Evolutionary Psychology Research Paper Topics

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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to topics as intricate and nuanced as

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analyzing the underlying evolutionary mechanisms shaping our minds, crafting a compelling thesis in
this field requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and creative insight.

Exploring evolutionary psychology research paper topics demands a deep understanding of both
psychology and evolutionary theory. It involves navigating through a vast array of concepts, theories,
and empirical studies to uncover compelling research questions and develop original insights. From
investigating the evolutionary roots of human emotions to exploring the adaptive significance of
social behaviors, the realm of evolutionary psychology offers a rich tapestry of subjects waiting to be

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For example, a group of physicists who adopt a Newtonian metatheory may construct several
competing middle-level theories concerning a particular physical system, but none of these theories
would violate Newton’s laws of mechanics. Finally, these mechanisms have evolved in ancestral
conditions and are characterized by specific EEAs, which may or may not differ in important
respects from contemporary environments. Males with the enlarged crests will become more
prevalent in the population and the female preference for the trait will also become more widespread.
The matching effect was conceptualized as an outcome of basic principles of social exchange. Now,
you can see there is no need to worry about psychology papers topics, as their variety is great. It was
then, I had some belated but daunting second thoughts as the deadline for my dissertation
submission was approaching. This theory posits that individuals have evolved to be sensitive to
specific features of their early childhood environments, and that exposure to different early
environments biases individuals toward acquisition of different reproductive strategies. According to
Freud, the mind consists of three dynamic and interactive processes: the id, the ego and the
superego. When we claim that the thick insulating coat of the polar bear is as an adaptation, we are
claiming that possession of that trait advanced reproductive success in ancestral environments. As an
omnivorous species, humans consume a wide variety of plant and animal substances. Men who
provide high-quality parental investment (i.e., who provide valuable economic and nutritional
resources; who offer physical protection; who engage in direct parenting activities such as teaching,
nurturing, and providing social support and opportunities) are themselves a scarce resource for
which women compete. The likely answers, in this essay by science journalist Matt Ridley, may
surprise you. Echolocating bats have a number of specialized mechanisms that precisely, reliably, and
efficiently enable them to achieve the function of nocturnal locomotion and foraging. Because we
cannot reverse time and observe natural selection shaping adaptations, we must make inferences
about evolutionary history based on the nature of the traits we see today. Discuss the Evidence That
Implicates a Biological Dysfunction as a Cause fo. A primary function of the protective belt is to
provide an empirically verifiable means of linking metatheoretical assumptions to observable data.
The best way to conceptualize such modules, however, is a matter of some contention. These
differences in investment are manifest in various ways, from basic asymmetries in the size of male
and female sex cells (a phenomenon known as anisogamy ) through to differences in the propensity
to rear offspring. Real-life examples of this phenomenon are easy to find. The general principles of
genetical evolution drawn from modern evolutionary theory, as outlined by W. D. Hamilton (1964)
and instantiated in more contemporary so-called selfish gene theories of genetic evolution via natural
and sexual selection, provide a set of core metatheoretical assumptions for answering these
questions. For example, Kirkpatrick and Ellis (2001) have suggested that one should expect self-
esteem to be carved in to multiple domains to reflect the different types of interpersonal relationships
that were important during human evolutionary history. Special attention is paid to comparison of
human and nonhuman animal literatures. Thus, you can either summarize the experiment or analyze
the final outcomes. Another example is theory and research on father involvement and timing of
daughters’ reproductive development. Psychologists working inside an evolutionary psychological
framework have also addressed the topic of jealousy, and this research has enriched the extant
literature on jealousy in at least three ways. The psychodynamic model The psychodynamic approach
consists of a group of explanations based on the dynamics of the mind. Whereas inclusive fitness
theory is consensually accepted among evolutionary scientists, multilevel selection theory is not.
However, when you are dealing with abnormal psychology for example focusing on a psychological
disorder your topic will tend to be more linear. However, the high amount of data within the same
topic makes it hard to be managed. These middle-level theories enabled evolutionary scientists to
generate myriad testable hypotheses and predictions that spanned a diversity of animal species.
