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‘Orthodontics ‘Time: 3 hours SD wae se. x 4g Year Final Exam 2022-2023 (1) BA A bss ed ead EN Bee f (100 Niarks) Amewer the most appropriate choice: 15 Thehtsent the pugne deters from fe Ts ectital ceicen & Tribe eyeelarce © Teese yaetepal ay Teco Tos tnd phayoges rch 2. Development isthe Increase in, __, while Granth cua be defied as an increase bn A Tiitapterity Gon S enon Aarne st ‘ Comepletiyt mamarty 2 In adeh the had hehe forms wt sen de tata eight of the bay. t. 14 1 { cached some 90% of its final. volume: teal “al gal Acgaugo alia 5. According to seammon's curves of complete by.. 2, 3-4 years of age b. 4-5 years of age & 5-6 years of age. @ 6-7 years of age. . Atany time. The sutures which separate the face from the cranium are | these sutures would move the face in: ‘2. a forward direction in relation to the cranium. b, a downward direction in relation to the cranium. ‘a forward and downward direction in relation to the cranium. “4. a lateral direction in relation to the cranium. fe. a transverse direction in relation to the cranium. 7. Since there is no cartilage replacement in maxilla, growth occurs into: Sutural Surface Jenene, Sutural growth and surface remodeling. 4. Periosteal growth. ¢. Endosteal growth. aligned so that growth at 6 MeN! Herawne of timing are particularty event iq Adolescence S Aduithood. ad. Old-age period, & Allanswers. 9% The growth rate ofthe face f Is the highest before bith, Increases {0.4 peak at rotor $ Sei caratatn, GS Ser stoe inate nage Allof the above excente 10. Repair of the i : Renair of the lip usuaity is performed: @ Wags momhs anerbiah Ser he fist thre monihs after binh . After | year © Inadutt ite, 11, Primate ; pfacts are related to the portion of the diastema that are: 2% ‘Distal to the me Tacit lary canines and mesial to the mandibular primary canines se cane © Nesialtothe masitary primary cannes and distal to mandibular p nines canines. ¢. Distal to both of maxillary and mandibular primary ¢: ri js Mesial to the mandibular primary molar and distal to maxillary primary to maxillary primary ganines. € Mesial to the maxillary primary molar and dit m pri 1 Goal Acgugo alia canines. 12, cae shift is due to.... Closure of primate spaces. © Sentara naam) @N.S.G.T () ©. Closure of lee way space. @ Related to the end on molar relation. e. Distal shift of first molars. 13. Cl 1} molar relationship developed when. a. Second deciduous molar in mesial step. 5, Continued mandibular growth. : 9 The relation of the second deciduous molar is distal e relation of the second deciduous molar is flash terminal plan. e. A&B. 14. Well aligned deciduous dentition is an indication for; a. Mesio-occlusion, b. Potential spacing, Disto-occlusion. Potential crowding. . Well-aligned permanent teeth. re between the wpper and lower incisors in While the vertical distance between the tips of the upper 1S. The horizontal ‘ocelasion,.. and lower incisors in Oocelusion Is a. Incisor overbite,...... Incltor over jel BL Incisor over jet deep bite ® Incsor overet Incisor overbite...... Open ‘©. Incisor over jet ‘Cross bite 16. Active components of fixed appliance are Bi © None ofabove 17. During ing phase of tooth movement which ofthe fllomlng oceire: fiber formation & Pitwctasle changes in POL €.all ofabove 4 18. When a condilon where she mandibular eal ayes cartes ie ‘ee maxillary dentition is known a: a ‘Opabhe eras @Qonssr 19, A patient has an overjet value of zero mm, his incisors relation is b. Class! Class II. [Class I! division two. €. Class II division one. 20, Most common reason for seeking orthodontic care by the patients is to Improve the ~ of the teeth and face. ¢. Functional effic d. Su lion. e Wi 21. is the distance between the buccal surfaces of the maxillary posterior teeth and the buccal surfaces of their mandibular antagonists. a fvcomplate ye Bee b e Shy ‘more Over bite. d. Much less open bite. © Buccal ee f 2 Foun etectin Force systece” (tm than Ger . SW cen ae SB Punctinat atone Names & faeheartines “ty 24. Ske Removable ont Sksleta open bites ses hase Deen ia ph n aner rotten rome Dsrease crn ei ene nce : ee Bacresse fica with —__ should be = sana be treated once i disgnesed. 