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1.- TITLE OF THE WORK: Romeo y Juliet

2.-AUTHOR: William shakespeare
3. GENDER: Dramatic
4.- SPECIES: Novel
5.- LITERARY CURRENT: Renaissance

 Romeo
 Juliet

 Prince Escalus
 Mercutio Capulet
 Fran Lorenzo
 Teobaldo
 Benvolio
 Notriza
 Paris
 Rosalina
 Escalus
 Montague
 Baltasa
 Lady Montague
 Fray Juan
 Lady Capulet
It is a beautiful work that shows us how love is capable of surviving
despite the surrounding circumstances and also that it is one of the most
important things in this life to love and be loved.

In enchanting Verona, where this story took place, the inveterate rancor
of two noble families degenerates into a civil dispute, in which citizens
dirty their hands with the blood of their fellow men. From the unfortunate
family of both rivals, a couple of unfortunate lovers were born with
unfortunate luck, whose misadventures and unfortunate end buried with
them the poisoned rancor of their parents.

In the city of Verona there are two families like Paris and Mercutio. The
only two descendants of each Romeo and Juliet family meet for the first
time at a meeting and fall madly in love. The lovers are forced to hide the
second time, the third time they secretly marry thanks to Friar Lorenzo.

extra question

How does the prince manage to convince the contenders to disband?

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