Exam 8 English St. Gabriel

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Immaculate Conception Academy of Malabon

272 Gen. Luna St., Concepcion, Malabon City



A.Y. 2023 – 2024

English 8

Name: _____________________________________________ Score: _________________

Grade & Section: _______________________ Date: __________________
Prepared by: Ms. Erica Fiona E. Espiritu

General Direction: Read the questions and directions carefully, before you pick an answer make
sure you are certain. NO ERASURE. ERASURE MEANS WRONG.

Directions: Read the sentences below. On the space provided, write POSITIVE if the message
is good, and NEGATIVE if the message is bad. Then, UNDERLINE the word that signals the
positivity or negativity in the message conveyed. (6 items)

__________1. The meat in the fridge has a terrible smell.

__________2. My parents always tell me that they love me very much.

__________3. Our neighbour’s little boy is very honest in answering questions.

__________4. Nothing is left for the kid to eat.

__________5. Mandy, the leader of the group, believes in her group mates.

__________6. You are a lying, I am sure you know what I am talking about!

II. Conditionals
DIRECTION: Identify if the following sentences are examples of the given conditionals, write
ZERO, FIRST, SECOND or THIRD depending on the conditional it is under.

__________7. If I pass this exam, I’ll celebrate.

__________8. If you really loved me, you would buy me a diamond ring.

__________9. If public transport is efficient, people stop using their cars.

__________10. If I had worked harder, I would have passed the exam.

__________11.If I study today, I’ll go to the party tonight.

__________12. If you freeze water, it becomes solid.

__________13. If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.

__________14.If I was the Queen of England, I would give everyone a chicken.

__________15. I would have been happy, if you had called me on my birthday.

__________16. If the leaves are falling, it is already falls.

__________17.If I knew where she lived, I would go and see her.

__________18. If I have enough money, I’ll buy some new shoes.

III. Propaganda Technique

DIRECTION: Analyse the following advertisement and Identify whether Bandwagon, Snob
Appeal, Vague/Undefined term, Loaded words, Transfer, or Testimonial. (12) 19-30

__________19. Be the first on your block to try the newest tend this season, Stripped Pants!

__________20. Why read those boring email loops that everybody else dose? You know you’re
better than that. You need more intellect stimulation. Read the logic loop, be
more logical than the rest.
__________21. Tasty Flakes Breakfast Cereal, Everyone is enjoying it!
__________26.The only way to secure your health is to get insurance- from a Korean Idol.
__________27. Use the classical approach. You’re better than the average home schooler.”
__________30. Pepsi a carbonated soft drink recently release their 2023 tag line “It’s better to
be different” alongside its new ambassador SB19.
IV. Parallel Structure


V. Analysing Literature as a Mirror to a shared heritage of people with diverse

Direction: Read the summary of the story given and answer the following questions related to
it. (6 items)

“The God Stealer”

by Francisco Sionil Jose
Sam Christie, an American, and Philip Latak, a native from the province of Ifugao,
work in the same office at an "agency" in Manila. Philip is Sam's assistant, and they
are good friends. One day, Philip receives a message that his aging grandfather
back home has fallen sick and that Philip needs to go home to see him. It happens
that it's also Sam's last month in the Philippines before he heads home to the
United States for a much-needed vacation leave. So, he decides to tag along with
Philip for the trip to Ifugao. He also plans on buying an Ifugao god as a souvenir to
take back home. After a long bus ride, the two travellers reach Philip's village and
after a brief visit with his older brother Sadek's home, the two head over to the
house of the old man - Philip's 80-year-old grandfather. Philip asks his grandfather
where he can get an Ifugao god for his American friend. The old man gets angry.
The two leave the old man's house and head back to their lodging. On their second
night at the town, a huge feast is held at the village for Philip. A ritual is held at the
grandfather's house. Philip and Sam watch as the old man pours fresh animal
blood on an Ifugao god. The ritual is the old man's way of thanking the god for
letting his grandson come home. After the ritual at the old man's house, Sam and
Philip join in on the festivities. Sam soon gets bored and decides to leave the party
early and go to sleep. Past midnight, he wakes up to Philip coming home drunk and
carrying an Ifugao god. Sam confronts Philip and tells him he shouldn't have stolen
the god. He adds that Philip should return it and if he doesn't, Sam will return the
god himself. But Sam wakes up the next morning to see Philip hastily leaving to get
back to the village. His grandfather had collapsed due to a heart attack and is
dying. The next day, Sam is visited by Philip's older brother Sadek and is informed
by him that their grandfather has passed away and that the cause of his death was
the loss of his Ifugao god. Sadek also informs Sam that Philip isn't going back to
Manila.Sam decides to visit Philip at the old man's house. But Philip meets him with
anger and loathing. An argument ensues. The story ends with Sam leaving the old
house and with Philip making another god to replace the one he has stolen.t Philip
warns him that if he tries to return the idol, the old man will kill him. A good number
of moral lessons that can be gleaned from the tale, On the part of Philip, maybe it's
not that good of an idea to completely turn your back on the beliefs of your people
and rub it in by stealing one of their gods. Getting rid of the trappings of tribal
beliefs is not necessarily bad. Actually, it's good most of the time because it often
leads the apostate to a path towards reason and science. Leaving your beliefs is
one thing. Stealing a god is another matter. On the part of Sam, maybe he should
get rid of the practice of having to always take something from another culture as a
souvenir. You don't always have to take something back home when you leave a
VI. Examining Biases made by the Author
Direction: In no less than 2 paragraphs containing 5 sentences each, explain the following

In Nick Joaquin’s essay, “A Heritage of Smallness”, he emphasized how the Filipino

people can be so much contented with all that is small, all that is little and all that is just enough.
A child who was born from a poor family would most likely be poor for the rest of his life. It would
be a common scenario that they, too, will adopt the way of living of their parents. Instead of
finding a way for them to have money, they will be contented and just continue blaming whoever
they want to blame. What can you say about it? Do you agree or disagree with the statement?


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