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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Zimbardo Prison Experiment Research Paper

Crafting a research paper on the Zimbardo Prison Experiment is no small feat. The intricacies of this
renowned psychological study demand a meticulous approach, comprehensive understanding, and a
keen analytical eye. Students often find themselves grappling with the complexities of synthesizing
information, analyzing data, and presenting a coherent narrative that does justice to the significance
of the experiment.

The Zimbardo Prison Experiment, conducted by psychologist Philip Zimbardo in 1971, explored the
psychological effects of perceived power dynamics within a simulated prison environment. As
students delve into the vast array of literature surrounding this experiment, they encounter a
multitude of perspectives, theories, and findings that demand careful consideration and incorporation
into their research papers.

One of the key challenges lies in comprehending the ethical implications and criticisms surrounding
the Zimbardo Prison Experiment. Balancing the exploration of its groundbreaking insights with an
acknowledgment of ethical concerns requires a nuanced approach that only seasoned researchers can

Furthermore, the synthesis of various studies and interpretations necessitates a high level of academic
rigor. It is essential to weave together diverse sources, theories, and empirical evidence while
maintaining clarity and coherence. This demands not only a strong command of the subject matter
but also the ability to critically evaluate and synthesize information.

Amidst these challenges, students may find solace in seeking expert assistance. ⇒
⇔ offers a dedicated service tailored to those grappling with the intricacies of the Zimbardo Prison
Experiment research paper. The platform provides access to experienced writers who possess both
the academic acumen and expertise needed to navigate the complexities of this psychological study.

By choosing ⇒ ⇔, students can streamline the research and writing process. The
platform's writers are well-versed in the nuances of the Zimbardo Prison Experiment, ensuring that
the final paper is not only academically sound but also captures the essence of the study and its

In conclusion, crafting a Zimbardo Prison Experiment research paper is a formidable task that
requires a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and ethical consideration. ⇒ ⇔ offers a valuable solution for those seeking expert assistance to navigate the
challenges inherent in this undertaking.
The Stanford Prison Experiment conducted in 1971 focused on the effects that an “evil” place could
have on a good person. Of necessity, there are now more than 60,000 places handing out free food in
the United States. This temperature differential can be utilized to generate renewable energy.
Zimbardo's prison experiment Zimbardo used a prison stimulation to investigate to what extent
people would conform to new social roles when they took part in a role-playing exercise. The study
raised ethical concerns regarding Zimbardo’s lack of obtaining informed consent from participants,
who were surprised by being arrested at their homes. The energy associated with moving tidal ocean
water can be captured by properly placed submerged tidal power generators. From then they were to
by their number only, their toilet visits were supervised, they were assigned work shifts and they
were lined up three times a day for a count. The behavior of the prisoners in the first day or two,
when they were pretending to riot and pretending to plot escapes, was probably also playacting
stereotyped concepts of what prisoners do. Results of that ignoble experiment now threaten to end
life on earth as we know it.” Back in the 17th century, the gentry could not tolerate the poor getting
uppity and demanding a fairer deal. Due to the appalling conditions of the prison, both sanitarily and
psychologically the experiment ended on August 30, 1971 just six days after it began, which was
eight days short of the foresighted fourteen days it was supposed to have lasted. Therefore this
shows us that the whole point about acting a role is that you are more likely to behave in the way
that you believe the role that you have been given would act, especially when you have an audience.
However, just like many other psychological experiment, these experiments have been labelled cruel
by the current society because of their unethical nature. In order to obtain valid results, it is critical to
create real psychological environment. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading
experience with a simple link. Whether they are in a school or neighborhood clique, if certain
individuals are excluded, or if there are escalations between two political powers, the study reveals
many truths about human nature. Guards subsequently attacked the prisoners with fire extinguishers
without being supervised by the research staff. Two of the prisoners suffered such severe trauma that
they were removed from the experiment early and replaced. No one would argue that driving
through red lights is okay. Then there were the “happenings,” as they were called. The guards began
to behave in ways that were aggressive and abusive toward the prisoners, while the prisoners became
passive and depressed. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital content. The prisoners
became extremely stressed, from being beaten and push around by the guards. However, the
experiment quickly got out of hand and was ended early. Volunteers played the roles of guards and
prisoners and lived in a mock prison. Within prisons. the human life as we know it is subjected to
legion restraints which include spacial parturiency impacting on the freedom of motion. It. RESULTS
While the Stanford Prison Experiment was originally slated to last 14 days, it had to be stopped after
just six days due to what was happening to the student participants. Containerized fresh water with a
low osmotic pressure naturally flows through a membrane into a container holding salt water with a
higher osmotic pressure. Just to be clear, this is not to be a diatribe about social justice and the
rationalising of negative behaviours as a result of assumed positions of privilege. Through the drastic
nature of the Stanford prison experiment Zimbardo was able to grab the attention of the general
public and turn it towards the importance of humane treatment for prisoners. The reality of this study
contributed greatly to the distress experienced by participants.
