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-. Rate are exclude VAT 1.1%
-. Rate from origin DKI JAKARTA
-. Rate exclude IOSS 2% from goods value
-. Rate exclude EU VAT 20% from goods value (for EU destination)
-. Charged goods are acceptable, including built-in batteries and supporting batteries; Pure electricity is not accepted.
-. Do not accept food, controlled knives, products with liquid, powder, raw wood, dangerous goods (for example: lighters, flammable and
explosive materials, etc.) laser pens, helmets and other products
-. Do not accept FDA-certified products and adult products

-. Service Countries:
1. No delivery service for European affiliated islands
2. The United States:excluding remote areas such as Alaska and Hawaii, Offshore address such as Puerto Rico and Guam ; APO/FPO military
3. Switzerland / Norway : the whole territory
4. Chile / Colombia : the whole territory, except some restricted areas
5. Japan: APO/FPO military address cannot be delivered, Amazon address cannot be delivered
6. UK: Mail is available throughout the UK (the UK mainland and its affiliated islands), and the British overseas territories and offshore
islands are not mailed (such as the British Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Guernsey and Jersey, etc)

-. Declared Value:
1. UK: Declared value over £135 / USD155 / 150 Euro will not be accepted.
2. United States: do not accept goods with a declared value more than USD800.
3. EU countries: goods equal to and greater than 150 euros or 160 USD are not accepted.
4. Brazil: the declared value is less than 50 US dollars without customs duties. The declared value is in the range of 50-3000 US dollars,
the recipient will be charged with 60% of the comprehensive tax of the declared amount. Communication equipment and PHONE are
5. Norway: taxes and fees will be declared through the VOEC number registered locally in Norway; packages with a declared value equal to or
exceeding 3000 NOK (approximately 250 euros/265 US dollars) will not be accepted
6. Switzerland: Max declared value of packages 62 Swiss francs (currently 66USD).
7. Chile: Max declared value 41USD,
8. Colombia: Max declared value is less than 200 US dollars
9. Japan: Products with a declared value of more than 70 USD (10,000 yen) are not accepted, and the number of products in a single package
sent to Japan cannot exceed 50 Pcs

-. Goods Properties:
1. All countries do not accept any branded products, do not accept goods involving the exclusive rights of logos, and do not accept any
infringing products with designs, brands, logos, and international cartoon characters.
2. All countries do not accept contraband such as pure electricity, liquid powder guns and ammunition; the United States and South America
cannot send sunglasses.
3. UK, Ireland, Sweden, Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia, and Slovakia have strict local control over batteries, so they can only issue general goods
and built-in batteries.
4. United States:
Charged goods are acceptable, including built-in batteries and supporting batteries; pure electricity is not accepted Do not accept food,
controlled knives, products with liquid, powder, raw wood, dangerous goods
Do not accept FDA-certified products and adult products

-. Size Limitation:
1. Switzerland: maximum size limit: 60*40*35cm
2. Chile: Maximum size limit: 10cm≤ length of one side ≤100cm
3. Colombia: no more than 50CM on one side and no more than 150CM on three sides
4. Brazil: Maximum size limit: 10cm≤ length of one side ≤100cm
5. Japan: Maximum size limit: 59cm*49cm*39cm

6. Norway: one of the longest side ≤ 45cm length + width + height ≤ 90cm,
7. United States: Minimum size: 10*15cm, maximum size: 55*40*35cm.
8. Other countries: Maximum size limit: 60*40*35cm
9. Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden and Latvia maximum size limit: 120*60*50CM
Weight United Germany Netherlands Luxembourg
Japan (JP) Spain (ES) France (FR) Italy (IT) Belgium (BE) Ireland (IE) Portugal (PT) Denmark (DK)
Break (KG) States (US) (DE) (NL) (LU)

