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Illt1stratccl l)\. C;it1liar1a (_rr1..'gcJr1


Editt'd h\. l.'l'II( ll\. !~rooks

f)esigncd h) l"rancL'sca .\lien

<1nd l..:.itn11,1 !'earn

~'.... 0
Yov cao J.ear the tvoe> aod fee
the actioo> beio9 demooftrated,
at "'"'"'·"
Type io tJ.e keyl"ordr
'baby rJ.ymer'.


• .. ••
. ll
c .......
.. . . ....
• •
.,. ,,• ·•J"•
• • • •• • 4'1•Af//JA ... "''
• .. • • .. • ., • ,,. .. # • • "
• • 'It •

Old MacDonald had a farm

()lei l\.facDonakl had a farn1, E-I-E-I-C),
i\nd on that farn1 he hacl a CO\V. E-I-E-I-0,
\\.'ith a n100-11100 l1ere a11c.l a i1100-1noo tl1ere.
Herc a rnoo. there a r1100.
Evcr\"lvhcre a 11100-1noo,
Olcl f\ lacL)onald had a tar111. E-I-E-I-().

Repeat i,.iith different animalr.

@. -
·Jr ~
\\. ~·


• ·--.,....,. • .. t • •
11 .. - .... .,
• •
•• .. •
. ~

• • ,. •• • •

,,, •
• ••
• •


•• •
• •• ..
• •

• •




• •

• •

"• . •

•• •.. ,• ••
• •

• • , •
. '

Uickety, pickety, my black hen
Hicket)'· 1)ickct). 111y !)lack l1c11.
Sl1e la\·s
.. egcrs fc)l- ,:-,
. clay.
Gc11tle111e11 cc)J11l' t'\ l'l"\'
·10 sec ''hat 111\·. lJ\ack l1L'I \ cJc>t 11 lay.
. •
-- ·- ·· -~ ---

One, two, three, four, f ive

011c, t\Vc>, three, four, five,
Or1cc ] caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, tc11,
Tl1c11 I tl1re\\' it back agai11.
\ \ 11) did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
\\ l1icl1 fi11ger did it bite?
1'his little finger on the right.
R"ire five fin9err one by one. Pvt P"lmr to9ethet
""d mQke h"rtdr rwim. R"ire firt9err of other
"'""d to ten then "'"ke" throwin9 "ction. 5h.,ke
ri9ht J,,.,,,d Qf if it hvrtr .,,,d hold vp little firt9er.

• •

..,.... .
Round and round the garden
Rountl an<I rol111cl t hL' ~ar<lL'll,
I~ikc a tctlcl,· bear.
()11c stc1).
'r\\'() stcr>s.

Tickle you u11clcr there!

T roce o circle on yovr cl.ild' r polm

i.-titl. yovr index fin9er, ti.en toke two
bi9 'rtepr' vp tJ.,eir orm i.-titl. yovr
fin9err ond tickle v11der tl.eir orm.

This l;ttle piggy I
This little piggy \\·c11t to market,
This little piggy stay·ed at 11ome,
This little piggy had roast beef.
This little pigm· had none,
This little piggy said,
,, ' 7
vvec, \VCC, \Vee, \Vee •
All t11c wa:y home.
Wi99le each of yotJt Child' 5 toe5, 5tortin9
lffith the bi9 toe. 'Wolk' vp their le9 lffith

• yovt tin9ers and tickle their tvmmy .

Pussy cat, pussy cat
Pussy cat. f)Ussy cat,
\\ hl'rc ha\'c you been?
I've bce11 to IJ011clo11 to visit the Qucc11.
Pussy cat, i)ussy cal \Vhat dicl you there?
I frigl1tcr1ccl a little mouse unclcr the chair.
• •' t ~ •

. . . . _, -- ll~lll 11n1 l.-IL...Lllilt l lltlli1f11 t

• • I ,--,

The l;ttre turtle
There \\'as a little turtle.
He li,·ecl in a box,
He S\Va1n i11 a i)uddle,
He clirnbed on the rocks .

He s11ap1)ccl at a mosquito,
I le s11apr)cd at a flea.
He snap1)cd at a n1i11r10\\~
A11d l1e s11apped at ine.

He caught the 111osc1uito.
He caugl1t tl1c flea.
1Ic caught the 1ninnc)\V,
I3ut he dich1't catch tne!
The animals went in two by two
'rh1..' zn1ir11<1ls \\1..'nt in t\\-c) h\. t\\<>.
Hurrah' llurral1'
Tl1L' a11in1als \\ 1..'tlt in t\\ <l ])\ I\\ o,
' l'hc clc1)hnn1 an< I the kange1roc >,
.\11cl tl1c\- all'' 1..'11t intc) tl1t' ark
I·'cJr to g1..'t ciut <>t tl1c rai11.

I •


One, two, three, four

One, t\vo, three, four,
1'hesc little pussy cats came to my door.
'fhe)· just stood there and said 'Good day',
And then they tiptoed right away.


'-' •• • •

.J~ \
~'~ •

1f you're happy and you know it

If )'ou're 11appy and you k110\v it2 cla1) Yl) Ur h<l11(ls.
lf you're ha1)PY ancl you know it, clap your hci ncls;
If )·ou're hap11y ar1cl you know it, ,.
• Then you really ought to sho\\' it, ~ .•
...._ If you 're happy a11<.l you kno\\' it. clat. your l1ancls .

