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Writing a thesis is a daunting task that many students find challenging.

It requires extensive research,

critical analysis, and effective writing skills. Crafting a well-written thesis on a complex topic such as
birth control demands time, effort, and expertise.

The process of writing a thesis on birth control involves gathering relevant data, reviewing literature,
conducting surveys or interviews, and synthesizing information to form coherent arguments and
conclusions. Moreover, addressing various perspectives, controversies, and ethical considerations
related to birth control adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Students often struggle with managing their time effectively, organizing their thoughts, and
presenting their findings in a structured manner. Additionally, the pressure to meet academic
standards and expectations further complicates the writing process.

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There are states that use birth control deliberately as a tool for economic development and often
enforced by the state. There were two direct parallels between the pro and con arguments. Words:
1241 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper: 81992278 High-Risk Pregnancies Having a
baby is a dream that many families have. According to NY Times, “By spring 2014, two-thirds of
women using birth control pills and nearly 75 percent of women using the contraceptive ring were
no longer paying out-of-pockets. This displays the impact that contraceptives have worldwide and
creates a question of equality within health care, “Is birth control a fundamental right or a
privilege?”. In China for example, birth control had been taken to the extreme by the state where
couples are only allowed to have one child under the “one child policy” of the government (Muhua
and Chen 349). The American Diabetes Association states, “birth control methods, such as a
diaphragm, will not affect blood glucose at all.” Due to limitability of contraceptives, diabetics could
have to spend more out of pocket than the average women for their medication. Birth Control::
Contraceptives, Birth Control Essays 2019-03-05. Providing more funding to family planning clinics
provides solutions to individuals who are actively seeking family planning rather than infringing on
the rights stereotyped group who find themselves needing help, not oppression. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our. But due to the offering of birth control pills, “Teenage pregnancy
has declined drastically in recent years, reaching an all-time low in 2014, with just under 250,000
babies born to women between the ages of 15 to 19. The team concludes the pro side presented a
strong case for each of the arguments. It is sometimes referred to as contraception (“Birth Control”).
These methods also do not require surgery, chemicals or other drugs. In later years, many of these
religions have shifted in their position, accepting some artificial means of contraception as essential
methods needed in population control (Crossway, 2012). In addition to an informed judgment, birth
control would prevent unwanted pregnancies and would reduce the number of teenage parents. The
autonomic nervous system is concerned with the unconscious or automatic regulation of the internal
body while the somatic nervous system is responsible for control of the muscles or voluntary
movement (British Medical Association 396). There are several actions that could trigger this block
including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. The pharmacist
working there not only refused to give her the prescription, he also refused to transfer it so she could
pick them up somewhere else. Why Contraception Is Wrong - Argumentative Essay Example. Sex
education is composed of information; feelings, values, and attitudes; and communication and
decision-making skills. The welfare system expanded over the following six decades. Since Christians
are generally pro life, reducing abortion with birth control seems to be the reasonable answer but
they are still against it due to their belief that it is a “sin” according to the Roman Catholic Church.
This is justified by the rationale that the superiority of a socialist planned economy allows it to
regulate human reproduction to have a balance between population increase and the means to support
it. Since, welfare benefits are not constitutionally mandated, and individual’s rights to procreate
freely are not protected under the Constitution. God made us, mind, body, and soul, and he
technically owns all of us. Preventing Unintended Pregnancy Among Adolescents: Using mHealth to
Promote a. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. The desire and enthusiasm of getting financial leverage in the current state of economic
turmoil may be a valid motivator to trigger effective birth control among the tribal population in
India. Some are lawyers, doctors, teachers, and government officials.
Gordon (2004) avers that the common forms of barrier methods of birth control are male and female
condoms, spermicide and diaphragm. However, these combination contraceptives show rare
circumstances of that happening and the body is able to control sugar levels. Therefore, governments
should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact that group
survival is more important than individual freedom. In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued his landmark
encyclical letter Humanae Vitae which reemphasized the Church’s constant teaching that it is always
intrinsically wrong to use contraception to prevent new human beings from coming into existence
(Carr, 2004). The time and resources of my grandparents were divided by my parents many siblings
and as a result, they were poor and this explains why I find this policy sound during China’s
