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How to Create an Om Caf on Tolerance for Young Adults.
1. As much as possible, create a light, casual atmosphere (like that of a caf) that invites

conversation, creativity and openness. Serve tea/coffee and refreshments. Although it is nice to set up round tables and create a caf ambiance, it is not always possible. Just aim to create a relaxed setting. You may also turn this into a workshop if you like. Feel free to use your creative license to make it your own.
2. Move through the three steps of Explore, Express and Exchange listed on the following

page. The exploration is the foundation. Great conversation that is engaging, deep, and meaningful is something that appeals to young adults. The questions listed on the following page are designed to stimulate rich conversation.
3. Entertainment is frequently part of the caf experience. Create an open mic segment

where the young adults can showcase their creations and share any inspirations or thoughts that they have had about the value.
4. Inspire them at the end of the caf to use the entire month to explore the value of

tolerance and to see how they can apply it practically. They can even create a poem, song, painting, story, or video about acceptance. Encourage them to exchange all thoughts and creations with young adults worldwide on the website listed at the bottom of the page.
5. Bring a video camera or a digital camera and post your caf images/movies on the Spotlight Values network,



This step of the Spotlight Values process is about exploring the value together through reflection and conversation. It brings the value to life and makes it real.
a) We live in a diverse world- with countless opinions, belief systems, and ideologies. It can be difficult to be tolerant. What is tolerance? What kind of emotions/qualities inside me can make practicing tolerance challenging? What qualities can enhance my power of tolerance? b) We all have had moments when we took the opportunity to treat another person right, even if it wasnt easy or convenient to do so. Abe Lincoln once said, I dont like that person. I need to get to know them better. Think of a time when your tolerance increased because you took the time to understand a person or situation more deeply. How did you feel about yourself at that time? What response did your actions bring?


This step of the Spotlight Values process enables them to explore the value creatively and express it.
Create a skit that brings to life an interpersonal interaction that requires tolerance. Divide the group into groups of three. In each group, make sure that one person is the hero who is using tolerance, one can be the antagonist who is testing the hero and the third person represents the inner voice and thought processes of the hero as he/she passes through that situation.

This step of the Spotlight Values process allows them to share their thoughts and creations with the group so that the collective wisdom can emerge to be experienced by all. Invite each group to perform their skit and spend some time reflecting with the group after each skit.
Each individual can also share their reflections on the value. Take pictures and send them to so that we can post them on the webpage

Conclude the evening with a guided meditation on the value. Meditations on the value are available on the homepage or in the video gallery of the website. If you have any questions or would like to setup a conference call, feel free to email us at

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