Ecology QP

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At the seashore, the tide comes in and goes out twice each day.

Some students investigated whether two different species of seaweed could live only at certain
positions on a rocky shore.
Seaweeds are plant-like organisms that make their food by photosynthesis.

Figure 1 shows the two species of seaweed that the students investigated.

Figure 1

Bladder wrack Sea lettuce

(fixes seaweed to the rock)

(a) The students:

1 placed a 50-metre tape measure on the rocks at right angles to the sea

2 placed a quadrat next to the tape measure

3 recorded whether each species was present or not.

The students repeated steps 2 and 3 every metre down the shore.

Figure 2 shows a section of the seashore and the students’ results.

Figure 2

Section of the seashore

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Students’ results


(i) The students placed the quadrat at regular intervals along a transect line rather than
placing the quadrat at random positions anywhere on the rocky shore.

Explain why.





(ii) How could the students have improved their investigation to ensure that they
produced valid data?





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(iii) Figure 2 is repeated here to help you answer this question.

Figure 2

Section of the seashore


Students’ results


The students concluded that bladder wrack is better adapted than sea lettuce to
survive in dry conditions.

What is the evidence for this conclusion?

Use information from Figure 2.





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(b) The bladder wrack has many air bladders.
The air bladders help the bladder wrack to float upwards when the sea covers it.

Suggest how this helps the bladder wrack to survive.




(Total 8 marks)

Food security is when a population has enough food to stay healthy.

Lack of food security is a global problem.

One way to maintain food security is to increase the efficiency of food production.

The diagram below shows how some pigs are farmed using intensive methods.

© Ingram Publishing/Thinkstock

(a) Some people think the farming methods shown in the diagram above are unethical.

Suggest two other possible disadvantages of intensive farming methods.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


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(b) Explain how the intensive farming of pigs increases the efficiency of food production.











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(c) A newspaper reported that:

‘Food security is a serious problem in remote communities in Canada.

This is because Aboriginal communities are eating fewer traditional foods.’

One traditional food eaten by Aboriginal communities in Canada is seal.

Look at the table below

Number of seals
caught in thousands

2004 362

2005 316

2006 348

2007 224

2008 215

2009 91

2010 67

Calculate the percentage (%) decrease in the number of seals caught from 2004 to 2010.



Decrease in seals = _______________________ %


(d) The conclusion in the newspaper might not be correct.

Suggest two reasons why.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________

(Total 10 marks)

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Figure 1 shows some information about ‘stem cell burgers’.
Figure 1

(a) (i) Some scientists think using cultured meat instead of traditionally-produced meat will
help reduce global warming.

Suggest two reasons why using cultured meat may slow down the rate of global

1. ____________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________


(ii) Suggest two other possible advantages of producing cultured meat instead of farmed

Do not refer to cost in your answer.

1. ____________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________


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(b) Mycoprotein is one type of food that is mass-produced.

Figure 2 shows a fermenter used to produce mycoprotein.

Figure 2

Describe how mycoprotein is produced.










(Total 8 marks)

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Cows are reared for meat production.
The cows can be reared indoors in heated barns, or outdoors in grassy fields.

The table shows energy inputs and energy outputs for both methods of rearing cows.

kJ / m2 / year

Energy input Energy output

Food Fossil fuels Meat production

Indoors 10 000 6 000 40

Outdoors 5 950 50 X

(a) The percentage efficiency for rearing cows outdoors is 0.03%

Calculate the energy output value X.

Use the equation:








Energy output value X = ____________________ kJ / m2 / year


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(b) The percentage efficiency for rearing cows outdoors is 0.03%

Calculate how many times more efficient it is to rear cows indoors than to rear cows

Use the equation from (a).






Answer = ____________________ times


(c) A large amount of energy is wasted in both methods of rearing cows.

Give two ways in which the energy is wasted.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(d) Suggest two reasons why it is more efficient to rear cows indoors than to rear cows

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________

(Total 10 marks)

A scientist found a polluted pond which had a new type of blue algae in the water.
The blue colour of the algae was caused by a mutation.

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(a) What is a mutation?



The scientist measured the number of blue algal cells in a sample of the pond water.

The scientist used a special slide which has a counting grid.

This is the method used.

