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Multiple Choice Questions-APS for 19 October 2021

1. In the Performance Management System, Key Result Areas refer to

A. Those areas of an individual’s job that make the biggest impact on initial results
B. Those areas of an individual’s job that make the biggest impact on concrete results
C. Those areas of an individual’s job that make the biggest impact on end results
D. Those areas of an individual’s job that make the biggest impact on mitigated results
2. The underlying assumption of Performance Management is that
A. Individual performance can be measured through a focus on setting and monitoring
goals and aligning development and reward to individual aspirations and potential to
grow and develop new skills.
B. Individual performance can be gauged through a focus on setting and monitoring goals
and aligning development and reward to individual aspirations and potential to grow
and develop new skills.
C. Individual performance can be assessed through a focus on setting and monitoring goals
and aligning development and reward to individual aspirations and potential to grow
and develop new skills.
D. Individual performance can be raised through a focus on setting and monitoring goals
and aligning development and reward to individual aspirations and potential to grow
and develop new skills.
3. The ‘Assises de l’Environnement’ was organised by the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste
and Climate Change in
A. December 2016
B. December 2017
C. December 2018
D. December 2019
4. It is estimated that close to …………………of our GDP is being invested every year on
environment and climate change issues.
A. 0.87 %
B. 2.15%
C. 8.3 %
D. 16%
5. The public can submit their application for an Environment Impact Assessment(EIA) Licence
and Preliminary Environment Report (PER) online via the E-licensing Platform since
A. March 1968
B. March 1980
C. March 2018
D. March 2020
6. Households in Mauritius may dispose of their wastes that are not normally collected as part
of the regular collection service are known as
A. Civic Amenity Centres
B. Citizen Amenity Centres
C. Controlled Amenity Centres
D. Central Amenity Centres
7. Women's Cave at Roches Noires was naugurated on
A. 9 September 1956
B. 18 January 1968
C. 29 September 2003
D. 30 April 2020
8. A key output under the NAMA project for Low Carbon Island Development Strategy for
Mauritius is mainstreaming gender in climate change mitigation and the formulation of a
National Gender Action Plan (GAP) for Climate Change Mitigation. NAMA stands for
A. National Agri -Marketing Association
B. National Ayurvedic Medical Association
C. Nationally Adaptation Mitigated Actions
D. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions
9. The project entitled “Mainstreaming Biodiversity into the Management of the Coastal Zone
in the Republic of Mauritius” is funded under
A. Global Rainbow Foundation and supported by the United Nations Development
B. Global Environment Facility and supported by the United Nations Development
C. General Endowment Fund and supported by the United Nations Development
D. Global Environment Fund and supported by the United Nations Development
10. The Regulations that ban the import, manufacture, sale or supply of plastic bags in
Mauritius from 1st January 2016, including non-woven polypropylene bags and
excluding all exempted plastic bags listed in the First Schedule are the
A. Environment Protection (Banning of plastic materials) Regulations 2015
B. Environment Protection (Banning of plastic bags) Regulations 2016
C. Environment Protection (Banning of plastic bags) Act 2015
D. Environment Protection (Banning of plastic bags) Regulations 2015
11. Under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, the first NIP (inventory
on Persistent Organic Pollutants) for Mauritius was prepared in
A. 2005
B. 2010
C. 2015
D. 2020
12. The first Biennial Short Report for the Minamata Convention on Mercury was submitted on
A. 28 March 1968
B. 13 April 2013
C. 23 December 2019
D. 18 August 2020
13. The role of the National Environmental Laboratory (NEL) is to
A. monitor environmental quantity to ensure compliance with prescribed environmental
B. monitor environmental quality to ensure compliance with prescribed environmental
C. monitor environmental quality to ensure complementarity with prescribed
environmental standards.
D. monitor environmental quality to ensure compliance with regulated environmental
14. Mauritius was the first in Africa to implement pictorial warnings on cigarette packages in
A. 2001
B. 2005
C. 2009
D. 2018
15. Mauritius is positioning itself as a medical hub. In 2016, the number of foreign patients
treated was around
A. 25,000
B. 123,000
C. 18,000
D. 3,000
16. The GNI per capita in Mauritius was US$……….in 1968 and US$……….in 2017
A. 2,000 and 10,130
B. 200 and 10,130
C. 200 and 1013
D. 20,000 and 101,300
17. Nine Year Continuous Basic Education (NYCBE) was introduced in
A. 1972
B. 1993
C. 2015
D. 2019
18. In the vocational and training sector in Mauritius, the Technical and Vocational Education
and Training (TVET) was developed
A. under the broad umbrella of Skills Development
B. under the broad umbrella of the MITD
C. under the broad umbrella of the Ministry of Education
D. under the broad umbrella of the University of Technology
19. In 2017, out of 160 countries, we were ranked…………. on the UN Gender Inequality Index.
A. 113th
B. 84th
C. 52nd
D. 8th
20. In ……………, Government enacted a new Local Government Act which provides for gender-
neutral quotas to increase woman’s representation at local government level.
A. 1968
B. 1975
C. 2001
D. 2011