For example, a man can simultaneously beget and raise children with three different women (a
phenomenon that is quite common in polygynous societies), whereas it would take a woman several
years to bear and raise children with three different men. These characteristics that are produced by
natural selection are termed adaptations. Analogously, a super, allpurpose, domain-general brain-
mind mechanism faces the impossible task of efficiently and reliably solving the plethora of
behavioral problems encountered by humans in ancestral environments. It is almost universally
agreed that all human traits are the result of the complex and dynamic interplay between genetic and
environmental factors. Biologists have hypothesized that individuals with good genes are better able
to buffer themselves against these genetic and environmental insults and thus tend to be more
symmetrical. These general hypotheses were supported in a recent metaanalysis of studies on
parasite-mediated sexual selection. Thus, although the general hypotheses derived from good genes
sexual selection theory have wide applicability, the detailed predictions derived from these
hypotheses depend on the species under consideration. Now, you can see there is no need to worry
about psychology papers topics, as their variety is great. The effects that designer babies have on
society 10. The behaviorist paradigm, which specified that a small number of domain-general
learning mechanisms accounted for the rich repertoire of human (and animal) behavior, precluded an
explanatory role for the kinds of species-specific, domainspecific psychological mechanisms that are
central to functionalist, evolutionary analyses. The role of socializing in different age Psychological
aspects serving as a motivation for people Write about a disorder or medical therapy Bipolar
disorder: its symptoms and treatment Is there any interrelation between obesity and personal
behavior What are the consequences of cognitive therapy for panic attacks. To ascertain the depth of
what humans can achieve versus a machine, requires a look at our needs and behavior patterns.
Although research derived from good genes sexual selection theory on humans is still in its early
stages, an accumulating body of evidence now supports the supposition that a collection of male
traits (reflected in levels of fluctuating asymmetry) have been selected for because of their role in
advertising genetic quality to prospective mates. It will help the student in presenting valuable
debating points before the audience. One approach is to narrow your focus down to a subject within
a specific branch of psychology. Giulio Prisco Scaling up renewable energy investments in West
Africa Scaling up renewable energy investments in West Africa Francois Stepman An Inviting
Church An Inviting Church Central Church of Christ West Africa Scene Setting African Continental
Master Plan (CMP) for electrici. Few of these factors include review board, rejection rates,
frequency of inclusion in indexes, and Eigenfactor. Specifically, Draper and Harpending proposed
that an important function of early experience is to induce in girls an understanding of the quality of
male-female relationships and male parental investment that they are likely to encounter later in life.
Having completed the document, you can summarize and identify its crucial points. Our website is
not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Verywell
Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Perceived health has also been
shown to be positively correlated with symmetry and averageness of male faces (Rhodes et al.,
2001). Finally, in a study of men in rural Belize, the occurrence of life-threatening illnesses was
found to be significantly higher in men who were less symmetrical (Waynforth, 1998). Inclusive
fitness theory is the modern instantiation of Darwin’s theory of adaptation through natural and sexual
selection. Certain stressors in the environment may activate the predisposition, resulting in a disorder.
In most cases, students create outlines of the study and then indicate the potential outcomes. You can
write your entire paper as per the Evolutionary Psychology guidelines and auto format it.
Furthermore, we are only beginning to understand how the mechanisms underlying self-esteem
develop over time in response to different environmental contexts and how they operate at a
proximate cognitive and physiological level. The model tends to over-emphasise the importance of
sexuality and under-estimate the role of social relationships in influencing people, including those
diagnosed as abnormal. Are you searching for a great topic for your psychology paper. Although
psychological evolution is not an ineffective measurement for each and every aspect of psychology,
as a result of some of the shortcomings which have been delineated, it nonetheless represents an
effective measure of many of the ways in which human interaction and modes of thought and
realization take place.