1. Dilute 2.5 cm3 of pond water to a volume of 10 cm3 with distilled water.
2. Place a drop of the diluted pond water on the special slide, as shown in Figure 1.
3. Place a thick coverslip over the diluted pond water to give a depth of 0.1 mm of pond
4. Use a microscope to count the number of algal cells in a 0.2 mm × 0.2 mm square on the
counting grid.

Figure 1 shows a side view of the special slide.

Figure 1

Figure 2 shows the view of the counting grid through a microscope.

Figure 2

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(b) How many algal cells are in the 0.2 mm × 0.2 mm square in Figure 2?

Use the following procedure:

• Count all cells that are completely within the 0.2 mm × 0.2 mm square in the counting
• Count cells that are touching the left side or the lower side of the square.
• Do not count cells that are touching the right side or the top side of the square.

Number of algal cells in the 0.2 mm × 0.2 mm square = _______________


(c) One week later the scientist repeated the test and counted 14 cells on the 0.2 mm × 0.2
mm counting grid.

Calculate the number of algal cells in 1.0 mm3 of undiluted pond water.

Use the scientist’s second count of 14 cells.












Number of algal cells in 1.0 mm3 of undiluted pond water = _______________


(d) Suggest why the scientist diluted the pond water before placing it on the special slide.



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(e) A student repeated the scientist’s method.

The student used a thin coverslip over the diluted pond water instead of the thick coverslip.

The liquid pulled the thin coverslip downwards slightly.

Explain how the use of the thin coverslip would affect the results for the cell count.




(Total 11 marks)

The figures below show the levels of carbon dioxide in air from 150 000 years ago.

1500 years ago 270 parts per million

1800 AD 290 parts per million

1957 315 parts per million

1983 340 parts per million

(a) Explain why carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are changing.






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(b) It is suggested that the increased level of carbon dioxide in the air is causing the
atmosphere to warm up (the “Greenhouse Effect”).

Describe, as fully as you can, two major effects of global warming and how these may
affect the human population.











(Total 9 marks)

A new dog food has been developed that does not contain meat from cows, sheep or chickens.
The new dog food contains insects.

The insects in the dog food factory are fed on waste vegetables.

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(a) Sketch the pyramid of biomass for the food chain that produces food for dogs from insects.

Label the pyramid.


(b) Describe two reasons why the biomass of the insects eaten by dogs does not all become
biomass of the dogs.

1 _________________________________________________________________


2 _________________________________________________________________


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(c) Explain how making dog food from insects could improve human food security in the










(Total 8 marks)

Some students investigated the size of a population of dandelion plants in a field.

The diagram below shows the field.

The students:
• placed a 1 m × 1 m square quadrat at 10 random positions in the field
• counted the number of dandelion plants in each quadrat.

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The table below shows the students’ results.

Quadrat Number of
number dandelion plants

1 6

2 9

3 5

4 8

5 0

6 10

7 2

8 1

9 8

10 11

(a) Why did the students place the quadrats at random positions?



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(b) Estimate the total number of dandelion plants in the field.

Calculate your answer using information from the diagram and the table above.

Give your answer in standard form.











Total number of dandelion plants = ____________________


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Quadrats 5, 7 and 8 were each placed less than 10 metres from the woodland.

These quadrats contained low numbers of dandelion plants.

The students made the hypothesis:

‘Light intensity affects the number of dandelion plants that grow in an area.’

(c) Plan an investigation to test this hypothesis.





















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(d) Light is an environmental factor that affects the growth of dandelion plants.

Give two other environmental factors that affect the growth of dandelion plants.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________
(Total 14 marks)

Human activities affect the environment.

(a) Deforestation results in an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

Give two reasons why.





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(b) In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly
and using specialist terms where appropriate.

A dairy farmer washes out his cow shed each day. The waste water contains urine and
faeces. The waste water overflows into a stream by mistake.

The waste water will have an effect on the plants and invertebrates living in the stream.

Explain why.






















(Total 8 marks)

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In South Asia, forests are being cleared to grow palm oil trees. The palm oil is mainly used to
10. produce fuel for motor vehicles.

The graph shows the production of palm oil in one South Asian country.

(a) Calculate the mean increase in palm oil production per year for the five year period 2000 to

Show clearly how you work out your answer.



Mean increase = _______________ millions of tonnes per year


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(b) Clearing forests and replacing the forests with palm oil trees to produce fuel for motor
vehicles will affect the composition of the atmosphere.

Explain how.














(Total 7 marks)

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