6 Impacted roth > oan: Tooth or teeth (crossbite): e Overjet. 26. Clas: Classification of deciduous teeth depends ee between primary, canines. ron between terminal ‘planes. presents fo the maxillary and MJeexduous posterior ext. Sec en primary Meio an canines berween nese try and mandibular molars. lon Perween primary ineisors 27. Crowa inclination (torque) is : inc puceotingual ine itation “Tite long axis of he crore > The buccolingual inclination of Pe tong axis ofthe toot cc. The distal Evin of gingival portion ng Are Tong axistothe ines) portion. d. Themes Fe tion of ging en eng este ne FON ce. Themesi istal crown ‘angulation. 18. usually seen in some Class 11, Division 2 matocelusions with minimal overiet> a formal overjet. ES airless dec 7 Raa se aa a eta Sead Breathing. os Scents @ Allof the above. 20. Tomei eros ite cold be (al the atoning are roe EXCEE Ds 2. Unilateral or blteral ess ie le oot or segmental ers ite tetal or dental cross bite. 2 Deere mre ema be © With or without funtion manila shi goaill A alia fail gail Acguaigo a Jie ie ene can notice two ectodermal proliferations bn elilier sides of Tos omit frees eo @N._S.G_T The frontal process. The manditular process & Thearbital process 32, Stetlate reticulum ts seen in: a Dental lamina. ® Enamel organ. Hertwig's root sheath. Stratum intermedium. © Dental sxe 33.4 disruption (othe normal sequence of eruption mean 's. A symmetry in eruption pattem between primary Am aspmmeuy tn eruption pater between contralateral tet €. Asymmetry in eruption patter between maillary and mandibular teeth d An asymmetry in cruption pattern between ipsilateral teeth. © AandC. 4. Tooth develops from: 3. _Ectoderm and mesoderm. Ectoderm. ¢. Mesoderm. 4. Eetoderm and endoderm. ©. En jezocision: : ae ae “The ee was performed | month after placement ‘of orthodontic fiance. 2 tb. The surgery was performed | month before placement of orthodontic liance. csp. -y was performed before 1 week of placement of onodontic liance. @ The surgery was performed | week after placement of orthodontic appliance. ie The cape was performed 2 weeks after placement ‘of orthodontic appliance, 36, Choose the incorrect statement among the following: Regarding root resorption, the risk increases with... a. The duration of treatment. b. Treatment of impacted teeth. c. Thin and dilacerated root morphology. “@ Posterior more than anterior teeth. ¢. Intrusion of the teeth. Page Sof 14 th 8 lin Vine Of at arisen Hon Passing through ihe center oF rotation pradices D afore mah a} ’ restitance produces Tae Nth lhe oF Shon jain aay the cen & afore Wiha ling ofa tion passing through the center aif resistance presiaces Daalily movement 4 afore wink Aine of set stint tom passing through the center of resistance prstuces © rkne ‘ction passing throw the center of rolation proces pm 08 the long axis of that tooth, probably between one third: and one The COR of a singlestot e moveMent- 48-Poree appiation atone plan te run sf ath ie © Moving © @NSGT © Intrusion d Torque & Extrusion 41.As the CORo moves towards the apex, CORo at the apes, the tooth moves in, a. The less the displacement of the b. The more the displacement of the root, © The more the displacement of the crown, Controlled tipping. The more the displacement of the crown, Rotation, 2. The more the displacement of the root, Extrusion. _uauhave great tendency to relapse after orthodontic treatment, Translational movements. Rotational movements. ©. Tipping movements. d._ Extrusion movements. e. Upright