This theory posits that individuals have evolved to be sensitive to specific features of their early
childhood environments, and that exposure to different early environments biases individuals toward
acquisition of different reproductive strategies. Metatheoretical assumptions are used to construct
plausible alternative middle-level theories. This gender-specific, age-specific hypothesis is based on
the supposition that men with young, reproductive-aged partners are most at risk of being cuckolded
and thus investing in offspring who are not their own. Browse through the collection at your
university library to find titles devoted to the subject that you are most interested in, then look
through recent articles until you find one that grabs your attention. During human evolution, this
accelerated strategy may have promoted female reproductive success in ecological contexts in which
male parental investment was not crucial to reproduction. Using the PartnerSpecific Investment
Inventory (Ellis, 1998), Gangestad and Thornhill (1998b) examined levels and types of investment in
long-term dating relationships. As demonstrated in this research paper, evolutionary psychologists
employ a series of well-formulated middle-level theories that generate hypotheses and specific
predictions that are testable and open to potential falsification. First, behaviorism declined as
psychology’s dominant paradigm. Order Now See Prices Once you have started to search for a topic
on your own, it is crucial to follow your instructor’s instructions and your personal interests. We
present a novel solution that links two recent theories. As documented in Eberhard’s fascinating
book, Sexual Selection and Animal Genitalia, male genitalia come in a bewildering variety of shapes
and sizes—they are often decorated with knobs, spines, hooks, and flanges that are seemingly
unrelated to the utilitarian task of sperm transfer. As you complete parts of your work you are getting
closer to finishing your work according to your schedule. Whereas in good genes and runaway
sexual selection, preferences and traits coevolve, the sensory bias theory requires the prior origin of
preferences and the latter evolution of traits that exploit those preferences. Then, more importantly,
you need to keep an open mind to possible solutions, even ones that may seem a bit out of the
ordinary. Psychology being the discipline of studying the mind, there is no dearth of topics to write
on. Different organs have evolved to serve different functions and possess properties that allow them
to fulfill those functions efficiently, reliably, and economically: The heart pumps blood, the liver
detoxifies poisons, the kidneysexcreteurine,andsoon.Asuper,all-purpose,domaingeneral internal
organ—heart, liver, kidney, spleen, and pancreas rolled into one—faces the impossible task of
serving multiple, incompatible functions. In contrast, more feminine male faces, which may indicate
dispositions toward increased paternal investment, were slightly preferred by women during other
phases of the menstrual cycle (when risk of conception is lower). Studies of bipolar disorder within
one particular family indicate a possible way in which genetic factors and chemical factors interact to
affect mental illness. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice,
diagnosis, or treatment. While this variety makes it possible to find a topic that really catches your
interest, it can sometimes make it very difficult for some students to select a good topic. The shift to
bipedalism was not simply a matter of changes in the anatomy of early hominids; it was also the
result of changes in behavioral proclivities and in the complex neural programs dedicated to the
balance and coordination required for upright walking. Autrey actions can best be explained the
empathy-altruism theoretical approach of social psychology. We number these hypotheses and note
whether (in our opinion) they are firm hypotheses, expectations, or hunches. Depression, by contrast,
as conceptualized by the social-competition model (Price et al., 1994), may result from increased
likelihood of drawing unfavorable comparisons with other individuals due to the enlarged size of our
potential social groups, brought about by population growth and advances in information technology.
Which topic you choose depends on the subject you are teaching, but here are some good action
research questions: What is the best way to keep the students' attention during lessons. Upload Read
for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next
What is Scribd. One approach is to narrow your focus down to a subject within a specific branch of
psychology. That such a female preference for long tails exists was confirmed in an ingenious
manipulation experiment carried out by Malte Andersson (1982). As Darwin puzzled, how could
behaviors evolve that conferred advantage to other organisms at the expense of the principle
organism that performed the behaviors. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including
peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.
Their answer is that people do not strive for self-esteem as some kind of end point or ultimate goal.
These basic assumptions are often not directly tested after they have been empirically established. So
I urge the Congress to write into law a Consumer Bill of Rights that says this: You have the right to
know all your medical options, not just the cheapest. Regardless of this deviation that might exist, a
baseline of standardization also exist with regards to evolutionary psychology and provides the basis
by which researchers are able to draw further inference with regards to this topic; both in the current
era as well as the past. Each physicist designs his or her middle-level theory to be consistent with the
basic assumptions of the metatheory, even if the middlelevel theories are inconsistent with each
other. Body language in long term marriage: The analysis of how husbands and wives interact with
each other What subtleties exist in the relationships between husbands and wives. Some beetles make
a living foraging on lichen and fungi; others subsist on a diet of beetles themselves. Belsky,
Steinberg, and Draper (1991; see also Surbey, 1990) added to this theory the hypothesis that girls
from paternally deprived homes should also experience earlier pubertal maturation. Do people follow
the orders that contradict their moral principles. There are, however some positive points about the
psychodynamic model such as Freud argued for a respectful and humane attitude towards people
who were considered to be mentally ill. Why do organisms have the specific characteristics that they