0,1 256.683 232.693 212.933 212.933 223.871 242.100 231.163 227.517 253.038 242.100 223.871 242.100
0,2 256.683 264.193 242.100 242.100 253.038 271.267 267.621 260.329 293.142 282.204 256.683 274.913
0,3 256.683 293.142 271.267 271.267 285.850 300.433 304.079 293.142 333.246 322.308 289.496 311.371
0,4 256.683 325.954 304.079 300.433 315.017 329.600 340.538 325.954 369.704 358.767 322.308 344.183
0,5 256.683 369.704 329.600 329.600 362.413 355.121 376.996 358.767 409.808 398.871 355.121 380.642
0,6 296.788 402.517 355.121 358.767 395.225 384.288 413.454 391.579 449.913 438.975 391.579 413.454
0,7 296.788 435.329 380.642 387.933 428.038 413.454 449.913 424.392 486.371 475.433 424.392 449.913
0,8 296.788 431.683 406.163 417.100 460.850 442.621 486.371 457.204 526.475 515.538 457.204 482.725
0,9 296.788 460.850 431.683 446.267 493.663 471.788 522.829 490.017 566.579 555.642 490.017 519.183
1,0 296.788 490.017 457.204 475.433 526.475 497.308 555.642 522.829 603.038 592.100 522.829 551.996
1,1 437.150 619.442 586.629 604.858 659.546 626.733 692.358 655.900 743.400 732.463 659.546 688.713
1,2 438.539 649.997 613.539 635.414 693.747 657.289 730.206 690.101 784.893 773.956 693.747 722.914
1,3 439.233 679.858 639.754 665.275 727.254 687.150 767.358 723.608 825.692 814.754 727.254 760.067
1,4 439.928 709.719 665.969 695.136 760.761 717.011 804.511 757.115 862.844 851.907 760.761 793.574
1,5 440.622 739.581 692.185 724.997 794.268 743.226 841.664 790.622 903.643 892.706 794.268 830.726
1,6 481.421 769.442 718.400 754.858 827.775 773.088 878.817 824.129 944.442 933.504 831.421 864.233
1,7 482.115 799.303 744.615 784.719 861.282 802.949 915.969 857.636 981.594 970.657 864.928 901.386
1,8 482.810 829.164 770.831 814.581 894.789 832.810 953.122 891.143 1.022.393 1.011.456 898.435 934.893
1,9 483.504 859.025 797.046 844.442 928.296 862.671 990.275 924.650 1.063.192 1.052.254 931.942 972.046
2,0 484.199 888.886 823.261 874.303 961.803 888.886 1.023.782 958.157 1.100.344 1.089.407 965.449 1.005.553
2,1 632.549 1.008.069 953.382 1.037.236 1.095.569 1.033.590 1.055.465 1.033.590 1.226.819 1.230.465 1.124.736 1.066.403
2,2 633.243 1.037.931 979.597 1.067.097 1.129.076 1.063.451 1.085.326 1.063.451 1.263.972 1.271.264 1.158.243 1.096.264
2,3 633.938 1.067.792 1.005.813 1.100.604 1.162.583 1.093.313 1.118.833 1.093.313 1.304.771 1.312.063 1.195.396 1.129.771
2,4 634.632 1.097.653 1.032.028 1.130.465 1.196.090 1.123.174 1.148.694 1.123.174 1.341.924 1.349.215 1.228.903 1.159.632
2,5 635.326 1.127.514 1.058.243 1.160.326 1.229.597 1.153.035 1.182.201 1.153.035 1.382.722 1.390.014 1.266.056 1.193.139
2,6 683.417 1.157.375 1.084.458 1.193.833 1.263.104 1.182.896 1.212.063 1.186.542 1.419.875 1.430.813 1.299.563 1.223.000
2,7 684.111 1.187.236 1.110.674 1.223.694 1.296.611 1.212.757 1.245.569 1.216.403 1.460.674 1.467.965 1.336.715 1.256.507
2,8 684.806 1.217.097 1.136.889 1.257.201 1.330.118 1.242.618 1.275.431 1.246.264 1.497.826 1.508.764 1.370.222 1.286.368
2,9 685.500 1.246.958 1.163.104 1.287.063 1.363.625 1.272.479 1.308.938 1.276.125 1.538.625 1.549.563 1.407.375 1.319.875
3,0 686.194 1.276.819 1.189.319 1.316.924 1.397.132 1.302.340 1.338.799 1.305.986 1.575.778 1.586.715 1.440.882 1.349.736

Transit time 5-8 days 10 - 14 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days
Weight Switzerland
Sweden (SE) Norway (NO) Finland (FI) Greece (GR) Austria (AT) Bulgaria (BG) Croatia (HR) Hungary (HU) Poland (PL) Czech (CZ) Estonia (ES)
Break (KG) (CH)

