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5 Pillar Warm Up

Physical Release and Alignment

Stretch body in any way you see fit that day. I find that
stretching my legs and loosening up my ham strings releases
lots of tension.
For me specifically, if I am going to sing I do jaw and tongue
tension release exercises.

I find putting in my ear buds and listening to a song that I
like while finding a steady breath pattern not only helps
regulate anxiety, but also get you in the zone to perform.
I like to connect myself to the Earth by sitting and repeating
the phrase ‘I am rooted but I flow’

My favorite way to warm up my voice is by getting a
kazoo or straw and gently going up and down the
scale. If neither are available, I do chubby cheeks with
air or a lip trill.

I like to travel through the body and explore the different resonators
(bass, viola, cello, etc), as well as doing different vocal warm ups
that help me find a supported mixed voice.
If I am in a musical it helps me to go through my songs and map out
problem areas by assigning a resonator to certain phrases.

It helps me to do different combos of tongue twisters,
progressively getting faster.
It also helps to speak through my lines over
articulating and then bringing it down back to a
normal level.

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