struggling years. Recent studies would place better light on the administration of birth control for
teenagers as early as their age and the benefits would bounce back on to them. We want to be able to
spread our findings through social media via Facebook or any other website that people globally can
be able to view and read our proposal. We can only conduct our experimental study on female mice
in lieu of adult human females due to the nature of injecting our test subjects with various levels of
progestin and estrogen. As the population increases, the scramble for the scarce available that are
available grows fierce. There are many reasons as to why birth control is wrong. According to
adoption statistics, “there are 107,918 foster children eligible and waiting for adoption.”. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. God intended that man and
woman would procreate and educate their children. Some are lawyers, doctors, teachers, and
government officials. Such method of giving birth has constantly been explored to determine its
advantages and benefits as well as the risks associated with it. The process of the research was not
that difficult because I am already familiar with the state policy of China about birth control being a
Chinese descent myself. Even though birth control may go against some people’s morals, the
opinions of a minority should not prevent all women from receiving their fundamental right to
proper health care. While this policy could be justified and sound during China’s struggling years,
this one child policy is no longer abreast with the time because China’s is now the second largest
economy in the world and therefore have more resources to support its population. And just in 2012,
in the state of Texas, there were 44 births per 1,000 girls. Give me your paper requirements and I
connect you to an academic expert. Estrogen and progestin are the two main key hormones of birth
control pills. This paper reviews and provides an analysis of the Chinese birth control Policy and
gender discrimination. Examining the evidence used by birth control advocates in its support is also
worth consideration. Catholic opposition to artificial birth control and the constraints feels by the
Catholic bishops about mounting direct opposition to federal family planning programs. More
vociferous opposition to family planning comes from black nationalists and radicals. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Gordon
(2004) avers that the male condom reduces the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.
Rinkunas was the senior online editor at Women’s Health and has a Bachelor in Journalism along
with a minor in Interactive Media from the University of Delaware (RocketReach). The contention
about the bill is so bitter that even if its President, the highest officer of the land has already signed
it as a law after passing rigorous process in its Congress, it was still questioned and petitioned before
its Supreme Court. Several logic errors or fallacies were noted in the con arguments, which further
weakened the strengths of the con side of the debate. It is imperative that we inform our peers and
fellow citizens on this groundbreaking data.
Rather, it is to prepare them and inform them about the risks and importance of planning for their
future. Medications continuing to advance and the analyzation of current programs may lead to the
better promotion of women worldwide receiving their right to free birth control.When both
arguments are examined the benefits for providing free birth control are greater than the
consequences that are proposed. At the other end of the spectrum stand activists who view
overpopulation as a national and global emergency that needs to be addressed immediately and with
radical, coercive measures if voluntary programs cannot help. The reason described for it is, if
abortion is shown as a rightful choice for the women in all circumstances, there would be a serious
decline in birth rate and family values would be battered completely. With the use of the information
they are properly provided, they would have the chance to enhance their decision-making skills and
would give the chance to make informed decisions. While the abortion issue tended to divide groups
along ideological lines of liberal and conservative, it is worth noting that many gray areas remained in
this ideological polarization. What other services will need to be provided in the long term to young
mothers. We are solely focusing on how birth control pills affect getting cervical cancer and
excluding other forms of cancers. Free birth control Essays and Papers - 123HelpMe com. If you
want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. Many people do not view birth control
the same way that they view abortion. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay
samples connected to Birth Control. The argument was that, there is a high mortality rate of birth
related deaths among impoverished mothers and such, mothers should be educated about birth
spacing to reduce birth mortality and be given the means if they chooses to reduce their family size
(Macaraig). This “one child policy” in China makes an interesting point about birth control especially
when contrasted with the perspective of other countries which opposes it because in China, birth
control is in fact enshrined in its Constitution which explains why the government is brazen in
enforcing a one child rule. Catholic opposition to artificial birth control and the constraints feels by
the Catholic bishops about mounting direct opposition to federal family planning programs. More
vociferous opposition to family planning comes from black nationalists and radicals. Aside, the
frequent births will contribute to many children depending on the less productive parents. Without
the ACA, they are not able to prevent unplanned pregnancy. The use of female condom entails the
