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MAY 2018



MATRICULATION NO : 930312085578002
IDENTITY CARD NO. : 930312085578
TELEPHONE NO. : 0103822852

Table of Content

1.0 Introduction 3

2.0 Description of Formal, Informal and Mixed Whatsapp Group in TNB 4

2.1 Formal Group 4

2.2 Informal Group 4
2.3 Mixed Group 5

3.0 Managing Whatsapp Messenger Group is Used As Medium for 6

Discussion, Communication and Giving Instuction

3.1 Formal Group 6

3.2 Informal Group 7
3.3 Mixed Group 9

4.0 How Leader Uses Whatsapp Group in Managing Team Work 12

4.1 Greater Convenience and Cohesiveness 12

4.2 Fine Balance 12
4.3 Support Service 13
4.4 Keeping Record of Conversation 13

5.0 Recommendation to Improve Whatsapp Messenger Group as a Medium of 13

Managing Teams or Work Groups

5.1 Pressure to Conform 13

5.2 Audio Function and Reducing Number of Members in the Messenger Group 14
5.3 Post Community Guidelines 14

6.0 Summary 15

7.0 References 16


1.0 Introduction

In an organization, the group formation is natural, whether it is created by the management

for the purpose of accomplishing the goals of the organization or by the members of the
organisations themselves to fulfill their social needs. There are three types of group, namely,
formal groups, informal groups and mixed. Formal groups are the ones created as per official
authority, so as to fulfill the desired objective. Unlike, informal groups are formed by the
employees as per their likes, interests, and attitudes, while mixed group is the combination of
formal and informal group.

Nowadays, our everyday life cannot be imagined without the possibility of mobile
communication. Currently, WhatsApp is the most popular MIM application in the world
having around 700 million monthly active users (Koum, 2015). The advantage over the
traditional SMS is that MIM services are mostly free media such as videos, images, and
audio messages can be transmitted easily. WhatsApp, for example, allows users to
communicate in a group with up to 200 members. The goal of this paper is to differentiate
between types of group within TNB, to analyze how the messenger is used as a medium to
communicate and manage a teamwork and lastly, recommendations on how TNB can
improve whatsapp messenger as a medium of managing team.

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (200866-W) is the largest electricity utility in Malaysia with total of
34,900 employees. With the core business of providing electricity to the country’s businesses,
homes and industries, they are a key contributor to Nation building. Their activities represent
the entire electricity production and supply value chain. Their customers 9.2 million
customers, consist mainly of commercial, industrial and residential customers. Their
industrial customers engage in the manufacture of goods and services. As they represent the
largest market, they drive TNB to deliver excellence in their products and services.TNB
Vision “To Be Among the Leading Corporations in Energy and Related Businesses
Globally”, while their mission is “We Are Committed to Excellence in Our Products and
Services”. One of the core business divisions of TNB, the Generation Division is entrusted to
develop, operate and maintain TNB’s portfolio of power generating units. TNB’s Generation
Division has adopted and practising the World Class Occupational Safety & Health (OSH)
policy with the implementation of the TNB Safety & Excellence Management Systems
(SEMS) In conformity with the Malaysian Grid Code, TNB’s Grid Division is aimed at


providing a safe, reliable and economical operation of the grid system (Tenaga Nasional
Berhad, n.d). TNB also offers training to ‘Skim Latihan 1Malaysia (SL1M)’, full-time
employement and also contract.

The Distribution Division is entrusted to conduct two value chain business activities on
behalf of TNB, which are the Distribution Network Operations & Electricity Retail
Operations. Distribution Network Operations The Division plans, constructs, operates,
performs repairs & maintenance as well as manages the assets of the 33 kV, 22 kV, 11 kV,
6.6 kV and 415/240 volts in the Peninsula Malaysia’s distribution network.The Division
operates a network of state and area offices to purchase electricity from embedded generators,
connects new supply, provides counter services, collects revenues, operates call management
centres, provides supply restoration services and cultivates strong customer and government
relationships (Tenaga Nasional Berhad, n.d).

