2023 Detection and Classification of Lung Cancer CT Images Using Mask R-CNN Based Generated Mask Method

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1st IEEE International conference on Innovations in High-Speed Communication and Signal Processing (IEEE-IHCSP) 4-5 March, 2023

Detection And Classification of Lung Cancer CT Images

Using Mask R-CNN Based Generated Mask Method
1st Sucheta Bhardwaj 2nd Ebtasam Ahmad Siddiqui 3rd Vijayshri Chaurasia
2023 1st International Conference on Innovations in High Speed Communication and Signal Processing (IHCSP) | 979-8-3503-4595-7/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IHCSP56702.2023.10127160

Senior Firmware Engineer ECE Department ECE Department

Motherson Innovation Maulana Azad National Institute of Maulana Azad National Institute of
Germany Technology, Bhopal, India Technology, Bhopal, India
sucheta.bhardwaj@motherson.com ebtasam.bh27@gmail.com vijayshree21@gmail.com

4th Madhu Shandilya 5th Mamta Patankar 6th Ana Kumar

ECE Department ECE Department ECE Department
Maulana Azad National Institute of Maulana Azad National Institute of Gautam Buddha University
Technology, Bhopal, India Technology, Bhopal, India Greater Noida, India
madhu_shandilya@yahoo.in patankarmamta@gmail.com anakumar59@gmail.com

Abstract — In the medical field, computer vision systems, and Networks (ANN), and Digital Image Processing (DIP)
especially image diagnostics, provide a wide range of useful tools. strategies for automating the identification of lung regions. The
Computed tomography (CT) scans are the gold standard for combination of robust ANNs and deep learning techniques has
identifying a wide variety of medical disorders, from bone made it possible to segment the lungs automatically and semi-
fractures to lung cancer to heart disease (CT). One of the top four automatically, a significant advancement in computer vision.
mortality rate disease in the world is lung cancer. The lung areas
are divided up for clinical diagnostics after being defined. This
study suggests combining supervised and unsupervised machine II. RELATED WORK
learning techniques with the CNN and model specialization using In the literature, many classification techniques based on
R-CNN for lung area mapping to separate the lungs in CT images ACM have been suggested. Based on ACM [7] and FGAC, the
automatically. Accuracy of 99.21%, sensitivity of 99.33%, and
specificity of 98.97% were achieved by our approach to lung tissue
preparatory works are displayed in this part and are utilized for
classification using a combination of a Mask Region - comparison in the findings and discussion section. Gradient
Convolutional Neural Network (MR-CNN) and a support vector vectors are the foundation of the GVF that Xu and Jerry L
machine. We checked our results against the work of other developed [8] to create the curve if the boundaries are poorly
scientists to be sure we weren't missing anything. Our solution defined. Li and Scott's Vector Field Convolution (VFC) [8]
outperformed other state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy considers that external energy might constitute a convolution
and speed. process. VFC offers benefits over GVF in terms of
Keywords — Computed Tomography, Classification, Pre-
computational cost due to its lower price. The AMC Crisp uses
processing, Feature selection, Performance parameters
Hounsfield units to create image analysis ranges inspired by
lung tissue density (HU). The technique uses heuristics based
on understanding the HU intensity ranges. Although the
I. INTRODUCTION approach is novel for density analysis, it suffers from
Smoking, occupational exposure, immune system topological changes in the picture and has limits when the initial
abnormalities, and air pollution are all factors that might lead to curve is generated in decentralized parts [20].
respiratory infections, according to the World Health According to Barros [21], the classifier Optimum Path Forest
Organization [1]. Lung cancer, tuberculosis (TB), and chronic served as inspiration for the approach known as Optimum Path
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are the three most Snakes (OPS) (OPF). By acting as an explorer point in this
common lung disorders [4] that have a major societal effect manner, each curve point may examine its surroundings and
(COPD). COPD, the fifth most common cause of respiratory choose the best course for evolution. When objects of interest
impairment, mostly affects those over 45, or around 10% of the are close, the gradient that surrounds their edges exhibits high
global population [5]. COPD is the third-leading cause of death sensitivity to the initialization to FGAC. It leads to an
globally and will continue to rise to third place by 2030 [6]. unfavorable categorization. Efficient training of the network is
Over 150 chronic pulmonary disorders are included under the very important, effective machine learning methods are used in
lung infections (LI) [7]. Brought on by inflammation of the lung In view of above, this paper proposes an adaptable method for
tissues, also has grave implications. Early recognition is crucial localizing the relevant region. Our approach is based on a new
for effective therapy. An accurate and speedy diagnosis is pixel categorization method called Mask R-CNN that analyses
necessary to treat lung-related disorders effectively. local areas using Convolutional Neural Networks depending on
In the last several decades, the CT scan has been one of the most the region. Efficient weight updation methods d uring training
important advances in clinical devices used to improve medical of the ANN is used in [25]-[31]. Some of the contrast
diagnosis. Additionally, Deep Learning has been used in the enhancements of the image samples are used in [32], [33].
creation of computer vision systems, Artificial Neural Classification of the image samples by the deep learning