movements, 43. The skeletal etiological factors of malocclusion include: a. Size and position of the li b. Form and function of the Tips. c. Position of the jaws and lips. © Size, shape and position of the jaws. €. Size, shape and position of the alveolar bone. smemamantd vice versa. So, if the The - 4 The so eae tog fctrs factors of mal Je: 2° Form of muscles ofthe ip engue and cheeks 1 Function of muscles ofthe lips, tongue an checks ‘sition of muscles of the lips, tongue and checks. d. Size of muscles ofthe lips, tongue and checks. © Form and fonction of muscles ofthe lips, tongue and cheeks. 48. Retention 2. Is a phase of onbosontic treatment b. Fs needed to counteract relapse which includes any movement eaused by age anges, unrelated 0 the orthodontic treatment. ‘nevestary to provide time for the organization of elastic fibers inthe bone necessary in adult patients to prevent changes produced by growsh that may alter the onhodontie ueatment result © Allorine above H these drugs could cause accelerated tooth mavement excep. a. Vitamin D. ©. e d_ Parathyroid hormone. ® Pancetamol. Sree aN aegwso a 47. The following factors shou nt be considered when cho oE DS a ogg As taes 4. Patient complionee, expectations, and preference Genser Ease of maintenance 9 The size and shape of patient's teeth. Oral hygiene. « A&B 48, The following is not a potential advantage of clear plastic retainers over traditional Hawley retainers : a. Superior esthetics Less comfort with speech D Tees cost and quieuer to make 4. Superior retention of the lower incisors. e. Ease of fabrication. is an adjunctive technique used to reduce relapse. a Hawley arch, b. Fixed retainer, i Enamel interproximal stripping. ]. Invisible retainer. e. Anchorage. 50. In case of complete or bilateral clefts of the lip, alveolus and palate, the maxillary arch typically is collapsed in the. soy especially in the area of the cleft. Transverse direction . Vertical direction ¢, A-P direction d. P-A direction ¢. All directions. 49. sie elevate fave ine the Lips, th tongue elevated © : f ie teeth ay Foe Tooth in wat He tangs ES ME hee ‘clenching af Oe tect ws the he ys Wy, Momentary yi. 1.CRosire ofthe pe Fev ght Cs nal St ‘hecho te eth as opts te GMAT ay Sea ae abel esten, 1 uaeas ee Sea EY Ost WW Felationship can tee cunslaered w cach other @ Jaws inten oe cana ne stpaal tage are 9 2c ME sey P. Alvesar bone i eetation tothe cranial be arf one atl 10 « Jays in relation to each other dL Alveolar bone i relation to basal Bote ‘€Taws in elation to the cranial base £4, When lipsito not meet cogether af est ponitions IMIS condition cated: Lips competence Lips incompetence. eal erupt! wut Tips, High lips: ct and WH Menta Aull @giill Acguigo alia $4.1p The mandibular canine is displaced anterior to the. lary canine with no. @N_S_G_T © Tesi af ar . rela or ere pper alveolar ridge. 56. Supernumerary teeth which bear a close resemblance to a particular group of teeth by the congenital absence of all primary oF Beil f S& Amomalics of tooth size inctode 2. Consrescence, Twining © Microtioia refers to fasion of cementum of teeth wbich ueeure after root been completed. 40 anomaly of the tooth shae in which there is # sharp bend or b. Gemination. Aubil jqaill Aicgau _-1ws twath germ wetie o Smo Stacie sree ems sors © Fusion. @. Dilaceration. © @N.S.6.T e€. Taurodomism. 62. Median diastema ts easily to treated, It's very casy to retained a First statement is false b. Second statement is true. ¢. Both statements are false First statement is true &second statement is false. €. None of the above. .+s2» usually missing 1 or 2 permanent teeth, While... + is the congenital Bi seus absence of 6 or more teeth. i nadontia. ..Oligodon . ia.....