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It’s like insisting that restaurant wait-staff give customers comprehensive financial advice as they are
serving food. The role-playing further reinforced these beliefs because the participants clearly owned
responsibility for their behaviour, and thereby modified their attitude. Better known as the Mad
Bomber, Metesky terrorized New York City by letting off 22 explosive devices in public places. The
principles that underlie our professional codes. How important is having and enforcing a standards
of conduct and ethics policy? Or someone convinced that smoking is ruinous, seen doing precisely
the thing he or she criticizes. Embed Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few
clicks. Prisoners were to remain in the mock prison 24-hours a day for the duration of the study.
Philip Zimbardo - A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment (197. Congressional
Record. (Serial No. 15, 1971-10-25 ). Hearings before Subcommittee No. 3, of the Committee on the
Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-Second Congress, First Session on Corrections, Part II,
Prisons, Prison Reform and Prisoner's Rights: California. Ordinary college students turned into
viciously sadistic 'guards or spineless (and increasingly distraught) prisoners, becoming deeply
enmeshed within the roles they were playing. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital
content. They'll have no privacy at all, there will be constant surveillance — nothing they do will go
unobserved. Two of the prisoners suffered such severe trauma that they were removed from the
experiment early and replaced. In 1971, social psychologist Philip Zimbardo set out to interrogate
the ways in which people conform to social roles, using a group of male college students to take part
in a two-week-long experiment in which they would live as prisoners and guards in a mock prison.
You can use our samples to gather new ideas, get inspiration, check out a particular paper's structure,
familiarize yourself with a citation style, or collect resources for research. The study raised ethical
concerns regarding Zimbardo’s lack of obtaining informed consent from participants, who were
surprised by being arrested at their homes. If this means an untenable work palette for teachers, that
is acceptable. However, the experiment was carried out before many social science research ethics
were established. Wage slaves in the offices were invited to leave their desks and join the fun. (It's
not recorded if any did.) The question that comes to mind is how were these activities paid for.
Zimbardo argues that there was no reason for them to continue participating if they would have
given up the material compensation in order to leave. Digger Activities According to,
“First and foremost, the Diggers were actors. Guards subsequently attacked the prisoners with fire
extinguishers without being supervised by the research staff. In the spring of 1649, a group of people
occupied a plot of common land in southern England and planted vegetables. The Conundrum in
Light of Pournelle’s Law I felt Pournelle’s iron law dichotomy in my job as a public school teacher.
Unbeknownst to the student, due to his poor behavior, he was placed on a fake mission route to
“collect” this red folder from a staff member to deliver it somewhere, because no teacher wanted him
in class. It utilized college students as participants.Before conducting the experiment, all participants
underwent diagnostic. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement,
subscriptions, and campaigns. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement,
subscriptions, and campaigns.
