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英文測驗卷 高中英文綜合版總複習:英文學測名師派卷:Unit 3 學測閱讀題組

一、單選題(每題 2.1 分,共 21.0 分)

(D) 1. Once a new product is launched, sales will send samples to potential customers
and then go on to give public demonstrations to promote their products. (A)
contestants (B) pessimists (C) participants (D) representatives
(A)參賽者 (B)悲觀者 (C)參加者 (D)代表

(D) 2. The board of directors did not seem satisfied with the original proposal and they are
likely to to it in the meeting tomorrow. (A) conform (B) resort (C)
intend (D) object
(A)順從 (B)訴諸於 (C)意圖 (D)反對

(B) 3. The chef here is the best in the area. That is why you need to make a
reservation at least three months in advance to get a table. (A) barely (B)
arguably (C) reasonably (D) technically
(A)僅僅 (B)可以說是 (C)合理地 (D)技術上地

(A) 4. To look after her ailing father, she quit her job as a professor at Harvard University,
ending a(n) academic career. (A) distinguished (B) accessible (C)
subjective (D) conditional
(A)卓越的 (B)可以取得的 (C)主觀的 (D)有條件的

(A) 5. Since this course will cover only the concepts of the subject, it is recommended
for beginners who want to lay a solid foundation for their studies. (A) fundamental
(B) imaginary (C) optional (D) distinctive
(A)基本的 (B)想像的 (C)選擇性的 (D)特別的

(C) 6. Students without a clear set of in mind usually find it difficult to manage their
time well because they have no idea about what is important to them. (A) disputes
(B) judgments (C) priorities (D) viewpoints
(A)爭議 (B)判斷 (C)優先事項 (D)觀點

(A) 7. I shared her after we read the letters from our depressed friend. We both
regretted not sparing enough time to keep her company. (A) sentiments (B)
profiles (C) terminals (D) tributes
(A)感受 (B)簡介 (C)終點站 (D)敬意

(D) 8. Compared with other people facing the same dilemma, she is optimistic about
her chance to succeed in the long run. (A) eventually (B) realistically (C)
practically (D) relatively
(A)最終地 (B)務實地 (C)實際地;幾乎 (D)相對地

(B) 9. The school decided that an experienced teacher would be to the class with
several students having learning difficulties. (A) submitted (B) assigned (C)
reformed (D) distributed
(A)交出;臣服 (B)指派 (C)改革 (D)發放

(A) 10. His duty as general manager is currently until further investigation proves his
innocence in the rumored scandal. (A) suspended (B) confessed (C) sheltered
(D) obsessed
(A)中止;吊銷 (B)坦承 (C)庇蔭 (D)著迷

二、題組題(每題 2.1 分,共 75.6 分)

第 11.~15.為題組
In a densely populated metropolis, the collective output of waste can spell disaster for both the
government and the average public. While most household waste either ends up in landfills or burned
up, experts in America have an alternative that can turn the waste even to our advantage.
As garbage breaks down in landfills, the organic materials release gases such as methane and
carbon dioxide, both of can be burned to generate enough electricity to meet the needs of common
families. Such projects have currently been in place in nearly every state in the U.S. except Alaska
and Hawaii. is the potential of the landfill gas that it’s recognized as an efficient and
environmentally-friendly energy source by the American government.
In fact, similar projects are worldwide. Countries like Belgium, Norway and Sweden have
cooperated with local enterprises in tapping into the often detested landfills for energy and also for
extra revenue. However, the idea be given much thought in Taiwan. In any case, the project is
certainly worth considering in view of our ever-increasing amounts of garbage.

