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Struggling with writing your thesis on American obesity? You're not alone.

Crafting a comprehensive
and insightful research paper on such a complex and multifaceted topic can be incredibly challenging.
From gathering and analyzing data to formulating coherent arguments and conclusions, the process
demands meticulous attention to detail and extensive research.

American obesity is a pressing issue with far-reaching implications for public health, social welfare,
and economic stability. Tackling this subject requires a deep understanding of various factors
contributing to the obesity epidemic, including dietary habits, lifestyle choices, socio-economic
factors, cultural influences, and more.

Moreover, synthesizing existing research, identifying gaps in the literature, and proposing innovative
solutions demand critical thinking and analytical skills. As you navigate through the sea of
information and perspectives, staying focused and maintaining academic rigor can be overwhelming.

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Despite the fact that rising instances of obesity and increasing global temperatures do not affect the
majority of today's population, these issues cannot be completely ignored by governmental
leadership. It discusses relevant theories, like the Health Belief Model, to be used in the study. To
offset the ever-increasing rates of obesity, it is important to evaluate the causes and effects of obesity
in the American population. Families can take charge and engage in practices that may reduce the
cases causing obesity. Obesity is indeed an epidemic of great concern in the United States because of
the serious health challenges it is associated with and is believed to be caused by several things
including scientific reasons, environmental factors, and psychological issues. Severe obesity robs
individuals of their ability to participate in physical activities and perform their daily activities or
responsibility. The most affected state was Colorado while the least affected being Mississippi.
Consumer attitude tends to differ to what they understand to be the right thing. The definition of
obesity is based mainly on BMI (Body Mass Index), excluding many. One of the primary driving
forces of obesity epidemic in America is the modern lifestyles of the population. Adapted from: Let’s
eat for the health of it; Consumer Pamphlet. However, the children’s family who do not encourage
them to be active and do enough exercise as well as living healthy life may contribute the problem
(Preston and Andrew 2137-2143). It’s the fastest-growing cause of disease and death in. Obesity is
blamed on fast food. 73.7% of Americans over 20 years of age are obese. 8 out of 10 Americans eat
fast food. The results of this study are in partial agreement with both the. Activities most people
engage in involve little movement, an aspect that proves very risky to human body. Both fruits and
vegetables and whole grains are high in fiber, which helps people to feel. Political measures may
include advocacy for food labeling in order to indicate the amount of calories contained in food
products. Most people are trying hard to adopt lifestyle and strategies to combat obesity. BMI is a
crude (WHO) public health screeening tool and that’s it. Those issues gain more and more popularity
nowadays. Are food hefty prices the primary cause of obesity. Introduction Obesity, weight gained
or overweight has remained a contingent issue for a considerable time in health care, among scholars,
the US Government as well as the community at large. Conventional approaches are available for
curbing the increment in obesity rates. All states had obesity prevalence above twenty percent.
Nutrition education and awareness amongst the public to meet individual nutritional needs and
enhance consumer responsibility when it comes to consumption should be conducted. The definition
of obesity is based mainly on BMI (Body Mass Index), excluding many. Prevalence Several
researches conducted on the prevalence of obesity in America indicate that the rates at which
individuals are becoming overweight are ever increasing. Long and Short Essays on Obesity in
America for Students and Kids in English We are providing students with samples of essay on a long
essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Obesity In America” for reference.
Decades ago, obesity was a significant health issue among adults, but the situation has changed with
time to include adolescents and children.
Figures 1-2, along with the proliferation of reality television’s extreme distortion of the. Having had
the experience of taking care of sick people, many with chronic illnesses such as. Overweight and
obesity also reduces an individual's efficiency in work, and accordingly their chances of being
granted a job from among hundreds of smart and active competitor candidates. Behavior change
poses a great challenge to most people who do not find it easy to change their diet and engage in
exercise. Many Americans sit in front the televisions while youths and teens love playing high-tech
and exciting video games. Long and Short Essays on Obesity in America for Students and Kids in
English We are providing students with samples of essay on a long essay of 500 words and a short
essay of 150 words on the topic “Obesity In America” for reference. Internationally, The World
Health Organization (WHO) was concerned about a possible. These depressing perceptions and
judgments greatly influence an individual’s aptitude to socialize or participate in social activities.