Psychology Today no longer accepts comments on this site, but you can comment by going to my
Facebook profile, where you will see a link to this post. Learning Outcomes. Describe the rights of
the patient in a psychiatric setting. Twenty four were chosen, some were designated as prisoners and
others as guards. It was not long before the situation rapidly worsened as the behavior of the prison
guards became increasingly sadistic and more prisoners succumbed to psychological stress. You can
use our samples to gather new ideas, get inspiration, check out a particular paper's structure,
familiarize yourself with a citation style, or collect resources for research. I would do this by laying
down more ground rules and have constant observation over the experiment and if necessary at the
risk of interfering with the results I would interfere with the practices. A variety of punishments
inflicted on offenders today. During the experiment, it was noted that decent, (presumably) law-
abiding boys behaved in a manner totally contradictory to their normal attitudes. The experiment was
stopped after only six short days because the prison had become a reality for the students. These
participants were predominantly white, middle-class young males. I eagerly read it in the hope that it
would reveal some heretofore relatively unknown truth about this famous experiment. In various
words, they said that the purpose of the experiment was to prove that normal people placed into the
position of prisoner or guard would act like real prisoners and guards, and they predicted that the
guards would act in hostile, domineering ways and the prisoners would react in either passive or
defiant ways or both. The experiment was funded by the US Navy with a view to studying the
causes of conflict between the guards and prisoners in the naval prisons. Because that’s what looks
and feels good to the community. Personally I feel that this unapologetically dominant mode of
current politicised discourse, particularly with those who profess that they reject authoritarianism
(fascism, oppression, the list goes on ad nauseam), whilst simultaneously adopting an authoritarian
(etc.) stance, falls precisely within the realms of critique which both of these films deal with. The
Dynamics of Attitude and Behaviour - Essay Example. Using Temperature Differential of Water
Oceans have much warmer water on the surface than they have in their deep layers. Might cloned
children be able to choose their own destiny. This is because the guards continually harassed and
humiliated the prisoners. Later, five of the prisoners reacted with such extreme emotions that they
were removed from the study before the end of five days. After a stint with the London School of
Journalism, I emigrated to Canada and took a job as an editor for radio station CHFI in Toronto.
Also, there were internal squabbles, drug-related issues, and political suppression by the
establishment. The groups of people involved in this experiment realised that they were being
manipulated to produce tapes of evidence supporting the oil company’s position. The Stanford Prison
Experiment: Still powerful after all these years. Did Zimbardo and his colleagues really need to do
this experiment to “prove” such an obvious result. Due to the appalling conditions of the prison, both
sanitarily and psychologically the experiment ended on August 30, 1971 just six days after it began,
which was eight days short of the foresighted fourteen days it was supposed to have lasted. Subjects
should be fully informed about the research study. The Stanford Prison Experiment was a landmark
psychological study. The Field Workers of Fresno, California Fresno is one of the world's largest
agricultural producers. It seems to me that in situations of power conflict and where there is a need
for conformity, that the latter two will take precedence.
This is just an experiment, and those are students. The prisoners became extremely stressed, from
being beaten and push around by the guards. Resources Dive into our extensive resources on the
topic that interests you. I brought joints with me, and every day I wanted to give them to the
prisoners. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe
InDesign. The Stanford Prison Experiment: Still powerful after all these years. After a stint with the
London School of Journalism, I emigrated to Canada and took a job as an editor for radio station
CHFI in Toronto. The psychological effects of a simulated prison are an interesting area of study and
one that was explored in a highly controversial psychological experiment known as the Stanford
Prison Experiment. Ethical Guidelines in Psychology: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Stanley Milgra.
They may also have been motivated by the same ideological passion that motivated Zimbardo to
conduct the experiment in the first place--to prove to the world that prison guards are abusive
because of the situation they are in, or to prove that prisoners are hurt by such abuse. The experiment
was funded by the US Navy with a view to studying the causes of conflict between the guards and
prisoners in the naval prisons. How can one have a developed character and engage in behaviors that
contradict your personal ethics. You can use this sample for research and reference purposes to help
create your own paper. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more
with Adobe InDesign. Recommended Science and Religion: How Do We Ascertain Truth. Therefore
they should be made aware of any tasks required of them and their right to withdraw and any other
aspects of the research that might affect their willingness to participate. These participants were
predominantly white, middle-class young males. Marine current power energy is essentially a
function of solar energy since marine currents are driven by differences in ocean temperatures caused
by the amount of the Sun's energy impacting different parts of Earth. If I had included Zimbardo’s
experiment in my textbook, it would have been to make that point. The English Diggers The Diggers
of San Francisco took their inspiration from a group of political and religious dissidents in England
in the 17th century. Some prisoners experienced depression and anxiety, leading to their early release
before completing the full six-day duration. Even Zimbardo himself sat outside the prison awaiting
attack. But it’s not true that it’s depicted in all introductory psychology textbooks. On the first day,
the student guards stood around awkwardly, failing to get into an authoritarian mentality. One
person even wrote asking for Zimbardo’s help to stop funding for 2 maximum-security prisons and
was successful in his endeavor to stop the prisons from being built. The Crime Of Obedience And
The Stanford Prison Experiment. Some will say that the Zimbardo experiment only focused on a
certain class of people. University’s psychology building, and then selected 24 undergraduate.