(A) 11. (A) devised (B) endured (C) fetched (D) hastened
(A)想出 (B)忍受 (C)拿來 (D)加速

(C) 12. (A) them (B) those (C) which (D) what
(B) 13. (A) So (B) Such (C) That (D) It
這題考「很…以至於」的倒裝句句型,是 Such+be+N+that+S+
(D) 14. (A) taking on (B) coming across (C) making up (D) catching on
(A)承擔 (B)偶遇 (C)組成 (D)風行。
(B) 15. (A) is supposed to (B) has yet to (C) might as well (D) had better
(A)應該 (B)尚未 (C)大可以 (D)最好

第 16.~20.為題組
Born and raised in Taiwan, dancer Sheu Fang-Yi is a sight to behold on the global stage. Sheu
found her calling in dancing early on, and strong opposition from her parents, she has been
determined and resilient in her aspiration to become a dancer by profession.
There is never a shortage of dancers blessed with talent. What sets Sheu apart from others,
however, is her to put in the hard work to further her skills. She follows a diet with a nearly religious
fervor as well as keeping a rigorous workout routine to stay fit. Sheu has impressed her mentors and
peers with her dedication to her art from adolescence to adulthood, winning a much-coveted spot in
Martha Graham Dance Company in 1995, one of the most respected and celebrated dance companies
in the U.S.
Outstanding and renowned she is, she has her share of setbacks like anyone else in pursuit of a
grand dream or ambition. The dance company she established single-handedly did not work out and
she even terminated a number of contracts that cost her millions. , she takes it upon herself to
promote modern dance at home and abroad. We can surely expect to be amazed by more of her
productions in the years to come.
(C) 16. (A) instead of (B) owing to (C) in spite of (D) in contrast to
(A)而不是 (B)因為 (C)儘管 (D)相反於

(B) 17. (A) regulation (B) discipline (C) preservation (D) contentment
(A)規則;規章 (B)紀律 (C)保存 (D)滿足

(C) 18. (A) controversial (B) courageous (C) consistent (D) conservative
(A)有爭議的 (B)勇敢的 (C)一致的 (D)保守的

(A) 19. (A) as (B) while (C) unless (D) although

本題考 Adj. / N as S+V, S+V 表示「雖然…但是…」的句型,故選
(D) 20. (A) Hence (B) Otherwise (C) Namely (D) Still
(A)因此 (B)否則 (C)換言之 (D)然而
第 21.~30.為題組
Jeju, an island off the southern coast of South Korea, usually brings to mind images of lavish
living and luxurious vacation homes. However, behind her glazed and extravagant facades
(1) a storied sea-diving tradition that dates back more than a dozen centuries. Haenyeos, or sea
women, are female divers who (2) their family by scouring the sea floor for seaweed, octopus,
abalone, and other sea life off the coast of Jeju.
This was a profession (3) dominated by males. However, with more and more men killed
in wars and deep-sea diving and fishing accidents, haenyeos increasingly outnumbered their male
(4) over time. For the past decades, haenyeos have become the (5) source of income in most
households, turning local communities into a semi female-dominated society, where traditional
gender roles are (6) . That is, men can be seen looking after young children and attending to
other physically-demanding household (7) , and men marrying haenyeos are even compelled to
pay the family of the bride a huge sum of dowry as compensation. Such dominance of females over
males, however, is rarely seen outside the domestic sphere. Men still (8) leadership roles in
society at large. Because of colonial restrictions, haenyeos (9) advance to independent business
owners. Instead, they are confined to their labor-intensive work of diving and fishing. Jeju may have
(10) a sharp decrease in the number of haenyeos in recent decades, but they are still quite
respected for their contributions. They were included on the list of Cultural Heritage of Humanity by
the UNESCO in 2016.
(A) provide for (B) primary (C) chores (D) colleagues (E) witnessed (F) assume
(G) reversed (H) initially (I) hardly (J) lies

(J) 21. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
本題考介系詞片語放句首,後面要倒裝的概念。lie 當作「位於」解釋
(A) 22. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
本題考動詞,provide for sb. 為「扶養…」的意思,故選(A)。
(H) 23. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
本題考副詞。因為後文出現 however 表示轉折,並提到愈來愈多的男
(D) 24. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
(B) 25. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
(G) 26. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
(C) 27. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
(F) 28. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
本文考 assume 的第二義,為「承擔」的意思,後文的 role 是常見搭配
(I) 29. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
(E) 30. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
(10)本題考動詞,考 witness 一字的第二義,解釋為「是發生…的地點
(或時間)」,例句如:Taiwan has witnessed a lot of growth in the last
few years,故選(E)。