Many people do not also meet the recommended levels of moderate exercise and many more do not
engage in leisure time activity. In view of this, obesity is associated with a number of negative
physical and psychological consequences. Nonetheless, obesity can be solved through energy
variation, pharmacological intervention, behavioral therapy, public education, political-oriented
solution and community-based initiatives. Plate) or a Registered Dietitian that can give acurate
advice and direct consumers to the USDA. Television, in particular, reality television, is the worst
source of accurate diet and. The alarming levels of the condition in the United States have served it
to be labelled as an epidemic. A crude population measure of obesity is the body mass index. Because
they opperate on the margins, in the extremes. If you go. It has been touted that obesity has been on
the rise over the past 30 years, with the. The condition has indiscriminately cut across racial, ethical,
sex, age and socioeconomic groups and although detecting it is easy, it is very hard to treat. Most
Americans also either do not do exercises because they are too lazy to do exercise or are occupied by
other things they deem significant (Preston and Andrew 2137-2143). At this point I would like to
redirect you to Figure 2, look a it; try to grasp all of the. It is the result of changing human behavior
in response to a. Consequences of Obesity Obesity has negative effects on people’s physical and
psychological health as well as socialization. GERIATRIC PHARMACOLOGY Geriatric
pharmacology is a specialized field focusing. This is it! The people know what to do, they just choose
not. Among the more prominent diseases associated with obesity are: cardiovascular problems which
could lead to heart attack, insulin resistance which could lead to diabetes, hypertension, high
cholesterol, stroke, cancer, osteoarthritis, gout, gallstones and even sleep apnea. Report this
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document useful (16 votes) 94K views 10 pages Obesity Research Paper Uploaded by Paige-Hill A
research paper about Obesity in the United States. Education and the Workforce United States House
of Representatives. This emanates from the intake of calorie-rich, sugary, and fatty foods in america.
Hashmi differentiates the two by the concentration of excess fat in the body. These diseases can
contribute to a decreased quality of life and an.
Surgical Open Heart Classes, daily and then twice a week. Moreover, the nature of work people do in
America contributes to overweight especially jobs that see people relaxing and burning less fat. This
is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. There
are a lot of complications resulting from a surgical procedure that might complicate the matter rather
than address it. Obesity is a very widespread problem in the United States of america. It discusses
relevant theories, like the Health Belief Model, to be used in the study. Is obesity a factor
contributing to poor academic performance. However, in review of the evidence as presented in
Charts 1-4, Graph’s 1-2, and. The steadily growing rate shows that obesity is a disaster among
American children. Corn-based commodities are the reason for the inactive lifestyle. Based on our
hypotheses, the underlining roots for the obesity epidemic are correlated with. According to Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity epidemic sees 35.7% of adults and 16.9% of children
between ages 2 and 19 (Web). The environment supports easy access to unhealthy food. Hashmi
differentiates the two by the concentration of excess fat in the body. The shifting in eating habits
among Americans affects individuals’ weight with respect to eating frequency and portion size
attributed to the increase in caloric consumption. However, most oncology professionals believe that
the causes for ovarian cancer are unknown and that the chances of ovarian cancers are high in
women that did not undergo pregnancy during their fertile period. Prevalence of Obesity Among
Children and Adolescents: United States Trends1963-1965. It is apparent that rateof obesity has
significantly increased with time, and it affects all population groups, including children, adolescents
and adults. Behavior change poses a great challenge to most people who do not find it easy to change
their diet and engage in exercise. The data displayed in Charts 2 and 3 combined with Graph 1, when
compared to The. According to Bassett et al., increase and expansion of fast-food restaurant in
America that serve more than 50 million Americans per day largely causes obesity amongst US
population (24-28). The secret of avoiding excess weight is decreasing the number of calories taken
and increasing physical activity appropriate for one’s age and health condition. The number one
factor that we as humans use to choose the foods that we eat is. So they through a carrot out to the
extremely obese television veiwer, promising. It is far from a simple weight issue and is known to
have dangerous and damaging effects on both the physical and the mental health of an individual.
From increased chances of cancer to occurrences of the stroke to even cardiovascular diseases are all
the consequences of obesity. The consumption of balanced diet and infrequent intake of fatty as well
as fast foods is an essential move towards solving this rampant health problem. Those issues gain
more and more popularity nowadays. Adapted from: Let’s eat for the health of it; Consumer
Pamphlet. The definition of obesity is based mainly on BMI (Body Mass Index), excluding many.
Education and the Workforce United States House of Representatives. Although pharmacological
interventions are essential in alleviating obesity, they have several side effects. Why the shift? Why
have we as a nation been getting heavier. The 2010 edition is the latest revision of these guidelines,
which. Crises in America; Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Education Reform Committee on.
