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Material and Economic Self

A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as much as
you want to make yourself happy. What are you going to do with it? Make a list of
what you want to have. Write as many as you want. After you lusted all your
wants, answer he following questions:

 House
 Car
 Foods
 Clothes
 Bags
 Art materials
 Drawing tablet
 K-pop merch
 Albums
 Concert ticket
 Book a flight to Japan and Korea

1. How do you feel as you do the Debit Card Challenge?

I am extremely happy and sad at the same time while doing the challenge.
Happy because knowing that I can buy all the stuffs that I want without
paying and working hard for it. Sad because I know this is just a challenge and
not in reality. It makes me want to work now in able to achieve or buy the
things that I have listed above.

2. Which among the items in your list you like the most? Why?
Art Materials and Drawing tablet I am fond of making arts and art
materials now are very expensive. I only have few art materials that is why I
also want a drawing tablet, so that I will not buy art materials anymore
because I can do arts while using the drawing tablet.

3. If you ever were given the chance in real life to have one among the list, which
would you choose? Why?

Out of all the items I have listed above, the one that I like the most is the
house. Growing up I always wanted to have our own family house, though we
have one now, I want to earn and save money in order to buy myself and my
family our own dream house. I know there are a lot time needed in order for
this to happen. For now, I will just study hard in order to finish my course and
work hard in the future.

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