0,1 201.996 234.808 245.746 304.079 216.579 234.808 220.225 245.746 223.871 191.058 223.871 216.579
0,2 231.163 256.683 278.558 333.246 249.392 263.975 256.683 274.913 249.392 220.225 253.038 245.746
0,3 260.329 293.142 311.371 362.413 282.204 293.142 293.142 304.079 274.913 253.038 282.204 274.913
0,4 304.079 315.017 344.183 395.225 318.663 322.308 329.600 333.246 300.433 278.558 311.371 304.079
0,5 329.600 347.829 376.996 424.392 351.475 351.475 366.058 362.413 325.954 304.079 340.538 333.246
0,6 355.121 380.642 409.808 453.558 384.288 384.288 402.517 391.579 351.475 333.246 369.704 362.413
0,7 384.288 409.808 442.621 486.371 420.746 413.454 438.975 420.746 376.996 358.767 398.871 391.579
0,8 409.808 442.621 475.433 515.538 453.558 442.621 475.433 449.913 402.517 387.933 428.038 420.746
0,9 435.329 475.433 508.246 544.704 486.371 471.788 511.892 479.079 428.038 413.454 457.204 449.913
1,0 460.850 504.600 541.058 573.871 519.183 500.954 548.350 508.246 453.558 438.975 482.725 479.079
1,1 590.969 638.365 674.824 707.636 656.594 634.719 689.407 642.011 583.678 569.094 612.844 609.199
1,2 617.185 671.872 708.331 737.497 690.101 664.581 726.560 671.872 609.893 595.310 642.706 639.060
1,3 643.400 705.379 741.838 767.358 723.608 694.442 763.713 701.733 636.108 625.171 672.567 668.921
1,4 673.261 735.240 775.344 800.865 760.761 724.303 800.865 731.594 662.324 651.386 702.428 698.782
1,5 699.476 768.747 808.851 830.726 794.268 754.164 838.018 761.456 688.539 677.601 732.289 728.643
1,6 725.692 802.254 842.358 860.588 827.775 787.671 875.171 791.317 714.754 707.463 762.150 758.504
1,7 755.553 832.115 875.865 894.094 864.928 817.532 912.324 821.178 740.969 733.678 792.011 788.365
1,8 781.768 865.622 909.372 923.956 898.435 847.393 949.476 851.039 767.185 763.539 821.872 818.226
1,9 807.983 899.129 942.879 953.817 931.942 877.254 986.629 880.900 793.400 789.754 851.733 848.088
2,0 834.199 928.990 976.386 983.678 965.449 907.115 1.023.782 910.761 819.615 815.969 877.949 877.949
2,1 964.319 1.062.757 1.110.153 1.117.444 1.102.861 1.040.882 1.164.840 1.044.528 964.319 946.090 1.015.361 1.008.069
2,2 990.535 1.096.264 1.143.660 1.147.306 1.136.368 1.070.743 1.201.993 1.074.389 990.535 972.306 1.045.222 1.037.931
2,3 1.016.750 1.129.771 1.177.167 1.177.167 1.169.875 1.100.604 1.239.146 1.104.250 1.016.750 1.002.167 1.075.083 1.067.792
2,4 1.046.611 1.159.632 1.210.674 1.210.674 1.207.028 1.130.465 1.276.299 1.134.111 1.046.611 1.028.382 1.104.944 1.097.653
2,5 1.072.826 1.193.139 1.244.181 1.240.535 1.240.535 1.160.326 1.313.451 1.163.972 1.072.826 1.054.597 1.134.806 1.127.514
2,6 1.099.042 1.226.646 1.277.688 1.270.396 1.274.042 1.193.833 1.350.604 1.193.833 1.099.042 1.084.458 1.164.667 1.157.375
2,7 1.128.903 1.256.507 1.311.194 1.303.903 1.311.194 1.223.694 1.387.757 1.223.694 1.128.903 1.110.674 1.194.528 1.187.236
2,8 1.155.118 1.290.014 1.344.701 1.333.764 1.344.701 1.253.556 1.424.910 1.253.556 1.155.118 1.140.535 1.224.389 1.217.097
2,9 1.181.333 1.323.521 1.378.208 1.363.625 1.378.208 1.283.417 1.462.063 1.283.417 1.181.333 1.166.750 1.254.250 1.246.958
3,0 1.207.549 1.353.382 1.411.715 1.393.486 1.411.715 1.313.278 1.499.215 1.313.278 1.207.549 1.192.965 1.284.111 1.276.819