do. Members of the sex that invests less, therefore, should compete among themselves for breeding
access to the other, more investing sex. For example, Kirkpatrick and Ellis (2001) have suggested
that one should expect self-esteem to be carved in to multiple domains to reflect the different types
of interpersonal relationships that were important during human evolutionary history. First, there
tends to be greater variance in male than in female reproductive success; this is because males are
more able to distribute their sex cells across multiple partners. Adaptations have reaction norms,
which are the range of environmental parameters in which they develop and function normally. There
are essentially three strategies that individuals can use to increase their reproductive success: (a)
Increase the fitness of their offspring by mating with individuals of high genetic quality, (b) increase
the fitness of their offspring by enhancing parental investment (by one or both parents), or (c)
increase the number of offspring produced. West Africa Scene Setting African Continental Master
Plan (CMP) for electrici. The ultimate reason for this is the fact that evolutionary psychology
functions in exactly the same way that the biological theory of evolution functions. One might argue
that predictions form the substance of any theory, for here is where most of the action takes place as
specific predictions are either supported or refuted. If it fails to pass on its genes, then it is an
evolutionary dead end, and the traits responsible for its enhanced survival abilities will not be
represented in subsequent generations. Specifically, Draper and Harpending proposed that an
important function of early experience is to induce in girls an understanding of the quality of male-
female relationships and male parental investment that they are likely to encounter later in life. There
is not enough evidence to prove that the evolution theory is correct. The first being The id which
consists of two instinctual forces: Eros - is the life force and is associated with pleasure and the need
for immediate gratification of primitive and biological needs. Thus, relative levels of parental
investment by males and females substantially influence the dynamics of good genes sexual
selection. It is the topic of the research paper that provides basic essence and characteristics to the
whole research paper. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
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normal. If the variation field is wide, narrow it yourself. This distinction can be illustrated by
considering the issue of paternity uncertainty. The key to selecting a good topic for your psychology
paper is to select something that is narrow enough to allow you to really focus on the subject, but not
so narrow that it is difficult to find sources or information to write about.
The shift to bipedalism was not simply a matter of changes in the anatomy of early hominids; it was
also the result of changes in behavioral proclivities and in the complex neural programs dedicated to
the balance and coordination required for upright walking. Each installment in the series explores
evolutionary perspectives on a particular biological topic that is scientifically intriguing but also has
special relevance to contemporary societal issues or challenges. The general principles of genetical
evolution drawn from modern evolutionary theory, as outlined by W. D. Hamilton (1964) and
instantiated in more contemporary so-called selfish gene theories of genetic evolution via natural and
sexual selection, provide a set of core metatheoretical assumptions for answering these questions.
What humans can do that Artificial Intelligence can't. At the top of the continuum are socalled firm
hypotheses (such as the relation between relative parental investment and intrasexual competition for
mating opportunities) that are clear and unambiguous derivations from an established middle-level
evolutionary theory. It is built on. Read More Increase the efficiency of HR and Payroll processes
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with current labor standards and the requirements. In such species, males who invest paternally run
the risk of devoting time and energy to offspring who are not their own. Totalassignmenthelp.com
provides its customers with a wide range of perks. The key to selecting a good topic for your
psychology paper is to select something that is narrow enough to allow you to really focus on the
subject, but not so narrow that it is difficult to find sources or information to write about. Although
psychological evolution is not an ineffective measurement for each and every aspect of psychology,
as a result of some of the shortcomings which have been delineated, it nonetheless represents an
effective measure of many of the ways in which human interaction and modes of thought and
realization take place. These middle-level theories enabled evolutionary scientists to generate myriad
testable hypotheses and predictions that spanned a diversity of animal species. The pebble was not a
manufactured object, but it was possibly recognized it as a symbolic face, and treasured as such.
Thus, various evolutionary psychological research programs have investigated psychological
mechanisms—for mate selection, fear of snakes, face recognition, natural language, sexual jealousy,
and so on—as biological adaptations that were selected for because of the role they played in
promoting reproductive success in ancestral environments. Although such a necessarily short analysis
is not sufficient to delineate and thoroughly measure such a broad and nuanced topic, a survey of the
respective issues at hand will herein be discussed as a way of leveraging a further level of
understanding within the mind of the reader. Language - or communication - would have begun
with hand gestures and sounds that mimicked natural faunal sounds. Some critics continue to view
evolutionary psychology as supporting a view of human nature that is based on genetic
determinism—the idea that specific traits are caused by specific genes with a limited role for
environmental factors. The likely answers, in this essay by science journalist Matt Ridley, may
surprise you. If—for whatever reason—having elongated tail feathers or neon blue breast plumage
enables one to attract more mates, then such traits will increase reproductive success. While, there
are some basic functions a computer can accomplish, they do no have inherent cognitive abilities that
humans beings have. You do not have to be a mad-cap scientist to enjoy writing fundamental works.