absence of any side effects except to the women who are allergic to latex. Rinkunas was the senior
online editor at Women’s Health and has a Bachelor in Journalism along with a minor in Interactive
Media from the University of Delaware (RocketReach). YTH More Related Content What's hot
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Kar Housing Opportunity 2014 - Why Connecting Housing and Health Matters, Megan S. Welcome
to the Year 12 Chemistry Wiki page! Mr. Slider. General Resources HSC. The moral, economic, and
social argument must also be analyzed to see all of its disadvantages and benefits. Note that these
reproductive health services is not even imposed unlike China that its citizens are mandated to have
only one child under the penalty of heavy taxation and deprivation of state services such as
education. At present, it is in the Supreme Court and is still being argued for and against its legality
and its fate is still unknown. The more common and more effective methods include: condoms,
diaphragm, pills, chemical patches, intrauterine devices, surgical sterilization, and in some extreme
cases, surgical abortion. Researchers are always working to develop or improve birth control
methods. Many people use birth control to be able to have sex without becoming pregnant. If God
wants a person to have a child, what right does the state or federal government have to override His
will. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Argumentation
is a popular kind of essay question because it forces students to think on their own: They have to take
a stand on an issue, support their stand with solid reasons, and support their reasons with solid
Nevertheless, having male play a critical role in contraception, just as is the case for women,
establishes a potential for birth control sabotage. In the article, Rinkunas addresses key points in her
argument with substantial evidence from sources to support it. This development has been re-
evaluated by midwives because some midwives believe that obstetricians must equally train in
normal deliveries of breech babies, especially as women's options have been limited by the risks
involved in the birth as well as the decreased skill of midwives (Jadoon, 2008). There are numerous
legal precedents, such as Roe v Wade that establish government policy despite conflicting religious
perspective. Recent studies have shown that women who have been taking oral contraceptives like
birth control pills, can have an increased likelihood of obtaining cervical cancer. Requiring that
welfare recipients submit to birth control to receive welfare benefits is a violation of that person’s
constitutional rights. Some are lawyers, doctors, teachers, and government officials. If this person
refuses to participate in preventative measures for religious or other reasons then monetary assistance
should eliminated if they were to have another pregnancy. A lot of women also have serious illnesses
of their own such as diabetes, congenital heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure. Critically
discuss whether birth control is good or bad Introduction The world’s population has increased to
proportions which have caused much concern for the government authorities as well as global
citizens. The team evaluation also determined the con argument is an argument from popularity. This
is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. There
are also countries that see birth control differently that it is not only frowned upon but even strongly
opposed making the issue of birth control complicated that it is difficult to adopt a one universally
accepted perspective about it. But due to the offering of birth control pills, “Teenage pregnancy has
declined drastically in recent years, reaching an all-time low in 2014, with just under 250,000 babies
born to women between the ages of 15 to 19. It is important for the birth control method to be
effective in order to avoid unintended pregnancies. Disrespecting a gift that God gave us is not a
proper way of treating the one who created everything around us. Most women can’t afford
contraceptives without the ACA. It also works in terms of providing a positive atmosphere for the
patient to think positively about the forthcoming surgery and the likely outcomes (Nilsson n. Body
In general, birth control or contraception is a means of preventing or avoiding pregnancy via
artificial methods including the use of condoms and birth control pills or through the use of natural
methods like abstinence (Crossway, 2012). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out
how to manage cookies. As the population increases, the scramble for the scarce available that are
available grows fierce. It is a very precious concept that should be considered whenever a woman is
capable of caring for a child emotionally, physically, and financially. As a result, family planning
becomes an ideology in itself. The authors urge that laws regulating parental involvement are not
crafted to recognize the complexities that exist in relationships between children and their parents.
The Affordable Care Act can ensure for these women are protected not only by unplanned
pregnancy, but having to deal with the emotional distress of their child having birth defects or
miscarriages. Stephen Fincher’s (R-Tenn) put forth a bill that would require states to perform random
drug tests on 20% of the people receiving benefits from the Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF) program. These penalties are strongly enforced enough to become a deterrent
among couples in China to have more than one child. A consensus has however not been arrived at
and some people still consider contraceptive as a safe way of birth control while argument have
dismissed it. Christianity teaches that sex before marriage is wrong. Birth control has many positive
and negative effects on the world today.

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