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Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan Catholic Schools

San Fabian, Pangasinan

NAME: __________________________________ DATE: ____________________

GRADE AND SECTION: ______________________ SCORE: ___________________

Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it in the space provided.

____1. A principle of argumentative answers the question, “What is the best way to communicate with them?”
a. Communication b. Organization c. Audience d. Questioning
____2. An academic writing genre that analyzes and gives a critical evaluation of a concept or work.
a. Reflective Essay b. Journal Writing c. Critique Paper d. Concept Paper
____3. It concerns the analysis of the clash of opposing social classes in society.
a. Formalist criticism b. Marxist criticism c. Moralist criticism d. Deconstructionist criticism
____4. A critical approach that relies heavily on the author and his world.
a. Formalist criticism b. Historical criticism c. Feminist criticism d. Deconstructionist
____5. A principle of argumentative answers the question, “What is my position or stand on this issue?”
a. Viewpoint b. Introduction c. Writing Style d. Conclusion
____6. They believe that a piece of writing does not have one meaning and the meaning itself is dependent on the
reader. This critical approach is called ____.
a. Formalist criticism b. Historical criticism c. Feminist criticism d. Deconstructionist
____7. Is concerned with comparing the work in question to other literature, to get a broader picture.
a. Inter-textual criticism b. Mimetic criticism c. Psychological criticism d. Historical criticism
____8. It concerns the woman’s role in society as portrayed through texts.
a. Formalist criticism b. Historical criticism c. Feminist criticism d. Deconstructionist
____9. It seeks to see how well a work accords with the real world.
a. Inter-textual criticism b. Mimetic criticism c. Psychological criticism d. Historical criticism
____10. This can also be labeled as Mythological and Symbolic criticisms.
a. Archetypal criticism b. Mimetic criticism c. Psychological criticism d. Historical criticism
____11. In this approach, the reader creates meaning, not the author or the work. Once the work is published, the
author is no longer relevant.
____12. It attempts to explain the behavioral underpinnings of the characters within the selection, analyzing the
actions and thoughts committed fall under any of the identifiable neuroses, and whether a psychological disorder is
evident among them.
a. Archetypal criticism b. Mimetic criticism c. Psychological criticism d. Historical criticism
____13. This critical approach can be used in the story of “The Necklace” written by Guy de Maupassant.
a. Feminist criticism b. Marxist criticism c. Moralist criticism d. Deconstructionist
____14. He is the author of the story Dead Stars.
a. Paz Marquez – Benitez b. Paz Juanitez – Benitez c. Paz Marquez – Aquino d. Paz Marquez – Gotoc
____15. It places literature as a product of social context.
a. Mimetic criticism b. Psychological criticism c. Historical criticism d. Sociological
____16. It provides a framework that may be used in writing a proposal.
a. Reflective Essay b. Journal Writing c. Critique Paper d. Concept Paper
____17. Introduce the concept briefly and tell the reader what the project or research study is all about.
a. Objectives b. Methodology c. Introduction d. Conclusion
____18.Emphasizes the purpose and importance of your big idea in the paper.
a. Conclusion b. Methodology c. Introduction d. Objectives
____19. Examination of the content by breaking down the different elements of the text.
a. Analyzing b. Summarizing c. Outlining d. Annotating
____20. Giving the gist of a text.
a. Analyzing b. Summarizing c. Outlining d. Annotating
____21. This refers to highlighting or underlining keywords and requires to put comments in a reading text.
a. Analyzing b. Summarizing c. Outlining d. Annotating
____22. This refers to the presentation of important main details in a particular text.
a. Analyzing b. Summarizing c. Outlining d. Annotating
____23. This refers to the process you are following to carry out your concept paper.
a. Methodology b. Objectives c. Introduction d. Timetable
____24. It tells the focus of a text.
a. Methodology b. Topic c. Subject d. Timetable
____25. This refers to who or what is being talked or written about.
a. Methodology b. Topic c. Subject d. Timetable
____26. This is the ruling class in the society.
a. bourgeoisie b. proletariat c. both d. none of the given
____27. This is the working class in the society.
a. bourgeoisie b. proletariat c. both d. none of the given
____28. This literary approach is against patriarchal society.
a. Formalist criticism b. Historical criticism c. Feminist criticism d. Deconstructionist
____29. Lisa compared the works of her favorite author Mariah Stewart. She found out that the author’s works are
related to each other. What literary approach was used?
a. Inter-textual criticism b. Mimetic criticism c. Psychological criticism d. Historical criticism
____30. Niel focused on the text itself, especially on the elements of the story he had recently read. What literary
approach was used?
a. Formalist criticism b. Marxist criticism c. Moralist criticism d. Deconstructionist
____31. Crystal found out that the behavior of the characters is almost the same as the author’s personality. What
literary approach was used?
a. Archetypal criticism b. Mimetic criticism c. Psychological criticism d. Historical
____32. This literary approach is commonly used in teleseryes in the Philippines which commonly shows rich vs poor.
a. Formalist criticism b. Marxist criticism c. Moralist criticism d. Deconstructionist criticism
____33. They examine a literary work to reveal some of the economic, social, and political structures of a particular
a. Cultural critics b. Historical critics c. Marxist critics d. Sociological critics
____34. Joy focused on the historical content of the literary text that she read. What literary approach did she use?
Formalist criticism b. Historical criticism c. Feminist criticism d. Deconstructionist
____35. Adiel believes that the movie he watched does not have one interpretation only. Adiel is fond of using what
a. Formalist criticism b. Historical criticism c. Feminist criticism d. Deconstructionist
____36. This is to evaluate something or someone.
a. Criticize b. Critique c. Critic d. none of the given
____37. This is to judge someone or something.
a. Criticize b. Critique c. Critic d. none of the given
____38. This is the product of evaluating.
a. Criticize b. Critique c. Critic d. none of the given
____39. This is the product of judging something.
a. Criticize b. Critique c. Critic d. none of the given
____40. This is the person who evaluates someone or something.
a. Criticize b. Critique c. Critic d. none of the given