2.0 Description of Formal, Informal and Mixed Whatsapp Group in TNB

Below are the description of formal, informal and mixed whatsapp group in detail:

2.1 Formal Group

The formal groups are formed deliberately and consciously collectively to direct the
efforts of group members, especially the employees towards the accomplishment of
organizational objectives (Business Jargon, n.d). The formation of the group is created
by the management itself in TNB. It possesses a systematic structure, in hierarchical
form. In general, the employees of the organisation are divided into groups and a task is
allocated to each group. Therefore, in such way the task of the group is accomplished
along with the fulfilment of organisational goals. Command group is where the groups
that consist of managers and their subordinates while task forces is a group form to
carry out a particular task or project in TNB.

2.2 Informal Group

Groups which emerge naturally due to the response and common interests of the
members of an organization who can easily identify with the goals or independent


activities of the group (Business Dictionary, n.d) are known as informal group. These
groups are natural formations in the work environment that appear in response to the
need for social contact. A group of employees belonging to different departments in
TNB taking their lunch together represent an example of an informal group. Informal
groups arise voluntarily to satisfy the social needs, unlikely to be fulfilled by the formal
organization. The leader of the informal group is selected among the members within
the group. The authority in such groups is given to the person.

Communication in informal groups is through informal channels. The various kinds of

groups are friendship and interest group. Friendship groups are associations of people
who like each other and who like to be together. Such groups are formed because
members have one or more common characteristics, such as age or ethnic heritage,
political beliefs and other bonds of attraction while interest groups are composed of
individuals who may not be members of the same organization, but they are united by
their interest in a common issue.

As a formal organisation, leader-follower relationships in the informal group is

developed as well. Factors that lead to the emergence of leaders in such group are age,
seniority, charisma, career advancement and job safety.

2.3 Mixed Group

A mixed group in TNB is formed two or more people who belong to different levels of
the formal organisation and in same or different work areas. For instance, the manager
in the TNB may attempt to gradually develop and maintain an informal, social
relationship with the employees. Such groups are often formed because of common
bonds outside the work place. For instance, common interests, club memberships,
ethnic backgrounds, and so on. For the same reason, it is easier for the manager to carry
out work based communication with the employees.


3.0 Managing Whatsapp Messenger Group is Used As Medium for Discussion,

Communication and Giving Instuction

Below are the analysis on how managing Whatsapp messenger group is used as medium for
discussion, communication and giving instuction.

3.1 Formal Group

Formal groups existed as a result of organisation design, task allocation and decision
making results in communications and team learning. Leadership status is stamped to
the individual who have access to information vital to the functioning of the group or
the ability to distribute this information. Formal leaders have authority because of the
existence of a formal organisation in TNB.

While creating formal groups in organisations, attempts are, or need to be made to

bring together individuals who are capable of succesfully interacting with each other in
order for the group which has been created to accomplish a task may able to work at
peak efficiency. Members of the group interact with each other and the behaviour of the
group will have a tendency to modify the behaviour of the individual members.
Extreme behaviour in a group should be of concern. In formal groups, there is a greater
emphasis on task or goal-oriented activities which aim to get the job done, for example
the ‘Pomen Detection KL’ rather then the maintenance-oriented activities. Instructions
are more straightforward in this group.

The group tend to move towards performing in line with its broad aims after the process
of normalisation and will carry on with its day to day existence. The group members
have settled into their roles and valued for their talents and the contributions that they
may be able to make to the group. In formal groups, absenteeism, sick leave and poor
work attitude may be the result of poor interpersonal relationships while an informal
group can disintegrate in such a situation.