21. Several initiatives have been introduced in Mauritius to empower women. One of them is
the Back-to-Work programme, introduced in
A. 1972
B. 2000
C. 2015
D. 2021
22. The Equal Opportunities Act was enacted in 2008
A. In a bid to provide equal opportunity to men and women in all spheres of society
B. In a bid to provide equal access to opportunities for our expatriates
C. In a bid to provide equal access to opportunities for our citizens
D. In a bid to prevent equal access to opportunities for our citizens
23. The Domestic Violence Information System (DOVIS) is
A. a computerised system for the domestication of reported cases of violence to monitor,
access, record and generate specific reports on cases dealt
B. a computerised system for the registration of non-reported cases of domestic violence to
monitor, access, record and generate specific reports on cases dealt
C. a computerised system for the registration of reported cases of domestic violence to
monitor, access and generate specific reports on cases dealt
D. a computerised system for the registration of reported cases of domestic violence to
monitor, access, record and generate specific reports on cases dealt
24. Since 2012, a Water Quality Surveillance Programme is being implemented to
A. monitor the quality of probable water in our reservoirs, rivers and feeder canals.
B. monitor the quality of potable water in our reservoirs, rivers and feeder canals.
C. monitor the quality of potable water in our reservoirs, rivers, lagoon and feeder canals.
D. monitor the quality of potable water in our reservoirs, lakes and feeder canals.
25. To ensure that households which are in the low-income bracket have access to potable
water, they are exempted from payment of monthly water charges up to
A. 0.6 m3
B. 6.0 m3
C. 60 m3
D. 600 m3
26. The Central Electricity Board (CEB) currently produces 46.4 percent of the country's total
power requirement. The remaining 53.6 percent is purchased from
A. EDF (Electricite De France)
B. ESKOM (South Africa)
C. IPP (Independent Power Producers)
D. Tata Power Company Ltd (India)
27. With the implementation of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) project ‘Accelerating
Transformational Shift to a Low Carbon Economy in the Republic of Mauritius’, we aim at
reducing our carbon emission by
A. 4.27 million tonnes from 2017 to 2025.
B. 4 27 million tonnes from 2017 to 2025
C. 0.427 million tonnes from 2017 to 2025
D. 42.7 million tonnes from 2017 to 2025
28. Under the Home Solar Project, low income households benefit on a monthly basis for a
period of 20 years from
A. 50 MWh of electricity free of charge
B. 5 kWh of electricity free of charge
C. 0.50 kWh of electricity free of charge
D. 50 kWh of electricity free of charge
29. The objective of the Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA) is to
A. oversee the development of non-renewable energy in Mauritius.
B. oversee the development of renewable energy in Mauritius
C. oversee the development of sustainable energy in Mauritius
D. oversee the development of solar energy in Mauritius
30. The YEP which allows unemployed youth to be placed in private companies and public sector
to facilitate their transition from education to employment was introduced in
A. 1995
B. 2013
C. 2017
D. 2020
31. It is essential that we increase labour productivity in our industries and in the public sector
A. Industrial vulgarisation
B. Industrial Zones
C. Industry 4.0
D. Industry 2021
32. The SME Innovation Award was introduced in
A. 2003
B. 2011
C. 2017
D. 2021
33. In 2017, Mauritius ranked …….. out of 176 countries worldwide on the ICT Development
Index and ……….. on the Global Cyber Security Index.
A. 72nd, 6th
B. 1st, 17th
C. 34th, 3rd
D. None of the above
34. Data Protection Act 2017 is an information highway (InfoHighway) allows
A. for secure data sharing among Government Ministers
B. for secure data sharing among Government officers
C. for secure data sharing among Government agents
D. for secure data sharing among Government agencies
35. With the view to accelerating public sector digitalisation efforts to enhance operational
effectiveness and efficiency and to better service our citizens, Mauritius is implementing its
A. Digital Government Transformation Strategy 2008- 2022.
B. Digital Government Transformation Strategy 2018- 2030.
C. Central Government Transformation Strategy 2018- 2022.
D. Digital Government Transformation Strategy 2018- 2022
36. The MARS cable connects Rodrigues to the rest of the world and was launched in
A. 2012
B. 2017
C. 2019
D. 2021
37. Government introduced the Negative Income Tax to provide financial support to low income
employees deriving emoluments
A. less than or equal to Rs 9.900 (approximately USD 280) per month.
B. less than or equal to Rs 9,900 (approximately USD 280) per month
C. less than and equal to Rs 9,900 (approximately USD 280) per month
D. more than or equal to Rs 9,900 (approximately USD 280) per month
38. The Gini coefficient decreased from 0.414 in 2012 to 0.400 in 2017, showing an
A. Decline in the income distribution
B. improvement in the outcome distribution
C. Decline in the income generation
D. improvement in the income distribution
39. To further economic growth and develop human capacity in our region, Mauritius jointly
with the …………………….., has set up two regional capacity building institutions, namely the
AFRITAC South and the Africa Training Institute (ATI)
A. World Bank
B. AFD (Agence Francaise De Developpement)
40. The SMART City Scheme revolves around the concept
A. Work-life-play
B. Enjoy-relax-play
C. Live-work—sleep
D. Build-operate-transfer

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