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1st IEEE International conference on Innovations in High-Speed Communication and Signal Processing (IEEE-IHCSP) 4-5 March, 2023

methods is an emerging area. Lung cancer and Breast cancer 𝑀𝑀𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = −
∑𝑎𝑎=1 ∑𝑥𝑥𝑏𝑏=1 𝑃𝑃𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 log(Ṕ𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎) + (1 − 𝑃𝑃𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 ) log(1 − Ṕ𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎)
𝑥𝑥 2
diagnosis is performed in [34]-[36]. (2)
III. METHODOLOGY In this case, the ab) cell label in the true mask of the n-th area
In this study, we proposed using Mask RCNN to classify CT is substituted with the predicted value Pab of the corresponding
images of the lung. Both the training and testing datasets cell in the mask learnt for the ground-truth class k. This
utilized are freely available to the public. Once training is demonstrates that the created deep learning model was trained
complete, the network is trained using the available training adequately without experiencing overfitting issues [19].
data using the suggested Mask R-CNN method [16-18]. Fig. 1
displays Mask-structural RCNN's layout. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
A. Mask R-CNN This section explains both the setup of the studies and their
outcomes. Two steps are taken to show the results. Our
CNN is a deep learning technique for data classification that technique suggests that the results and explanation of the
employs a fully connected layer and a sequence of operations models make up the first stage. The second phase involves
[20]. Classification, convolution, pooling, ReLu, padding, comparing our top model to two related pieces of work. In
dropout, and entirely connected layers are only some of the addition to classification measures, the results are reported in
common kinds of layers included in the deep learning computing cost. Several experimental activities were conducted
framework, often known as CNN architecture. Pre-trained in this study to confirm the effectiveness of the suggested
networks and the AlexNet deep learning architecture have method for lung classification in CT images. Measurement
allowed CNN-model picture classification applications to make measures were used to verify practical efforts' outcomes and
great strides forward. With the rise in popularity of deep conclusions, which were then examined.
learning-based designs, the regional-convolutional neural A. Dataset and Augmentation
network (R-CNN) [19] was created by integrating the region The LIDC-IDRI dataset was used for this paper's study (The
proposal into the CNN's original architecture. The R-CNN Lung Image Database Consortium). Four seasoned thoracic
design only requires object boxes to be generated once per radiologists annotated the images, designating the lesions as
picture, which greatly sped up the training and testing processes according to their size, falling into one of three categories
[21]. Increased model speed was achieved by using a larger (nodule 3mm, non-nodule 3mm, or nodule 3mm). From a pool
region proposal network (RPN) for selective search in Faster R- of 6889 CT scans with nodules that we randomly choose from
CNN [22]. The Mask R-CNN deep learning model [23] is one LIDC-IDRI, we used 1325 CT scans as test sets and 5564 as
of the best image classification methods because it uses the training sets for our experiments. Intensity inhomogeneity and
mask to identify the object's pixels rather than boxes. As can be lesion border blur in CT images may make lung nodule
shown in Fig. 1, the Mask R-CNN architecture performs very classification challenging.
well when it comes to selecting patterns as targets. Just like In order to address the issues, the Laplacian operator employs
Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN is built in two phases. Before Laplace feature dimension reduction to refine the feature of the
deciding what category, an object belongs to, RPNs (likely lung nodules. As the kernels traverse each picture
regions for object recognition) are determined. The last step in independently in stride=1, the junction's drastically elevated
these two stages is to choose a backbone structure. These grey level sharpens the edges of nodules.
skeletons arrange the information geographically before
transmitting it to the fully linked layer. We can classify on the B. Results
whole interconnected layer. In order to identify important areas, The Mask + SVM model is among the supervised techniques
Mask R-CNN aligns the area of a layer of interest with the because it produces superior classification outcomes. However,
classifications made by a neural network (ROI-align). ROI- models built using unsupervised approaches are excellent. High
align is quicker than ROI-pooling since it does not need to accuracy is both desired and necessary in medical analyses.
compute costs for each individual region. The average cross However, while working with classification jobs, it's essential
entropy between the predicted and target masks is calculated to pay attention to the sensitivity results because they're more
using Eq. M-mask. Faster R-CNN-based multi-task loss [24] is expected than results with higher specific values. The results of
M-Mask R-CNN. The base-level ROI M-mask is provided. The Mask + Bayes, Mask + SVM, and Mask + GMMs inaccurately
Mbox loss is computed using the proposed bounding boxes classified some lung locations in CT images as non-pulmonary
from the sliding window of the feature map [17, 18]. regions because to lower specificity values. Therefore, it is
probable that in certain instances, some pulmonary nodules in a
𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 𝑅𝑅−𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = 𝑀𝑀𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 + 𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 + 𝑀𝑀𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (1) certain area weren't taken into account and were labelled as
During training and testing, inspect and assess the mask R- non-pulmonary areas throughout the classification procedure.
CNN model. This loss function combines the loss functions for Additionally, several significant standard deviation values were
classification, classification, and the created mask. Mclass and also discovered; for instance, when comparing the accuracy, the
Mbox, the category and bounding-box losses, are the same as Mask + Bayes model was 3.42 standard deviations higher than
those described in [18]. Binaries were used to produce the mask the Mask + K means model, at 11.11 standard deviations.
values; therefore, the mask loss function. If the region belongs
to the kth ground truth class, Mask is the average binary cross-
entropy loss that only includes the kth mask as follows:

