(Template) Science - Structures 1

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Part A - Thinking

Instructions: Conduct your own research to answer the following

questions. Make sure that the answers are in your own words.

1. What is a structure?

2. Why are structures important?

3. List three examples of structures you use every day.

Part B - Research

Structure Use + How it is


Bridge ○

House ○
Door ○

Window ○
Ladder ○

Skyscrapers ○
Part C - Reflection

1. Now that you’ve seen some structures, list similarities.

2. Out of this list, which do you think is most important? Why?

3. What are some common shapes you’ve seen in structures? Why do you
think that is?

Part D - fun

1. If you could invent any new structure, what would you invent? Why
would you invent it? Give reasoning, and back your answer up with
some research.

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