II. Directions: Identify what literary approach/criticism is used in the following passages. Write your answer in the
space provided before the number. (10 points)

Marxist Sociological Psychological Cultural Archetypal

Criticism Approach Approach Approach Criticism

_________________________1. At the beginning of the movie, Charing, one of the daughters of Lolo Juanito, yelled at
everyone in their house that her voice was heard by their neighborhood. It is a common notion in the Philippines that
the mother in a family is considered a nagger. There is also a scene in the movie where Lucring, the eldest child of
Charing puts heavy make-up on her face and wants to be called Lucy. Aside from that, she shows an artsy attitude
towards her parents. This kind of behavior of Lucring implies that she is already conformed by the practices of people
around her outside their home. However, the highlighted segment that shows more about culture is when Lolo Juanito
died. His children and grandchildren had a chance to be together because of his wake and funeral.

The wake did not become easy, many arguments regarding the siblings' different beliefs and
misunderstandings caused it. Most of these are superstitious beliefs about having a cadaver at home while waiting for
its funeral and pointing fingers for who is to blame.

_________________________2. The commotion started when Mario tried to steal an apple that rolled outside the
crate hoping to give it to her sick daughter Tita, who wishes to eat a real juicy one. Mario was caught in his act and lost
his job. He was not able to provide the needs of his family, especially some delicious food for her daughter who has
not eaten all day. This is just an indication that the company where Mario works does not give enough salary to the
workers. Mario, with the guidance of Gloria, knows how to manage and budget their money but they still can’t afford
to buy the desired apple and other needs of their child. This just means that there is an oppression happening among
the employees when it comes to the amount of their wages. This part of the work of Tolentino depicts the truth about
capitalism where the individual capitalist has the most advantages while the employees under him are lacking in
__________________________3. The “Three Generations” of Nick Joaquin revolves around the life of Celo, Chitong,
and Celo’s father. The three characters were similar to the tripartite model of Freud which is composed of id, ego, and
superego, and some of these characters were affected by the other basic concepts that were introduced by Freud.

__________________________4. The other teachers of Pugad Lawin acted as waiters and waitresses. Hence, their
social role was neglected in real-life situations, there are observable cases that teachers do the serving for the visitors
although it is not their responsibility. The author obviously wants to make this thing transparent to everyone that not
all the things we see in our society are real and true.

Regardless of how discouraging this fact is, our society still has Ms. Noel and Mr. Ampil that are willing to be
righteous just to be good examples to the other people around them, especially the youth that Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal
claimed to be the hope of our country. Ms. Noel and Mr. Ampil do not mind how low their status in their school or
how much salary they earned; they just want to stand for the truth.

__________________________5. The work of Tolentino also implies that the negative effects of capitalism affect the
way of living of the commoners. The abuse to them makes others choose the wrong and instant way of earning
money, as seen in the situation of Mario who was willing to change but ended up returning to his illegal work just to
provide his daughter's needs.

Prepared by:

Ms. Kaye Mariz G. Gotoc Ms. Mary Grace G. Aquino

English Teacher English Teacher

Checked by:

Mr. Geraldine G. Logan

SHS Coodinator


Mr. Sandy R. Aquino, Med

Asst. Principal

Mr. Leonardo A. Carrera MA.Ed., LiB.

School Principal


“never give up, never surrender!”

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