You Dont Have To Understand The Why

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You Don’t Have to Understand the ‘Why’
September 16, 2023

by Rick Warren — September 16, 2023

From 50 Days of Faith

“I will quickly obey your commands.”

Psalm 119:32 (NCV)

If there’s ever a time in life you need to

hurry, it’s when God tells you to act—even
if you don’t understand why.

Psalm 119:32 says, “I will quickly obey

your commands” (NCV).

You don’t need to fully grasp something to

benefit from it. I don’t understand how
heavy planes fly in the air, but I fly often. I
don’t understand how computers work, but
I use one all the time. I don’t understand
the internal combustion engine, but I’ve
driven a car for years.

You don’t have to understand something to

enjoy it and benefit from it. And you don’t
have to understand why God tells you to do
something to benefit from your obedience.

If you’re a parent, you’ve likely told your child to do something and had them respond, “Why should I
do that?” And you may have responded with four little words: “Because I said so.”

When you do that, you’re saying much more than those four words. You’re really saying, “I’ve been
around a lot longer than you. You’re not old enough to understand, but one day you will. I’m telling
you to do this for your own good.”

And if anyone has the right and the authority to say, “Because I said so,” it’s God, the omnipotent
Creator and Ruler of the universe and our heavenly Father.

In the Bible, whenever God gives a command without a specific date on it, he expects immediate

I’ll give you an example. When our children were growing up, my wife, Kay, would sometimes call the
family to dinner at a specific time. When she said, “Come to dinner at 5:30,” it meant we needed to be
ready to eat at that time. But if she said, “Come to dinner!” we knew that meant now.

Kids like to play all kinds of games to delay their obedience.

Sometimes they pretend they don’t hear you. We do this with God all the time. We pretend we can’t
hear him, even though he is speaking clearly.

Another game is, “Imagine Mom Is Talking to Someone Else”: “You didn’t mean for me to get to
dinner at 5:30, did you?”

We do the same thing with God when we read a command in the Bible and pretend he’s talking to
someone else.

But none of these tricks fool God. These delay tactics are a subtle rebellion that question God’s
authority or his plan.

Faith is obeying God’s command immediately, even when you don’t understand or when you see
roadblocks ahead. Step forward in faith, knowing God is motivated by his love for you and that he has
your best interest at heart.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick

Talk It Over

What are some delay tactics you’ve tried to use in obeying God?
What are some of the consequences that might come up from delayed obedience?
Think of some strategies you can employ to better build into your life the habit of immediate
obedience. Which one will you start working on today?

What will you do when Jesus returns?

The Bible says you can only get to heaven by trusting in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. You can’t earn your
way into heaven: “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it
is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV).

If you’re ready to commit your life to Jesus, start by praying this prayer:

“Dear God, you have promised that if I believe in your Son, Jesus Christ, everything I’ve ever done
wrong will be forgiven, I will learn the purpose of my life, and you will accept me into your eternal
home in heaven one day.

“I confess I have sinned, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus died to take away my sins
and that you raised him to life. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow him as Lord from this day
forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

If you just prayed to accept Jesus, please email me at and let me know about it.
I’d like to send you some free materials to help you start your journey with Jesus.

Give hope, prayer, and encouragement below. Post a comment & talk about it.


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