They're going to be wearing uniforms, and at no time will anybody call them by name; they will have
numbers and be called only by their numbers. Rebellion from the prisoners against the guards
occurred two days into the experiment but was quelled with fire-extinguishers.
In fact, the origin of codes of research ethics can be traced to the NUREMBERG CODE, a list of
rules established by a military tribunal on Nazi war crimes during World War II. Literature Review
Ethical Behavior The Nuremberg Code IRB. How Salinity Gradient Osmotic Power Works
Advantages and Disadvantages The greatest advantage of capturing non-carbon-producing
renewable energy from the oceans of the world is the sheer amount of renewable energy that is
available from various methods of ocean energy capture. And yet, often enough attitudes do impact
behaviour. Once there, “each prisoner was stripped, sprayed with a delousing preparation (a
deodorant spray), and made to stand alone naked for a while in the cell yard. Illustration: was sued
in connection with matter involving. Psychology. Zimbardo carried out a prison simulation
experiment in 1971. The Diggers Are Reborn As the saying goes, “If you remember the summer of
love you probably weren't there,” as many people passed through 1967 in the haze of psychotropic
chemicals. Video Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication. Conclusions and
observations drawn by the experimenters were largely subjective and anecdotal, and the experiment
would be difficult for other researchers to reproduce. The student, disappointed, takes the red folder
and leaves. Having a student meander the halls with a red folder during the instructional day does
not fit a school’s goals. Free meals are still distributed in Berkeley’s People’s Park as well as through
thousands of soup kitchens around the nation. Discuss how one small impropriety can lead to larger
ones—becoming a slippery slope. The experiment was conducted by Professor of Psychology, Philip
Zimbardo, at Stanford University in 1971. Group dynamics refers to the behavior of a group and the
interactions of individuals within that group, which are distinctly different from what they would
have been if they were not within that setting. This article will take a deeper look at that famous
experiment and its far-reaching implications. Most if not all people will agree with these statements.
The students are then transported to Jordan hall, at the base of Stanfords psychology department. I
have also written various articles over the years for publications that cover obscure science topics that
interest me. Digger Activities According to, “First and foremost, the Diggers were actors.
They disseminated their ideas through free publications handed out in the streets. The attack never
came and the originial prison was re-assmebled. The huge untapped non-carbon renewable energy
resources that oceans contain can both meet much of our non-carbon energy needs and prevent
additional global warming associated with our dumping of carbon dioxide into the Earth's
atmosphere. No one would argue that driving through red lights is okay. Electricity is generated
when a long piece of thermoelectric material is exposed to warm water on one end at the ocean
surface and cold water on the other end in deep layers that don't receive sunlight. Renewable wave
power is generated by friction between a cord that holds a wave generator to the ocean floor and a
flotation device that rubs up against an anchored cord, as it moves up and down with a passing
wave. The study raised ethical concerns regarding Zimbardo’s lack of obtaining informed consent
from participants, who were surprised by being arrested at their homes. Articles Get discovered by
sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital
Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. In the
years since then, I have found no reason to change my mind and some new evidence that validates
my original decision. The temperature difference between the warm and cool ends of a
thermoelectric material causes electrons to flow from the warm end to the cool end. The paper
Illustrates two topics of social psychological research. Learning Outcomes. Describe the rights of the
patient in a psychiatric setting. She is currently married to Zimbardo, and was having a relationship
with him at the time of the experiment. University’s psychology building, and then selected 24
undergraduate. When Zimbardo noticed the barbaric and sadistic acts used by the prison guards
towards the prisoners he did not make any efforts to interfere with these practices. This is an ethical
guideline, which states that participants should be protected from psychological harm, such as
distress, ridicule, or loss of self esteem. This can be true on the playground, at the water cooler, in the
mall or in a personal relationship. Conclusions and observations drawn by the experimenters were
largely subjective and anecdotal, and the experiment would be difficult for other researchers to
reproduce. You can use this sample for research and reference purposes to help create your own
paper. The viewer is invited to consider these issues, but not personal accountability. Victim-offender
mediation: brings victims face-to-face with. The experiment was stopped after only six short days
because the prison had become a reality for the students. These prisoners were blindfolded and taken
to the simulated prison environment where they were subjected to being stripped down, sprayed
with disinfectant, provided with smocks to wear, and given a prison number to remember. Zimbardo,
Ph.D. in August, 1971; the experiment was designed to study the psyche of both prison guards, and
their inmates. The Field Workers of Fresno, California Fresno is one of the world's largest
agricultural producers. Typical college students had been transformed into completely different
people simply by taking on the role of either a member of a powerless group or a member of a
controlling group. The group selected to be the guards were outfitted in “military style”. And, when
the guards did behave in these ways and escalated that behavior, with Zimbardo watching and
apparently (by his silence) approving, would that not have confirmed in the subjects’ minds that they
were behaving as they should. Any characteristics of an experiment that let research participants
guess how the experimenters expect or want them to behave are referred to as demand
characteristics. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing.
