a mistake, but in the end it
brings her luck.
Appearances: Martin is able to see the same face of a stranger
even when the stranger looks different.
Police: People who break the law often make mistakes which
helps the police catch them. In this story, Rook is caught because
he walks in front of a camera and his photois taken.

© Pearson Education Limited 2002

Penguin Readers Factsheets
Student’s activities

3 Here are some answers. What are the questions? Use ‘why?’
ACTIVITIES BEFORE READING THE BOOK ‘who?’ ‘what?’and ‘where?’
1 Point to the words which are in the cover photo. One word is (a) Because he wants to look at the photo in the newspaper.
not in the picture, which is it?
(b) His name is Alan Rook.
photo newspaper window kitchen blue smile
(c) ‘I’m drawing on the newspaper.’
2 What do you think the story is about? Read the back of the
book then choose one of the answers below. (d) He is in Scotland.
(a) The boy and girl are looking for a friend.
(b) The boy and girl see that there is something special about
the last photo. 4 Practise the words for colours
(c) The boy and girl are choosing a photo for a newspaper. (a) What colour is Pam’s sweater on page 1?
(d) The boy and girl are going to cook a meal. (b) What colour is the man’s rucksack? His tent? His hat?
(c) What colour is the wall in the police station?
ACTIVITIES WHILE READING THE BOOK (d) What is the colour of the man from the bank’s hair on page
1 Find the mistakes. 15?
Pages 1-4
(a) Pam takes photos of trees. 5 Choose the correct word: on or in
(b) Pam and Martin go home at 3 o’clock. (a) Martin draws a beard –– the face of the man –– the photo.
(c) Martin likes Pam to take his photo. (b) Pam and Martin are –– Cambridge. They are –– a garden.
(d) Martin stands next to a man with a suitcase. (c) Pam gets her photos from the shop –– Tuesday. –– the
last photo there is a strange man.
(e) Pam is happy because she has a photo of the man.
(d) Alan Rook is –– the mountains –– Aberdeen. The money
(f) The man wears blue sunglasses and a black hat.
is –– the rucksack.
(e) The rucksack is –– his back. There is a lot of money –– it.
Pages 5-9
(f) –– the next morning, Pam and Martin’s story is –– all the
(g) They see the man again at the police station. newspapers.
(h) At home, they sit in the bedroom and look at the photos
(i) Pam looks at the last photo and says ’Wait a minute.’ 6 Make some headlines using A. Finish the sentences from (B)
(j) The newspaper says £10,000 is missing. (A) (i) The bank says
(k) Martin draws on the photo. (ii) Do you know
(iii) Police go to Aberdeen
Pages 10-15 (iv) Bank loses
(l) The man in the newspaper looks like Martin. (B) (a) to look for Rook
(m) The policeman’s name is Alan Rook. (b) this man?
(n) Pam tells the policeman that she thinks the man is in (c) a lot of money
(d) thank you to Pam and Martin
(o) The police find Alan Rook, but he does not have the
(p) Now Pam and Martin are in the newspaper! ACTIVITIES AFTER READING THE BOOK

(q) The people in the bank give Pam a new camera. 1 Do you like the story? Find three things that are good,
and three that are bad about the story. Set a time limit of ten
minutes to make your answers.
2 Put these words into a sentence. 2 Imagine you are Alan Rook. You are in a tent in Scotland.
beard camping bus station rucksack sunglasses photo police Write a letter to the bank. In the letter tell them if you are
station sorry, angry or happy for example.

The man has –– (a) on, and they hide his eyes. He has a ––
(b) on his face. He is walking to the –– (c) where he wants to
get a bus. He is carrying a –– (d) on his back. Is he –– (e) or
going to a hotel? He does not know that Pam and Martin
have a –– (f) of him. They take the photo to the –– (g).

© Pearson Education Limited 2002 Published and distributed by Pearson Education

Factsheet written by Rose Hill
Factsheet series developed by Louise James

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