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Lesson 2 – Introducing others

Warm up
▪ Where are you from?
▪ What’s your nationality?
▪ Are you from the Netherlands?
▪ Complete: I am from _________.
▪ Complete: I am not from __________.
▪ Complete: Are you ______________?
▪ Complete: You are not __________________.
▪ Complete: That woman _________________.
Words in Practice
Mother Father


Son Daughter
Words in Practice

Words in Practice
Words in Practice
Your turn
This – my – brother That – your – mother
This is my brother. That is your mother.

▪ This – your – sister

▪ That – my – father
▪ This – my – mother
▪ That – my – sister
▪ That – your – brother
▪ This – your – family
Your turn
These – my – siblings Those – your – parents
These are my siblings. Those are your parents.

▪ These – your – sisters

▪ Those – your – parents
▪ These – my – brothers
▪ Those – my – siblings
▪ Those – my – sisters and brothers
English in Action
He is.
He is Brazilian.
He is my father.

He is not.
He is not Spanish.
He is not my brother.

Is he? Yes, he is.

No, he is not.
Is he your brother?
English in Action
She is.
She is from the USA.
She is my mother.

She is not.
She is not French.
She is not my sister.

Is she? Yes, she is.

No, she is not.
Is she your mother?
English in Action
It is.
It is my pencil.
It is from Italy.

It is not.
It is not French.
It is not my sister.

Is it? Yes, it is.

Is it your book? No, it is not.
English in Action

Normal form Contracted form

He is He’s

She is She’s

It is It’s
He is from Japan.
He’s from Japan.

She is Portuguese.
She’s Portuguese.

It is a book.
It’s a book.
Your turn!

Turn into the contracted form:

▪ She is from China.

▪ She is my mother. She is Italian.
▪ He is my father. He is a happy man.
▪ It is a dog. It is from Germany.
English in Action

Normal form Contracted form

He is not He’s not He isn’t

She is not She’s not She isn’t

It is not It’s not It isn’t

He is not from Korea.
He’s not from Korea. / He isn’t from Korea.

She is not from the Netherlands.

She’s not from the Netherlands. / She isn’t from
the Netherlands.

It is not a good book.

It’s not a good book. / It isn’t a good book.
Your turn!

Turn into the contracted form:

▪ She is not American.

▪ He is not my father. He is not German.
▪ It is not your book.
▪She is not my sister. She is not from Italy.
Your turn!

He is _____________________.
Your turn!

It is _____________________.
Your turn!

She _____________________.
Your turn!

The man _____________________.

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