Crtitcal Thinking

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I am Mohammad Asad saifi As a computer science

student, I yearn to crack the code of a successful
career. Working for a top MNC (Mul>na>onal
Corpora>on) and securing a lucra>ve package a path
paved with stability and the resources to fuel my true
dream. So this is a good ques>on where I do see
myself from 5 years now ? My aim is to secure my
future and Im working on it . apart from this a vision
to establish a school where every underprivileged
child has access to quality educa>on, free of cost.
This dream stems from a deep-rooted belief in the
transforma>ve power of educa>on to break the cycle
of poverty and empower individuals to realize their
full poten>al. . you have a ques>on
• why I build this high class school ?
• How I can provide free educa=on to poor

Firstly , I have to work on myself to earn good income

so that I can build a school ,to complete my dream Im
working on my skills and prac>ce hard to achieve
good package in the field of soLware engineers also
aim to crack the “FAANG” .
FAANG is mul>na>onal company is stand for
Facebook , Amazon ,Apple, NePlix and Google.
So aLer geRng a good job in my dream company I
have the only and only one aim to build a High class
school where every poor child can achive high classs
Through strategic planning, community engagement,
and >reless advocacy, I aspire to lay the founda>on
for a school that serves as a beacon of hope for
disadvantaged children, offering them not just an
educa>on but an opportunity for a beVer future.

why I build this high class school ?

Now this is the >me to answer this ques>on .
educa>on is the weapon that can defeat everyone if
person have educated he/she can be achive
everything in whole world .
but poor people have no money to provide educa>on
to their child even they have no money to feed them
that’s why they sent them to shops for work to earn
more money .
To break this poverty line I have a dream to provide
the free educa>on if they poor child learn , and get
educa>on they will change the world this is first step
to coming out from poverty line .
In india many child have a dream to get success and
achive higher income to seVeled in life .
I aspire to lay the founda>on for a school that serves
as a beacon of hope for disadvantaged children,
offering them not just an educa>on but an
opportunity for a beVer future.
How I can provide free educa=on to poor people?
The answer is simple if you can think it you can do it I.
That’s why I want to place in good MNC company to
comlet my goal .
In conclusion, my vision for the future encompasses
both personal and societal aspira>ons, reflec>ng a
deep-seated desire to make a meaningful difference
in the world. Five years from now, I see myself not
only thriving in my career but also making strides
towards realizing my dream of building a school
where every child, regardless of their background,
has the opportunity to receive a quality educa>on
and pursue their dreams.

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