Arguments both for and against evolution can be backed by strong science. According to the non-
associative theory, a contemporary approach to the etiology of anxiety, children develop fears of
certain stimuli (e.g., heights and strangers) that protect them from situations they are not mature
enough to cope with, naturally through infancy. This middle-level evolutionary theory has proved
valuable, however, in both explaining and predicting a host of interesting phenomena relating to
behavior in sexual and romantic relationships—not only in humans, but also in a wide range of
animal species. Humans everywhere, for example, still find and attract mates, have sex, raise
families, make friends, have extramarital affairs, compete for status, consume certain kinds of food,
spend time with kin, gossip, and so forth (Crawford, 1998). Third, many of the adaptations that
humans possess have their origins in time periods that substantially predate the Pleistocene era. Jerry
Fodor (1983), in his classic book The Modularity of Mind, suggests that modules have the properties
of being domain-specific, innately specified, localized in the brain, and able to operate relatively
independently from other such systems. Potentially good examples of such psychological modules in
humans include language (Pinker, 1994), face recognition (Bruce, 1988), and theory of mind (Baron-
Cohen, 1995). Should school uniforms be eliminated from the curriculum. There are three
advantages to selecting appropriate psychology research paper topics for college students.
Evolutionary psychological explanations focus on ultimate accounts of human psychological
characteristics—that is, they explain why traits such as language or sexual jealousy exist in terms of
the functions those traits served in ancestral environments. There are, however some positive points
about the psychodynamic model such as Freud argued for a respectful and humane attitude towards
people who were considered to be mentally ill.
Given the large array of adaptive problems faced by our ancestors, we should expect a
commensurate number of domain-specific solutions to these problems. There have been many
fascinating and groundbreaking experiments throughout the history of psychology, providing ample
material for students looking for an interesting term paper topic. Selecting the topic should not be
done under someone’s supervision. Do pre-work: find reliable sources which are based on the
evolution mater, find the sphere which needs a better explanation, develops the room for your ideas
by completing the mind map. Each installment in the series explores evolutionary perspectives on a
particular biological topic that is scientifically intriguing but also has special relevance to
contemporary societal issues or challenges. The logic behind this hypothesis focuses on the greater
ability of men to fractionate their reproductive investment among multiple partners. Although
symmetrical men apparently devote less time and energy to their relationships overall, they may
compensate (reproductively speaking) for this lack of investment by providing good genes and
perhaps through their greater ability to physically protect their partners. Many plants contain natural
toxins, and many animal products are loaded with parasites that can cause sickness and death. This
gender-specific, age-specific hypothesis is based on the supposition that men with young,
reproductive-aged partners are most at risk of being cuckolded and thus investing in offspring who
are not their own. Video QuickTime or RealPlayer Adaptation and Natural Selection The father and
son team of Brodie and Brodie track down the predator able to stomach a mysteriously hyper-toxic
newt, an example of an evolutionary arms race in action. However, Eberhard (1985, 1993) has
suggested that the evolution of male genitalia may prove an instructive example of runaway sexual
selection in action. How can psychologists be involved in military negotiations. Thus, you may be
confused enough to make the right choice. Although evolutionary psychology still meets resistance
on some fronts, we believe that its value and potential for investigating questions of human nature is
great. Proximate explanations of morning sickness focus on current physiological and psychological
processes involved in food aversions duringpregnancy. These basic assumptions are often not directly
tested after they have been empirically established. If you need a psychology research paper written
according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. If
there are any changes to the journal's guidelines, we'll change our algorithm accordingly. The only
way that the behavior and cognition of an unknown people can be known in advance is if we share
with those people a universal set of specific psychological mechanisms. Most critical is that one act
of sexual intercourse plus 9 months gestation, potentially dangerous childbirth, and (in traditional
societies) years of nursing and carrying a child are the minimum amount of reproductive effort
required by a woman to successfully reproduce. One thing that could help you with your task is
learning for your research paper. Other Resources Print Adaptation and Natural Selection Insects and
Flowers This book explains the variety of relationship that have coevolved between insects and
flowers. Professional and academic journals are also a great place to find materials for a critique
paper. Also a popular view of abnormality before Freud was that people with a mental disorder were
possessed by demons and they were cruelly treated in a supposed attempt to remove these demons.