+« Oligodontia 64, The reasons have been attributed for the delay eruption of the permanent tecth are: a. Early loss adjacent primary teeth. b. Early loss of primary tooth leading to thickening mucosa and prevent eruption. Hereditary, Presence of odontos or other cysts and tumors. C d. Presence of supernumerary tooth, © Allof the above. ae et I. 9 spec ln tameee test used manera seh ted determine the oa ae weenitaliy Than rally missing tooth rum suckin 1d. Intensity and dns TRERSHY and duration of the habit only © tensity daration and trequency of We habit Aaubil §gétill Acgaugo Alii tie seeth tn place 6, a Space eels MOY the apptianee that hots a y & Res sean. = Gare Space maintainer & Noah © Bae, 68. Buccal capping is & Onenblic conection nflucneing neing the eruption of posterior teth, ¢ Conection of anertor cos fo ‘ver eruption of the lower inci © Retention monerime | at 69. Traction with fied orthodontic appliances fs dane by: crew. ure elastics. Intra-oral elastics. [. Archwire. ¢. Brackets, 70. This is true for functional appliance -r-nmncnneerrrnnenereen ‘a. Eliminate the natural forces of the oral musculature from the teeth and! or in the surrounding soft tissue envelope of the teeth alveolar bone. b. Didn't cause any change both arches and act principally by holding the c. Are appliances which engage jnandible away from its resting position. d. They are fixed to teeth, @ AandB. 71. The key word in removable appliance therapy 18 seewmnanennnnnann a. Treatment duration @® Patient compliance. ¢. Type of movement. d. Type of the appliance. ¢, Age of the patient. suse IS 8 component of removable appliance, which apply forces t Ta ssrsossesssensseeee the teeth to bring about the desired tooth movement. a. Adam's clasp. b. Fitted labial arch. é Base plate. Z-sprin} e. None o ‘above. Dane th nb a force exerted ly tne serine cx when the length oa apring x doubled (Me recreases By Bienes Increases by 8 times f Decreases Fy 16 tes 4G ecreaes by 18 umes None of ie shove 74, Most of the serees result i fn ane erent er HT 274 Remorelie tonthorie apetonal ve tunetoma appliances incl a preiel epic Toinbhook chet alin, Oral screen © Lip bumper fi Acgauign ali 76. The followings are advantages of fved orthodontic _ appliances Jy compared Tempovabie appliances excep San mele fe @N_S_GT (ese smples of passive fies! appliances are: Fixed lingual bonded retainers Hawley’ 4G. Frankels' fanctional regulator Herbs appliance e +78, The straight wire appliance dors not have: : a rare Mie intance from base of sotto base of bracket for correct tip. i Yartthe stot angulation fr correct mesiodiss) ‘angulation ase inclination for correct torque. cc. Variable bracket 4G. Variable shape of the bracket for - © Variable ta-out position. 79, although bonding has several advantages OVE banding, there are some conditions wahen we have to prefer banding over bonding inctudiny ‘a. Teeth that receive forces ‘against the ‘attachments from power chains. © Teeth that need buccal attachments such asa bution, Teeth with short clinical crowns, @ Teeth with conservative restorations. ce. Teeth with ‘enamel structure. 80. The aim oforthodontic anchorage is to. . ‘a. Minimize the unwanted tooth movement. b. Maximize the desired tooth movement. c. Prevent relapse, © Aas. ¢. Reduce the treatment duration. or Page 11 of 14 " mi Teveling ing that eingnate Felationshi in the Seca dimensions 8 Patient with in He With i x Feangd vertical dimensions 83. Anchorage classi IR ora, Et on id according tothe maaner af force apiation eee 84. Whi le planning anchorage, the follomiag’s should be considered: the lesser the anchorSEe lower the numberof the seth o be moved b. Teeth with flange fat roots and / or more than ane Foot provide less than tipping the anche teeth archorace Bodily tooth movement need Bosh took movemern ned en sche ©. All of the above. Se ee eae 8S. The simplest shtea anchorage can be obtained mth plates Slim endosscous implants Onplants. Miniscrews Endosscous implants. Aub rthodontic treatment should include; @N_S_G_T e 86, Management of pain during oF Reduce anxiety b oven oie es ‘gums containing aspirin. <. St o ee er prof or ecuminopn analgesic e. Answers A, Band 87. Pain ater placing TAD mon and reutely severe that needs NSAID. b Cae "toe the nerve endings in the bone, rae rag afler insertion. ¢ soft tissue and periosteum. ry @ Js usually ¢. Isusually pa be iirbleeding. 