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Classification​ ​o f​ ​

Digital​ ​H ealth​ ​I nterventions v 1.0

A shared language to describe the uses of digital technology for health

1.0 2.0
Clients Healthcare Providers
1.1 Targeted client 1.3 Client to client On-demand Client Healthcare 2.8 Healthcare
communication communication 1.6 information 2.1 identification and 2.5 provider provider training
services to clients registration communication
Transmit health event 1.3.1 Peer group for clients Provide training content to
1.1.1 alerts to specific 2.8.1 healthcare provider(s)
Client look-up of health Verify client Communication from
population group(s) 1.6.1 information 2.1.1 unique identity 2.5.1 healthcare provider to
Personal health 2.8.2 Assess capacity of
Transmit targeted health 1.4 tracking Client financial 2.1.2 Enrol client for health
healthcare provider
1.1.2 information to client
based on health status or 1.7 transactions
services/clinical care plan Communication and
2.5.2 performance feedback to
demographics Access by client to own
Transmit targeted alerts
1.4.1 medical records
Transmit or manage out of 2.2 Client health
healthcare provider
Transmit routine news and
2.9 and medication
1.1.3 1.7.1 pocket payments by client management
and reminders to client(s) 1.4.2 Self monitoring of health
or diagnostic data by client
2.5.3 workflow notifications to
Transmit or manage Longitudinal tracking of healthcare provider(s) Transmit or track
Transmit diagnostics 2.9.1
1.1.4 result, or availability of Active data capture/ 1.7.2 vouchers to client for 2.2.1 client’s health status and Transmit non-routine prescription orders
result, to clients
1.4.3 documentation by client health services services received 2.5.4 health event alerts to
healthcare providers 2.9.2 Track client's medication
Transmit or manage 2.2.2 Manage client’s structured
clinical records
Untargeted client Citizen based 1.7.3 incentives to clients for
1.2 communication 1.5 reporting health services Manage client’s
2.5.5 Peer group for healthcare
providers 2.9.3 Report
adverse drug
2.2.3 unstructured
Transmit untargeted Reporting of health system clinical records Referral
1.2.1 health information to an 1.5.1 feedback by clients
Routine health indicator
2.6 coordination Laboratory and
undefined population
Reporting of public health 2.2.4 data collection and 2.10 Diagnostics
Transmit untargeted 1.5.2 events by client management Coordinate emergency Imaging
2.6.1 response and transport Manangement
1.2.2 health event alerts to
undefined group
Healthcare Manage referrals between
2.3 provider decision 2.6.2 points of service within 2.10.1 Transmit diagnostic result
to healthcare provider
support health sector
2.10.2 Transmit and track
Provide prompts and 2.6.3 Manage referrals between
health and other sectors
diagnostic orders
2.3.1 alerts based according
to protocol 2.10.3 Capture diagnostic results
from digital devices
Health worker
2.3.2 Provide checklist
according to protocol 2.7 activity planning 2.10.4 Track biological specimens
and scheduling
Screen clients by risk or
3.0 2.3.3 other health status
2.7.1 Identify clients in need
of services
Health System Managers Telemedicine
Consultations between
2.7.2 Schedule healthcare
provider's activities

2.4.1 remote client and

healthcare provider
3.1 Human resource 3.3 Public health 3.6 Equipment and Remote monitoring of
management event notification asset management 2.4.2 client health or diagnostic
data by provider
List health workforce Notification of public Monitor status of
3.1.1 cadres and related 3.3.1 health events from health equipment 2.4.3 Transmission of medical
data to healtcare provider
identification information point of diagnosis
Track regulation and
Monitor performance of 3.6.2 licensing of medical Consultations for case
3.1.2 2.4.4 management between
healthcare provider(s)
3.4 Civil Registration equipment
healthcare providers
Manage certification/ and Vital Statistic
3.1.3 registration of healthcare Facility
provider(s) 3.4.1 Notify birth event 3.7 management
Record training credentials 3.4.2 Register birth event
3.1.4 of healthcare provider(s) List health facilities and
3.7.1 related information
3.4.3 Certify birth event
3.2 Supply chain
management 3.4.4 Notify death event
3.7.2 Assess health facilities
Manage inventory and
distribution of health
3.4.5 Register death event
3.4.6 Certify death event
Data Services
3.2.2 Notify stock levels of
health commodities
3.5 Data collection, 4.2 Data 4.3 Location
3.2.3 Monitor cold-chain
financing 4.1 management, coding mapping
sensitive commodities
Register and verify client
and use
3.5.1 insurance membership 4.2.1 Parse unstructured data
4.3.1 Map location of health
3.2.4 Register licensed drugs
and health commodities Non routine data collection into structured data facilities/structures
4.1.1 and management
3.5.2 Track insurance billing and
claims submission
Merge, de-duplicate, and
4.3.2 Map location of
3.2.5 Manage procurement
of commodities Data storage and 4.2.2 curate coded datasets or health events
Track and manage 4.1.2 aggregation terminologies
Report counterfeit or 3.5.3 insurance reimbursement 4.3.3 Map location of
Data synthesis and 4.2.3 Classify disease codes clients and households
3.2.6 substandard drugs 4.1.3 visualization
by clients Transmit routine payroll
3.5.4 payment to healthcare 4.3.4 Map location of
healthcare provider(s)
provider(s) Automated analysis of
data to generate new
Transmit or manage 4.1.4 information or predictions
3.5.5 incentives to healthcare on future events 4.4 Data exchange and
provider(s) interoperability
3.5.6 Manage budget and
expenditures 4.4.1 Data exchange
across systems

For questions or feedback, please contact

Dr. Garrett Mehl | Tigest Tamrat |

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