Transit Time 6 - 10 days 8 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 8 - 12 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days
Weight United
Latvia (LV) Slovakia (SK) Slovenia (SI) Lithuania (LT) Malta (MT) Brazil (BR) Chile (CL) Columbia (CO)
Break (KG) Kingdom (UK)

0,1 216.579 231.163 245.746 216.579 267.621 201.996 245.746 249.392 322.308

0,2 245.746 263.975 278.558 245.746 304.079 227.517 282.204 289.496 373.350

0,3 274.913 296.788 311.371 274.913 344.183 253.038 355.121 329.600 424.392

0,4 304.079 333.246 344.183 304.079 380.642 278.558 391.579 366.058 475.433

0,5 333.246 366.058 376.996 333.246 417.100 304.079 428.038 406.163 526.475

0,6 362.413 398.871 409.808 362.413 457.204 329.600 482.725 490.017 581.163

0,7 391.579 435.329 442.621 391.579 493.663 355.121 519.183 533.767 632.204

0,8 420.746 468.142 475.433 420.746 533.767 380.642 555.642 577.517 683.246

0,9 449.913 500.954 508.246 449.913 570.225 406.163 592.100 621.267 734.288

1,0 479.079 533.767 541.058 479.079 606.683 428.038 628.558 665.017 785.329

1,1 609.199 671.178 674.824 609.199 747.740 554.511 787.844 809.719 940.969

1,2 639.060 704.685 708.331 639.060 784.893 580.726 824.997 854.164 992.706

1,3 668.921 738.192 741.838 668.921 825.692 606.942 862.150 898.608 1.044.442

1,4 698.782 775.344 775.344 698.782 862.844 633.157 899.303 943.053 1.096.178

1,5 728.643 808.851 808.851 728.643 899.997 659.372 936.456 987.497 1.147.914

1,6 758.504 842.358 842.358 758.504 940.796 685.588 991.838 1.031.942 1.203.296

1,7 788.365 879.511 875.865 788.365 977.949 711.803 1.028.990 1.076.386 1.255.032

1,8 818.226 913.018 909.372 818.226 1.018.747 738.018 1.066.143 1.120.831 1.306.768

1,9 848.088 946.525 942.879 848.088 1.055.900 764.233 1.103.296 1.165.275 1.358.504

2,0 877.949 980.032 976.386 877.949 1.093.053 786.803 1.140.449 1.209.719 1.410.240

2,1 1.008.069 1.124.736 1.121.090 1.008.069 1.234.111 913.278 1.339.840 1.354.424 1.565.882

2,2 1.037.931 1.158.243 1.154.597 1.037.931 1.271.264 939.493 1.376.993 1.398.868 1.617.618

2,3 1.067.792 1.195.396 1.188.104 1.067.792 1.312.063 965.708 1.414.146 1.443.313 1.669.354

2,4 1.097.653 1.228.903 1.221.611 1.097.653 1.349.215 991.924 1.451.299 1.487.757 1.721.090

2,5 1.127.514 1.262.410 1.255.118 1.127.514 1.386.368 1.018.139 1.488.451 1.532.201 1.772.826

2,6 1.157.375 1.299.563 1.288.625 1.157.375 1.427.167 1.044.354 1.529.250 1.576.646 1.828.208

2,7 1.187.236 1.333.069 1.322.132 1.187.236 1.464.319 1.070.569 1.566.403 1.621.090 1.879.944

2,8 1.217.097 1.370.222 1.355.639 1.217.097 1.505.118 1.096.785 1.603.556 1.665.535 1.931.681

2,9 1.246.958 1.403.729 1.389.146 1.246.958 1.542.271 1.123.000 1.640.708 1.709.979 1.983.417

3,0 1.276.819 1.437.236 1.422.653 1.276.819 1.579.424 1.145.569 1.677.861 1.754.424 2.035.153

Transit Time 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 6 - 10 days 5-8 days 15 - 25 days 10 - 17 days 11 - 19 days

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