Figure 1: Formal Whatsapp Group

3.2 Informal Group

As mentioned earlier, the informal groups which can come into being within
organisations can come about as a result of common interests, desire to learn and share
knowledge and achieve specific objectives. Standards of the group members have not
been imposed on them by anyone and certainly not by the organisational management.
The leaders of the informal groups is a chosen individual by all members. This group


has an implicit code of ethics or an unspoken set of standards. This group is mainly
active for discussion for a specific event or communication within the members on
specific interest or can be called grapevine, for instance the ‘Underground’ group. It is
formed as a result of mutually shared interests and are led by members with a strong
commitment. Besides, the conversation that is caried out is more casual. It provides a
sense of belonging along with a sense of identity as well as self esteem for its members.
It can also serve as defence mechanisms for forces that can be too great for a single
individual to resist and may also serve as a platform to develop a consensus amongst
members about issues which can also be related to the organisation and which may
have been regarded as being controversial. The members in an informal group feel
more secure, less anxious as all of the members are acquaintance. The leadership of the
informal group commonly belongs to the member who is most successful of gratifying
the wishes of the team and this leadership adjustments with changing requirements and
the potential to cater for the requirements of different members.

Informal group have norms, values and unstated guidelines which may be necessary to
perpetuate the existence of the group as in some groups violations of these rules or
norms can carry severe penalties. Apart from the work floor, it also exist as
‘communities of practice’ amongst professionals who are informally sharing
knowledge, pursuing design excellence or different approaches controlling and
producing knowledge or skills in an organisation.


Figure 2: Informal Whatsapp Group

3.3 Mixed Group

Mixed group in TNB comes along with the combination of medium to discuss work-
related matters for example the ‘SEAL KL’ group, communicate in with the members
of the organisation, sharing of knowledge or information regarding an event, initiate
planning and also to instruct members of the organisation. In this group, the members


are free to share outsource information which is not job related as well. There is fixed
standard or principle which is set for this group. In TNB, all the employees in the
department are involved in this group. This is to ensure that the manager has an easier
link with the employees and a more effective communication. Meesages and
information are delivered in a shorter time compare to traditional method. The way a
message is constructed, the choice of wording, the intention of the message will be
totally different between messages to friends, messages to co-workers and messages to
supervisors or managers are both formal and informal.

Figure 3: Mixed Whatsapp Group


Figure 4: Mixed Whatsapp Group


4.0 How Leader Uses Whatsapp Group in Managing Team Work

Below is the explaination on how leader uses whatsapp group in managing team work:

4.1 Greater Convenience and Cohesiveness

As opinied by Humes (n.d), the art of communication is the language of leadership. As

a leader, a WhatsApp group chat is an easier and more convenient platform to
disseminate eleventh-hour information to the team. In fact, group conversations are
even less intrusive than textual content messages directed at precise individuals as there
is less stress on the individual to reply in a group chat. A WhatsApp group chat can also
help when a team member heads out for a meeting with a client and forgets bite-sized
an significant information.

There is a higher chance of obtaining a quick response from a larger group as compared
to a single colleague, who might take a ponderously long time to reply, or might not
reply at all. Therefore, the group chat might help the team grow together in subtle ways.
By simply providing an informal avenue for them to communicate with each other, the
learder encourages feelings of belonging and team spirit. In TNB, a manager often
communicate via Whatsapp with the employees to obtain information on reports or data
in meetings. Therefore, it is shown how flexible and quick it is to aquire facts.

4.2 Fine Balance

There’s no denying that a WhatsApp group chat for the team comes with a multitude of
benefits. It is convenient, is easier than a phone call and works faster than email.
However, in TNB the leader often ensure that those text messages remain professional.
Lastly, professional does not mean stiff and aloof. It’s probably a good thing to appear
personable to the team and have them feel comfortable with the leader. The leader
probably just don’t want to seem like she’s trying to be their best friend or appear too
overbearing. Hence, the leader avoids messaging on non working hours as it seems
bothering a thing as employees need to have their own family time.


