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BAYERO UNIVERSITY, KAN FACULTY OF COMPUTING . DEPARTMENT COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2020/2021-— Second Semester Examinations CSC2210 —Operating Systems > *., 5 Instruction: Answer any four (5) questions." 1 1, a) Define Operating Systems ay . Ma 7” @ marks) . ») Briefly explain the main goals of the opersting’ systems. "° = °~ (7 marks) - ©) Briefly-déseribe any thee) ofthe flowing types of Operating Systns 5 - Batch processing Multiprogramming Time-sharing iv, Real-time, v. Distribiited operating systems (7.5 marks) 2. a) Explain briefly the responsbiie b) Describe how any two (2) of the folio . (3,5 marks) is work. State the major problems in each case, i. Single-User Contiguous Scheme (5 marks) Fixed Partition . ae (S marks) Dynamic Partition : (S marks) ©) Explain the fundamental differences between internal fa miéntation and external fragmentation. ~ . (4 marks) 3, a) Define process scheduling. ~b) Describe deadlock and starvation with their effects of the sjstem. ¢) List and explain the conditions necessary for deadlock. = * 4. a)’ List and explain the strategies for handling deddlock. <=. Use the figure below to answer 4b and 4c * on IfBoth PJ and P2 havtyrequested R2,°* . ) What isthe statis ofthe system if the request by P2 is granted before that of P12 (S marks) ©) What is the status of the system if the request by P| is granted before that of P22;: = (Smarks) Trase = 7 “Cacniid

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