88. Regarding anchorage in removable orthodontic appliances: ‘a, The retentive components ‘could be used to ‘anchorage. b. Itdecreases unwanted tooth movement. erased by acrylic engagement to teeth those not to be moved. c. Itis All of the above. AandC Page 12 of 14 wr” nealeeat, the fulton ing should be considered: x ree must he tntermsent ches ° ne attends tre morgen thease he ra 4 Rathores to chm aad forehead pads By . 2 IREITRELI ofthe Tact ths fe arcund the face. Ihe samterice portion of the facchow should te pieced. anlerior to allay incisors <0 What it touches them lightly. Pee SRUENICT to the 00. The chin cup: Is Used to treat class II shetetal relation of differem etiotogy renga Covers the chin and is connevied ts a headgear & The seeipital pull type is indicated in patients with class {Mf and open bite 4 The force should be used in full from pro ige Ratt Be used in full rom day me an then gradually reduce to © Alllofthe above 91. Treatment with functional appliances: a Mostly posture the mandible forwards. Used in growing patients. & snot eflective at correcting teeth leregularities, J Utilize, eliminate or guide the forces of muscles of mastication © Allerine stove 92. One of the physical methods ta accelerate orthodontic tooth movement is a. Misoprostol b. Piezocision Laser Vibration. ¢. Therapeutic Ultrasound, 93. The term locus is used when describing. a@ a pair of alleles are identical in DNA sequence. b. Genetic regions or locations in which genes reside, @ single genetic region or location in which ener gene resides The two alleles have one of more differences in the DNA sequence. The indis idual is homoz) gous for that locus. Aub! ggaill Acguugg mined with the use @N_S_G_T 94. 4 person's genotype cannot be scen with our eyes but must be di i ee @ 2 genetic analysis. b. aproteomic analysis. c. ametabolic analysis. d. atranscriptomic analysis. e. a lipidomic analysis. 95, A phenotype is generated by (he.....reve ® Summation of genotype and the environmental factors. The observable properties, measurable features, and physical characteristics ofan individual. ¢. Summation phenotype and the environmental factors. d AandB. e. BandC, 96. Hapatoars jam refers to: Chat maiacctoton i \ a) ic ith progam ‘ lave HY mtcceiion with prngatte mandi SEIN ianstonton ih Fanegnade mon 971s secale of tivmamiaton cold ba exphuined hoje. uaqesnmeenment Swan pene? ‘This is true aia Be g a Tome Superumera = Hypodeatia. 4. Ectopic manilary canine © Bane 98. The margin of fece gingiva is located ‘a. 0.5 to 2.5mm coronal to the b. 05 to 3.5mm coronal to the CE) after coms c. O54 al rE complet . 1 2mm coronal tothe CEI BeFOe CoP rant, d. 0.5 to 2cm coronal to the CEJ afer ¢ i 2 se © 05 to 2mm coronal to the CEI afler completed tooth erVPUA yy gail Acguisa lia oe within Shape. 99, During the first second of pressure application Dee PII spent tamer Ceo ‘Vary littic of tissue Muid. 1s squeezed out N_S_G_T (so Moot of tasue fluid s rapidly expressed. @N_S_S_1 \& ¢. None of tissue fluids, are expressed d. Moderate of tissue fluid, is squeezed ov. €. Allof tissue Muid, is squeezed out 100. Why teeth are stable in the presence of imbalanced pressures that would cause tooth movement ‘a. Resting pressures from the lips or checks and tongue are usually balanced. The mandibular anterior, re eat is equal to V Nakscaehs pel eae stabilization luced by metabolic effects in the PDL. Allofal e. BandC. otherwise

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