第 31.~34.為題組
Vitamins, including vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K, are essential elements we human beings need in
order to live and stay healthy. These vitamins belong to two major types: water soluble and lipid soluble.
Water soluble ones include vitamin C and eight different types of vitamin B. (1) Both types
dissolve into the watery parts of plants, which means they can be transported by blood easily. Lipid
soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K, however, get into our bodies from foods like butter, dairy, and oil.
(2) Though lipid soluble vitamins don’t move so freely as water soluble ones, they are better
maintained in human bodies and are often stored in liver and fat cells. (3) Regardless of their types,
each vitamin has its irreplaceable functions. For example, vitamin B releases the energies from food, and
then helps the body use those energies. (4) Therefore, it is suggested that we consume sufficient
and balanced vitamins so as to live a healthy life.

(A) Vitamin C fights infections and creates collagens, and Vitamin a helps make white blood cells
and improve visions.
(B) Since they can’t dissolve in water, these nutrients require protein to carry them so that they can
travel in our system.
(C) While vitamin C usually comes from fruits, vitamin B is mostly seen in vegetables and grains.
(D) In contrary, vitamin B and C, despite circulating in the body without much difficulty, are passed
out of human bodies much faster than fat soluble vitamins via the kidneys.

(C) 31. (A) (B) (C) (D)

此處前一句提到維生素 C、B;後句提到「兩種維他命」,因此可推測
(B) 32. (A) (B) (C) (D)
接上句,開始講到脂溶性維生素,因此此選項的 they 文意上指脂溶性
(D) 33. (A) (B) (C) (D)
前句正好提到維生素 D、E、K 均是脂溶性,比較容易留在體內;而此
(A) 34. (A) (B) (C) (D)
此格的上一句為維生素 B 的功能,因此此格選(A),繼續介紹其他維
第 35.~38.為題組
These days, artificial sweeteners have made their way onto more and more dining tables and
kitchen cabinets around the world. For the weight-conscious or those craving for the taste of sugar
without the additional calories, artificial sweeteners seem as indispensable as salt and pepper in a
household. By cutting down on their sugar intake and hence their calorie consumption, people hope
their risks of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease can be lowered as well.
However, experts can only give a cautious nod to the use of artificial sweeteners and advise
consumers to exercise their discretion when it comes to artificial sweeteners. While artificial
sweeteners can help us reduce our calorie intake, odds are we will be tempted to make up for the lost
calories through other sources because of our tendency to reward ourselves for our “hard work.” We
are also less likely to associate sweetness with calories if we grow accustomed to using artificial
sweeteners. Since artif icial sweeteners are much more potent than regular table sugar, long-time
consumption will dull our taste buds. Our sugar receptors may be overstimulated to the point where
we will end up with less tolerance for more complex tastes. While research has ruled out most cancer
risks for consumers of artificial sweeteners, alarming health concerns such as Type 2 diabetes or
other metabolic syndromes still deserve our due attention if we want to consume those sweeteners
over an extended period.
However promising artificial sweeteners may be, nothing beats sugar-containing foods in their
natural forms, which are highly nutritious and rich in fiber. Artificial sweeteners may be regarded as
the answer to our modern-day sugar addiction, but .

(C) 35. According to the passage, which of the following is true? (A) Artificial sweeteners
will heighten people’s risk of developing cancer. (B) People do not have to worry if
they want to consume artificial sweeteners daily. (C) Artificial sweeteners may
come in handy if we want to cut back on calories. (D) Experts have approved of
artificial sweeteners for public consumption.