Some prisoners had to be released from the study before its conclusion because they showed
symptoms of severe emotional disturbance. The force of tidal water movement can be enhanced by
using a structure to force tidal water into a narrow passageway in which the water turbine is located,
enhancing the tidal water's power and the generator's energy output. The energy associated with
moving tidal ocean water can be captured by properly placed submerged tidal power generators. If
you stay on our website, it means that you agree to our. I decided to omit it completely (a decision I
made also concerning many other research studies that in my mind were poorly conceived and
improperly interpreted). Then there were the “happenings,” as they were called. Or to put it another
way, does a person’s private opinion change if he is forced to say something that contradicts that
It will steer the organization, write the rules, manage the politics, and control advancement of
employees. Zimbardo, Ph.D. in August, 1971; the experiment was designed to study the psyche of
both prison guards, and their inmates. What are the cognitive consequences of forced compliance. At
the time, I had hoped that I would help create a valid, intellectually honest indictment of the prison
system. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Are there any gaps in the
knowledge of the subject. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement,
subscriptions, and campaigns. The reversed electrodialysis method involves allowing both salt water
and fresh water to flow through a stack of membranes, which causes electrically charged atoms to
separate according to their charge (positive or negative). I hope to be still tapping the keys as I take
my last breath. In fact, the origin of codes of research ethics can be traced to the NUREMBERG
CODE, a list of rules established by a military tribunal on Nazi war crimes during World War II.
Think of ideas such as mean girls, toxic work environments, the way neighborhoods are formed and
examples you read about in the papers. In other words, how could the other inmates stand around
and watch the abuses go on without speaking up. The same also applies to any experiment where the
participants are physically harmed. I may have missed it, but the video leaves out any tangible
reference to the student’s behavior, such that a viewer should “logically” conclude that the student
was another hapless victim of white supremacy and institutional racism. Having a student meander
the halls with a red folder during the instructional day does not fit a school’s goals. I have also
written various articles over the years for publications that cover obscure science topics that interest
me. At one point, on the second day, they ripped off their clothing and identification numbers while
shouting curses at the guards. In short, in order to create a more harmonious situation, either the
behavior has to change or the perception has to change. Many years later, upon reading about the
various ways the experiment was being used (misused, according to Prescott) by Zimbardo and
others to explain real prison atrocities, Prescott wrote an article for The Stanford Daily entitled “The
Lie of the Stanford Prison Experiment” (reprinted here ). Here, both the prisoners and the guards
dissociated from their personal beliefs and attitudes and assumed a role, purely for the sake of a
scientific experiment - or so they convinced themselves. However, the experiment quickly got out of
hand and was ended early. So the army was brought in to crack a few skulls and disperse the rabble.
Literature Review Ethical Behavior The Nuremberg Code IRB. A key suggestion to emerge from this
analysis is that the conduct of the three guard shifts, within the experiment, diffe. ZIMBARDO ON
Drury name is mentioned often in tandem with the experiment, he has distinguished himself in many
other areas within psychology before and after the experiment, beginning with an accomplished
early career at New York University in which he took interest in social psychology research on
deindividuation. They are entire in the sense that much of the facets of an persons life is out of his or
her control. The experiment involved observing the speed at which participants would adopt the roles
of guards or prisoners within a simulated prison setting. However, just like many other psychological
experiment, these experiments have been labelled cruel by the current society because of their
unethical nature. The conditions became “ inhospitable; and bathroom rights became privileges
which were often denied. ” To make this experiment hospitable I would have some interference with
the experiment, by making sure that the authorities did not get out of control and that no physical
harm or psychological harm was done. The submerged spinning tidal turbine is connected to a
generator that uses the motion provided by tidal currents to generate electricity.

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