This along with other factors such as modern work plays a significant role in the ever-increasing
obesity rate (Harvard Men's Health Watch, 2012). Lines, all with varying degrees of diffusion
among the populous. It is therefore worth noting that consumers and the entire American population
play an insignificant role in reducing obesity cases. This emanates from the intake of calorie-rich,
sugary, and fatty foods in america. Figures 1-2, along with the proliferation of reality television’s
extreme distortion of the. While this information appears novel and fascinating, its. Extreme Weight
Loss (ABC), Shedding for The Wedding (CW), Diet Tribe (Lifetime), Super. Fast foods therefore,
lead to accumulation of unwanted or excessive fat and weight; an essential indicator of obesity
(Harvard Men's Health Watch, 2012). Therefore, need to develop a catchy and extensively detailed
introduction enabling the audience to understand the background information of obesity. Pepsi and
Coca Cola have made such attempts when they banned vending of high-calorie drinks as well as
beverages in containers measuring more than eight ounces in high, middle and elementary schools.
Chart 3 (2007-2011 data) clearly indicates a lack of fruit and vegetable intake nationwide, with a.
The steadily growing rate shows that obesity is a disaster among American children. At this point I
would like to redirect you to Figure 2, look a it; try to grasp all of the. Others facilitate weight loss in
a number of ways such as increasing metabolic rate. After-school exercise programs are becoming
more popular throughout america. In the hospital setting (where I have worked for almost two
decades) all diets are. Because they opperate on the margins, in the extremes. If you go. Most
Americans also either do not do exercises because they are too lazy to do exercise or are occupied by
other things they deem significant (Preston and Andrew 2137-2143). The topic covers general
research on child obesity. Bustling schedules are thought to be the reason for weight gain. Ali
explains that most companies and food chains such as McDonald are only sensitive to consumer
tastes and expectations instead of giving clear, consistent, and honest product claims that may help
consumers make responsible decisions (93-97). Obesity causes several ailments including
hypertension, diabetes, cancer, depression, arthritis, negative psychological outcomes, mental and
emotional disorders as well as impedes individuals’ ability to perform their responsibilities or duties.
Long Essay on Obesity in America 500 Words in English Long Essay on Obesity in America is
usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. In the hospital setting (where I have worked for almost two
decades) all diets are. As of 2013, America is only second to Mexico in terms of obesity occurrence.
These side effects include behavioral abnormalities, addiction, physiological changes, cardiovascular
disease and others. For instance, they may keep gardens and grow organic food that may provide the
best solution because most people will shun fast food (Hojjat Web). The illustration below depicts
this type of change. High fat, high sugar, high sodium foods are now the norm. Ali, Naheed. The
Obesity Reality: A Comprehensive Approach to a Growing Problem. Nonetheless, obesity can be
solved through energy variation, pharmacological intervention, behavioral therapy, public education,
political-oriented solution and community-based initiatives. Lady, Michelle Obama, launched the
Let’s Move campaign in 2010, which coincided with the. Obesity is one of the most prevalent health
care issues, which is causing worries in the United States. Americans are lured to consumption of
junk food that has replaced the desire for organic food hence decreasing metabolism. Unfortunetly,
this knowledge of a problem has not had a positive impact on dietary. A crude population measure of
obesity is the body mass index. Overeating is encouraged, and technological designs urge people to
be lazier than before. The number keeps skyrocketing, and many are suffering from the disastrous
penalties of obesity. Obesity prevalence varies significantly across ethnic and racial disparities as
well as socioeconomic status in the American population. Why the shift? Why have we as a nation
been getting heavier. Answer: According to WHO, American Samoa is the top country concerning
obesity, closely followed by Nauru, then Cook Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, and many more. The obesity
rate in america has increased, and that points a finger at fast food restaurants. Crises in America;
Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Education Reform Committee on. Obesity Interventions In
the attempts to solve the epidemic of obesity in America, different interventions should be enforced
or enhanced. BMI equal to or more than 25 is considered overweight.”2. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. The Americans are yet to realize how adversely obesity might affect
them. In contrast, participants who had low-risk genetic abnormalities. Despite the fact that rising
instances of obesity and increasing global temperatures do not affect the majority of today's
population, these issues cannot be completely ignored by governmental leadership. The study will
examine biological, physical, environmental, and personal factors. According to Bassett et al.,
increase and expansion of fast-food restaurant in America that serve more than 50 million Americans
per day largely causes obesity amongst US population (24-28). Entertainment Group), present weight
loss and obesity issues as entertainment; they are. In the hospital setting (where I have worked for
almost two decades) all diets are. With less exercise to do, no wonder the Americans are quick to
gain weight. GERIATRIC PHARMACOLOGY Geriatric pharmacology is a specialized field
These effects are linked to the recognition of obesity as a complex problem influencing individuals
and societal wellbeing. For the android, excess fat appears in the upper portion of the abdomen.
Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. The 2010 edition
is the latest revision of these guidelines, which. For the adult US population, trends are leveling out,
but not improving, as can be. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. In the hospital
setting (where I have worked for almost two decades) all diets are. Consumer attitude tends to differ
to what they understand to be the right thing. There are a lot of complications resulting from a
surgical procedure that might complicate the matter rather than address it. It takes a lot of
determination to over-ride this strong drive to eat these readily available. According to Bassett et al.,
increase and expansion of fast-food restaurant in America that serve more than 50 million Americans
per day largely causes obesity amongst US population (24-28). The lowest rates, lying between 20%-
25%, were in the states of Vermont, California, Hawaii, Utah, Massachusetts, Colorado, Montana,
and Washington, DC. Plate) or a Registered Dietitian that can give acurate advice and direct
consumers to the USDA. Are obese children deemed to remain obese even in their adulthood. The
children should be taught to play outdoors instead of being stuck to online or video games because
physical activities are equally important. 10 Lines on Obesity in America in English American obesity
is an international concern. The above data is based on the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Surveys. For the adult US population, trends are leveling out, but not improving, as can
be. Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. An unhealthy
amount of fat accumulation puts people at. Before treatment and in depth research inquiry, we
hypothesize. In this paper, obesity is analyzed at length with respect to its prevalence, causes,
consequences, and ways of solving the epidemic. A Review Of The Literature And A New
Classification Of The Early Determinants. Directions to these sites are not visable via national media
outlets and therefore cannot. The reader needs to have a summarized research paper on obesity by
reading the conclusion. Through 2007-2008; Divisionof Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys.
This intervention is most effective since it has minimal cost effects and involves physical approaches
towards weight management (Ward-Smith, 2010). The epidemic does not show any sign of
deterioration but rather keeps increasing day by day in the United States of america. Report this
Document Download now Save Save Obesity Research Paper For Later 88% (16) 88% found this
document useful (16 votes) 94K views 10 pages Obesity Research Paper Uploaded by Paige-Hill A
research paper about Obesity in the United States. Physical workouts enable obese individuals in
shedding the excess weight as well as body fats.
The topic is very serious as obesity poisons the lives of many teens, adults and even children around
the whole world. The epidemic is said to have the potential to bankrupt the. Obesity in America
Obesity is an increasingly awkward public health concern amongst all ages especially those who are
morbidly obese. While this information appears novel and fascinating, its. On the other hand, obesity
is caused by a range of factors, which include eating habit, sedentary work, genetics, inert recreation
and individuals lifestyle just to mention but a few. At this point I would like to redirect you to Figure
2, look a it; try to grasp all of the. The news of the Obesity Epidemic in America started in the year
2001. Consequently, obesity may result to mental and emotional disorders such as withdrawal
syndrome, agitation, with the possibility of causing self-harm. It takes a lot of determination to over-
ride this strong drive to eat these readily available. Decades ago, obesity was a significant health
issue among adults, but the situation has changed with time to include adolescents and children.
Even though the ideas displayed by this study’s findings are not first-hand, they do convey the.
GERIATRIC PHARMACOLOGY Geriatric pharmacology is a specialized field focusing. United
States Adult BMI (Body Mass Index) Data 1980 and 2008. Crises in America; Testimony Before the
Subcommittee on Education Reform Committee on. Consequences of obesity include ailments,
mental and emotional disorders, negative psychological outcomes, and hinders individuals’
performance. High fat, high sugar, high sodium foods are now the norm. The EMA and Glucagon-
Like Peptide-1 Agonists: A Wake-Up Call The EMA and Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Agonists: A
Wake-Up Call 1. It helps structurize your thoughts and create a plan for the whole piece in advance.
Multiply that by 12 years (I spent my last years in. Life in America is fast-paced, with more food
joints than living residences. It is apparent that most work packages require minimal physical activity
with the extensive use of modern technological advancements in agriculture and manufacturing
industry among others. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. One of the primary
driving forces of obesity epidemic in America is the modern lifestyles of the population. The push to
resolve the issue is strongest withits aim on children with an. However, despite the number of
alternative treatments advertised and made easily available, the truth of the matter is, it is one’s
determination to lead a happy, healthy life that is the priority. In addition the results of the findings
supported the addition of. Overweight and Obesity., 2012. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. The reader
needs to have a summarized research paper on obesity by reading the conclusion. Our goals were to;
increase the awareness of obesity as a major public. Ward-Smith, P. (2010). Obesity -- America's
Health Crisis.

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