(B) 36. What do the underlined sentences in the second paragraph mean? (A) Artificial
sweeteners will make food more appetizing and flavorful, and are thus more ideal than
regular table sugar. (B) Users of artificial sweeteners may become less sensitive to
sugary food or other tastes in general and consume more. (C) Artificial sweeteners
will sharpen our sense of taste and that isn’t limited to sweetness only. (D)
Consumers can enjoy sweet food with few worries because of the health-boosting
properties of artificial sweeteners.

(D) 37. Which of the following pieces of advice is most likely given by the author of this
passage? (A)“Your weight-loss goal won’t be reached unless you exercise on a
regular basis.” (B)“Do not use artificial sweeteners at all. You’re putting your
health in danger!” (C)“With artificial sweeteners, you can have more sweet food
than you’re used to.” (D)“You’d better think twice before your long-time
commitment to artificial sweeteners.”

(B) 38. Which of the following sentences is best inserted in the blank ? (A) the authorities
are responsible for related regulations (B) moderation is always the key to
everything (C) they will increase in popularity with the public soon (D) quality
ingredients may be difficult to come by

第 39.~42.為題組
Written by William Golding in 1954, Lord of the Flies is a novel treated as a reading staple for
American high school students.
The novel opens with a group of teenagers evacuating on a plane from the war-torn Britain, yet
it’s later shot down and lands on a lone island in the Pacific. Two of the kids find a spiral-shaped
conch shell to use as a horn or a loud-speaker to call a group meeting, soon taking to establishing
social order, and delegating tasks and roles within their group of teenagers of different ages.
There are times when some grow frightened by rumored beasts around, but they are assured by
the more mature ones, and by the signal fire that is supposed to be maintained to call for outside help.
Throughout their misadventure on the deserted island, some of them threaten to break away from the
established order and they do. They break into two parties and soon their collaboration degenerates
into moments of tension, suspicion, jealousy, self-doubt and downright cruelty. The story ends with
kids killed, the conch shell broken, and the nature of evil prevailing over social order and childlike
Lord of the Flies is no doubt an honest illustration of how humans suffer when caught up in a
power struggle. The writer emphasizes the disastrous consequence of cruelty, which is mostly
interpreted as his endorsement of civilization. To remain civilized, as suggested by the writer, a
society must provide an outlet for people to channel their negative impulses to productive tasks, such
as hunting in the story. Golding believes in the value of democracy and civilization, and he also
believes that our refusal to recognize the dark side in us will speed up the eventual collapse of the
society. As an ironic portrayal of human society, Lord of the Flies may tell us more about ourselves
than we know of.

(A) 39. In the novel, what is the conch shell most likely to stand for? (A) Human desire for
a sense of community ─ because it’s a tool that assembles the characters. (B) Those
teenagers’ chance of receiving help ─ because the shell makes sounds to draw outside
attention. (C) People’s defeat of the unknown ─ because it scares away the beasts
hidden out of their view. (D) The presence of an all-powerful leader ─ because it
silences everyone in a heated and chaotic argument.

(D) 40. According to the passage, which of the following is the main theme of Lord of the
Flies? (A) Teenagers’ desire for a good adventure, hunting in particular. (B)
Voices of the bullied and disadvantaged that commonly exist in society. (C) An
honest portrayal of social injustices to get people to fight for their rights. (D) How
civilization can be destroyed by cruelty if social order collapses.

(C) 41. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? (A) Lord of the Flies
is not a light-hearted story that celebrates the importance of teamwork and cooperation.
(B) Lord of the Flies looks into the side of human beings which people may not be
familiar with. (C) Lord of the Flies will be a hopeful reading for those supportive of
a government with absolute authority. (D) Lord of the Flies centers around a group
of teenagers fated to fail because of human nature.

(B) 42. Which of the following is the closest definition of the word “endorsement” in the last
paragraph? (A) The fact of a famous person promoting a product or service. (B)
The act of saying you are in favor of something or somebody. (C) The act of
claiming that something is false or unacceptable. (D) The failure to make up one’s
mind about what he or she wants.