Miller (1999) notes that “both natural selection and sexual selection boil down to one principle: Some
genes replicate themselves better than others. Furthermore, Buss and Shackelford (1997) found that
the amount of mate retention behavior engaged in by men (but not by women) was inversely related
to the female partner’s age, even after controlling for the male partner’s age. Your paper might focus
on many different elements of the individual's life, such as their biography, professional history,
theories, or influence on psychology. Whereas in good genes and runaway sexual selection,
preferences and traits coevolve, the sensory bias theory requires the prior origin of preferences and
the latter evolution of traits that exploit those preferences. Here are some of them: What Kind of
Paper are You Writing. Moreover, some of these studies have found that the longer the period of
father absence, the earlier the onset of daughters’ menstruation (Moffitt et al., 1992; Surbey, 1990).
Web Activity Web Activity Adaptation and Natural Selection This diagram describes the specialized
functions and structures that allow a woodpecker to live off insects burrowed in trees. In many bird
species, for example, both males and females are brightly colored or engage in complex courtship
dances. Although evolutionary psychology still meets resistance on some fronts, we believe that its
value and potential for investigating questions of human nature is great. The model tends to over-
emphasise the importance of sexuality and under-estimate the role of social relationships in
influencing people, including those diagnosed as abnormal. Although psychological evolution is not
an ineffective measurement for each and every aspect of psychology, as a result of some of the
shortcomings which have been delineated, it nonetheless represents an effective measure of many of
the ways in which human interaction and modes of thought and realization take place. If it fails to
pass on its genes, then it is an evolutionary dead end, and the traits responsible for its enhanced
survival abilities will not be represented in subsequent generations. Arguments both for and against
evolution can be backed by strong science. As such, a great level of differentiation necessarily exists
with regards to psychological evolution based upon the particular population or unit of measure that
is delineated. Although evolutionary psychologists assert that the mind is not comprised primarily of
content-free ( domain-general ) psychological mechanisms, it is likely that different mechanisms
differ in their levels of specificity and that there are some higher-level executive mechanisms that
function to integrate information across more specific lowerlevel mechanisms. Although these
predictions have only been tested in a small number of studies using human participants, initial
results have been largely supportive. Are cleaning chemicals a danger to people who use them. For
example, the modified wrist bone of the panda (its “thumb”) seems to be an adaptation for
manipulating bamboo, but the genes responsible for this adaptation also direct the enlarged growth
of the corresponding bone in the panda’s foot, a feature that serves no function at all (Gould, 1980).
This hypothesis is reasonably inferred from the theory but cannot be directly deduced from it. The
new research should add value to the present state of the discipline. Consistent with these
correlational data, Simpson, Gangestad, Christensen, and Leck (1999) found that more symmetrical
men competed more aggressively with other men for a lunch date with an attractive woman in a
laboratory experiment. Since I don't know your interests and background, I can't choose a topic for
you, but I suggest you follow these guidelines: 1. These data suggest that the smell of men who are
more symmetrical is preferred by women specifically when women are most likely to conceive.
Taken together, these findings suggest that more symmetrical individuals, as predicted, tend to be
healthier and in better physical and psychological condition than do their less symmetrical
counterparts. Some beetles make a living foraging on lichen and fungi; others subsist on a diet of
beetles themselves. Under this category, one can deal with information related to different mental
health topics. Moreover, many male birds are often splendidly attired in a dazzling array of colors:
iridescent blues, greens, reds, and yellows. Browse through the collection at your university library
to find titles devoted to the subject that you are most interested in, then look through recent articles
until you find one that grabs your attention. The short answer is that female widow birds prefer males
with such exaggerated traits—that is, the male widowbird’s extraordinary tail has evolved by the
process of sexual selection. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. These data suggest that women increase
their probability of conception when having sex with men of high genetic quality.
Paleoanthropological evidence suggests that upright walking (at least some of the time) was a
feature of early hominids from about 3.5 million years ago (Lovejoy, 1988). First, there tends to be
greater variance in male than in female reproductive success; this is because males are more able to
distribute their sex cells across multiple partners. For example, the systems underlying language
ability are specially designed to deal with linguistic information, emerge in development with no
formal tuition, and appear to be located in specific brain regions independent from other systems, as
indicated by specific language disorders (aphasias), which can arise from localized brain damage.
Specifically, Draper and Harpending proposed that an important function of early experience is to
induce in girls an understanding of the quality of male-female relationships and male parental
investment that they are likely to encounter later in life. While this type of paper may be historical in
nature, there is no need for this assignment to be dry or boring.

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