Perform eacJ. action t 1-1ice after yov sin9 abovt it, and look /.appy!
Some ot/.er act ionr t o try: stamp yovr feet; tap yovr J.ead,
jvmp vp <1nd doL-tn; fhovt 'J.ooray'.


0 , I •

:tppy and you know ;t'. • •

• •
ind you kno\\ it, clap your h.n:id".
0 •
.'and you kno\\ it, clap ypur hanc lb; ~/ ~ .,. ,
and -YOU knO\\' It
ly ought to sho\\' it, :
. . - ,•
\. l ,,,.

lnd you kno\V it. clap your hands. ..
c....--__.~----· ~-- 1...-.:""-~_..,...J_,

, n.;ce ofter yov s;n9 abovt .t, aod look happy

oor to try: rtomp yovr feet; top yovr head;
•P vp o11d dow"i rhovt •hooroy~
... ,,

-I ,

l? ,
Two little eyes
T\vo little eyes to look around,
T\\?O lit tic cars to l1ear each sot.n1cl,

011e little t1<)SC to smell \\·hat's sweet,

One little tnouth that likes to eat.

Point to yovr eyer, t.hen earf, t.hen nofe,

t.hen Movt.h af yov fay t.hif r.hyme.

,~ ,


.I11. ,- ' I
·-~·· - - ·- --

Row, row, row your boat

l(O\\', rO\\', rCl\\ \'(JUr l)(J<\t

(.tc11tl)' clo\vn tl1c strcan1;
\ifcrril;, 1ncrrily, 111crrily. n1crril)',
Life is but a clrcan1.
Ro,,·, rO\\'. rel\\ Y<)Ur boat
Gentl\• cki\\ n tl1c strca111;
If •rot1 sec a crc)codile,
Dor1't t(irgct t<) s-c-r-c-e-c-a-111!

Sit oo the floor opporite a partner aod hold haodr. Rock back
aod forward to row yovr boat. Jvmp vp aod make bi9 crocodile
jawf with yovr arm~ aod SCREAM the lart word.


five pretty poppies
, Five pretty j)O]Jpi~s standi11g in a r()\\'.
One blo\vs over, l1ut four still gro\v...
/iold vp five fin9err. Blow on one and fold it over.
Repeotverre witS. fovr, tS.ree o,.,d two fin9err.

011e prett) l)Ol)l)Y standing in a ro\v.

One blo\\ s O\ er, so 110 poppies gro\\'.
Here corncs a farn1er \vitl1 a fork ancl <l ht>c.
. . Out cornes tl1c sun ai1d ten poppies grt)W.
Blow lort fin9er over. /io ld vp S.ond to be tS.e former
a ,d move rttowordr tS.e poppier. Ro ire oil fin9err on 'ten'.

• •

• •
Two little dicky birds
·r\,·(l little <.lick) l)ircl" sitt 111g on t hl' ,,·all.
()ne 11a111ccl Peter.
One- nc1111c<l l)aul.
w l~'lv a\VC\V l)cter!
- Paull
-r'l\' a,,.a\
. .
Co111c hack J>cter,
( ~< >111e back Paul.

ti old vp inde,, fin9erf to rJiow tJie birds.

Make each one fly off beJ..ind your back.
l3rin9 Peter back, tJ,e,, br.n9 Pavl back.



Uere we go round
-~ the mulberry bush

Here we go rou11cl the mulberry busl1,

Mulberry bush, mulberry bush;
Here \Ve go round tl1c mulberry busl1,
On a cold a11d frosty morning.

This is the \Vay \Ve \Vash our face,

\ Vasl1 our face, \Vash our face;
This is the \Vay \VC \vash our face,
On a cold a11d frosty inorning.
Ptete11d to i..iash yovt face.

Repeat i..iith: ' ... \>tv5h ovt S.ait' (ptete11d to btvrh hair),
'. .. pvt on 0<1t clothes' (ptete11d t o 9et dterred);
' ... brvrh ovt teeth (ptete11d to btvSS. teetS.).

• • ~


five little ducks

Five little clucks \Vent s\vim1ning 011c clay,
Over tl1c poncl and far a\vay.
lvlothcr cluck said,
'Quack, quack, quack. quack'
But only four little ducks came back.

Repeat IAlit/.i fovr, three arid t!Alo little dvckr.


One little cluck \\'ent s\vin11ning one day,

O\·er the pond and far a\\'ay.
Mother duck said,
'Quack, quack, quack, quack'
/\ncl five little ducks came S\vi1nming back .

. _\


The Wheels on the Bus

The \Vhl'cls 011 the bus go rou11c1 ancl rouncl.
J<.ouncl and rouncl, rou11d a11d round;
'I'he \\·l1eels 011 the bus go round ancl rouncl.
!\ll day' 1011g.
Spin forearm$ around each other.

'I'l1c doors 011 tl1c bus go ope11 and shut,

Open at1d shut, open 'u1d shut;
The doors 011 the bus go open and sl1ut,
All day long.
Hold forearmf vp vertico ly and move them oport ond to9ether.

I' J




Repeat i..titJ,: 'The i.r1perr on the bvs 90 si..tish, si.rirh, f\ofirh'

(point index fin9err vp al\d fi..t1n9 forearms from the};
'The babier on the bvr 90 i..tah, i..tah, i..tah' (rock arms to rhoi..t baby);
'The mothers on the bvr 90 shh, shh, shh' (pvtfin9er to movth).

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