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1st IEEE International conference on Innovations in High-Speed Communication and Signal Processing (IEEE-IHCSP) 4-5 March, 2023

Fig.1. Architecture of proposed Mask- RCNN

Table 1. U AND

Metrics Approaches

Mask R-CNN Mask + Bayes Mask + K - means Mask + EM Mask + SVM

Accuracy 97.82 98.41 98.72 98.94 99.21
Sensitivity 96.17 96.18 97.79 98.97 99.33
Specificity 95.03 94.23 97.69 98.11 98.97
F-1 Score 95.21 94.78 97.34 98.62 99.24
FPR 0.0045 0.0051 0.0035 0.0031 0.0024
FNR 0.0038 0.0047 0.0044 0.0028 0.0019

After the initial phase of this investigation, it was evident and In all data sets, we measure four performance metrics:
well-defined that the optimal strategy relied the Mask + K- accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F-1 Score. In the
means approach was more effective than unsupervised LIDC_IDRI datasets, we take 888 images; after augmentation,
approaches, superior to Mask-RCNN and other models for the we have 4440 images; on the second dataset, the LUNA 16
classification of lung CT images. dataset, we have 921 images, and after augmentation, we have
The Mask + K-means approach produced the most significant 4605 images. After evaluating performance parameters, we see
metric values across the board, with a sensitivity of 96.58 % that the LIDC-IDRI dataset gives the best performance in all
compared to Mask + SVM's sensitivity of 96.69, accuracy of performance parameters. Table 4 shows performance results
97.68 %, specificity of 97.11 %, etc. When compared to the based on different K–fold validations.
average deviation values for the sensitivity metric, the standard In this K-fold validation, we see that ten-fold validation gives
deviation numbers for the other metrics of the Mask + SVM the best results in all performance parameters. Fig 2 compares
were lower. This led to the next stage being decided upon being our proposed Mask R-CNN with the SVM method with existing
the Mask + K-means model. R-CNN methods. The graph indicates Mask R-CNN with SVM
By comparing Mask + K-means to two comparable studies that classifies pictures best among all algorithms and offers the best
were created and attempted. The second phase of this study was results in performance criteria like as accuracy, sensitivity,
validating an active contour-based technique for categorizing specificity, and F-1 Score. In Figure 3, we compare our
lung CT images using Mask + K-means. There was a total of suggested Mask R-CNN with the SVM technique to another R-
36 lung pictures analyzed for this study. CNN approach, and we see that the ROC curve for our method
Table 1 shows the performance parameters with their is more favorable. When combined with the SVM technique,
formulas that we calculate using two different datasets. In these the suggested Mask R-CNN achieves an AUC of 0.9942, the
parameters, here are the seven metrics we calculate: accuracy, highest of any R-CNN-related approach. In this last phase, we
sensitivity, specificity, precision, F-1 Score, false positive rate used our preferred approach (Mask + K-means) on the same set
(FPR), and false negative rate (FNR). You can see the results of of 36 lung CT scans used in the previous study.
our suggested Mask R-CNN using the SVM technique on two
distinct datasets (LIDC-IDRI and LUNA 16) in Table 3.

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1st IEEE International conference on Innovations in High-Speed Communication and Signal Processing (IEEE-IHCSP) 4-5 March, 2023


Datasets Performance parameters
Images Augmented Images Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity F-1 Score
LIDC-IDRI 888 4440 99.21% 99.33% 98.97% 99.24%

LUNA 16 921 4605 98.38% 98.87% 98.11% 97.89%


K-Fold Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity

5 93.21% 94.91% 91.25%
10 99.21% 99.33% 98.97%
15 98.97% 96.53% 96.39%
20 98.57% 95.83% 95.47%

Fig.3. ROC curve analysis for Mask R-CNN with SVM method
Fig.2. Comparison Graph of proposed method with existing
with existing R-CNN methods
methods of R-CNN

Mask R-CNN and SVM, the combination of Mask R-CNN and

K-means produced the greatest results. Accuracy (99.21%), and
Sensitivity (99.33%), Specificity (98.97%), F-Score (99.24%),
In this work, we offer an improved method for automated FPR (0.0024), and FNR (0.0019). Out of the five configurations
lung classification using computed tomography (CT) pictures. we suggested, the most successful results for segmenting lungs
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a clinical CT scan while the respiratory system is functioning, R-CNN and K-means setup.
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