4.3 Support Service

The messeger group provides support to management in various ways. Firstly, it fill in
gaps in the manager’s knowledge through advice or through performing the work, for
example, budgeting and scheduling with the team. By being able to discuss the causes
of sorrows and fustrations with fellow team members in a supportive environment, they
relieved emotional pressures.

4.4 Keeping Record of Conversation

The messeger group has many add on feature such as favourites a specific message.
Therefore, this function can be used to record the schedule of a specific work. Let say,
the leader reschedule, organise or divide the specific task or project among the team
members, hence both parties able to view or keep a track based on the chat. Next,
documents in the form of PDF or data can be send as well via messenger. Therefore,
these assists the leader to manage teamwork in a better way.

5.0 Recommendation to Improve Whatsapp Messenger Group as a Medium of

Managing Teams or Work Groups

The recommendation to improve whatsapp messenger group as a medium of managing teams

or work groups are discussed as below:

5.1 Pressure to Conform

The norms that the informal groups develop often act as a robust inducement towards
conformity. The more accepted are the standards of behaviour, the more cohesive the
group. Non-conforming in person’s reference team is possibly to result in gentle verbal
reminders from the group but however may cause harassment, ostracism or rearranging
the work area. It can even lead to physical abuse.

Firstly, the manager in TNB should seek the support and co-operation of the informal
leader. Secondly, the manager should provide open and complete communications by
using both formal and informal channels.Thirdly, the manager should control rumour


by providing facts as quickly as possible, using a credible source to supply the fact and
face-to-face communication.

Finally, the manager should keep the activities of the formal organisation from
unnecessarily threatening the informal organisation, in general, he should be sensitive
to its existence.

5.2 Audio Function and Reducing Number of Members in the Messenger Group

The team manager in TNB should use the audio function in the messenger group in
order to communicate with the team. Recording a voice message rather than sending a
written message can be clearer and saves time. A team using the group function to have
on-going communications, particularly is good for teams which work remotely.

The maximum amount of members that may participate in a WhatsApp group is 256
members. Imagine 5 to 10 people talking all at once, while others are sending different
messages which may not be related to the current issue being discussed at that time. It
makes others sit on the sideline, simply observing and not contributing as well as it
make the messenger goes haywire. Therefore, the perfect number for a WhatsApp
group is 6 to 10 people. It’s much easier to manage, everyone can hear or read what
each person says and the group is more cohesive.

5.3 Post Community Guidelines

Regularly post community guidelines and notes about the 'reply' functionality. Whether
a new group or an established one, there is no harm for a leader to post community or
group guidelines and names of group admins in case people have questions. Larger
group or a group with many members benefit from doing this. It automaticaly reminds
the team to 'reply', as it can help topics stay on track and members know when to dip in
and out and avoid self-promotional posts.


6.0 Summary

Every organisation consists of formal groups, informal group and mixed group. Leadership
and position in such groups is not delegated by the formal organisation but is based on the
acceptance and desires of the members of the group. As highlighted, there are necessary ways
to carry out on how TNB can improve whatsapp messenger group as a medium o managing
teams. The informal organisation and informal groups within the organisation are significant
and stored in mind by organisational managers when initiating change or making and
carrying out decisions. It is possible for informal and mixed groups within the organisation
to contribute positively to the aims of the organisation and informal group norms can be
brought more in line with those of the organisation through a process dialogue and reasoning
with networks of infuence within the group. Whatsapp messenger definitely ease the job flow
and team work in TNB.

(2902 words)


7.0 References

Business Dictionary (n.d). Retrieved: July 05, 2018 from

Business Jargon (n.d). Retrieved: July 10, 2018 from


Humes, J. (n.d). Brainy Quote. Retrieved: Jun 28, 2018 from

Koum, J. (2015). Facebook Post. Retrieved on Jun 26, 2015 from https://

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (n.d). Retrieved: Jun 08, 2018 from


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