第 43.~46.為題組
It might be hard for us to imagine having Coca-Cola as the only drink instead of fresh water.
Yet, it has been the case in San Cristóbal for the past few decades.
Located in southeastern Mexico, San Cristóbal, once a rainy place, can only enjoy potable water
every other day. Water does trickle down from public pipes, but it’s all but undrinkable, with too
much chlorine. The locals find water purifiers unaffordable or even unimaginable. Hence, they end
up drinking Coca-Cola, which is produced locally and far more readily available than tap water. With
residents there drinking on average more than two liters of Coca-Cola on a daily basis, the real price
to pay for such an alternative to plain water, however, is the sacrifice of people’s physical health.
Diabetes has been one of the leading causes of death, second only to heart disease, though the latter
also has a lot to do with one’s sugar consumption. Struggling with obesity and the many chronic
diseases is now defining many local people’s adolescence and adulthood. Annually, more than 3,000
lives of San Cristóbal are claimed due to their unhealthy drinking habit.
The culprit, as most locals believe, is the bottling plant for Coke, a Mexico-based multinational
food company owned by Femsa. The plant, with its contribution to the government’s tax revenue, has
long been granted daily access to more than 300,000 gallons of water in San Cristóbal to churn out
the popular beverage, which account for a great percentage of fresh water available for use daily.
However, hardly has locals’ life improved despite the success of the plant, and the locals are
convinced that forcing the factory out of their town would be the solution to their problems. Hence,
boycotts and protests are common occurrences, with many buildings burned and torched. Meanwhile,
the company cites over-population and poorly-planned infrastructure as reasons for water shortage, in
addition to global warming. The company has promised to build a water treatment facility as
compensation and cut down on promotions for the soft drink, but tension still runs high and
skepticism lingers, and will likely stay so in the days to come. People still feel bitter and furious,
despite all that has been done.

(B) 43. What is the passage mainly about? (A) A fact that sugary drinks should be banned
whenever possible. (B) How a town has been paying the price for economic
development. (C) A place where a popular soft drink has improved people’s
standard of living. (D) Why infrastructure projects account for a big part of
government budget.
(A)應該盡可能禁止含糖飲料的事實。 (B)一個城鎮如何為經濟發
展付出代價。 (C)一個流行飲料改善人們生活水準的地方。 (D)

(C) 44. Which of the following is NOT the reason why people in San Cristóbal choose to drink
Coca-Cola instead of fresh water? (A) Coca-Cola is far more accessible than fresh
water in San Cristóbal. (B) The tap water is rich in chlorine and water purifiers are
unaffordable to the locals. (C) San Cristóbal has long been suffering water shortage
because of extreme weather. (D) A huge amount of fresh water is spared for the
production of sugary drinks.
(A)在聖克里斯托瓦爾,可口可樂比淡水更容易獲得。 (B)自來水
中富含氯,當地人買不起淨水器。 (C)由於極端天氣,聖克里斯托
瓦爾長期以來一直缺水。 (D)大量的淡水用於生產含糖飲料。

(D) 45. What is the author’s view on the future of San Cristóbal, Mexico? (A) The
government has nothing to do with locals’ well-being. (B) The bottling plants for
Coca-Cola must work with the government. (C) Coca-Cola is likely to become even
more popular in the future. (D) Local residents don’t seem to stand much chance in
improving their life.
(A)政府和當地人的福祉無關。 (B)可口可樂的裝瓶廠必須和政府
合作。 (C)可口可樂在未來可能變得更受歡迎。 (D)當地居民改

(C) 46. How is information organized in the passage above? (A) Problems → Author’s
opinions → Future problems. (B) Problems → A recognized cause → Author’s
opinions. (C) Problems → Current crises → Different views. (D) Problems →
Conflicts and arguments → Peaceful resolution.
(A)問題→作者的意見→未來的問題。 (B)問題→公認的原因→作
者的意見。 (C)問題→目前的危機→不同的觀點。 (D)問題→衝

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